ManchesterT ago

Ethyl alcohol is a dangerous neurotoxin. Vladimir Putin, Trump, John D. Rockefeller. Bruce Lee, Mahatma Ghandi, and of course Adolf Hitler: all of them, did not/do not drink!

Search out "Drinking Alone London Real" in YouTube for a tremendously good video

ManchesterT ago

My quit stats are:

Weed 2 years

Alcohol 30 days

Nicotine 3 days

Remaining Addictions:

Kratom (3x/day)

Caffeine (2x/day)

Pronz (2x/week)

Sugar (5x/day)

Vidya (2x/day)

Honkpiller ago

Ah shit man I actually went back to alcohol and quit nicotine. My stats are

14 drinks tonight.

No nicotine in 2.7 days.

No pot in 3 months.

No coffee in 1.5 months. Changed to tea.

Some sugar.

GrizzlyDark ago

Been debating whether to join you. Lol I keep getting fucked up results from my attempts. Last night, I had 3 bottles of wine and 3 shooters of Rumpees.

Started with one rumpees. Finished those and layed wide awake in bed for a couple hours. Then realized if I didn't take myself out of the warm bed and into the -9 degree weather, no booze after half hour.

2 more bottles of wine, just to be safe. now it's 9am, I accidentally threw a bunch of shit together with some beef stock to make the best flavored soup I've ever had in my life so that's nice

PinealVision ago

Just quit alcohol today. I have been trying for years now to quit completely. Congrats on a week!

AlternateSelection ago

Welcome. Been sober almost two years and life is def better without the stupid juice.

quitenomore ago

Sometime sobriety is the new high.

Niggertown ago

Replace with exercise. Once you learn that exercise leads to a longer lasting feeling of wellness it's easier not to go back.

boekanier ago

And how old are you now?

Honkpiller ago

Almost 40

ichlibejuice ago

Yeah more virtue signalling degnerate scum. Exactly what VOAT needs.

Pissed_Off_Vet ago

Goodonya! Keep denying the Jew fuckers their shekels!

zxcvzxcv ago

fuck the kikes! every day sober is another day you tell those fuckers to oven themselves.

AgentSakura ago

good for you!


Alpha-As-Fuck ago

Just remember: The jews in charge want you to kill your braincells and become a docile waste of a human.

sirlongshanks ago

I got devils lettuce removed, and alcohol. Still fighting the porn demon. But I have been praying when temptations rise and it has been helping. Here's to a strong 2020.

kw92 ago

unless you're getting weed from a trusted person or a dispensary you're probably getting something sprayed with 9 times the acceptable level of pesticides for a human. if I smoke a joint on the weekend I dont notice anything afterwards. cant say the same for alcohol

kulturkampf ago

I did a year sober. I did a few booze nights after that but have returned to total sobriety now. Zero drugs as well..

Remember... For every hour drunk, you pay back two hours with hangover (at least after age 30 for most people).

Also remember that not being part of the problem is priceless.

chirogonemd ago

You've done it for 7 days. You have proven to yourself that you can do it, and you've proven beyond question that it hasn't killed you to be sober. Just fucking keep going.

What's dangerous usually is not the mental battle with the thing itself. It's that this battle occupies a lot of your coping resources, so that little shit that used to irk you starts to become things that put you over the edge. As someone who has battled addiction, I know what that shit is like. I'd be proud having gone all day and been totally cool, then some little annoyance at home would just seem like it was more than I could bear. Earlier in life, that little stress would have seemed like nothing, but when you are fighting for sobriety, it seems colossal.

The key is to always just try to get perspective. And when shit gets bad, and you are able to, just go to sleep. Seriously. Just hit the fucking sack and time travel to a new morning. I've had to do it. No matter what positive mantras or awesome motivational techniques you are given, there is going to come a hell day or night once in a while where nothing motivational works. In those moments, it's sheer will and strength of mind and keeping as close to you as you can that beautiful image of sobriety and not fucking needing something for once in your life.

The language you speak to yourself in your mind using is so important. I'd suggest never framing your situation as trying to run, or escape from an addiction. Rather, frame it always as what you want to move toward. Always frame it as liberation. Frame it as care-free, easy-going fucking strength, and free will to be what you actually are, and not what that slave liquid would make you. Get the language right and you'll start to see that your Being isn't something (a mind, if you will) inside your head that is victim to the body, your Being is extended and in everything and everyone around you. Every fucking tree and blade of grass. Alcohol doesn't need to be a part of that being. It is only part of the identity you built for a specific little stinking drawer of that total Being. Project yourself out of your head and into your surroundings and just be all of it, and you'll see none of it needs or even wants the alcohol. It really doesn't.

Honkpiller ago

Thank you man. I will not see it as fleeing addiction. Will see it as going toward a good state

aliensdrivemercedes ago

If possible try to quit white sugar and porn as well, it will suck for the first 2 weeks but in my personal experience my skin looked better and you get a natural clean energy and your thoughts become more lucid.

One_out_of_many ago

Mantak Chia has a whole system that utilizes orgasms as medicine, while preaching not to ejaculate but once every few days (dependant on age) ejaculation != Orgasm

Much if the things he says eventually rings true. The reason why not to ejaculate too often is because it can damage kidneys and it's a waste if good hormones.

aliensdrivemercedes ago

I heard that if you masturbate/have sex without releasing semen then it kind of fucks up your urinary system. I also heard that semen has like 200+ vitamins and minerals and when you're not releasing it gets recycled into your body for other pourpuses.

Rabid_Robot ago

Good luck with the major change in your life. God bless you on this new journey.

combatveteran ago


Mr_Quagmire ago

Good for you op. Bring drunk and stoned all the time is for pussies.

AlexandersGhost ago


BordelonLoop ago

can you detox somehow? faster? i think, too, that if you aren't addicted to the max (losing everything and waking up in ditches type addicted) that getting some years on helps. you get more at ease with age, get more wisdom. that's the hope.

BordelonLoop ago

i will take your word for it.

thislionsheart ago

Smoke more weed

recon_johnny ago

Best of luck, dude. Have you in the highest regard and you have my support.

MerylStreepsPeen ago

Lots of white people smoke weed. But yeah, i get the appeal to voat or whatever.

Landrictree ago

I hate nigger corn.

ExpertShitposter ago

Haha, i have re-quit monster energy. 7 days in.

Crensch ago

Have you quit being friends with pedophiles? Might be difficult for you, given your proclivities, but a first step is a first step!

ExpertShitposter ago

ure gay fag!

CarpenterforChrist ago

Praise the Lord! Next step....believing in Jesus Christ.

fuspezza ago

Fucking pussy

Sleuth222 ago


Niceballsnigga ago

Plain ole tea is actually good for you and there are tons of natural flavors

Sleuth222 ago

Uncaffeinated. Caffeine is a highly addictive stimulant, not good for you.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Weed isn't a nigger drug, Crack is. Good you are sober, goat. Give'em hell.

GhostWriter17 ago

Now move on to intermittent fasting and move towards eating more fresh fruits and vegetables (buy from small, independent farmers as much as possible)

You will literally FEEL the inflammation leave your body and your brain will work like a finely tuned clock

And get off the soft drinks

Congrats on all the amazing process you are making

Welcome to The Light

Honkpiller ago

I hear cold showers are part of the process too. I've tried. It's a warzone in there

GreenSlug ago

Im a little over a month no weed, but now im drinking and smoking cigars way more.

Honkpiller ago

Keep it up. Try to win any little battle you can. One night sober. One morning without cigars.

GreenSlug ago

Im only off the weed so i can get a different job and legitimately pass a pee test, otherwise i would definitely still be on the weed and off the booze and cigars. Ive been a heavy pot smoker for many years, no negative effects, when i drink and smoke cigars i can feel it killing me, but my heavy pot smoking leaves me with a smoking habit that i fulfill with the cigars, and i started smoking originally because of severe insomnia and anger/anxiety, which a little nip of rum at the end of the day helps me greatly mellow out for a while

SpaceAgePimp ago

You're kidding yourself. You're killing your braincells, killing your sperm and living in a fog.

oy_stopthehate ago

no porn, too, I hope?

Honkpiller ago

I dont use it.

