TheGrandMaster ago

Lol whatever you say jew slut

TheGrandMaster ago

You were and always will be a shabbos goy

Action_Bastard ago

Where do you get this calendar of people's post history?

virge ago

Is it, though?

virge ago

Nothing left to build here because there's very little to save.

virge ago

Wish I knew why Putt banned me from Preview, I never even used it.

Chempergrill ago

Old news. I embrace the new @virge

virge ago

Someone else clearly doesn't.

virge ago

When? I just saw him stop logging in the day after I stopped posting.

Smokratez2 ago

Any proof that what you say happened, and that Virge wasn't always a soupdoxretard?

virge ago

Whoa, buddy. You can't ask for evidence up in this bitch. That's now how subversion works.

Smokratez2 ago

I'm not getting subverted.

virge ago

That's my point.

Smokratez2 ago

Glad you had this talk I bet.

virge ago

We usually see eye to eye.

Smokratez2 ago

Name one thing we agree on.

virge ago

We hate fat people.

whatisbestinlife ago

all off this? all of this is made up bullshit. everyone here commenting or mentioned is soapbox. and they are doing it just to make the front page. this is made up drama. by which group irl though?

virge ago

Just look at the controlled top post, haha. It's no surprise who's spearheading it. Lies have to be promoted by liars.

anticlutch ago


You niggers don't know what hacking means. Either that faggot's password was easily guessable or he clicked on links that were pretty fucking obvious.

The more obvious thing is (((virge))) has been acting like such a kike recently a story needed to be made up to remove suspicion.

virge ago

Wait, what'd I do to offend you?

TheBuddha ago

LOL Y'all are just riding the dramafagging wave, rehashing the same drama over and over again.

21925472? ago


TheBuddha ago

Well, it is true. It's not my fault for making observations.

It's just more bickering about past events that we can't change and repeating arguments to people who are unwilling to change.

21926112? ago

Yeah one can only say something so many times then it just gets old.

I hear you, that’s why I just stopped speaking to him, occasionally I get a bee in my bonnet to poke him but honestly I think Crensch is having as much fun as the Shitposters. Srayzie too!

Lol, they truly are in charge of a shitposting sub, he is proud of his genius in that.

The amount porkie pies told could sink Saudi Arabia though on both sides of the fenceLol...

Anyway, what you make for dinner?

TheBuddha ago

Pizza. I split one with Biff. We just put veggies on it, with lots of cheese.

Then ice cream. Chocolate with blueberry syrup is what I had. I shared with the baby. She liked it.

Now I am enjoying a cigar in my study.

21926301? ago

Sounds chilled and relaxed and pretty homey, nice. :)

TheBuddha ago

That's a fine summation of my life pretty much all the time.

21926345? ago

Sounds nice :)

TheBuddha ago

I think so. If it wasn't, I'd change it. ;-)

On that note, I am headed to spend some time with 'em. In like 4.5 hours, I turn 62. I will probably spend that moment with those that remain awake, or perhaps just get to bed after we watch a movie together.

Have a good night.

21926481? ago

Happy Birthday Fren, will be thinking of you! May you be blessed!

TheBuddha ago

Thanks. I am pretty old.

TheBuddha ago


KosherHiveKicker ago

This entire situation reeks of Kikes running /r/TopMindsOfReddit

If it is a compromised account, then why isn't @PuttItOut, or others locking it down and sorting out a possible hack?

Srayziestittys ago


Heebro ago

Tits to gtfo

Srayziestittys ago

Oh you’ve seen my sacks.

Heebro ago

Like Jewish slinkys

totallynotFBI ago


No thanks

LDIP ago

Best post

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I trolled him so hard he blocked me forever. No joke.

virge ago

He knows, he's just contributing to the Chaos like he always does. More power to him, in my opinion. I like Morbo, he's my best alt.

CarFan ago

Is this a confession OP?

TheBuddha ago

Y'all have lost your touch. Dramafagging isn't really trolling. That's like plebeian-tier trolling.

DeadFox ago

Lol voat drama is so fucking gay

Rotteuxx ago

@thebuddha hasn't even posted to SBBH in 7 days, I think the bots quantum algorithms have a few bad sectors in their subroutines and has been skipping subs.

