steven_feelsperg ago

Let's assume this a US government run website.

Let's also assume said US government has a rule to protect free speech.

Does said US government have an impeccable record of protecting free speech?

No? So why would you think its different here?

beece ago

Go start V/GreaterAwakening or some such and let people voat with their feet.


that's an amazing idea man. I'm too busy. Plus, it needs CSS, and I have no idea how to do that. :(

midnightblue1335 ago

Not using night mode

You deserve a banning. What are you, some kind of fucking savage?!

ZeroFuggzGiven ago

Seriously. I'd ban him completely from voat if I could.

Armpit_and_Ass ago

What makes you think that would have been allowed?

All i did is walk in my best friend's living room and shit on the rug. Now he's saying I can't come over anymore, proving that he believes in censorship.

RM-Goetbbels ago

I'm just going to say that the back and forth I've had tonight with subscribers of v/theawakening have been the most pleasurable I've had on Voat. (Maybe I have low standards or you're just good people). I'm voting to keep them. Can we Voat? You owe me this one! ;)


You owe me this one!

We, for the most part ceased and desisted. Look what it got us. Voat was GREAT for about 2 years. You know, after the content started rolling, the invasions repelled, cunt modfucks btfo and then, then the Cunt Tards came. The shitty motherfuckers talking smack, shitting up the place.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, his words...

You owe me this one.

Interesting choice of words...

RM-Goetbbels ago

You had to be there. He knew what they were in for as soon as they ventured out of their little kingdom. He was protecting them the same way he protects SBBH and his little fags at PV.

Putt's been up to some shitty shit since he took over. I'm sure he never thought he would or even intended to but it just happened.


Looks like you need some cool CSS.

kobold ago

welcome to the club. the complete thing is a cia psyop


DrSelfAppointed ago

Oh yeah, your banning is the one to finally prove it.

Phantom42 ago

It is high time the entire Q crowd is removed from Voat.

Goys-R-Us ago

Those fucks are retarded anyway.

Shotinthedark ago

Me too. No loss

Conejo_loco ago

Do NOT even mention the world “Jew” on GreatAwakening or you will be banned.

NotHereForPizza ago

GA mods are comped retards.

Common knowledge.


Well obviously.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

lol Did you talk bad about her?

BushChuck ago

You're in good company, friend.

That uber-faggot @crensch banned me yesterday.

Helbrecht ago

That nigger banned me a couple weeks ago because I replied to a comment from another user on a different sub, lamenting his continued shit-stirring white-knight crusade to protect his flappy-jew-tit internet mistress.

BushChuck ago

He's definitely a lard ass.

NotHereForPizza ago

I go banned forever ago for "trying to doxx Crensch", but Crensch claims I'm nowhere close...


from the same sub?

BushChuck ago

I reckon so.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Funny... that faggot @MolochHunter banned me for calling you CUNTS for posting 'QTards'.

He's a real piece of shit and a narcissist that stickies his own lame shit on the front page.

MolochHunter ago

we banned you for calling everyone cunts even if they just fart and cough

pity that, i had it diarised to unban you tomorrow, but seems you're still a crankypants

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're worse than @srayzie, you faggot fraud

MolochHunter ago

so im a faggot, but im fraudulent : which means im straight.

got it

MinorLeakage ago

Sounds like you're a cunt.

MolochHunter ago

its part of the job description

MinorLeakage ago

Yeah that's what they do. It's a Reddit-tier shithole.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Oh my god... You called them Qtards?