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RM-Goetbbels ago

I'm just going to say that the back and forth I've had tonight with subscribers of v/theawakening have been the most pleasurable I've had on Voat. (Maybe I have low standards or you're just good people). I'm voting to keep them. Can we Voat? You owe me this one! ;)


You owe me this one!

We, for the most part ceased and desisted. Look what it got us. Voat was GREAT for about 2 years. You know, after the content started rolling, the invasions repelled, cunt modfucks btfo and then, then the Cunt Tards came. The shitty motherfuckers talking smack, shitting up the place.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, his words...

You owe me this one.

Interesting choice of words...

RM-Goetbbels ago

You had to be there. He knew what they were in for as soon as they ventured out of their little kingdom. He was protecting them the same way he protects SBBH and his little fags at PV.

Putt's been up to some shitty shit since he took over. I'm sure he never thought he would or even intended to but it just happened.


Looks like you need some cool CSS.