Steelwarrior1 ago

16.... you really damaged yourself. "Jews pushing on society degeneracy to reduce population or numb it". Damn cattle be damaged in head. Congrats and simply stay off. Being really high in this world means to stay totally clear of drugs, alcohol, etc.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Former alcoholic here. You will fall of the wagon, don’t be to hard on yourself when it happens, just don’t give up. It gets easier every time. For me it was a gradual process. Now I can even drink moderately

pissedoffhonkey ago

nice dude. im also off alcohol for 7 days. keep up the good work.

Blood-is-Nature ago

Find a good sponsor; someone who has authority over you; someone you trust. You gonna need him in times of doubt. Do not stick around self help groups, it grooms perpetual victim mentality. And if you fail, find a mirror while drunk, and try to focus to get control over your consciousness. The aim here is to shock/scare yourself into realizing that you lost the control over yourself. This can help, but it depends on how much you corrupted yourself into fleeing from yourself through intoxication. It's at least worth a try, and especially teenager should know about this technique to hopefully prevent the road down the bottle ahead.

061916 ago

I've never had a drink, smoked weed and I don't smoke but I still commend anyone who chooses to quit. I hope your life will be better for it and you won't want to go back and instead live life sober like God intended.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Any advice? I've smoked weed since I was a teenager (yes I'm now aware of my poor choices) and haven't been able to stop. I've only ever smoked at night so I can get some sleep, but without it I'm pulling an allnighter at least twice a week

albeit ago

Get more exercise.

Honkpiller ago

Not easy to advise on. My oath was chaotic. Switching back and forth between pot and alcohol. Then both together. Then switch. For years and years. Then finally just alcohol. Then a rock bottom. Then a friend died. Then that day I got sick and couldnt drink.

So without the sickness I cant be sure I would've gotten sober. That's why it is hard to advise.

I've been sober a few times. Required a rock bottom and pot everytime and was short lived. I hope this is a fuller sobriety because no pot. Actually sober.

I would start with having a lot of tea around. Seems boring. Just get boiling and sipping. Try seltzer if you are hooked on carbonation.

Smoke cigarettes if you have to. Cut the caffeine as much as possible. And the sugar. Let yourself eat what you want but try to burn it off.

Baby steps.

Literally-Oppressed ago

I appreciate you taking the time. Good luck to you.

86753090100 ago


Bravery comes in many forms - being sober in 2020 is a big one.

capnflummox ago

Why the fuck would you buy weed, or anything, from a nigger?

ClAsockPuppet ago

Every car I pass in my college town smells like dank.

Everyone has to be medicated just to drive?

Betty_Liberty ago

Me too. 1/1/20 no cigs, weed, booze, caffeine, and only drinking distilled water. Weird shit going on with my body, but doin' alright.

sourdough ago

How do you feel with the distilled water? My doctor recently recommended substituting it.

Betty_Liberty ago

I feel great. It tastes great. I don't believe it needs to be fortified with minerals. I get plenty from the foods I eat, and use of pink Himalayan salt.

SpaceAgePimp ago

It tastes fucking delicious. Adding minerals is a waste of time like you said, there is literally three fifths of fuck all minerals in water.

odinist ago

Distilled water isn't good for you.

Betty_Liberty ago

You are wrong. But thanks for commenting.

odinist ago

"Since distilled water doesn’t contain its own minerals, it has a tendency to pull them from whatever it touches to maintain a balance. So when you drink distilled water, it may pull small amounts of minerals from your body, including from your teeth."

Okay, faggot.

SpaceAgePimp ago

You're full of shit cunt

Betty_Liberty ago

Bullshit, nigger! Fuck off with your quackery disinfo!

odinist ago

I was prepared to call you an idiot Qtard, but then...

Bullshit, nigger!

Fuck. Fine. You're OK.

Honkpiller ago

I have the caffeine down to weak tea. No coffee or soda since December. But cigarettes still in the mix.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

only way to quit cigs is by wanting to quit.

if I were you they would've be been the first to go since they offer little to no benefit.. at least pot gets you stoned

Betty_Liberty ago

Super. Try vaping, it really helps.

bourbon90 ago

That’s a pretty big achievement. I would like to be sober someday, it’s kind of tough in the Canadian winter when it’s -30 outside, pitch dark by 4 PM, and there is fuck all to do. I don’t drink or smoke nearly as much as I used to but I still do frequently. I plan to be out and about more this spring and summer so I can get away from it. I would be able to save a couple hundred a month and feel better too.

1488skier ago

Start learning an instrument friend. Or maybe pick up some other new skill.

knightwarrior41 ago

good for you! drugs are poison to the mind!

Poohwhisperer ago

Every once in awhile I calculate calories/dollars saved.. all the motivation I need to maintain.

anticlutch ago

kike weed


Niggers deal it, kikes (((GMO))) it and push it because ebin natural.

Chempergrill ago

Congrats dude. You're gonna love it.

Make sure you're getting enough sleep and you'll be clear and refreshed like never before.

Planetoftheclown ago

I've seen quite of few people advocate complete abstinence. It's not bad advice, but the practice of moderation is its own discipline that is a more valuable skill than abstinence. However, if you can't practice moderation successfully then abstinence is the next best thing.

EyeOfHorus ago

Moderation is the justification for those who can't abstain.


If someone is truly moderating then they will when to abstain and when not to and practice it properly, therefore bringing no additional suffering into their lives.

RepostGhostCst2Cst ago

Moderation is the justification for those who don't want to hang out with people who make bird houses.

prairie ago

Abstinence is good to practice on a short-term basis, like fasting. It gives you some perspective on what you were doing before. Then you can decide how to proceed.

lipids ago

I used alcohol moderately for a few years. Still was a waste and a it slowed me down.

Planetoftheclown ago

Well, yeah. That's what alcohol does. It literally slows you down, but it has certain benefits that not necessarily everyone should attempted to peruse. My statement was not anti-abstinence. If one wants to practice abstinence of alcohol use, please do. On the other hand if one wants to practice moderation, then there are times one knows they can drink alcohol and times they know they cannot or should not drink alcohol to whatever extent their discipline in moderation dictates.

lipids ago

What I was trying to say... I saw no benefit to drinking, and this is from someone that didn't have a problem. Binging was fun for sure, but not worth the morning after. Moderate drinking wasn't enjoyable.

BordelonLoop ago

quite right.

albatrosv15 ago

What's with the weed and alcohol? You people suck.

blumen4alles ago

Crossfaded is an awesome state to be in sometimes.

BlowjaySimpson ago


pnwpatriot97 ago

Any tips for someone who depends on weed for sleep and appetite?

SpaceAgePimp ago

Yeah, stop smoking weed. If you're a heavy smoker you'll suffer for a couple of weeks until it leaves your system, then your appetite and sleep will normalise

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

exercising. exhaust your body throughout the day by working or lifting weights and the sleep and appetite will come naturally

HatefulTwerp ago

I used to be a heroin addict, and all I can tell you is there are no quick fixes. You will go without sleeping. You will live. Eventually your brain will recalibrate and you’ll be able to sleep without weed. You just have to tough it out.

BordelonLoop ago

the right amount of exercise at the right time of day and the proper supplements. magnesium glycinate helps with sleep. take a B complex earlier in the day. i am always surprised how much better i sleep when i take B complex. listen to your body and do research online for the right holistic approach for your unique yousome.

Retro_Reflector ago

CBD. I could lay awake for most of the night if I was sober, now I take CBD at dinner and am sound asleep by 8 or 9pm. Wake up with no groggyness or hangover. It has helped in my fight with alcohol.

BlowjaySimpson ago

As others have said, the first week or two are tough, but it gets much easier.

And while probably not healthy, energy drinks and nicotine (just don't do them near bedtime, and take some Melatonin for sleep), helped me get through that. As far as eating, just force yourself to down something quickly to make sure you have nutrients if it is that hard. The appetite will come back.

RedCoatTurnCoat ago

Iodine and excersise.

CanIPlay2 ago

Best of luck to you! It's my understanding that for most people quitting any drug/ acohol habit is hard to do. Trying to keep yourself busy is the best advice I've heard of. If you were really bad into the sauce, talk to your doctor. The withdrawal can kill.

blumen4alles ago

You have to taper down one unit per day if you have been drinking everyday for a while. Then during the taper period it is very hard just not to creep back up to the original amount, or more even. I've had to do it and I don't plan on getting to the point where I would need to again. I skipped a day basically, should have had three units and only had two. At least I know what it feels like to have shakes from alcohol withdrawal. It is the high blood pressure that really concerned me.

