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Broc_Lia ago

I think a world map would be even more effective: Virtually all of the US's operations have been in the middle east.

FacelessOne ago

Sorry you seem to completely forgotten Southeast fucking Asia

Broc_Lia ago


"Virtually" all of the US's operations have been in the middle east. Ie. "Almost" all. And they have been.

  • In SEA the US was officially involved in one country, Vietnam, and unofficially involved in another two, Cambodia and Laos.

  • NEA, one country, Korea.

  • Europe, Former Yugoslavia.

  • Caribbean, one country, Grenada.

  • Latam, a bit murkier, but officially pretty much just Panama if we're talking conventional military operations.

  • Africa: With the exception of Libya and Zaire, that's covered by the OP.

  • Central Asia: Afghanistan. Again, arguably part of the middle east.