ExpertShitposter ago

because @thebuddha is gabara,

TheBuddha ago


TheBuddha ago

Holidays and family.

I'm actually kinda here today, but it's sporadic. I don't like to submit stuff unless I'll also be around to respond.

Rotteuxx ago

Happy non descript holiday !

You've missed many lulz, my spleen feels rejuvenated.

So how big is the baby's mountain of gifts ?

TheBuddha ago

Large enough to actually have boxed them back up and shipped them back to VA via UPS, as opposed to take them back on the plane.

We head back down to VA on the 2nd. At that point, I'll be taking the entire month of January off. It's my vacation. Then again, I've pretty much been on vacation since late July.

Having a good holihaze? I'm enjoying a delicious Merlot at the moment.

Rotteuxx ago

Lol ! I fucking knew that kid would get burried in goodies.

Yep, hollerdays are good. Saw lots of family & now that the traveling part is over I'm enjoying some peace & quiet at my buddy's cottage. Shitty connection but just enough to keep up with the lulz :)

TheBuddha ago

I probably should ask if I can share some pics. With the crew here, we had a whole room pretty well crammed with goodies up to about 4' high near the back.

I didn't help one bit with wrapping 'em. I did stuff and fill out a bunch of cards. It goes Thanksgiving, Christmas, my birthday, and then New Years. So, it has been pretty hectic. We were still getting non-family guests as of yesterday. So far, no strange people have shown up today.

Rotteuxx ago

So far, no strange people have shown up today.

Story time !!!!

Gather around frens :)

@Expertshitposter @Trigglypuff @Heygeorge @Nadesh @Crensch

21924041? ago

You know I don't like standing next to Crensch, he is kinda creepy and a lot like a stalker... Why you do dat?

Rotteuxx ago

He's so lonely, so sad... be a little bit more indulgent!

21926771? ago

I am not sure how I can be more indulgent of that fellah, any ideas? I am pretty indulgent of people in general that is... perhaps not a good thing though...

TheBuddha ago

LOL It has been pretty tame. We had a surplus wine emergency last night, but I was able to save the day. The last I knew, we'd given out a total of 211 Christmas cards.

It was pretty hectic for a few days. I was able to make time to post in the FNGT, but I've otherwise been occupied. I did see some boobs. I'm pretty sure I have them on my phone. One of our guests got a bit drunk and someone suggested she show her boobs while she was willing to comply. They're pretty good boobs.

Rotteuxx ago

Pm pics or i call bullshit !

TheBuddha ago

I don't give a shit what you call it. My ego isn't that frail.

And, it's time to go make dinner.

Rotteuxx ago

Ok, for dessert then.

TheBuddha ago

I'm sure someone took pics.

My kids complained that I never bought them that many presents when they were kids. So, I told them both the truth. It's because I like the baby more than I like them!

virge ago

So, I've been thinking..

Rotteuxx ago

Sry, you're not cool enough to comment in this thread.

It's for cool kids only 😜😜😜

virge ago

7a+ clearance only?

Rotteuxx ago

It's rated R.

Rotteuxx ago

I reminded @clamhurt_legbeard of that recently. Then he threatened a ben... and never went through with it.

SDBH will always be 2nd.

maaaxheadroom ago

What I cannot figure out @crensch is why you use alts to make your points?

weak_penis ago

Why is it so hard for me to follow the drama? I'm on here as much as anyone but I can't keep track of who all is banned, or designated builders, or when accounts start acting strange. I know @Crensch is a banhappy faggot, @Tallest_Skil is a liar, @Gabara was a kike, and some of the now deleted goats were OK (e.g. @Nosfewratsjews, but apparantly he was just impersonating @Nosfewratjew) I just can't keep up.

Tallest_Skil ago

When have I lied, alt account? Go on, subhuman. Show it.

weak_penis ago

alt account?

There's one


That's two



Four lies, straight from @Tallest_Skil

Tallest_Skil ago

openly admits to being an alt account by linking to a completely unrelated conversation I had with ONE OF HIS OTHER ALTS

claims that it’s a “lie” to call him an alt


Thanks, you disproved yourself better than I ever could.

weak_penis ago

What is an alt account? That account hasn't been active since before the creation of this one. Its not an alt account, its an old account. In addition, your claim is that I am an alt for @Joe_McCarthy, another lie.

