CrowUp ago

Jews, stop trying to justify these conflicts. It's for you because you're cowards and hide behind US troops.

thousand-year_ban ago

Idk about the "since 1948" part, but this map must be close to accurate after 9/11. Former NATO general Wesley Clark revealed the plan for the Middle East in a surprisingly candid moment on Democracy Now in 2007. He was told BEFORE the invasion of Iraq in 2003 that the plan was to "take out 7 countries in 5 years."

The plan to balkanize "problem" Arab states in the ME predates the fake "war on terror" by roughly 20 years, if not longer. IIRC, this plan is discussed in three policy documents produced during that time period - The Yinon plan, the Clean Break document, and finally PNAC's "Rebuilding America's Defenses" document.

The media has presented these "wars" to the clueless masses as a series of unconnected misadventures in the ME that we keep finding ourselves in because reasons, and not as the connected, overarching, long-term plan that they actually are. Of course these "problem" states are ones who might remotely threaten the absolute regional hegemony of Israel in any way at all, so they must be destroyed. The crosshairs are once again on Iran, the prime country on "the list", a country who has been two weeks away from "getting nukes" for the past 15 years. I predict skirmishes and false flagging until boomers re-elect Zio Don, then the real push for full-scale war will begin.

goatsandbros ago

Really makes you think

goatmensch ago

The ZOG has (Jew)SA military bases under its control.

boekanier ago

Conclusion: America is the big Israel.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

It hasn't been nothing but a fucjking headache. End all aid and protection to israel, pull out of the middle east and let them all kil leach other.

Grunge ago

And we haven't once thought about using our military to defend our nation from being invaded or to protect us against domestic enemies, which they swore an oath to protect us against domestic enemies. I would even be alright if the military at least defended our constitution, but nothing they have done in a very long time has had anything to do with defending our constitution. Our constitution is almost completely changed and gone, that's why I don't get the military worship.

MrBateman ago

US doesn't deserve shit

SparklingWiggle ago

Oman...looking at you!

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Mathematically impossible?

OoklaTheMok111 ago

It's sickening to think how many people my country has murdered in best interest of the rat juden race. Absolutely disgusting the bribery of federal government allows and accepts from the long nose fucks.

Butterbread ago


Brigbjones ago

So i'm guessing the Korean War and 'Nam never happened? there's more than enough evidence on our side, we don't need to resort to falsehoods and omissions.

SparklingWiggle ago

Check Broc_Lia's post above.

Butterbread ago

I think the point is that Israel is in the center and not invaded.

Revisit ago

All while Israel continued to expand.

963189_137 ago

"One of those things is not like the other..."

How can something with all that nigger blood in it look so White?

I see one last nation that we need to have a 'military intervention' with on that map.

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Since 1948? How about since 1990?

Broc_Lia ago

I think a world map would be even more effective: Virtually all of the US's operations have been in the middle east.

SearchVoatBot ago

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9NaughtZ ago

Did you forget about central america? Africa? we are literally fucking everywhere. It's a stupid plan to just police the world.

Broc_Lia ago

Even in Latam and Africa the US hasn't deployed with anything even approaching the scale and dispersion that they have in the middle east. There's no continent where the US hasn't deployed in even one or two places, but it's rarely many troops and rarely for long.

FacelessOne ago

Sorry you seem to completely forgotten Southeast fucking Asia

Broc_Lia ago


"Virtually" all of the US's operations have been in the middle east. Ie. "Almost" all. And they have been.

  • In SEA the US was officially involved in one country, Vietnam, and unofficially involved in another two, Cambodia and Laos.

  • NEA, one country, Korea.

  • Europe, Former Yugoslavia.

  • Caribbean, one country, Grenada.

  • Latam, a bit murkier, but officially pretty much just Panama if we're talking conventional military operations.

  • Africa: With the exception of Libya and Zaire, that's covered by the OP.

  • Central Asia: Afghanistan. Again, arguably part of the middle east.

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Granada, Panama, Nicaragua, Chile

Chempergrill ago

Well we better add Israel and Oman to that list so they don't feel left out. We should also attack Iran for being muslim :)


wait....why not Israel?

TheKalergiFan ago

Judeo Christian values, of course

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okimaracist ago

thats the ass that they lick (the govt)

Gothamgirl ago

Exactly 😊

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

The U.S. hasn't been to Egypt or Jordan. What bullshit is OP peddling?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

US helped israel in every war from the shadows, including Egypt.

Diogenes_The_Cynic ago

This is some garbage vatnik-tier logic you're using. You can claim anything happened in the shadows and its suddenly unprovable, whats to stop you from claiming that lizardmen helped Israel from the beginning, and it was in the shadows? And even moreso, if it happened under wraps how would YOU of all people know while everyone else didn't? Do you have a proof the rest of us don't have access to? Its not like everyone will take it from the mouth of a vatnik like you when we all know you subhumans are shamelessly dishonest. Your commissars changed your past so many times you don't know what it is anymore.

In 1956, president Eisenhower threatened to crash the UK economy because of the Suez Crises, even though the UK, Israel, and France were in the right. We have that on public record, how can you claim that that was help "from the shadows" when there is substantial proof otherwise?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

This is some garbage vatnik-tier logic you're using.

nah, its facts, you idiot jew

You can claim anything happened in the shadows and its suddenly unprovable, whats to stop you from claiming that lizardmen helped Israel from the beginning, and it was in the shadows?

Its open knowledge: According to George Lenczowski, as early as May 23, President Johnson secretly authorized supplying Israel by air with a variety of arms systems, even when an embargo on weapons shipments was placed on the Middle East.[39]

What is now established is that American and British aircraft carriers were off the shores of the enemy helping his war effort. Also, British aircraft raided, in broad daylight, positions of the Syrian and Egyptian fronts, in addition to operations by a number of American aircraft reconnoitering some of our positions... Indeed, it can be said without exaggeration that the enemy was operating with an air force three times stronger than his normal force.

9NaughtZ ago

Dude i know several guys who went to Egypt. Sit down.

okimaracist ago

truth ? i dont like jews but the US for all its pride and might is a jewish lapdog bitch , you fuckers should learn to stand up for yourselves rather than being a jewish whore . muh guns lol

Gothamgirl ago

Us forces were sent to Jordan during Syrian conflict.

maaaxheadroom ago

MFO mission Sinai Peninsula. I deployed to Egypt in 1999

rabbisucksbabycock ago

thank you for serving the jews

maaaxheadroom ago

I made a long career of it all over the Middle East and Asia. I worked directly with Israelis and Egyptians more than once. Both are far more tolerable than Afghans. At the time I was a evangelical neoconservative so I actually enjoyed myself. I have a month of volunteer experience on archeological digs in Israel-Palestine which was literally the root of my redpill and learning about the international Jewish conspiracies.

Imagine if I had never worked with/for jews I might never had learned about their shifty, backstabby, undermining ways.

SparklingWiggle ago

Tell us more. 1st person is powerful.

maaaxheadroom ago

You know, you’re right. I need to write something up. It’s gonna take a while.

Sitnikoff ago

Please do.

FacelessOne ago

Do you know any real history or just what school told you between sex ed and social studies.

DesertFox33 ago
