mehwah ago

"If being able to speak your mind is a honeypot, then we have already fucking lost."


Mortifera ago

We lost in 1865.

Shotinthedark ago

I'm still waiting for my honey and pot.

NPC-57981209 ago

The entire web is a honeypot. You're welcome.

BeauDacious ago

In order for free and open debate to occur. The unpopular opinion must be heard.

Eddy261153 ago

Censorship is growing in the UK, no criticism of Islam or Muslims will be published, any other religion yes, Islam no.they have even invented a new word "Islamaphobia" and any criticism is classed as this and is considered an hate crime, and while the Police no longer turn up for anything less than murder now in the UK, they WILL turn up for an HATE crime and mob handed as well, Dogs/Vans/Helicopters the lot, but ring them on 101 to tell them you have been burgled and A, you are lucky if they answer the phone, B, they will just give you a crime number for the insurance, they will also turn up for a car chase, tell them someone has tried to steal your carry and you will be told that they have no one available, but if they see a car without insurance and it does not stop, within 5 minutes there will be 6 police cars chasing it.

satisfyinghump ago

I've tried looking at it from multiple perspectives. 1) Is someone trying to warn us, as in, help us be aware of a possible real situation? 2) Is someone trying to threaten us in the Hope's we will extinguish our free speech discussions? 3) Is someone simply reminding us that we are all adults and if we say/post something, we are responsible for it and any consequences? (I am NOT supporting that negative consequences SHOULD be doled out to those of us who speak freely and against the current liberal/pro-jew/pro-muslim/pro-black/etc propoganda. Simple that others exist who would wish to punish those of us who do speak against their b.s. message.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Its a tracker

Its an old KGB tactic for when a revolution is triggered

Yuri besminoz, a kgb defector everyone should be familiar with, was assigned as part of an outreach program for the USSR in India where they kept detailed lists of everyones phone records so as to track who they could manipulate or needed to kill, post revolution, if it came to that

"Honeypots" as colloquially known in the US, are similar though originally used to trap mafia in rico cases.

Loose lips sink ships

Dont be afraid of honey pots

We are safe in numbers, because WWG1WGA

I dont believe in Q, but thats the American Creed WWG1WGA. None of this European shit going "my countrymen need to fall"

Only shitty idiot cops get used by the corrupt

They're not gonna do anything until they have power

If they do, live stream it

This is all a game of chicken

The Chinese Army is the largest in the world at 2.5million

The American Militia is 20million strong

Our free speech is our weapon, and our bane, but a horde of barbarians has no leader. It has a goal, United

Unity is Strength

They Cant Stop Us All

bubby963 ago

So what at this point? They know who I am. They know where I live and what my views are. Whether I post or not doesnt change that. They can honeypot all they want. I aint gonna stop.


Honeypots are to catch people doing things. Talking shit isn't a crime

Soyboy69 ago

A wrong word or two and shit talking becomes a crime. Not to mention that any one of us could end up finding out too much about the wrong thing and posting that info here.

concernedcitizen3 ago

Nah you got it all wrong. A honey-pot is when federal agents try to fish people into extremist groups or push them to commit crimes.

It's not about free speech at all, its about getting people to commit crimes so they can take away their free speech.

IquitzuOcha ago


Whatnext ago

Yep...I actually believe most of that racial jibberish is from a Leftist ...Much of it is over the top.....Im here for news I cant find anywhere else...and I have to fact check everything

steven_feelsperg ago

leftists push racial diversity

leftists dont want racial diversity

Imagine being this brainlocked.

awwisnotafarmpromise ago

Voat is not uncensored.

You are either a lying piece of shit or stupid.

Either way you'd be doing humanity a favor by jumping off a cliff.

WhiteChickens ago

Everything is a honeypot, the girl sitting next to you is a honeypot. lol

EEMac ago

I am here because people should be allowed to be human and Express a myriad of ideas without having to agree with or silence eachother.

Hear! Hear!


We have free speech, but some free speech will get you followed by the FBI for the rest of your life. This is how truly pathetic our justice/authority system is in this country.

Action_Bastard ago

A honeypot to identify dissidents or to identify potential scapegoats?

