Monkeyshinerbot3000 ago

A fucking Orc?

New_FoundingFathers ago

Maybe they will play the goblins lol. Probably all black elves this time though

TreeMan32 ago

Prime membership cancelled.

toreador ago

"I'm a strong black woman. See how I'm a mouthpiece for the words of a White Man? Take that, white patriarchy!" * snap *

un1ty ago

I tried to find more info on the cast and was unable to. Can we get more of a source than a screenshot?

E: I don't doubt this is the case, just want more info.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

God fucking dammit

nemes15 ago

This doesn't make the original disappear. I hope everyone boycotts this abomination.

TheAntiZealot ago

It's worse than that: every dollar they print for themselves is owed back to them by the taxpayer with compounding interest!

SearchVoatBot ago

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cohSh8Ca ago

So the new series will focus on Golem as lead character?

Canada_is_gay ago

What's the problem? Perfect choice to play an orc. No make up or prosthetics needed.

speedisavirus ago

Probably killed himself

PsychicRussiaSpy ago

Am be not watchin dat mo fo

surfsup ago

Well I won't be watching.

deathsquad ago

The show was announced years ago. The Tolkien estate are very defensive over the works and I can only imagine it took a massive amount of money for them to sell out to woke. There are no blacks in any of the Tolkien Legendarium. There are only a handful of women. There are no gays. There is a very strong conservative catholic theme to the story. The entire story of Numenor (which will be in the TV show) is a warning against turning from god and embracing hedonism and satanism.

I knew Amazon would ruin it when it was first announced because there's no way you can do the Silmarillion on TV with the current political climate.

speedisavirus ago

Pretty sure I read it was a billion dollar deal or that at least the budget for all 5 seasons planned are going to cost that much. Bezos was personally involved in getting the deal done for this

PogotheClan ago

She playing an Orc?

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

Coming next as we "celebrate diversity" is Spiderthing. A transexual from Dickypton with the power to fly using the unusually large penis that was surgically crafted and grafted on to fly like a helicopter. Also, Superthing is a half black, half jew.

ch3f4554551n ago

Tolkien was a goat.

BushChuck ago



AstroCatastrophe ago

WHY do niggers keep insisting they are one of us?

aloha_snackbar ago

will she be playing an orc?.....

ardvarcus ago

Men of the North ... and niggers. Fuck.

H3r0n ago

When will jews realize that niggers don't actually have money?

NoBS ago

Bootleg the living shit out of it. Not to watch but as Meme Warfare material.

Garglemysac ago

Fuck it if whites allow this to continue we deserve it.

areyoumygaffer ago

HAHAH lawd of da ringz & gandalf the gay. that was good. but the movie would never go anywhere because the niggers wouldnt fight orcs since they're basically just cousins and all of middle earth would fall. kinda like if orcs are jews and...............

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Not to douse the haterade, but it's "starring" as in appearing, not as in leading role. Just fyi.

Fuckle_Chucks ago

King of Da Nigga Ringz, you say? What will be the plot; niggers going on a quest to steal bicycles and rape White bitches because they're too fucking lazy to fulfill their given tasks?


Could of. Wouldn't be as funny though.

spacelog ago


felisgoodman ago

so there is precedent for having black people in LOTR as the haradrim. I'm betting however that she's going to be a ranger, or some high ranking gondorian. I was looking forward to this series but seeing as how the lazy socialists will stuff their ideology into a thing that is holy to me i am not so sure any more

newoldwave ago

I'll be sure to miss that mess.

HeroComplex ago

I knew this was coming once they started the Star Wars sequels. Lord of the rings is one of the most ethnically nationalists stories ever written, and possibly our most relevant work of fiction, any and all white cultural icons will be remade and recast mark my words.

RoundWheel ago

The ultimate power up was to become white.

spaceman84 ago

Q predicted this.

SubspaceDistortion ago

Will it be and orc captain?

Landrictree ago

It's all so tiresome...