SearchVoatBot ago

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heygeorge ago

Holy shit man, you damaged your brain and emotional growth. RIP

Honkpiller ago

It's the truth. Stunted.

Coadycannon ago

Awesome buddy! Im 2 weeks sober and 13 months without weed. I used to smoke weed all day everyday. I never wanna go back to that. It hand cuffs you mentally. Everything is better without the stuff.

KDs_Other_Burner ago

Totally agree with this. I smoked the shit daily for damn near ten years. Got off it and only then realized how much it had scrambled my brain. It took months for me to get my mental acuity back, but now I feel like I'm learning and recognizing way more stuff than I ever could of on the weed. I wouldn't swap my mental sharpness for anything.

There's a reason they are legalizing this shit now all over the world. It keeps people stupid and compliant. Do yourself a favor if you're a heavy smoker and take a few months off. You'll see the difference.

projection ago

For the ten years, were you smoking hydroponic (chemically assisted growth)?

offender ago

Hydroponic just means grown in water with dissolved minerals+salts.

projection ago

Aha, hydroponics here in Australia are grown with the assistnce of chemicals/artificilal fertilisers. Not good stuff.

offender ago

What do you think natural fertilizers are made of?

projection ago

Animal shit.

version7 ago

Interesting things happen when your clean and undistracted. Try getting rid of your tv for a month. The hobbies you will pick and and things you'll spend your time learning about will blow your mind.

Gorillion ago

Brave man.

Invest in an industrial strength punching bag though, otherwise you'll be replacing your computer monitor/drywall every other week.

Shotinthedark ago

I drink green peppermint tea when I take a booze break

smokratez ago

green tea has estrogen, peppermint destroys testosterone

albeit ago

smokratez ago

Was that the study led by Barbara Fuhrman? lol

  1. Beverages Non-alcoholic beverages were assessed to include things like V8 juice, green tea, orange juice, and black tea. None of these drinks really contained much phytoestrogen. The non-alcoholic drink that tends to have the most phytoestrogens is that of V8 juice, followed by green tea. Keep in mind that the contents in these drinks is insignificant when compared to something like flaxseed.

V8 juice (42)

Green tea (31)

Orange juice (22)

Black tea (21)

Cranberry cocktail (18)

Coffee (18)

as a bonus

faggot food

Flaxseed (163,133)

Soybeans (45,724)

Soy nuts (21,306)

Textured veggie protein (8,923)

Tofu (8,688)

Soy milk (7,422)

Soy yogurt (6,576)

Tempeh (6,407)

Flax bread (3,770)

Sesame seed (2,722)

Miso Paste (2,463)

Multigrain bread (2,207)

Miso Soup (1,691)

Soy protein powder (1,591)

Doughnuts (1,568)

Soy protein bar (1,525)

Black bean sauce (1,119)

Hummus (605)

Veggie burger (484)

Soy bacon bits (482)

I'm glad you did research, however consider the source or who did the study and adjust trust in results accordingly.

albeit ago

Was by a bunch of asian researchers from the looks of the names - no Barbara that I could find.

A PDF summary is available. It's an analysis of different studies of the effects of tea drinking on breast cancer rates. They found that breast cancer rates and estrogen levels were lower in green tea drinkers than non drinkers (black tea was opposite - higher estrogen and cancer).

Granted the studies focused on women since its purpose was for breast cancer research. (Men's bodies also normally produce estrogen, but in significantly lower amounts than women.)

smokratez ago

Tea is contaminated by heavy metals these days anyways. Unless you want to get sick, there is no reason to drink it.

Shotinthedark ago

Lots of things have estrogen and the study about mint was only done with women and rats. I'm not to worried about the 3 months a year I don't drink

maaaxheadroom ago

Sober three months a year?

You a teacher?

Shotinthedark ago

That's a guesstimate. I take a booze break every couple of months

Glipglup ago

If you have to take a break then you already have a problem and need to stop immediately, forever. Everytime you drink you're opening the door to completely fucking yourself.

Shotinthedark ago

I don't have to do anything but stay white and die.

Glipglup ago

Literally what they all say. Welcome to the club, you're completely fucked, have fun dying alone at 50 wondering where everyone went.

Shotinthedark ago

Just because your life has been a waste doesn't mean everyone else's has.

Glipglup ago

literally all of them say that. No exceptions. You're not special, have fun dying to the bottle

Shotinthedark ago

Look cocksucker if I wanted you to preach at me I'd ask.

Glipglup ago

Glug glug glug

Shotinthedark ago

Is that the sound you make why swallowing bigger cum?

Glipglup ago

You would know

smokratez ago

just passing on some information, from a high t guy.

SubhumanDeplorable2 ago

Same here. It feels good to be alive again.

Metanoiac ago

Good for you man.

Quit the weed about 4 months ago myself, mainly cause I was tired of giving money to arabs. Main gain from quitting was that my dreams have become a lot more vivid. That being said, I was an extremely light, though frequent, smoker. I didn't have any trouble stopping, but sometimes I wish I had a bit to smoke. Quit heavy drinking 5 years ago and never missed it.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

the vivid dreams you get can be a little overwhelming at first

Scroobius ago

U in the UK or something? Sidenote: if ever in America never buy from niggers. They will always short you, give you fake shit, or just jack you.

theKiernut ago


Metanoiac ago

France. I used to live in the US and always bought from whitey.

Moreauxxx ago

Well done and keep it up! I’m 5 years sober after a 21 year run with substance. Learn to manage stress productively and keep life in perspective and you will be golden. Life is so much better sober without that crutch! Focus on quality experiences and time expenditures over quantity and make every moment count; doing so you will learn to see the beauty in the regular aspects of life and you will end up having significantly more meaningful experiences and connections from loved ones. Learn to cook from scratch and make your own meals. Unplug and live life instead of watching others live their lives or made up stories on the Jew tube. Good luck!

ravensedgesom ago

brace yourself. sobriety is not easy in this day and age. best of luck.

ichlibejuice ago

It's fucki easy.

Don't drink.

Normal human beings do it every day.

It's only retards like you who can find a way to make "don't do X" seem difficult.

Phantom42 ago

It's not?

ravensedgesom ago

ultimately the pay off is worth it. You will be much more productive and clear minded. Sucks facing the world with a sober mind though.

Phantom42 ago

I mean, from the standpoint of being entirely sober in my long and short 20 years of life... I never really had a problem. A few folks tried to get me to do shit and I promptly told them to fuck off or they'll have an aluminum can full of the shit in their throat.

That was the last time someone tried to persuade me to do much of anything.

drj2 ago

it's about the dealing with day to day shit. When you're used to getting drunk when you get home to deal with issues and then you go sober it can be hard.

ravensedgesom ago

You're not missing anything imo. I would take weed oil if I ever got cancer though.

Phantom42 ago

I'll keep that in mind.

SanFranTrailerPark ago

get off of shampoo it you want maximum clarity. Hot water + rag leaves the hair actually looking better, fuller, and "sexier"

watitdew ago

>Hey guys I got sober

You should quit washing your hair


GreenSlug ago

Works for me for one day, after that it leaves my hair looking like a matted down grease rag. I made it about a solid week trying to not use shampoo, just water and scrubbing, so oily it made my face and upper torso oily

SanFranTrailerPark ago

I think in order for it to work you have to have fairly hot water and fairly good water pressure. The idea is the same washing plates without soap and just hot water and water pressure.

GreenSlug ago

My pressure isnt great but the temp is what i want it to be. Ive also read that you need to finish up with cold water. Idk. I wish it worked for me, id love to stop rubbing crap on my head to clean my hair, I'm just a very oily hair and face person unfortunately, i can make it about one day before it becomes obvious i havent been using soaps, and about a week in i start having pimple problems along with being visibly oily, past that idk cuz i use soap on my filthy ass and everything is better again

SanFranTrailerPark ago

You use a rag with the hot water in the shower? In a worst case the rag should get all the oil but you'll need to swap out rags regularly.

