SearchVoatBot ago

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turniptruckpassenger ago

@theoldones is sanegoat?! I did not see that coming! and @gabara is a robot?!

mxcviel ago

When did this happen, is this a miracle or what. :)

mxcviel ago

This is amazing :) Well, I do hope he is real, even if he lives in strip clubs or work somewhere as astronaut, LOL. Unbelievable...

boekanier ago

Putt prefers to go to strip clubs (and who knows what else) instead of doing his duty here on voat.

Humansized ago

ill wait until its more than a token appearance before i celebrate.

fightknightHERO ago

How do you know it's really him and not a Glownigger?

ExpertShitposter ago

this whole site glows anyway

tanukihat ago

Fuck that retard Putt

hang_em_high ago

There's a chatroom for each sub?

Linkmyboy ago

I have no idea where to look for it

MinorLeakage ago

And there was much rejoicing! I fall for it every time, like a sucker.

IHateNiggersAndKikes ago

That is an impostor.

ExpertShitposter ago

Nice user name!

ItsOk2bArian ago

@PuttItOut Didn't kill himself

ExpertShitposter ago


Crensch ago

Some are. You?

Not so much.

Hyst ago


Empire_of_the_mind ago

that's not true

SpreeFeech ago

What is whatever chat?

ExpertShitposter ago

we had voat chat back in the day. now its only on the testing website. was disabled here due to all the attacks.

auchtung ago

Why can I not enable chat? I thought it used to be under the gear on settings.

MrPim ago

On regular voat there hasn't been chat in a long time. On preview voat its in the sidebar.

ExpertShitposter ago

its on the preview site

auchtung ago

ah fuck... Never signed up for it before registration was killed.

bosunmoon ago

I once farted and it smelled like a pumpkin.

ExpertShitposter ago

gud werk

MrDarkWater ago

my poops have smelled like blackberry jam lately.

bosunmoon ago

It doesn't mean they are blackberry jam.

MrDarkWater ago

Don't I know it.

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

My toast is ruined!

XSS1337 ago

Old Testament cometh

ExpertShitposter ago


Glipglup ago

We know you're SRS from Reddit you shit stain faggot. Gas yourself.

ExpertShitposter ago

relax you kike and go back to reddit Qtard black nigger

Glipglup ago

Unlike you I don't like injecting AIDS into my asshole.

ExpertShitposter ago

you are a redditor, and a libtarded qfag, so yes you do.

Glipglup ago

Haven't posted on that dump in years

Also Q is a nigger and I use no alts. Try again

ExpertShitposter ago

you were there till the day they banned your precious q larp subs.

PuttitoutIsGone ago

I guess i have to put this account back on the shelf.

ExpertShitposter ago

keep it

you will need it in a few months

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

Ask @putt about the millions in bitcoin donatiins he has received

heygeorge ago

Few minutes probably

Gopherurself ago

Beyjeworge you wanna eat my ass in whatever chat?

heygeorge ago

That’s a bizarre thing to ask. It makes me wonder about your demons.

Gopherurself ago

My demons are gonna have you sucking ass, my ass

Thisismyvoatusername ago


70times7 ago

Until we see 100 accounts who have been vote manipulating added to the ban list, nothing is saved.

offender ago

Make that 1000 and you have a start

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Of course he shows up after I leave the chat. And after I posted so much awesome music!

PuttitoutIsGone ago

Same. I feel ripped off. He was prolly just waiting for me to leave.

Tzitzimitl ago

unexpectedly based

ifuckdolphinseverway ago

Right after the final builder commits seppuku is extremely coincidental timing.

fightknightHERO ago

Something (((Fishy))) is going on...

mediaisfooked ago

You mean </////>< fishy??? ;-)

PuttItOut ago

In English?

uncle_daddy ago

Hmmmm.......I don't think you are putt.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Did the black can get you, and send you to Gitmo @PuttIttOut hmm?

Deezedlat ago

Dad you came back with the milk finally

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Hey dad

Hyst ago

It's just Soapbox being Soapbox. You should ban them.

goatboy ago

Bro, how you been? Nice to see you.

Atkho ago

I'm back too!

Phantom42 ago

Now wait just a fucking minute...

I thought it was spelled "Atko", that's how I've seen it several times.

ExpertShitposter ago


saltpricesplummet ago

Oh hey. Did you get the pack of smokes you went out for?

justalittlecancer ago

what a nigger thing to say

antiliberalsociety ago

Your absence gave the conspiritards plenty of ammo.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Welcome to voat!

ifuckdolphinseverway ago

There were only three builders, it's not really a mystery. As for the reason, your guess is as good as mine.

hang_em_high ago

Who were the three? They are all gone from Voat now?

PuttItOut ago

Oh I get it. Yeah, I crapped out on that roll.

BrennKommando ago

Sort of on that note, what these 3 people had in common was that they were all mods of SBBH at one point. Given our abilities to bring people together and the fact that it's been more than 4 years since we were last pinned as a featured sub, I think it's about high time we get that acknowledgement again!

@heygeorge, @ExpertShitposter, @TheBuddha

ExpertShitposter ago

Ya i agree.

heygeorge ago

@BrennKommando is a genius

heygeorge ago

You can make up for this by restoring SBBH stickies. We are currently holed up in v/disabled and it smells of sweaty skin creases

MadJackChurchill ago

and )))someone((( keeps poking their dick through the hole, ew

OutragedForNoReason ago

Don't sweat it. I bet if you gave most of these fucks a Ferrari, they'd bitch because you didn't fill it up with gas. Never understood why people bitch about free shit.

ifuckdolphinseverway ago

I don't think you get it, actually.

Your hands off approach after the fact is probably why what happened, happened. That dumpster fire could have been avoided entirely, it almost feels like you wanted it to go down that way.

badruns ago

If you were forced by alphabet agencies to hand over all data from your hobby to them and do whatever else that they ask while not being able to talk about it, would you care about keeping the site up?

It's pretty clear what's going on.

NamelessCrewmember ago

You’re not wrong...

MrDarkWater ago

somebody had to say it.

crazy_eyes ago

Did you get a guitar?

PuttItOut ago

Technically no, but I've put in some time testing and playing so I should get a pass.

LoveRight ago

You should learn the bass, it's a fun instrument.

crazy_eyes ago

I guess that's something