7e62ce85 ago

If being able to speak your mind is a honeypot, then we have already fucking lost.

We absolutely have lost. I hope everyone is posting what they are over a TOR browser.

Tallest_Skil ago

TOR is created by jews, and they publicly support white genocide. The majority of TOR nodes are owned and operated by the US government.

mehwah ago

TOR is probably good protection for anyone who is NOT frightened of the US gov... and I bet 90% of gov agencies cant get into it either- cant have them letting the cat out of the bag, just like the nazi enigma code only the most important intelligence would get acted on

AR47 ago

This place is a honeypot because it allows for the cultivation of "home grown terrorist" or the appearance of such.

Wasn't until @secretlypsycho threatened a school to celebrate the anniversary of the Columbine massacre that real survalience began here. She was found dead of suicide in the woods by the way, but FBI killed the warrant Canary and that is why.

Puttitout went dark after that too if you pay attention.

This place will eventually be traced back to some anti-Semitic attack and blamed for it as well.

You can rent it and say my free speech, but this ain't free because someone is still footing the fucking bill here. When a service is are the product.

Don't care of you think you have all this fancy fucking firewall, and tor shit. Who do you think made it? And you think that the people who made it did it without a way to crack it? Lol.

If it was made by man, it can be broken by man. Simple truth to that.

Soyboy69 ago

You can rent it and say my free speech, but this ain't free because someone is still footing the fucking bill here. When a service is are the product.

Damn near every product you pay for will spy on you so how is there a difference when it's something free?

Islamiscancer2 ago

Americans are pathetic. Stupid, ugly, overweight and dumb. Also all American women suck black penis.

Vc83 ago

Lets get one thing clear, nobody cares about the racist slurs and calling people niggers. Nobody cares about sharing any random thought someone might has.

What they DO care about is exposing kike tricks and subversion and organizing to stop it. Luckily there is much more than this out there than you think, it's just 90% of the shit the gets deleted from media article comments and social media.

Imagine being a moderator on facebook, and having to read how the jews have subverted our culture and government every fucking day

Blood-is-Nature ago

It's fear propaganda to keep you from participating. Ignore it and keep speaking truth to lies. But be aware that everything on the (DARPA) internet is monitored, and the more dissident the topics are, the more scrutiny of surveillance they use. And that just covers the legal side; then there's also the so called jewish side of unrelenting terrorism against every aspect of communication, by injecting lies, manipulating infrastructure, and creating division. Finally, the ones whoa re really in control also have operatives on the web for all kinds of nefarious agendas, so just keep that in mind when your emotions urge you to make threats and such like.

I believe people should be allowed

The "should be" refers to a ruling class giving permission to you. Those rulers are criminals who want to enslave you at best and kill you at worse (it's always the worse). If you refer to religious morality you're also wrong, because that was also passed down onto us by rulers. Real morality comes only from nature and it's based on the consequences of our actions in between the only two choices our existence has; life or death. If you want morals, you don't believe in them, you make them and you uphold them.

smokratez ago

They think they can get us to openly say fuck the kikes or fuck niggers and make us lose our jobs or friends. They are pretty dumb.

mehwah ago

i don't have a job or friends so thats ok then.....

smokratez ago

Can you do some weekend volunteer work?

mehwah ago

I would... but no one would want me now I read VOAT.... :)

Jakedog166 ago

A lot of people on here seem to just want to be edgy cunts, I agree with you though. This is one of the last places I have heard actual freedom of speech.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

The only thing you will achieve here is be called a niggerfaggot just for a different view.

I had high hopes for this. But its only reddit kids beeing edgy here. Saying niggerfaggot and kike on everything they see.

Voat is just as shit as reddit. Just in different ways. Dont expect a normal conversation here. We already lost. Just accept it and move on. I did. Voat is shit too.

olltre ago

logged and nogged

lovehate123 ago

Downvoat this

Paradude ago

Agree on all counts niggerfaggot

GasChamber ago

This place is a honeypot because the government has secretly taken control, and while we are being allowed to say whatever we want they are collecting every single bit of intel they can. Meanwhile they are keeping us from spreading the real dirt we need to get out and shill posting trying to mold our beliefs and opinions.