GreenSlug ago

I use loofahs usually, but sometimes rags. I mean, tight after the shower I'll look great, but in an hour or so its like my body is an oilfield

hamdoguhoh ago

It takes months to transition your body to the new chemistry. You can start with all natural products, then slowly transition to less frequent washings. Eventually you don't need any of it. You do not need to rinse your hair everyday either.

GreenSlug ago

Im working on shifting to the all natural stuff now. I already like it better

Titanbikes4ever ago

If you use DRY uncooked oatmeal on DRY hair, it will absorb grease and oil. It's an old caregiver trick when someone isn't able to get in the shower.

GreenSlug ago

Plus i can have a tasty snack for later...

Titanbikes4ever ago


GreenSlug ago

Well dangit, what a waste of good food

Titanbikes4ever ago

Go take a shower, hippy and just get Dr bronners

blumen4alles ago

TIL, thanks

New-World-Ebola ago

go to a pub or club sober and stay sober... and witness how fucking judaised and degenerate it is.

SearchVoatBot ago

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CrudOMatic ago



You watch your fucking whore mouth, nigger. Working class watering holes are not jewish cocaine faggot clubs.

New-World-Ebola ago

found the alcoholic.

not all pubs are the same, dumb shit.

CrudOMatic ago

Found the mouthbreather that never leaves his house. Explain in what way is a watering hole like a jewish cocaine faggot club.

New-World-Ebola ago

so you think all pubs today are traditional "watering holes"?

useful idiot

common_sense ago

He never said “all” pubs. You’re making shit up.

New-World-Ebola ago

is that your boyfriend, faggot?

i never said "all" pubs in the original statement either, fuckwit.

if you weren't a dumb cunt that could actually fucking read you would have seen i said MOST.

common_sense ago

so you think all pubs today are traditional "watering holes"?

New-World-Ebola ago

because faggots like you make unnecessary strawman arguments

Creggieb ago

Might as well sit at home and stare at the wall then spend time in that type of a social situation sober.

Someone elses music, someone elses chair, someone elses television, and that someone else is a business.

Kleemin ago

or be responsible man have a couple drinks and relax. That means no college bars, nigger bars, spic bars, etc. Just a local rural/suburbia pub with other adults looking to relax and possibly mingle, you christcucks can meet at church if you like, but the rest of us will meet at the bar.

GnosticPizza ago

Alchohol releases fairly high levels of dopamine into your brain, and can become addictive.

I like to compare beer to cake, most people can go to a party or a social function whether or not they have cake there. Most people can have a slice of cake and be satisfied. Most people dont have cake every day, let alone several slices.

The problem is Alchohal can become so ever present in your life, you can become so dependent on the dopamine hits from drinking. Other parts of your life suffer even while others can control their drinking it should be important to ask yourself if your behavior is responsible or healthy.

CrudOMatic ago

The problem is Alchohal can become so ever present in your life

I agree - Alcho Hal is an ever-present nuisance in my life, always finishing off the last of the beer, whiskey, gin, moonshine, wine, hooch and ale that I have, then passing out and shitting himself. Fucking Hal.

Kleemin ago

yea those people who get addicted are fucking losers, if it wasn't alcohol it be pills, or cocaine, or gambling... hell it's not bad to get outright drunk once in a while, faggots always like to say some one has "a problem" because all they know is "conventional group think" They repeat the shit they are told like the NPC's they are, having a few drinks every once in a while is fine hell getting drunk once in a blue moon is fine, getting high every once in a while is fine. But if you are doing it consistently and alone then you're a fucking loser.

Hyst ago

Alright, first of all, you're using alcohol as an anxiety and social crutch. Not only that, but you're going into a place and paying five times the alcohols actual cost so that you can drink it around other people that also use it as a crutch for their anxiety or social issues.

How about we just meet people in the real world? Through our day to day interactions?

The entire concept of bars and pubs blows my mind though. It's like, damn. There's some really weak people out there. I mean I just 100% don't get it. At all. Maybe if the bars weren't charging such outrageous fucking prices for liquor. I'd prefer hanging out at my own place or a buddies, with friends. You can have a lot more quality nights that way then at the bar, if for no other reason than the damn cost. I'm not even poor, but I'm not going to spend 7$ on a 1.50$ worth of beer. Something in my brain is just like no, fuck that shit. I mean there's gotta be a Jew in there somewhere profiting from all that.

Kleemin ago

Alcohol as a social crutch is a fallacy or if it is it's as much of a crutch as coincidently going to the same church / school / job. I tell the "alcohol is a crutch" dorks like you this. Power tools are a crutch, you can build a house out of hand tools, but you don't. You can get to work by bike, but you drive. Hell meeting a new person through a mutual friend is a "crutch" you could just walk up to strangers and make a friend 1/200 times but you don't.

When you go to your buddies house is there a 3 man band in the corner playing live music? When you go to your buddies is there is a weekly trivia game where you 3 can compete with other people looking for fun? When you go to your buddies can you watch the drunk girl bomb at karaoke and laugh at her with the people around you? When you go to your buddies house does he have 7 different tv's playing every sport known to man?

It seems your idea of going to a bar is sitting and drinking alone. The concept of going to bar is there are other people there looking for something to do. Once you stop working at McDonalds making new friends isn't common. You work a 9-5 M-F for 10 years you don't meet new people.

I'll give you an example, while ago me and a buddy were at a bar discussing a trip we planned on taking the next year, guy next to us overheard us talking about the destination he said he had been, suggested a few places to check out. We looked up the places he said they seemed pretty interesting so we planned on going to where he suggested. Saw him a month or so later mentioned we had booked the trip and were planning on going the following march and were going to stay at the place he suggested. Turned out his brother in law ran the place, he told his brother in law we were his "good friends" (didn't even know the guys last name) and they upgraded our rooms to the presidential suite because it was vacant the week we got there. woulda been like 3000+ for the 4 nights, but we paid only 800.

Few years ago I went to a bar a few times and talked to the married bar tender a bit, she was unavailable so there was no pressure to flirt of be smooth, she and her husband ended up being a friend and when she opened her new business I helped her get her licensing rushed since I knew some people and she bought a bunch of equipment/supplies from me. They are doing well now with their business and my company and myself have made a lot of money from them.

You seem content with playing xbox at your friends house

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

When you go to your buddies house is there a 3 man band in the corner playing live music? When you go to your buddies is there is a weekly trivia game where you 3 can compete with other people looking for fun? When you go to your buddies can you watch the drunk girl bomb at karaoke and laugh at her with the people around you? When you go to your buddies house does he have 7 different tv's playing every sport known to man?

That sounds horrible. My God.

Kleemin ago

u and your buddies can have yu-gi-oh tournaments or prayer circles or w/e it is u faggots like doing at his house. The point was there is other shit to do at bars than drinking alone

CrudOMatic ago

I'm assuming not all at the same time.

Hyst ago

Alcohol as a social crutch is a fallacy

Stopped reading at that point. Feel free to educate yourself. I'm not sifting through several paragraphs of your horseshit if you disagree about settled science. Alcohol is a crutch. That's one of the reasons it's so addictive, by the way. Again, feel free to educate yourself.

CrudOMatic ago

Then so are power tools, cars, mutual friends, toilet paper, eating utensils, electricity, running potable water, etc.

Hyst ago

You're talking about what, things people have in common? I actually acknowledged that with liquor. You have using it as a crutch for anxiety and social issues in common with those people.

Kleemin ago

"settled science" the terminology of a kike shill

Kleemin ago

ah you read it ya faggot don't lie to yourself anymore.

New-World-Ebola ago

those are few and far between these days... (((diversity))) has been invading fucking everywhere

Kleemin ago

I live in a rural/suburb city of about 10k. 94% white and niggers stay in their segregated area. We have about 10 bars: 1 of them are for rednecks, 1 for 50+ crowd, 2 "frat"bars, 3 sports bar/ grills, a hipster bar, and a couple miscellaneous bars The misc bars and the sports bars a have no issues, the frat bars rarely have fights, the redneck bars have the most drama it seems.

klobos ago

Try it on a little acid and you will never look at humans the same.

Lord_Oprah ago

Omg try doing it through the ghetto in Louisville - on a positive note this experience redpilled my sister to race realities

CrudOMatic ago

I was right in the middle of a fucking reptile zoo, and somebody was giving booze to these goddamn things. Won't be long now before they tear us to shreds.

Please! Tell me about the fucking golf shoes!