Now I have to make another new account, but I will do it every time if that's what it takes to prove that @Tallest_Skil is a liar. It will not be forgotten.

You are a liar, @Tallest_Skil. Admit it.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey I was exposed as an alt account

now i have to make another account because i was exposed



Nosfewratsjews ago

Negative. I'm impersonating no one. I just eat popcorn and lurk, better shit to do.

weak_penis ago

I thought you died or something. Good to see you're still around.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Nah. I fill in the gaps. Enough users doing what I would be doing that I don't currently have to. Don't worry, I'll do my part when they stop.


So this is where all the big wigs of voat hang out huh?

ExpertShitposter ago

All of this can easily be verified as true or false. I have the data, and its available to all personnel with clearance 7a and above.

virge ago

Shit I only have 6c.

ExpertShitposter ago

Keep working for the cabal, and you will be promoted in probably less than a year.

virge ago

When do I start getting paid? This sweat equity is only going to last so long.

Rotteuxx ago

I've had R clearance since I was 12, Qfags got nuffin on me.

GreenSlug ago

Well this new virge has been pretty swell.... sooooo, fuck the old virge?

virge ago

^ This guy gets it.

Wowbagger ago

I'd like it if you faggots kept your shit in SBBH.

Inaminit ago

Reported as SPAM.

Crinsch ago

Did Virge ever talk bad about Srayzie? If so he is on my shit list and I will call him a literal pedo.

virge ago

@virge was @srayzie, remember?

Crinsch ago

You listen here, you little low IQ puke, you are beneath me and you are a literal pedo. Don't ever say her name again.

virge ago

I thought we were quoting WhiteRonin, I must have missed the punchline.

Crinsch ago

You can't understand me because you aren't smart enough. Q will lead us to the golden ring WWG1WGA!

virge ago

The one ring to rule them all?

Crinsch ago

Hitler's ring. I am a real Nazi, you know? WWG1WGA!

ExpertShitposter ago

Hello Grinch.

Crinsch ago

What did you call me, you uneducated cretin? I'll have you know I am the smartest person on this website... wait... did you mouth off some shit about her because if you did then you are a pedo

ZekeMaGee ago

ok boomer

TwoNiggersandaHonky ago

Why exactly should I care about this faggot drama?

virge ago

You shouldn't. It's just more evidence that nothing on Voat is organic and this is all just a social experiment when one user can boost a post to the front page with 80+ upvotes in 20 minutes.

MrBateman ago

As The Glow Turns

Derpfroot ago

This is some gay ass ops.

virge ago

No kidding. Not even surprised who got upvote farmed to the top comment, either. Just another re-run of the last episode.

SandHog ago

And the six before that. Stop noticing things!

Omar_Mateen ago

@Trigglypuff raped me too!

I was just a qanon fighting the deep state by following crumbs and breads on Voat. Then one night some french guy named @Rotteuxx broke into my house. Following a scuffle, he hit me on the head. When I woke up, I was tied to the bed. Then this hot red head with a strap on walked in. She raped my anus until it bled. Then she leant down and whispered in my ear “Q is a fucking larp faggot.”

That’s when I began to cry tears for our POTUS. If they can rape me in my own house, SBBH are unstoppable.

@heygeorge @expertshitposter

ratsmack ago

Believable. :D

Rotteuxx ago

OP is a minor, that was the best part !

heygeorge ago

Capped. Logged. Archived. @camfex

Morbo ago

Not consistently. Same with handwriting. Eventually they show up again once the automatic parts of your brain take over. The key is to look for them across a wide range of comments/posts where they slip in even if you try hard to obscure them, provided you even recognize that you have those tells in the first place.

virge ago

Good thing you never recognized them in the first place.

But then, @virge is a @Morbo alt.

Morbo ago

Prove it. I'll wait.

twistedmac11 ago

Proof? Or is this one of those "take my word for it" things?

virge ago

The same user responsible for 80 upvotes in 30 minutes is supressing any dialogue about evidence and prompting known lying subversives to the top, haha.