We really should find a new home, one we know they can't get to, but I like you guys (read: a few of you) and you guys are still here.

mehwah ago

GasChamber... where do you imagine you can hide online and have talks with people you never met WITHOUT the gov being able to get in???

saltpricesplummet ago

To quote a reddit exodus Era saying, "Racists are the canary in the coal mine of the internet. When they start getting fucked that's the signal that we're all fucked." I'm paraphrasing, but close enough.

mudbear ago

Can you point out some of those 'anti-christian violence' promoters? Not sure why people here would support that...

1moar ago

Some absolutely do. If not outright violence, definite disdain.

Buff_Awesome ago

I'm pretty sure that half the people on here saying that Voat is a honeypot are glow niggers trying to discourage us from using the site and the other half are gullible idiots.

hang_em_high ago

Wouldn't that literally fit the definition of honey pot if glow nigs are tracking this?

Buff_Awesome ago

That AND the entity itself, i.e. Voat, would have to actively help facilitate it.

zxcvzxcv ago

In espionage terminology, honeypot is a term for an investigative practice involving the use of romantic or sexual relationships for interpersonal, political, or monetary gain, and are often seen in media portrayals of female espionage.

aka: obama's mom was a honeypot.

domains ago

this is like saying gaslighting is only telling people they are crazy. the act could be forcing any emotion on the victim, anger perhaps//

a honeypot has "honey" something that is enticing but entrapping. there are so much more things than sex that can be used for this

how many users are leading the way to the water hole?

22010648? ago

Watch your step.

bb22 ago

Honeypot means a trap basically, as in entrapment.

naptime_08 ago

This place is paid for by the CIA, NSA, and FBI. It is not a private business, it is a government database.

The purpose of paying to keep it up is that they can collect everything we say and trace it back to us to use it against us later.

By now, if there is any place on the internet that does not ban you for opposing the new world order, it is a government trap set to catch you saying no-no words so they can ruin your life if they ever need to.


Instead of taking care of the millions crossing the border, they're after people like us who say things they don't like!

naptime_08 ago

you're a fucking retard if you're still talking like that.

the letter agencies are not making a goofy dum-dum mistake by attacking speech that goes against the NWO. They're deliberately shutting you up so they can exterminate your people.

Of course they're not stopping illegal immigration. Illegal immigration is the most important part of their plan to make sure that your wife and daughter get raped by diseased retards from the jungle.

ratsmack ago

Don't worry about all the retards saying everything's a honeypot... they're too stupid to realize how stupid they are.

GasChamber ago

Hello fbi

VoatContainmentGuard ago

We are all being studied by jewish psychologists, terrorist experts, etc.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/AnonTalk comment.

Posted automatically (#84065) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VoatContainmentGuard: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

voatusernamevoat ago

There going to be studying themselves, simply pointing out what jews say and do. jews self incriminate.

TestForScience ago

I'll just leave this here:

smokratez ago

who made up the space lies? more jews

BushChuck ago

Just block the retard subs, browse v/all, and never see that shit.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Just block the retard subs, browse v/all, and never see that shit.

Thought about it but watching the Q Clown Car has some sort of morbid fascination. Most people think it looks like this:

But for those with eyes to see it really looks like this:

TheRealJPeterman ago

I'm here to read the news and talk about jewish subversion. As are the majority of us. It's easy to tell who wears the tiny hats around here.

olltre ago

cool it with the anti-semtism, Michael!

invisiblephrend ago

oooh, i forgot. patrick's dating someone from the ucla.

nroslm ago

I'm here to infiltrate and subvert for shekels from my nebulous Jewish masters.

olltre ago

based and red pilled

nroslm ago

I struck a chord! The boomers are agitated and perhaps a little remiss they were never proper Whoaversers but only Q faggots clinging to an obscure website since they are laughed out of every other corner of the net ;)

This Steel Reserve is for you and your insanity! Here's to you faggots!

Fancy451 ago

Jews have small egged shaped penises. Have you ever seen jewish male porn star?