ScientiaPotentia ago

The best thing that can happen with this is that it tanks. The money is wasted. Investors lose everything. Film Franchise are Businesses like any other. They are bought and sold. Their value rises and falls. Every time a group of investors pushes a diversity spin off of any "White" Franchise it needs to lose money.

prairie ago

Is that Bilbo Baggins?

ScientiaPotentia ago

It's from the Orc's perspective.

VoaterFraud ago

Orcs...Orcs everywhere.

Adriansun ago

Looks like a mug shot

Mortifera ago

What in the mother of fuck?

Boax ago

she better be an Orc

wasteroftime ago

The only way I'm okay with this is if they keep the niggers cast as orcs.

Vc83 ago

But LOTR was full of blacks, who do you think all the orcs where hahha!

bosunmoon ago

It's neat to see an orc adaptation. How inclusive.

youareivan ago

when i heard tolkien had passed the first thing that popped into my mind was wondering how long it would take for hollyweird to completely shit up lord of the rings now that no one who actually loved the story had any control over how it was treated.

jthun2 ago

Well, after seeing nigger-elves hanging out in the woods in the Witcher, should we be surprised?

biscuitrage ago

I actually watched it, I was stunned at the amount of POC.

LunaNova ago

She looks trans

KalEl50 ago

She gon bees D’Arwen bottom bitch of ElElrond.

HeavyBeefCurtain ago

Lawd of da Kangs

Op-infade1 ago

Obviously the leader of the Orc’s.

VitGet ago

That bitch is a true orc

lettersofmarque ago

Aka Roots, with hobbits.

DFW ago

High comedy!!!

SparklingWiggle ago

Jesus. Meme magic.

indoctrophobe ago


Judasrope ago

The entertainment coming out now is such garbage that it's easier than ever to convince normal people to do something productive. Let the garbage of society rot away.

1Sorry_SOB ago

Lets make a movie about Jewish/Gentile relations through the ages from a gentile point of view.

i_like_cheese ago

Lord of the Rangz: Return of the Kangz... ah yeah boi!


LOTR is about fantasy races of Men fighting against the forces of evil. Not apes.

knightwarrior41 ago

i used saw on the BBC something that made me feel really mad.some historian nigger saying that Michelangelo was the Michael jackson of the medieval era LOL

obvious-throwaway- ago

I can't wait, finally more shows I'll never ever fucking watch!

MarauderShields ago

I could smell this coming. There has been so much coverage of Tolkien recently that there is clearly a battle being fought over the narrative. The Daily Gondor is the only true news source for Tolkien related facts. This just reeks of jew hands.

The recent movie of Tolkien's life, ignoring his faith, and then this announcement three days before his son's death, not to mention the host of edited works like "Bilbo's Last Song" recently being put out to fill out the original story. The names of the cast are as diverse as most here would expect. But this link gives more information.

Full article is worth reading (3 or 4 mins). But these parts caught my eye.

"The first reports regarding Amazon entering a bidding war for the rights to properties related to J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of The Rings and Hobbit series emerged late in 2017, with CEO Jeff Bezos personally involved in those negotiations. According to Variety, Amazon had designs from the start on producing a multiseason television series based on the books, with Bezos hoping that the show can become the “next Game of Thrones” (in terms of ubiquity).

While it’s rare for a CEO to engage in such matters directly, Tolkien’s work is a particularly valuable property."


"The rights payments alone for the property are reportedly in the $200 to $250 million range. According to the report, that payment had to be made sight unseen before a single line had been written or actor had been cast."


Bummer so sad rip in peace.

Who inherited control of the rest of the Tolkein library? I remember reading that JRR's son was pissed about how the LOTR movies turned out. He said he would never sell the rights to The Silmarillion because he felt that the Peter Jackson movies did such a poor job of recreating the spirit of the books.

username2245 ago

i’m ok with this as long as the main character is an orc.

15MAR ago

This is good.

