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BillyLuath ago

How much do you pay for using this service?

How many of the ad links do you click on?

Oh, nada to both? Then you are teh product.

Ina_Pickle ago

Can you imagine the data they are selling? Wish I could see the faces of their buyers when they receive reams of collated paper covered in

Literal Niggerfaggot...

Kikes did xyz

The Hall of Cost is a lie

Gas the Bikes! Race More Now!

Fat people are fucking disgusting lard whales!

Trust the Plan - Q

@Gabara's Alt army brigaded me . He's such a kike!

@Crensch is a homo reddit shill who bans anyone with a dick longer than his. 8lllllllllllD~~~~ splat!


UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

I've been here a while but I an unaware of sizable sum that was donated. Who did it and how much $ are we talking about here? Also how do you know about it?

oaf ago

61 MILLION DOLLARS, before the bitcoin semi-collapse

$104,527,220 (104 million) in 14,000 BTC this hour!

THIS POST WILL BE DELETED OR DOWNVOTED, like usual, but I answered honestly

Bitcoin wallet address putt used for had coins added to it seen in BTC address trackers, and then the bitcoins went so far up in value that it was staggering value.

In 2017 was down to their last $61 million US dollars provable via a bitcoin history wallet tool :

voat's two BTC wallets :



They're both deposit addresses to the same bitcoin wallet. You can check that for yourself here: If you search that wallet back to around this time or a little before, the lies become apparent. Here's just before this time.. (adjust page era to cover date span relevant).

That shows voat had over 14,000 bitcoin in this wallet just before the famous 2017 voat announcement for more crypto.

Now, that's not as much money as it would be today, at that time bitcoin was worth over $4,400 a piece. So, that’s still over 61 million dollars. They could have funded the next 20 years of voat for $780,000, if they are really paying over 6k a month, and not even put a dent in that.

With 61 million shown in that link, supposedly they could get rid of CloudFlare and use BitMitigate. But maybe the 61 million dollars was to NOT stop using CloudFlare ?

"to to NOT stop using CloudFlare", you wonder?


These two links USED to return fascinating user comments hosted on, but less than 12 months ago , both search engines now return useless misdirection for the following two links :

You wrote :

I've been here a while but I an unaware of sizable sum that was donated

and your account is 4.3 years old, but obviously you have never paid attention to the BTC owned in 2017 worth far more than $61 million now, if not spent or wasted. In fact, over 100 million in BTC for the wallet contents at that brief moment in time.

Today's price for BTC for this hour, and had 14,000 BTC at $7,466.23 per coin for Jan 5 2020, equals ..

14,000 * $7,466.23 = $104,527,220


If it was invested or otherwise not wasted, it could be higher, less money spent.

In my own opinion, knowing more than I want to let on, I estimate has no less than $10 million, and no more than $104 million.

kneo24 ago

Are you answering honestly? Here's another link to look at

As far as I know, this hasn't changed since then. The wallet address you're giving is different than the one in this post. That wallet you showed, which hasn't changed in about two years, also tells us a different story.

Putt has all this money in BTC! But he's not using it! Therefore he ran off with the money to presumably do nothing with!

How does this narrative make sense? Why don't you get on your oldest account and continue this conversation?

domains ago

diehard users know Voat is a Moneypot

Ina_Pickle ago

This. I haven't kept as close of a track. But one donation alone at the time was worth several hundreds of thousands