Thisismyvoatusername ago

I bet you also believe all blacks have huge penises. Don't believe everything you suck on, dude. Your personal experiences are just anecdotes and not statistically meaningful.

Vc83 ago

you mean all of them?

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

They don't call him Jeffrey Eggstein for nothing.

Jimmycrackerson ago

No, I don't look at gay porn.

albeit ago

I wasn't expecting the "Safe Search" to actually work (it did), but I'd rather not turn it off.

pimplepeter ago

no but i remember the one chick accused epstein of having one.

JesusRules ago

fuck you anti-Semite its called a kippah

SubtleDissonance ago

Not sure I'm upvoating you but I am. That shit is hilarious.

lord_nougat ago

Mmm, kippahd herrings!

slowcrash101 ago

The real question, is the jew beanie there to cover bald spots?

TheRealJPeterman ago

Why pay for a whole hat when all you need to cover is a bald spot?

HeebSlayer ago

I always assumed it was meant to represent their missing foreskin.

Goys-R-Us ago

No, it's to show they're humbled before God. Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha, they crack me up.

TheRealJPeterman ago

Your krappah is tiny.

olltre ago

my kippah is bigger than your kippah

SIayfire122 ago


BillyLuath ago

How much do you pay for using this service?

How many of the ad links do you click on?

Oh, nada to both? Then you are teh product.

Soyboy69 ago

Even if we were paying that would be no reason to believe that it isn't a honeypot and we aren't the product.

Broc_Lia ago

How much do you pay for using this service?

Around €50 a year back when donations were open. You?

CowWithBeef ago

Then you are teh product.

Remember when the users discovered that high cost tools were being used so they rewrote the code of voat for free? Sometimes parties can enter into mutually beneficial activity without anyone making money off anyone else.

Our vulnerability isn't that we don't pay; it's that above-the-law entities have the authority to commandeer a site like this. We also have a single point of failure because getting control of Putt means getting control of voat. One Epstein party and voat's compromised.

tastelessinvective ago

So we're getting the FBI to bankroll our shit posting habit. Who's the real winner? I say us.

european ago

Theoretically a service can run without making a profit from advertising or subscription in the hope that it will in the future. I think a lot of sites have worked under that assumption.

Thisismyvoatusername ago

Taking a loss on every transaction but making it up on volume was the entire theory behind the business plans which led to the dot-com bubble.

Ina_Pickle ago

Can you imagine the data they are selling? Wish I could see the faces of their buyers when they receive reams of collated paper covered in

Literal Niggerfaggot...

Kikes did xyz

The Hall of Cost is a lie

Gas the Bikes! Race More Now!

Fat people are fucking disgusting lard whales!

Trust the Plan - Q

@Gabara's Alt army brigaded me . He's such a kike!

@Crensch is a homo reddit shill who bans anyone with a dick longer than his. 8lllllllllllD~~~~ splat!


BeauDacious ago

I remember when we could anonymously donate bitcoin.

BillyLuath ago

I was Hammish (lost password) back then, I remember, word was it was either Scott Adams or James Woods that was responsible for the influx of cash.

I seriously doubt either is the case.

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

I've been here a while but I an unaware of sizable sum that was donated. Who did it and how much $ are we talking about here? Also how do you know about it?

Glipglup ago

Nothing because they are fucking lying

UrCoolerOlderBrother ago

how do you know?

Ina_Pickle ago

You might be able to track down the post. Putt was open about the sums raised. Can't remember the account name, but someone passed him cryptocurrency worth several hundreds of thousands at the time. This was back when Japanese investors were driving the market up. Putt cashed it out.

This was in addition to our regular donations and sweatshirt sales. Someone was keeping track in a sub set up for it. Also forgot that name. Maybe someone else on here remembers or you can search through the subs

oaf ago

The wallets held $61 million in 2017, and those 14,000 bitcoins today this hour would be worth $104 million. :

refer to proof :

oaf ago

61 MILLION DOLLARS, before the bitcoin semi-collapse

$104,527,220 (104 million) in 14,000 BTC this hour!