Registered_Goat_9998 ago

...That was the fatal flaw

in Tim Leary's trip. He crashed around America,

selling "consciousness expansion"...

Without ever giving a thought

to the grim meat-hook realities

that were lying in wait...for all those people who took him seriously.

All those pathetically eager

acid freaks...who thought they could buy peace and

understanding for three bucks a hit. But their loss

and ours too.

What Leary took down with him was the central

Illusion of a whole lifestyle...that he helped create. A generation of permanent cripples...failed seekers... who never understood the essential

old-mystic fallacy of the acid culture: the desperate assumption

that somebody... or at least some force... is tending the the end of the tunnel.

Greatest movie ever... Scary as hell - was too high the first time I watched it.

...“There is no god, Summer; gotta rip that band-aid off now you’ll thank me later.

Can we at least agree that Rick here is spot on despite the drinking and smoking

..."perspective-enhancing alien pheromones through a laser hookah."

not all drugs are created equal.

klobos ago

You won't understand that scene unless you have been on acid in a place like that.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

I remember was it was like... being fascinated by the sharpness of some boomers gray hair in a queue, thinking how beautiful he and his boomer wife were for just being alive, being in that queue with me, wondering about how many kids they had and thinking about how they would live on in them.

Yeah it feels great and you think "Man if everyone could understand this there would be no war, no suffering, we would all be happy and free and natural." Then you go learn some history (because the educational system doesn't teach a damn thing that happened after 1945 and realize the hippies tried that, it ends in 'the brown acid,' people living on the streets en mass in SF (some things never change), naked toddlers tripping balls, radical feminism and a bunch of whackjobs taking over academia and turning the next generation into commie retards.

Huxley was wrong, even in the right hands it'll still make your society empathetic and idealistic to the point suicide.

I will have a psychedelic gleam in my eye at all times

I will love everyone

I will love the police as they kick the shit out of me on the street

  • Who Needs The Peace Corps (Frank Zappa)

klobos ago

If you take acid in a comfortable, safe, fun place where the atmosphere and vibe is all good, loving, and happy you will end up like this. However, if you take it and just walk around a city, or go into bars/clubs, head to the mall or whatever, you will see the real reality. You will not be all peace and love and comunes and everybody just needs a hug. It will be the complete opposite. You will see how almost every interaction between people is guided by evil and greed and power. I suggest not doing this in any diverse or dark skinned area at first. You will be horrified.

FantasticHamplanet ago

When I tried mushies I actually became a lot more conservative. I realized black people were scary when a friend turned on rap music, it sounded evil. I was basically a SJW at the time and was horrified at the discovery that I'm 'racist'. I also realized I wanted kids some day, and wanted to become a better, healthier person. I don't understand how anyone could let their lives go to shit after trying psychedelics, or why anyone would take them frequently. Someone told me that bad trips are more useful than good ones. I think what you said supports that. If people get too comfortable they get lazy. A bad trip is upsetting because reality is upsetting, and should motivate people to get their lives together. Not everyone can handle it though.

Tandemlee ago

almost every interaction between people is guided by evil and greed and power

This is profound and true.

not_drunk ago

and try on alot of acid,

never look at the world the same again.

Goyana_punch ago

I am 6 years sober because of exactly this

chirogonemd ago

Yeah, that drug was developed as part of MKUltra, literally as an agent to disassociate and fragment the human personality - basically to remove individuality. We're all adults, but maybe don't.

Granite_Pill ago

Nah, that's just a phase. Once you're red-pilled, the trip is totally different.

projection ago

“As somebody who has steered clear of synthetics and natural psychedelics, I can say that all of the people in my life . . .”

Psychedelic usage patterns and outcomes are really only indicative of the user and their respective intention, wisdom, intelligence (IQ and emotional) and psychological flaws. Essentially, poorly prepared, lower calibre users will have less productive experiences. For this reason, I think most people probably shouldn’t take psychedelics.

“the collective isn't what is at stake in our world today - in fact, it's the enemy.”

I think the ‘collectivism’ or ‘oneness’ experienced with psychedelics is completely unrelated to the collectivism of Communism.

Aldous Huxley said:

“To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer and inner world, not as they appear to an animal obsessed with survival or to a human being obsessed with words and notions, but as they are apprehended, directly and unconditionally, by Mind at Large — this is an experience of inestimable value to everyone and especially to the intellectual.”

"An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.”

"We as personalities — as what we like to think of ourselves as being — are in fact only a very small part of an immense manifestation of activity, physical and mental, of which we are simply not aware. We have some control over this inasmuch as some actions being voluntary we can say, I want this to happen, and somebody else does the work for us. But meanwhile, many actions go on without our having the slightest consciousness of them, and … these vegetative actions can be grossly interfered with by our undesirable thoughts, our fears, our greeds, our angers, and so on . . .

The question then arises, How are we related to this? Why is it that we think of ourselves as only this minute part of a totality far larger than we are — a totality which according to many philosophers may actually be coextensive with the total activity of the universe?”

chirogonemd ago

I disagree with no part of what Huxley said, but the problem of the one and the many isn't solved by them. I also would agree with you that 'oneness' and collectivism as experienced on a trip are different than Communism, if we are taking each as discrete phenomena. But I'd rather take them as participating in a larger principle of dissolving the individual, which one could not argue both do. I do this because I am trying to focus attention on the individual itself, what's really threatened by the collective principle.

The question then arises, How are we related to this? Why is it that we think of ourselves as only this minute part of a totality far larger than we are — a totality which according to many philosophers may actually be coextensive with the total activity of the universe?

Completely right, and just fine. But, this is the result of looking one direction isn't it? Of taking ourselves as "inside" ourselves looking out at a universe presenting itself to us, asking "how do I relate to that?"

To me, there is just as interesting a question - a perhaps an even more challenging one. Given the one versus the many problem. Given this "total activity" of the universe. Why is there an individual having an experience of it. Why am I part of this interactive, intersubjective synthetic kind of process that can experience a song or love?

The distinction, as I see it, is many of the so-called "enlightened" spiritual disciplines and gurus all want you focused on the present and on the One; when it seems to me that we evolved our individuality for an equally universal and cosmically important reason. There were things which the universe itself could not confront, but had to, things it would appear only a human or something human-like was able to confront - and not always pleasant things.

projection ago

“To me, there is just as interesting a question - and perhaps an even more challenging one.”

Yes, I think it depends upon on what you want to know and why. I took three LSD tabs at age 19 and the experience was, for me, profound. I was vividly confronted with direct experience of my conceptual limitations and I felt I understood Schopenhauer when he said: “Every Man Mistakes the Limits of His Vision For The Limits Of The World.”

After reading William Blake, I wanted to know if people not born with this ‘vision’, were able to conjure it through certain practices and sans drugs and at the end of the day, was it good for a pragmatist?

“To see a World in a Grain of Sand

And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,

Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand

And Eternity in an hour.”

My investigations thus far have led me believe that consciousness is primary, or as quantum physicist Amit Goswami said: “’God’ is consciousness in it’s creative state.”

If consciousness is primary, then it is also eternal.

If consciousness is primary and eternal, then the concept of reincarnation is fully supportable.

If reincarnation is real, then in light of the suffering that pervades this planet, the most pressing question for me was: what, exactly, determines the type of re-birth we take and are we able to exert influence upon this process?

“we evolved our individuality and ability to exist simultaneously in past/present/future, and to synthesize them”

The ‘future’, by definition, is that which has not yet occurred and therefore does not currently, truly exist.

The ‘past’, is that which has already occurred and therefore does not currently, truly exist.

The ‘present’, is that period of time between where the ‘future’ ends and the ‘past’ begins.

The very instant the ‘present’ comes into existence, the moment it ‘starts’, it should instantaneously become the past to make way for the next ‘present moment’. And yet, by definition, it must consist of a start/middle/end.

Erwin Schrodinger said: “For eternally and always there is only one now, one and the same now; the present is the only thing that has no end.”

The only possible mode of existence for something that does not truly exist and yet does, is as a concept. It’s still a mode of ‘existence’ and functions well for us in our day to day living – but concepts are limited in their capacity and thus limit the truth seeker in his quest, but not the farmer, hunter or baker. When we think we are living in a synthesised past/present/future, that is an illusion because mind can only hold one object of thought at a time – attention is merely jumping very quickly from one conceptual fabrication (thought) to another. This is irrelevant for the layman (unless they suffer for it) but crucial for those seeking truth. Most people die without ever experiencing a mental state free of incessant conceptual elaboration or conversely, the benefit of a mind focussed in and acting out of the present moment.