The diversification of fictional stories clearly meant to be White is, unfortunately, one of the only ways in which people start noticing that "diversity" = non-White. Their relentless attack on anything White, no matter how classic and beloved, has great eye-opening potential.


They're making an lotr where the main character is a troll?

ex-redd ago

ha, let them do it: it will flop harder than any woke flop has flopped yet

ZenoOfElea ago

She's almost too ugly to play an orc but where else would blacks fit into 'Lord of the Rings'? She's fat enough to play a troll, I guess.

ravensedgesom ago

That is one ugly wammen

RedditSureDoesSuck ago

Are we sure it's not trans?

jewsbadnews ago

Coming back to comment about how fucking ugly that nigger bitch is. God damn I hate jews and their subhuman puppets!

Repent ago

Thankfully, Amazon doesn't determine what the Lord of the Rings is. Ignore it; don't talk about it.

Fancy451 ago

She'll make a good troll.

kaonashiii ago

Gimlee has a rape medley

Valcgo ago

It's all so tiresome.

BoomerHater1488er ago

There's already plenty of niggers: the orcs.

Cracky4 ago

LOTR is my childhood. why...

speedisavirus ago

Same reason as Ghostbusters

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

They must destroy every thing you love.

Silencedmajor ago

Until there is only room for hate? Sounds like a dangerous move.

oneinchterror ago

LOTR is my childhood

That's exactly why.

uvulectomy ago

All part of their plan to corrupt the things you love and use them against you.

DFW ago

Post of the day.

WilhelmVonDoobiest ago

What character could she possibly play? An obese Gollum maybe? An orc?

BentAxel ago

Fat black MAN

veteran88 ago

These fucking slimy jew rats are always going on about cultural appropriation even as they plunder everything European.

Astralax ago

“Accuse your enemy of what you yourself are doing”. Same Jew tactics.

veteran88 ago

I feel bad for all the guys who knew the truth since Rockwell and Duke.

I am going nuts waiting for the rest of our people to wake up. The more pressure the enemy builds up the more violent the explosion will be.

oneinchterror ago

"Wypipo ain't got no kulcha"

poopypoopypoopy ago

When your culture is so pervasive that they think the default isn’t a culture.

veteran88 ago

I don't hate them any more than I hate spiders. Both animals.

I only hate the rats who trained these niggers to do non stop monkey shines against the European people.

TheSeer ago

"Ayy, why dey gots no reprezentationz?"

DamonAxemaker ago

The Peter Jackson movies were so well done the new ones will be forgotten. This is just desperate and by the time it's out there will be a lot more people sick of the Blackening

deathsquad ago

The Peter Jackson movies were well produced but ultimately strayed quite far from the books.

Charilko ago

It seems like a really stupid thing to do. There are plenty of epic fantasy novels out there to ruin with woke politics. Going after one that already had a near-perfect set of movies, with perfect casting, will only serve to highlight the agenda. The number of people who have seen the movies is much higher than those who have read the books. And LotR is one of the more widely read fantasy novels.

DamonAxemaker ago

Next to poetry and chick lit sci fi and Fantasy is probably the most pozzed genre. They could have found dozens of other novels that fell in line with what they wanted.

This new lotr will be a failure.

Charilko ago

Sci-fi and fantasy have only gotten fucked in the last decade or so. It’s a result of the cat lady agents who guard access to the publishers only wanting the next Hunger Games novel, and publishers being run by progressive idiots who hate genre fiction. Anything published in the 90s or early is generally pretty good.

Notice they aren’t adapting any new novels, because nobody reads them and they’re shit. The only example I can think of is the His Dark Materials trilogy, and that is some anti-theist bullshit. And don’t talk to me about Neil Gaiman; he’s a symptom of the disease.

I mean, they should have just done another adaptation of The Mists of Avalon.

DamonAxemaker ago

I really thought Neil Gaiman was just childish. Even his books meant for adults were weak.