THIS POST WILL BE DELETED OR DOWNVOTED, like usual, but I answered honestly

Bitcoin wallet address putt used for had coins added to it seen in BTC address trackers, and then the bitcoins went so far up in value that it was staggering value.

In 2017 was down to their last $61 million US dollars provable via a bitcoin history wallet tool :

voat's two BTC wallets :



They're both deposit addresses to the same bitcoin wallet. You can check that for yourself here: If you search that wallet back to around this time or a little before, the lies become apparent. Here's just before this time.. (adjust page era to cover date span relevant).

That shows voat had over 14,000 bitcoin in this wallet just before the famous 2017 voat announcement for more crypto.

Now, that's not as much money as it would be today, at that time bitcoin was worth over $4,400 a piece. So, that’s still over 61 million dollars. They could have funded the next 20 years of voat for $780,000, if they are really paying over 6k a month, and not even put a dent in that.

With 61 million shown in that link, supposedly they could get rid of CloudFlare and use BitMitigate. But maybe the 61 million dollars was to NOT stop using CloudFlare ?

"to to NOT stop using CloudFlare", you wonder?


These two links USED to return fascinating user comments hosted on, but less than 12 months ago , both search engines now return useless misdirection for the following two links :

You wrote :

I've been here a while but I an unaware of sizable sum that was donated

and your account is 4.3 years old, but obviously you have never paid attention to the BTC owned in 2017 worth far more than $61 million now, if not spent or wasted. In fact, over 100 million in BTC for the wallet contents at that brief moment in time.

Today's price for BTC for this hour, and had 14,000 BTC at $7,466.23 per coin for Jan 5 2020, equals ..

14,000 * $7,466.23 = $104,527,220


If it was invested or otherwise not wasted, it could be higher, less money spent.

In my own opinion, knowing more than I want to let on, I estimate has no less than $10 million, and no more than $104 million.

kneo24 ago

Are you answering honestly? Here's another link to look at

As far as I know, this hasn't changed since then. The wallet address you're giving is different than the one in this post. That wallet you showed, which hasn't changed in about two years, also tells us a different story.

Putt has all this money in BTC! But he's not using it! Therefore he ran off with the money to presumably do nothing with!

How does this narrative make sense? Why don't you get on your oldest account and continue this conversation?

domains ago

diehard users know Voat is a Moneypot

Ina_Pickle ago

This. I haven't kept as close of a track. But one donation alone at the time was worth several hundreds of thousands

ShineShooter ago

It was 17btc in ~15, so six figures today.

oaf ago

It was far higher in 2017 , ShineShooter!

It was 14,000btc in ~17, so $104,527,220 (104 million) this hour!

Xantha ago

Back in the day, users bought ads for the site-- until all payment processors (or credit card processors like Visa/Mastercard) stopped allowing Voat to use their services. There was a BTC address available for some time, until Putt mysteriously stopped accepting donations for it. IIRC the biggest cost the site was incurring was because it was using Microsoft Azure services instead of something much cheaper. As far as I'm aware, Putt hasn't taken any donations from users in years--- which is odd, because running a website that doesnt make any money (as most social media doesnt by itself)--- still has running costs that need to be paid.

Then a year or so ago, Putt said there was an angel investor in the site (that still doesn't make any money...) and that costs were covered by this mysterious investor. Which led to a lot of speculation that Voat is being paid for by the government due to the pervasive 'wrongthink' here that they'd like to keep tabs on. Putt has since gone AWOL and doesn't communicate with us anymore... literally no one is in-charge... but the lights stay on...

realmonster ago

mel gibson sips his coffee in the corner with a comical mustache glasses disguise

lettersofmarque ago

Willard: Soldier, do you know who's in command here?

The Roach: Yeah.

Podd ago

Great summary but the other factor is the Canary being dead. It's pretty obvious to anyone with a shred of paranoia.

philmchawk ago

Even if you pay for a service you're still the product. It is just like TV how you pay and still get ads. You think cuckflix and hulu doesn't track exactly what you watch? Exactly what stage of frog boiling you are at? What they need to advertise to you to get you more boiled?

mehwah ago

weird thing is the nazis never knew what book you read at home.... now if you got a kindle or an ipad.....

mudbear ago

Anyone can access this info, so anyone can draw conclusions from what is here. Anyone can make an account, it would be in the jews interest to keep this open to keep their fingers on our pulse and get ahead of the game.