The words of the ancients often fall on deaf ears because most people have no reference points for that which they have not themselves experienced. With the right person, even a brief encounter with psychedelics can provide that reference point.

chirogonemd ago

I don't truly have much to say about the profundity of the sort of experience you are discussing in the beginning. Like you, I do think that experience is revealing, but what it reveals on the rational side of the equation (not the experiential side) can be understood through a different route - in my opinion. I believe I have that understanding, having never had a psychedelic experience. This understanding is comprised of the realization that consciousness as we understand it does not equate to mind, rather one unique confluence of many minds into one stream of awareness of the present, with the ability to remember the past and form expectations of the future. Now, this is a highly unique confluence of mind - one which I place great importance on, that is the sober state - but I would never discount the fact that there are other forms of mind and even forms of it that our brain is capable of accessing if we change the circumstances within the body and the environment.

My point in my first post was that I did not believe that these other possibilities for experience were what we were meant to be experiencing (as some people I know fond of mushrooms and acid are fond of saying). I believe we are having these unique individual mental experiences (what I guess some would call the ego experience) for a reason, in other words, we were meant to confront the universe as egos. There is a reason for it, even though the ego experience is often riddled with anxiety, pain, etc. Without those, there wouldn't be certain other forms of joy or purpose that we would have access to, certainly not by losing our individuality in the womb of the psychedelic experience.

But I agree with you and with Schopenhauer on the fact that our vision is limited, it's merely that I see purpose in that limitation. There are other ways of experiencing the universe, but they are not ours. It may be that these other ways - accessible to us via certain drugs - are therapeutic, or eye-opening, or even help to orient us in our lives. I think that is possible. I just found it important to note that all of the people I know who routinely trip invariably start to seek out the trip more and more frequently, while their resentment of sober everyday life continued to grow, along with their anxiety. I just don't see it as a cure-all or any sort of secret that we can access these other states. To me, the theatre is here, the pain and the grime and the boredom and individuality and all of it.

The ‘future’, by definition, is that which has not yet occurred and therefore does not currently, truly exist. The ‘past’, is that which has already occurred and therefore does not currently, truly exist.

On the contrary, we make it exist. That is one of the unique properties of our particular human confluence of mind. We exist in multiple contexts at one time. Your conception of past and present is only true if we live in a "presentational" sort of reality, i.e. we are a mind before which the universe presents itself as objects and change and passage.

That sort of definition ambitiously tries to posit some "objective" future, i.e. almost becoming deterministic right? The future is coming, like it were an object or a situation that already is and is merely approaching. I tend to think of the future as that which we expect. It is the result of that unique power and liability of the mind I discussed in the last post, this synthetic nature of human consciousness. For the human person, the future is just as real as the present, in fact, it is only because of past and future that we have the present. I disagree with many of the spiritualists passionately about this insistence on only the present's existence. This simply cannot be the case.

What is the best common sense means of revealing that truth to yourself? Music.

What is a song if not a sequence of sounds. Each sound must live and die so that the next note can become present, otherwise none of the notes has any meaning at all - that is, each note gains it's meaning through what came before and directly after it. You could also say that each note gains its meaning through a negation, the absence of what it isn't (this absence of what the immediate note isn't is exactly our temporal sense of past and future, what that note isn't is what it was in the previous moment, and what it will be in the next). This is where our sense of time comes from - it's directly a part of the way in which we experience the present.

Take the future for instance. At least a good portion of the experience of meaning of any musical note in a song has to do with the expectation of where the musical experience is going. You could imagine the absurdity of a song that consisted of just a single note droning on and on. You'd probably say, "That isn't a song at all." And you'd be right. But look how this reveals what our experience of music entails, and what it says about experience at all. Our experience of meaning is a series of things which come and which die, and gain their meaning only because of what they are not, that is what has passed and is no longer, and what we expect is coming.

This is perfectly reconcilable with Schrodinger's idea. The present is the only thing that presents before us, in the sense of being "out there" (having the properties of extension in space and cause and effect), and by definition, the present cannot end because the concept of time is frame after frame passing through this filter of the present. The present is the theatre, the only place where the synthesis that we call experience can happen, but this does not mean that the past and the future are not real. I also think it is possible to pursue the kind of focus on the present that happens in, say, Buddhism without having to sacrifice the importance of past and future. In fact, I look at it a lot like a sleep-waking cycle. There are times we need to do the "zen thing" and to bleed into the present and forget ourselves. This is sleep. But there are times when this is not prudent at all, and we are confronted by things in this universe that demand the individual to experience them fully, and not the person who is asleep, dreaming they've killed their ego. There are times to sleep, and times to wake up. Most people I see turning to spirituality are trying to escape the latter, and are using the Buddhist practices as shoes for running.

You could not experience the present moment without the past and the future, which is why humans exist in all three at once. We get confused when we talk about terms like "real", but suffice it to say I believe we do exist across multiple times simultaneously, just not in a way which science has become robust enough to grasp. Man is a being whose conscious experience is extended not only beyond his brain, but also across time. But we have to ditch the rabid Cartesian notion of body/mind, and it has trapped the world of science since the enlightenment with no sign of letting go.

alele-opathic ago

Another insightful post.


I'll bet I know who your downvoters are. We've got a couple pro-drug shills on here larping as goats.

mrnicegoy ago

one of my favorite pieces of advice ever is from my friends dad, who used to be a biker(now a plumber), who told us "if you do acid for god sakes avoid the mall". We didnt. He was right.

TameFloyd ago

Could you describe the experience? I'd be super interested to hear.

mrnicegoy ago

its been a LONG time but I kind of remember, I guess to summarize it everything was super fake, so much so that it took on a kind of "evil" vibe, like we (or at least I) felt REALLY out of place and everything was way too busy, too bright and polished etc, bad energy man! I never went to malls much so that probably didnt help, and I still wonder if him saying that is what set us up to be nervous about going! Later we were walking home at night still tripping and one of my genius friends decided to shine a laser pointer into a police cruiser, the cop got pissed, got out and ran up to us shining his light in our face saying HOW DO YOU LIKE IT!? and that was definitely one of the top 10 terrifying experiences of my life.

projection ago

You might be interested in the writings of Aldous Huxley. He wrote two short essays from his extensive experience with mescalin and LSD: Heaven and Hell and The Doors of Perception.

Goyana_punch ago

Huxley also dropped hard on his death bed and passed on tripping face in what was probably the most hardcore act in human history

BushChuck ago

LSD in an intravenous drip.

That's how I'm going out.

Niggertoes ago

I bet he is still regretting that.

Goyana_punch ago

underrated comment lol

475677 ago

Tripping at the mall would be the worst.

Metanoiac ago

Damn, I miss acid...

HbMcNutt ago

Dont. It was invented by cia to damage your DNA. Stat away from synthetics

watitdew ago

"Oh my, I seem to be in hell."

not_drunk ago

Feeling of being manipulated is very real and frustrating.

Time to destroy the lies.

watitdew ago

Yes it is not fun.

Empire_of_the_mind ago

you won't miss a thing, keep it up

Deplorablepoetry ago

I did that for a summer when the judge suggested I better (court order).

I thought I was an alcoholic but it wasn’t a big deal (obviously is for alcoholics).

I like weed, can take it or leave it, not enamoured.

Three months stone cold sober. I painted my cottage, rebuilt the doors on my boathouse, and drank a shit ton of Pepsi.

I told my friend up at the lake that I quit drinking and smoking weed, all that I do is drink Pepsi. He immediately told me about another friend of his who had recently died from drinking too much Pepsi.

zbou ago

Tell me the moral im torn

jewsbadnews ago

Huh, now Voat has shills working for Pepsi.

NotHereForPizza ago

Senomyx Hek-293

I bet you didn't know you are a cannibal.

100100011001 ago

Nice work. But Pepsi is garbage too.

eronburr ago

Pepsi has some human chemical added to it. I never liked it and don't know any who do, but it's something I like to tell niggers I see drinking it.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Pigs stole my dog, my house, my kids, my life.