I haven't read a ton of fantasy but I know how they are guarding the Hugo Award and only giving it to pozzed suck ups that right for cat ladies and bitranspolykins.

Charilko ago

Neil Gaiman is the adult book version of JK Rowling; the author you read when you want to feel like you’re “in the know”, but is really just shit.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

Dude Fantasy is not pozzed, you just have to go back a few decades and it's fine. Hard to find good work if you ask me, I'm a scifi guy but they are always int he same section at the used book stores, or next to eachother. I see plenty of interesting fantasy as I search for my 40s-70s hard scifi.

Fuck the new shit, it's all pozzed with nigger nonsense that doesn't need to be. Hell fucking Starship Troopers has a flip as the main guy and it's great but yeah pick up something from the last 10-20 years and it's entirely fucking off the wall with multiculti and race utopia.

DamonAxemaker ago

Starship Troopers is definitely not pozzed. Check out Robert E. Howard's Conan series, Conan was definitely based.

spaceman84 ago

You think so? I read the books as a kid and the third movie was utter crap.

midnightblue1335 ago

This is going to be Disney Star wars 2.0

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

You can safely skip it anyway. It is a prequel set somewhere before LOTR and possibly even the Hobbit (supposedly including at least some characters from them) but will not include anything from the other books JRR Tolkien or his son wrote or edited (Christopher technically owned the rights to those through the Estate and refused to license them). It's just some bullshit they are slapping LOTR on to make money.

Hans_Gruber ago

I thought this was going to tell the story of Numenor in the second age from the Silmarillion. I would love to be excited for it since it is a great story but it will probably be a disgusting diverse wokefest.

SquarebobSpongebutt ago

Christopher refused to sell those rights to anyone. Jackson wanted them so he could include more in the LOTR he did but could not get them. Hell, Christopher hated every film version of the books as he was a flat out purist to the written word. It is possible now that the estate may decide to sell them to Amazon and let them use that stuff, but it isn't what they are doing yet. Now, what they can do is use the name and the general idea that he is the ancestor to Aragorn since he is brought up in the stuff they have the rights to, but they will have to avoid anything in the Silmarillion itself and only use what might be in the indexes to the books (been a while since I reread the LOTR and indexes so I can't remember what they really contain where). More than likely they are just making some shit up.

IslamicStatePatriot ago

My understanding is it tells the tales of Aragorn from before the time of the War of the Ring.

Doesn't fucking matter, anything with shit skins is trash when they use our material for it.

uvulectomy ago

Some bullshit niggerfaggotry they're slapping LOTR on to further corrupt everything.

indoctrophobe ago

Exactly. Making money is secondary with shit like this.

oneinchterror ago

The comments under this abomination's picture on instagram where the cast was first announced are pretty damn based and redpilled. You can tell people are fucking sick of this shit.

DamonAxemaker ago

It's not like Netflix shit; Lord of the Rings is about tradition and honor. A lot of people take that series seriously.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

The only fandom I can think that is actually more fanatical are 40K'ers. Harry Potter doesn't count its for retards.

BigFatDaddy ago

Fucking kikes ruin everything.

SparklingWiggle ago

They really do. They really fucking do.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Jews said they would demoralize everything white men hold dear.

AllLibsAreEvilDemons ago

Yet another reason to kill every single last Jew, starting with their youngest.

Can't have a next generation of kikes, if you kill all their babies, toddlers and children.

0fsgivin ago

Lol no ya just adopt them out. Hitler had the plan. Remove children from the adopt the infants and toddlers out. Send the young kids and the rest of the Jews to Palestine or Madagascar.

BigFatDaddy ago

Gas the kikes!

LoveRight ago

Race war now!

Landrictree ago

Fuck the gas. Club em like seals.

Deezedlat ago

You must Canadian day of the rake cometh fellow leaf.

22159655? ago

I was gonna say Gimli but damn all these orcs jokes! Looks more like an Uruk-hai.

Phivex ago

Huh. I guess they're going to center the movie around orcs and barely feature the original characters then.