I dont think this is a honeypot in the sense they will try track us down, but you would be foolish to think the jewish internet police arent in here trying to stir shit up or using us as a model for their next patsy.

observation1 ago

No they cant. Only thre site owner, government and ISPs know the ip address and identity.

mehwah ago

they can use tokens and web beacon stuff in the meme photos.... but if your scared of the gov knowing you laugh at racist memes you might as well give up.

cyber weapons lab on the nullbyte youtube channel has plenty of vids on how they track you

observation1 ago

True but that's not "anyone"

domains ago

click one youtube/facebook link. done

nroslm ago

You know they can fingerprint users based on writing style right? If they really want to they could potentially tie a user here to their FB, Reddit or 4chan usage though I doub't it has a high enough effectiveness rate to be done often

Thisismyvoatusername ago

More importantly, they could use writing analysis to tie us to the daily memos we write which are submitted for inclusion in the daily assessment report for the White House.

NotHereForPizza ago


>brought to you by noses that own Voat

lord_nougat ago


TheGrandMaster ago


Almighty1776 ago


SparklingWiggle ago

The glowniggers want us to talk about becoming revolutionaries and how we are going to take out all the Jews, niggers, and treasonous politicians.

So, what are your plans for next weekend?

BeauDacious ago

I think a trip to the dog park, working on leash trainingmy pups, having some beer, and playing some Stellaris.


SparklingWiggle ago

I'm considering taking over the world.

BeauDacious ago

But we try to do that everyday.

generic_voat_name ago

Your mom.

SparklingWiggle ago

Ewww. You don't want to do that.

generic_voat_name ago

Why? Is she a nigger?

SparklingWiggle ago

Let's just leave it at, I'm a lot older than you must think.

GreenSlug ago

Next weekend im having a meeting with Putin and Trump and we are discussing plans to nuke and gas all the jews and niggers. After that we are getting a hotel room and having a golden shower party. Briant Stelter will be forced to listen from the other room, but he may never join.

Ina_Pickle ago

Taking down the Christmas lights. Yes I know its January already.

Inaminit ago

Play Unreal Tournament 99 with the Bros while getting massively stoned.

Shishamo ago

If it isn't raining I'll be outside doing something, but with the probable rain I might play games on the pc. Currently dealing with an awful cold and a never ending runny nose.

domains ago

try a neti pot with purified water and salt, add honey

Tzitzimitl ago

i used to have this problem too, absolutely hated winter. someone told me to drink some hot tea with honey and cinnamen every day or so, i took it before it started getting cold and chased it with a zinc pill. its fucking amazing being able to breathe while im shivering.

i still hate winter, but at least i dont need to carry tissues with me so thats nice.

Ina_Pickle ago

Try a saline nasal spray if you haven't yet. I never had until a quick care clinic doc told me it does more for colds and sinus infections than any cold medicine ever could. Works. Cleared mine up in a couple of days.

Be careful to buy the one with no additives, just salt and water. Was the most expensive, but doc warned against spraying that other crap up your nose.

neverrelaxe ago

how is just salt and water the most expensive. haha. just make it yourself.

Ina_Pickle ago

I dont have the ability to pressuruze it to effectively mist my sinuses.

ChiCom ago

We should pull our own Q back on em.

Cryptic claims of mass executions and other desperately needed domestic work that never materializes.

We should even make a clock and say tick tock all the time. Get our own W-SB2 to numerology calculate a new impending white terror event every couple days.

475677 ago

Those data farms being built by the government aren't to store files on everyone, they record the entire internet like a movie. All they do is select something like this post I'm making now and they can follow every hop it took over the internet to the source and once they know where the data originated from you're fucked. Now there are limits to the length of the recordings they can make due to the sheer volume of data being mirrored to them but point is if you go online and act like you wanna fuck them around they absolutely will look into you and know what you're planning before you finish making the plans yourself.