Drstrangegoy ago

i'm inclined to believe @generaldouche is a good guy because she likes cats and looks just like my sister. well......kinda.

KillShill ago

We're not talking about Kat. She kewl

Rotteuxx ago

She definitely scores high on the cool scale.

virge ago

It's only a matter of time before she brings back WhiteRonin.

Rotteuxx ago

That wasn't GG ?

virge ago

If so, it was expertly nuanced phonics modulation. 2/10 on a comparison matrix.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/AnonTalk submission.

Posted automatically (#82041) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VIRGEisHACKED: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

Le_Squish ago

Someone seems to have around 70-80 upvote bots.

Didn't all the porn post have a similar number of upvoats?

virge ago

I'm more curious than anything why that person decided to use Nos for the soapbox.

Hell, it probably is Nos, haha.

NotHereForPizza ago

How cna a literal brainlet like you notice these things?

Normies cna be so confusing...

Le_Squish ago

I'm aren't. Deal with it.

Hyst ago

Remember Goats, FBI posting guidelines suggests making typos in order to seem more legitimate and authentic.

Just saying. Constant vigilance.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @virge.

Posted automatically (#82052) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Hyst: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @virge)

NotHereForPizza ago

How literally any of you retards could think I'm a fed is hilarious.

virge ago

Got access to the manual, do you?

NotHereForPizza ago

What's wrong, @Hyst? Not sure you want to reveal that source to everyone?

Share with the class, would ya?

Hyst ago

Oh calm down, I don't nolife Voat.

There was a public release of information regarding feds and internal suggestions to them for fitting in on the chans and other Internet communities. It was on Voat not that long ago.

I don't actually think you're a fed though, it was mostly just a joke because I knew it would rile you up.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm aware.

virge ago

Inquiring minds, and all that.

notvirge ago

This is the correct answer. Notice how they don't spam downvotes, either. Probably all <100 CCP accounts.

MinorLeakage ago

Whoever is controlling the Virge account is definitely the biggest faggot on Voat, all else aside. My understanding was that both Triggly and Srayzie were colossal faggots as well, but Virge was the undisputed king.

Rotteuxx ago

No mention of Crenshypoo ?

AR47 ago

You ever stop and wonder how goddamn boring your own life must be to create drama people can just turn off with a click?

Really man wtf makes shit like this hit front page?

Humansized ago

its just the powerusers on this site that think because they never log off and mass post shit that they're somehow special and not just reddit tier faggots

Rotteuxx ago

Upvoat bots !

Hyst ago

You're all part of the same circlejerk. Couple years back you decided to create theatrics where Crensch was the good guy fighting against all your lot. He's essentially controlled opposition.

You can fool some of the people some of the time.

Rotteuxx ago

And retards will keep you effortlessly entertained the rest of the time.

heygeorge ago

@Hyst is referring to an old PV/SBBH feud if I’m not mistaken. He seems not to want to talk to me these days. :( I’ve always been earnest enough with him so much as I can recall.

virge ago

That was just @kevdude playing both sides of the same coin, as usual.

heygeorge ago

I don’t know what this is about an I’m not going to look.

Rotteuxx ago

I want @Virge to look for me because I only care that much.

virge ago

I'm still working on @gabara bot 3.2.

MinorLeakage ago

Crensch films the whole thing and jerks off to it later while banning dissenters.

uvulectomy ago

40 minute account with 74 upvotes, claiming a user called out for multiple posts that glow like a goddamn signal flare was "hacked."

Yup, this is completely organic, goys!

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this anonymous v/AnonTalk submission.

Posted automatically (#82039) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@VIRGEisHACKED: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

clamhurt_legbeard ago

This makes sense.

u/virge seemed very different since returning.

m_1 ago

Somehow, after all this shakes out, I know you'll end up being @Srayzie.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

no im not good at pretending to be a girl

virge ago

Thank you for your feedback.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

The funny part is you're not even the target, heh. This is internal.

virge ago

Now I'm curious, mind contributing to my next book with your idea? Intrigue is a prism.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Why would I help YOU get money?