SpeshulSnowflaek ago

Lol ok fine. Nobody will watch Amazon and will just stick to the original, lol

Whitening ago

I'm sure Mr. Gematria, Zach Hubbard,will say there's a connection with the 93 and 3....

green_man ago

Did they cast that thing as an orc to save on makeup?

Belrick ago

Maori made up the bulk of the films uruq hai

mudbear ago


SparklingWiggle ago

Are you kidding? The orcs will all look like white people.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

First scene the Orks are wearing cargo shorts and have tiki torches


Screaming "Jews will not replace us!"

SparklingWiggle ago

"Elves will not replace us" - come on, it's still LOTR.

GlowWorm ago

Gross, jews are definitely not elves.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Jews are actually the Dwarves.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

"Rats will not replace us"

CmdrRockwell ago

If they seriously got that nigger as an orc female, that'd be incredible casting. Picture perfect.

We all know they didn't, unfortunately.

kammmmak ago

Glad I do not use Amazon and never ever fucking will

GenderPronoun ago

They literally killed him by breaking his heart with this news.

spaceman84 ago

Not likely since he was the one who sold out his father's legacy.

jackfraser ago

I thought he famously railed against the previous set of movies for being too flashy. Why would he want this? I doubt he got to say shit.

BalfourYourFace ago

Yep, he had full control of creation rights, he allowed this.

aWe5it5 ago

I heard that the rights were sold in the 60s. If true, he had no control.

SearchVoatBot ago

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the_magic_man ago

Except no one cares except the usual right wing snowflakes who get upset about "happy holidays", signs on public toilets and the cast of ghostbusters

BackAsswards ago

I know plenty of Dems that hate blacks. More so than dont, it's almost impossible not too if you live where I do. Black unemployment of 18-35 is well over 50% and they still think they should all have nice things. Kind of makes it hard to live around them.

GhostCow ago

Haven't seen you in what feels like years. Did you fuck up so bad you got demoted back to Voat duty?

Octoclops ago

Lol. Pretend all you want, you know it's gonna be trash as well as we do.

Ethnocrat ago

How's Heather Heyer doing?

anticlutch ago

(((right wing)))

Rofl. The nose is showing Moshe.

MinorLeakage ago

I think they were clever to cast a subhuman in a subhuman role. And you're totally right, Ghostbusters finally showed us all the power of women in leading cinema roles. What a breathtaking masterpiece that was. I took down all my expensive prints and replaced them all with portraits of the sheeboon. She was my favorite. I truly believed I was right there in the jungle with her.

oneinchterror ago

That's not what "snowflake" means. Try again.


Lol. The left has no damaging insults. So they use ours and pretend they somehow apply.

uvulectomy ago

Purchased shill account now owned by a lefty who has no argument other than "hurr durr angry whypipo."

GhostCow ago

No that account was always this way

BlowjaySimpson ago

Legit question, where would one even buy/sell a voat account?

uvulectomy ago

There are marketplaces that buy/sell all kinds of accounts. From plebbit to quora, even voat.

Shills and kikes buy them, thinking that will somehow give them an air of credibility. But at least on voat, they're easily spotted. Their SCP/CCP won't make any sense for someone saying the kind of leftist bullshit they're spewing, or people will notice a shift between what they posted previously and currently.

Yuke ago

Or he went into an irate tirade the likes of which a 93 year old man has scarcely ever managed before. And then dropped dead. Either way, we agree. The Black one did it.

angryspin ago

Lord of the Rangz

Hirion ago

They niggerified the Witcher, they'll niggerify LOTR.

Goys-R-Us ago

Lord O dey Kangz!!

Cannibalguy ago

There's plenty of room for black people in LoTR as Orc 1, orc 2, etc

HeavyBrain ago

The hobbits being gay and that one elf princess being a trany while the archer will bbe a soy boy telling the hobitts not to oppress their wamen for hairy feet.

teytin235 ago

Kangz of the Rangz

FightingTheDarkArts ago

HAHAHA! Is everyone even certain that is an actual woman?