All of my tools, gone, stolen by pigs.

The only good pig is a dead pig and if you think otherwise you are communist sympathizer.

eronburr ago

I hated NYC because of the PD power and it's why I live in the mountains in an area I can shoot trespassers and no one would know.

Other than that, I have no idea where your rant came from

Deplorablepoetry ago

My hate for commie pigs is passionate, sometimes I get carried away kicking pigs in the teeth on the Internet

Jealous of your mountain home. Pig free mountain home.

The only good pig is a dead commie pig.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

Lol. Thar pretty much all I do anymore. Pepsi and cigarettes. Your buddies friend must have been shooting it up. Cause its been decades and I'm still going.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Truth is I don’t know how the dude died, guessing it must have been complications due to diabetes...., though, again I don’t know.

Dude! Cigarettes? one day you will quit and wonder why you smoked in the first place.

It’s not easy, really fucking difficult, two days of living hell. Totally worth it!

Your lungs will love you as much as your wallet.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Seltzer, carbonation and lime zest ain't gonna give you the beetus.

Hyst ago

I genuinely believe that soda is worse off for you physically and mentally than marijuana. I don't think weed is perfect, far from it. Makes people lethargic, kills motivation, and seems to just lower standards in a very general way.

But got damn man, soda? Sugar fucks with your body. It seriously fucks with your body. Sugar unlike Marijuana has legitimate addiction issues. I've argued about Marijuanas addictive traits many times and I do feel that on some level it's addicting because most people who use it feel like, well, why wouldn't they want to smoke a joint. There's something to it for certain. However sugar has far more addictive qualities. Beyond that it really does mess with your brain and the way you think. It's terrible for your fucking teeth as well.

In a perfect world you shouldn't drink soda or smoke weed, but I'd still say weed does less harm overall. I'm fairly certain obesity statistics support that as well. There's a lot of obese people that get the vast majority of their calories through soda.

I've never tried them but there are "soda machines" that are pretty damn cheap these days. I think I saw one for $100 and you can carbonate any kind of drink you want. Might be a good investment. At least that way you control exactly what goes into the drinks. You could probably use honey as a sweetener instead.

Deplorablepoetry ago

I won’t argue, your points are solid.

One thing though is weed is not addictive, people develop a chemical dependency, which I’m guessing is what you are alluding to with the sugar issue.

You are completely correct in saying obesity is a far greater health problem socially.

Ten people died from being too fat while I type this sentence.

Ten million others have the munchies and will be just fine.

eronburr ago

I'm starting to believe that some people do not have a conscious and weed makes them useless. If you have a conscious, weed helps you separate from your subconscious and if you're looking to learn about it and how to control/teach it, it's invaluable.

bb4c35 ago

Anyone on the western diet needs one sentence of advice:

Lift; minimize sugar and bread.

You'll tack on muscle and normalize to a decent body weight. People can argue about macros all day, but sugar and bread are very calorie-dense, thus really hard to work off. Calories you don't work off become fat. Probably why 40%+ of Americans are obese.

You don't have to eliminate bread (this isn't paleo), just minimize it. Same with sugar. Fruit has natural sugars in it and fruit is ok, but not if you're eating huge volumes of it.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Minimize is key. We all ingest stuff we like, some can not help themselves, over indulge, find themselves increasing in weight at frightening rate yet still continue to stuff their face.

Your advise is well heard, not sure about your math though. Pretty sure I read a statistic saying obesity has reached over 50%. I could be wrong, hope so.


Tea with HONEY! Get on it!


Jiggggg ago

Make it so

Chempergrill ago

Drink tea, man. Spend a little more on the fancy tea until you know what you like.

You'll feel great and tea is cheaper than pepsi.

BoomerHater1488er ago

the judge suggested I better (court order).

Lmfao no wonder you hate cops so much you literal nigger.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Filthy retarded pig thinks it has brain.

Kill yourself scumbag.

You were born a stupid, ugly sack of puke and you will die a stupid sack of puke, pig, faggot.

Die with honour, coward, kill your self today.

Tomorrow you will be more of a pathetic parasite communist, puke.

BoomerHater1488er ago

God, I love how triggered you are. Nigger can't obey the law and somehow that's police officers fault lmfao!

Deplorablepoetry ago

I have mentioned before that I was charged and convicted of a crime I did not commit.

I am a Man. You are a filthy stupid piece of shit commie faggot pig and you really need to die today.

Grow some balls, little bitch, kill yourself.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Lmfao a nigger who says he dindu nuffin! Haaaaaaahahaha

Deplorablepoetry ago

Lmfao at the dead pig in the ditch covered in piss

1moar ago

slow clap

deleteme123 ago

Pepsi zero ftw

Swallowdaredpill ago

Start making your own green tea, it's cheap to make and can actually detox you at the same time. The stuff I make is delicious, I use real cane sugar and also add honey, lemon and ginger. Makes a perfect cold drink in the summer. I used to drink a lot of I prefer the iced tea.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Hmmm, I spend way too much money on beer, will consider your advice.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I just spent another $86 on tea. Stick to the cheap crappy stuff.


justregtoasku ago

Beer is nice though, i like ale rather too much

MuricaPersonified ago

Are you me? Holy shit. More or less same deal, down to the Pepsi. Only difference is my uncle died from drinking too much Coke. Fuck the reds.

Deplorablepoetry ago


MuricaPersonified ago

I'm a bit of a Pepsi man.

IlyaEhrenberg ago

He immediately told me about another friend of his who had recently died from drinking too much Pepsi.

My Father is a teetotaler, no smoke or drink. Barely got into Weed in his 50's. Just uses it for sex.

Anyway when we were growing up my Dad would always have a 2-liter of coke on the job site. Every day at least one. Later in life he got cancer that usually put people at 6 months to live. He fought it, traveled abroad for treatments [the US medical establishment is greedy corrupt bullshit] and won.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Just for sex? LMAO!...,although can relate

IlyaEhrenberg ago

He is a sex addict and pretty conservative. One of his girlfriends turned him on to it.

maaaxheadroom ago

If you have to be addicted to something I guess sex isn’t the worst. Or is it? I can see it being the worst.

IlyaEhrenberg ago

It's a problem.

IlyaEhrenberg ago

I thought I was an alcoholic but it wasn’t a big deal (obviously is for alcoholics).

I am an alcoholic but I don't drink every day. There are various classifications of alcoholics, and mine is under the 'binge drinker' category.

It was pretty easy for me, as well, to do one of the no-booze months with this site last year.

Weed, OTOH, you don't want to see me without weed.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Weed has never killed anyone from ingesting or smoking.

Booze just killed two people while I typed this reply.

Luckily I can drink beer without any problems other than the check liver light keeps flickering.

Hard alcohol and I do not get along at all.


IlyaEhrenberg ago

Yeah keep it up. Beer I think is fine, until you get to case-a-day status. I have known several people that drank a case of 'light' beer every day. Just watch out for the tremors and "Adrenal Fatigue" and you might be just fine. Fucking Vikings and Farmers often had a Pint before "work".

I have a mix of genes that make me get started on Whiskey or something and want to keep going until the next day. I have developed habits to moderate it, but as I age, the toll is obvious.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Stay safe,man.

Wowbagger ago

If you like soda and it works as a crutch to help you move away from alcohol and weed don't let others shit on you for it. That said, HFCS sucks. Get the good sugar cane shit. You'll pay more but it tastes WAY better.

CryptoBard ago

Agreed!! Jones soda, real cane sugar is the shit.

oyy_veyy_goyy ago

Jones is pretty good. Too bad they now post LGBTQIAA+++ bullshit on their bottles every now and then.

CryptoBard ago

Seriously, god dammit! now I'm sad.

Literally-Oppressed ago

Ever tried "Pop shop"? Their black cherry one gets me so erect it hurts

BushChuck ago

All about the orange creamsicle.

watitdew ago


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ex-redd ago

brought to you by Bang Energy Inc.

NiggadermCQ ago


ex-redd ago


Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Guad, can't you let people share what they like here or is it really all just jew hate like the outside claims, piss off looser.

ex-redd ago

yeah, look at your kike-ass misleading for money...just like people claim

cry out it pain as you scam people

Smells_Like_Tacos ago


Smells_Like_Tacos ago

So now who is looking all dumb, 4 proofs I am not advertising.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Oh yeah, proof 4 that your an idiot is I gave away the 'secret recipe' so can make it home. And all the pro tips, and all the other cooking comments.