So with that in mind meet in person with your phones well away from you (preferably grouped together for the metadata tracking they're gonna do to link you all anyway) and make your plans to troll them offline. Once you go online talk with all those same people about all the actions you want to take using old/weak encryption and the glowies will naturally assume that you've taken preventative measures to not be listened to by your phones but underestimated their spying capabilities online and will think they own you without you knowing about it and feeling 100% secure. They'll believe anything you say then and have no choice but to investigate, attempt to infiltrate, etc. so you can really fuck with them for the lolz.

mehwah ago

" you can really fuck with them for the lolz..."

Sounds like saving them the work of setting you up as a terrorist,,,,,,

steven_feelsperg ago

It will turn into a "We Are Legion. We are Ghey. We are Anonymous. Expect us." faggot suckfest. They can't help but parasite off everything. That's all they do.

ChiCom ago

It's all about membership policy.

Lisp: executed

Flamboyant: executed

Plucked eyebrows: executed


KLDB ago

Call it W

BlowjaySimpson ago

Playing some epic games of minecraft.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I played some Minecraft the other night on survival and had a jolly good time.

SIayfire122 ago

Perhaps play some Doom (2016) as well. Here's to hoping for a Doom (2020).

oaf ago


"minecraft" is a meme here in alt-right circles. Such as ....

"We should strangle all the Jews and shove them into ovens... in minecraft"

"Nigger rapists should all be shot in the head... in minecraft".

SIayfire122 ago

I know.

IsaacJan ago

No the woosh was for himself

Drstrangepepper ago

the lefties siezed control of voat and plan on mass doxing everyone on it. and making sure the craziest of lefties get the information along with the instructions "sic em".

No6 ago

My intentions should be clear already.

Straight from Tel Aviv, I am here to spread the one true gospel.

Drstrangepepper ago

trollery is strong with this one. yes, young paduan.

Tzitzimitl ago

my neighbor is a massive faggot and im using his internet to post memes on without a vpn.

Rotteuxx ago

How are you hiding your device ID ?

Drstrangepepper ago

isnt that a form of theft?

Tzitzimitl ago


Drstrangepepper ago

uh huh

No6 ago

He's sending his electromagnetic waves onto my property. Why shouldn't I be able to alter them and send them back?

hello_reddit ago

if you aren't actively trying to ensure that you're close to the top of that list then you're basically a fag. i would be flattered if i was the first person they came for

Drstrangepepper ago

i'm pretty sure I am. I just want to understand why. I didn't do anything to anyone. so they are the aggressors. not nice.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

That's what I'm thinking, too. Old users started acting weird a while ago. I'm not sure they are the same people. I've noticed a lot of strange shit here. They ushered the Qtards in here for a reason.

Rotteuxx ago

Old users realized that Putt wasn't in control anymore, Putt's investor had other plans than being an angel to Voat. Putt's investor knew about the upcoming merger, Putt got involved with companies employing convicted criminals & Israeli malware.

We are the product, the ressource & the testing ground now.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Maybe they will break from all of our trolling? Maybe some of them will end up siding with niggerfaggots?

Rotteuxx ago

I doubt it, I don't think you know exactly who's involved in Voat now.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I was kidding. I don't know what all has happened behind the scenes. You can PM me the details if you like. I think you know who I am. I've watched elder users behavior very closely. Weird shit afoot.

Drstrangepepper ago

because its all a psyop. perpetrated by psychopaths.

kammmmak ago

21 hr account.. Wow

Drstrangepepper ago

ive been around for a know that's a possibility. why would you act like i'm new to all this?

kammmmak ago

Am I supposed to know some inside scoop about you? According to what We here get to know I see you've been for a day. Maybe do a v/introductions

Rotteuxx ago

Well... considering what we know regarding the ownership & financing of Voat, who knows !

70times7 ago

If being able to speak your mind is a honeypot, then we have already fucking lost.


This is what happens when jews and catholics are allowed to not only vote, but hold office.

steven_feelsperg ago

Absolutely JIDF

NotHereForPizza ago


Come, defend your cult. Inform them of your ideologies so we can all laugh at how retarded and lazy you are! It's gonna be a blast.

BillyLuath ago

I like the way you think.