Inquisitioner ago

Return of the Kang!

SearchVoatBot ago

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ChiCom ago

Tolkien died of cultural appropriation

anticlutch ago

No. Gandalf will either be jewish or mudjew.

The hobbits will be trannyfaggots or faggots.

All of the heroic deeds will be done by groid characters.

All of the evils will be Whites.

angryspin ago

I agree, Gandalf will definitely be a nigger - jews can't help themselves when it comes to the black appropriation of the wisest white characters.

If there is a good white he'll be a massive faggot with moments of cowardice.

Ilisyer ago

DeGandre`alf the Black.

Where dem white elves at.

Nosferatjew ago


ScottMAGA ago

He starts as Gandalf the Gay, then is reborn as Gandala the anti-White

olltre ago

yung dalf

thatguyiam ago

R dey makin the hobbit from troll point of view?

THSenior ago

Gandalf got that butt pussy on fleek

anticlutch ago

talking like a nigger

Commit suicide faggot.

Quicktor ago

Ian McKellan is a rainbow-colored three dollar bill...they'd have to throw Ru Paul on a glowing 6 foot, ultraviolet dildo/staff to be ANY gayer...

Repent ago

Thankfully, Ian McKellan is not Gandalf; he's just a man who plays acts as him in a movie, which does not influence the actual story.

Planetoftheclown ago

McKlellan did his job and he did it well. The first three movies were untouched by political correctness and identify politics as far as I can tell, having just rewatched the series. You'd really have to dig deeply into vague symbolism to find anything, if there is anything. As a casual audience, there's nothing overt like the constant gay scenes in the Netflix El Chapo series I'm watching that contribute absolutely nothing to the story line other than to constant remind you that Hollywood is not any longer going to allow you escapism from the larger identity politics narrative.

So enjoy the movie for what it is, because as you see, Hollywood is no longer content to produce movies that are not bastardized propaganda pieces of identity politics.

Repent ago

I still refuse to watch it, as it goes against my conscience as a Christian.

DeathSquadCapt ago

I didn't see a problem with him as gandalf. You could watch the whole movie and never know he was gay.

There are worse things, like dwarves being Jews.

DFW ago

I was appalled that they picked Viggo as Aragron, but in the end, he was a masterful pick.

TheAntiZealot ago

Is Viggo a fag, too?

DFW ago

Well he's an actor sooo...probably.

lord_nougat ago

LAWD of da Rangz!


L-Ron: "Aw shit nigga dis lava hawt as hell, yo Izeeldoor, trow dat bitch ring up in da fire so da satan nigga don get it!!"

Izeeldoor: "Fug u muhfugga, you mad cuz i stylin on u wit all dis bling"

BlackGrapeDrank ago

nigga where da ring at

sheeeeit nigga i pawned that sheeit and got some rims and fried chicken

the end

bsname ago

It needs at least a 100% more 'bix nood, muhfugga' to be realistic.



the_illusive_man ago


angryspin ago

I'm not proficient in nigger, they're a recent invasion where I live.

I stand thoroughly corrected.

Derpfroot ago

I'm so sorry.

lord_nougat ago

It's all your fault! HOW DARE YOU!

downton-stabby ago

Take care of yourself.

0cra_tr0per ago

And remember, never relax around blacks.

lord_nougat ago

Enjoy the enriching enrichment!

Asshat69 ago


HelpAcct123 ago

Get woke go broke

jewsbadnews ago

How does the fed go broke, idiot?

derstoyvsky ago

Trust the plan Goy!

oneinchterror ago

Too bad they have infinite money

RoundWheel ago

Stolen from us.

bfriend13 ago

So she's some sort of Southron hanger-on camp prostitute/shaman?

Vhaine ago

There’s definitely some glowing blue swords in here general area. Ffs.

bfriend13 ago

Thank you. How could I forget about orcs?