You got a long long hard way til even noon happens for you.

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

How? Tell me how I get money for this? What business is going to pay for a single voat post that it is not even featured in the title, fucking idiot.

NiggadermCQ ago

I get paid every time I say it... Brought to you by Bang, it's got electrolytes.

watitdew ago


TopTierCIAShill ago


Smells_Like_Tacos ago


RoundWheel ago

Soda is flavored with embryonic cells. Not joking. Laymen call this cannibalism.

Stop the sodas.

I have no idea why something thought human cells make for a good "flavor enhancer", but it is in lots of food.

Titanbikes4ever ago


fuckyourownface ago

It's bs I think. There was a thing a while ago that said they had baby stem cells. They didn't sweeten but made you not taste bitter.

wasteroftime ago

The reference is to HEK (human embryonic kidney, taken from an aborted fetus kidney in the '70s) 293 cells, a self propagating cell culture used in Senomyx, which is used by various companies as a "flavor enhancer."

Titanbikes4ever ago

Thanks for the article, good read

wasteroftime ago

No problem, but there are better ones out there if you are interested, though I've long since lost the links. These were just some of the more readily available ones I could find.

New-World-Ebola ago

drinking soda is the best way to get a mad gunt.

90% of the time should just be water.

GhostCow ago

I've never heard on gunt but I've been drinking a 6 pack or more a day for two decades and no I'll effects. I know it's not good for me but I'll go weeks drinking nothing but coke. Water tastes disgusting to me unless I'm practically dying of thirst

New-World-Ebola ago

lol i have no words

GhostCow ago

It's bad, I know. I wish I could find a solution. I've tried LaCroix and water additives. Everything tastes like shit if it doesn't have the sugar Jew in it

SpaceAgePimp ago

Buy a water distiller, cut the kike juice out and you'll never look back. Don't drink tap or bottled water though, it's even worse than coke.

New-World-Ebola ago

you're making jews rich

GhostCow ago

Coke is owned by the shareholders and the biggest shareholder is Warren Buffet who is not a kike

New-World-Ebola ago

excuse me... buffet acts like a kike, therefore he is a kike.

GhostCow ago

If everyone is a kike then no one is a kike. Don't overuse it or it'll lose it's effect. Desensitization is a thing.

New-World-Ebola ago

ok nigger

AlohaFriends ago

Coffee is mostly water so I'm good.

New-World-Ebola ago

too much coffee is rape as well.

1 or 2 a day is the safe limit

The_Venerable ago

Tell me about it. My anus suffers.

jonnyquest ago

gunt? You mean gut, right? Lol

New-World-Ebola ago

gunt = gut so big it hangs down over your cunt

fattyfatigue ago

= fupa

Skeeterdo ago


gunt (plural gunts) (slang, vulgar) the bulging between the waist and the genital areas.

He/She meant gunt

jonnyquest ago

ha, thanks for clarifying. Good word!

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Like the one Ralph made internet famous. ralph gunt 👈 Do an image search.

Honkpiller ago

What about hot decaf tea. I'm hooked

boxofcrackers ago

as the other poster mentioned, you shouldn't put too much sugar in it. green and black tea in itself is rather healthy.

bb4c35 ago

Don't put too much sugar in it and you should be pretty close to water, which is good.

Honkpiller ago

I'm doing no sugar. Will try to pick teas that do good shit. Hibiscus is supposed to be beneficial.

zbou ago

Have you tried green tea?

TreblinkaRebuilt ago

Hibiscus is tasty. Hibiscus, black currant, and ginger are my top three herbals. Watch out for that Chinese instant ginger tea stuff, though. Most of it is like 99% sugar.

bb4c35 ago

Sounds like a good track to be on.

watitdew ago

He says his water supply is borked. Ofc with some bleach/iodine/filter/boiling/whathaveyou that's pretty easy to handle.

Deplorablepoetry ago

Ya you’re right. Thing is though up at the lake the water will make you sick. Beer, bottled water or pop.

Literally-Oppressed ago

You can't boil it?

Deplorablepoetry ago

No.. well maybe.., a chance not worth taking to find out

GreenSlug ago

Filtered and boiled, you can drink an elephant turd

Deplorablepoetry ago kids come out of the lake blue as smurfs, the water has algae like you wouldn’t believe.

You are right, and there is a boiling advisory, still, rather eat elephant turd.

GreenSlug ago

Gross, probably shouldnt swim in it if its that bad. I get what your sayin though

Deplorablepoetry ago

It really is beautiful, shame it’s poisoned.

GreenSlug ago

Lots of farm runoff nearby?

Deplorablepoetry ago


New-World-Ebola ago

go to the hardware store and buy a caravan water filter that attaches to a garden hose... or if you're extra skilled hook up a proper filter under the kitchen sink

Snowleopard ago

Get a water distiller and make your own. The investment is worth the free limitless distilled water,

SpaceAgePimp ago

It's the best, fuck I miss my water distiller.

gazillions ago

They don't sell juice?

Deplorablepoetry ago

What is juice?

Anoxim ago

Life straw my friend.

ketoll ago

Something weird about Life Straw. It's $12-$15 for one, it literally allows you to drink water from virtually anywhere, and yet it still feels like I'm going to get sick when I use it anywhere. Nevermind the fact that I used mine at the local river and drank straight from the Life Straw and never got sick, I still can't shake the belief that I will get sick or poisoned or something. Almost like a too good to be true feeling.

Gopherurself ago

Damn, mad gut disease

Empire_of_the_mind ago

he's not wrong about the Pepsi

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Pepsi had a history of using human fetal stem cells [from murdered unborn children] in its flavorings.

At that time, Pepsi was headed by a street-shitter-ess, named Indra Nooyi, which HATED White people.

EyeOfHorus ago

Pepsi used fetal stem cells for flavor measurement. Electronic data acquisition equipment measured the fetal stem response when exposed to various flavors. The idea was to replace human "tasters." The stem cells were not part of the Pepsi ingredients.

Herbert666Marcuse ago

Pepsi's new CEO is some iberian eggplant named "Ramon Laguarta" who has a really serious case of GayPedoFace.

I could easily see that dude sitting back with a slice of "Walnut-Sauce" pepperoni & an icy cold glass of Pepsi at Comet Ping Pong Pizza.

Scroobius ago

CrudOMatic ago

That's Bepis, you... retard.

0cra_tr0per ago


SamuelChamplain1608 ago

what about Blepe drinking a Blepsi in a blimp...with Patrick Little

The_Venerable ago

Quitting weed is pretty hard for the first couple of days. After that you start to feel ok again.

shillaccount3344 ago

Weed is in your system for weeks/months as it's fat soluble.

Glipglup ago

It's stops being pyschoactive after about 12 hours. It does technically stay in your system but that's because your body doesn't register as a poison and isn't desperately trying to to expell it like opiods or alcohol.

TrannyTyranny ago

I dunno about that im a very heavy smoker and took a month off last year (February. Maybe i should do that again... ha)

Anyways, sometimes i would definitely feel high, even though i didnt smoke anything. So i dunno how it leaves the system but I personally beleive I could feel its effects sometimes. Not extremely noticeable but noticeable none the less, in my opinion.

I cant remember if working out or fasting or anything helped get the feeling of "oh i feel thc in my system". But maybe ill pay more attention next time i take a break.

kidcip16 ago

Fasting burns fat and will rapidly release the stored toxins / pollutants. Rapid detox is why people struggle with fasting and Keto at first, "Keto flu" isn't adaptation its the toxins spiking in your blood so fast that the liver can't expel them fast enough, which is why people frequently vomit or shit out bile (bile is your bodies natural detergent) during it.

SpaceAgePimp ago

I was of the impression that keto flu was to do with a loss of electrolytes and could be averted by taking supplements

330 ago

Interesting. Yeah i figured fasting had something to do with it. Im a big one meal a day eater and usually have been that way. Weed is something i use for appetite help a lot of times, so when i go off it i eat even less, typically. Anyways, rambling. But thanks for the info.

leonareo ago

proud of you. keep it up. inspiring

jqueso ago

He's my hero too!

Babar333 ago

Good job bro