If my idea is so good, I should use it myself.

MrBateman ago

tbh virge talks like a bot

virge ago

Beep boop.

Nosferatjew ago

You’ve got your facts backwards... @srayzie doxxed herself, @Trigglypuff only trolled her for doing so. @srayzie was the one who cried to the admins to get people banned, sent nudes too, gross fatty nudes. @virge was praised as a builder, but immediately acted like a total faggot douche about it, as he has always been a total faggot douche. All that being said, the @virge account does appear to be piloted by a different user/set of users now.

Cool upvoats though, pretty sure this post has been astroturfed to the top of the front page. Considering your one-sided and incorrect representation of what happened between the GA mods and Trig, it makes me wonder who is behind this...

Crensch ago

@srayzie doxxed herself

She did NOT dox herself. She posted an image on twitter that would not have in any way led back to the rest of her life. She didn't post that image directly here, meaning that taking that image and posting it here is doxxing.

@kevdude gave up the personal information that finally led everyone to her.

@Trigglypuff only trolled her for doing so

Attacked her as she was getting attacked by a pedophile. Strangely enough, triggly also defended another pedophile recently in an attempt to create a post-hoc crime to accuse @srayzie of so @srayzie could be the bad guy instead of @trigglypuff.

@srayzie was the one who cried to the admins to get people banned, sent nudes too, gross fatty nudes.

The nudes you saw weren't of her, but I like how the lot of you will just take whatever pedophile zyklon posts as the truth.

Considering your one-sided and incorrect representation of what happened between the GA mods and Trig, it makes me wonder who is behind this...

The only one presenting evidence of what happened during that time is me. Every (((SBBH))) pedo faggot just makes claims over and over again, and the lot of you act like it's gospel truth.

Nosferatjew ago

Unfortunately for you, you have no credibility. That's what you lose when you call anyone you don't like a pedo. You're welcome to continue white knighting for a fat kike egirl all you want though, as it's fairly amusing, and only furthers your reputation as a weak beta orbiter faggot.

Crensch ago

Unfortunately for you, you have no credibility. That's what you lose when you call anyone you don't like a pedo.

Debunk any of this.

Any of it. Go for it. I bet you can't, or won't, for some made-up reason about you being a lazy fuck.

You're welcome to continue white knighting for a fat kike egirl all you want though, as it's fairly amusing, and only furthers your reputation as a weak beta orbiter faggot.

Not once ounce of support for any of their claims. But that's because you're one of them, aren't you?

Phantom42 ago


They are always behind everything.

Doglegwarrior ago

jesus h christ why cant we just live in an all white high trust country and not worry anout the fucking kike tricks always fucking up everything. maybe japan will consider creating a white island off its cost we would literaly build it in the water from scratch... we would then work peacfully next to the japanese... sorry no christians allowed the japs have been viligint in kee0ing any jew created things away from them and christianity is directly related to jews.

weak_penis ago

Some masterrace, eh? But the survivors of the cominng war won't be so weak. We'll be gods.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Gross moo moo cow nudes

Hyst ago

You can make the argument that Srayzie doxxed herself, but Triggly took content off site and linked it here. I understand your perspective, I really do, I just disagree that the behavior on Trigglys behalf was acceptable. People can mistakenly reference things that might lead back to their personal identity, you connecting the dots and revealing that information to the website in my opinion constitutes doxxing. That's essentially what happened with Srayzie. Then a harassment campaign using personal real life information pursued. If that's something you want to defend, by all means defend it-- Putt disagreed, and many others also disagree that it's acceptable behavior.

I mean honestly, my personal take is that Putt just doesn't care about the website anymore because mob rule wants the place to have no standards, respect, rules, etc etc. We need to have some variety of organization involved, or everything just melts away into meaningless chaos. That's just my personal opinion.

Regarding astroturfing, could be-- certainly received far more voats far faster than usual. I'll 100% acknowledge that. However I was one of those early upvoats. Because I've been watching the new Virge and the whole situation has been strange, as you admit. There are likely many people on Voat casually lurking who would upvoat this to see where it leads. There's not a lot going on over the holidays either.

Nosferatjew ago

@srayzie linked to her twitter account from from voat, and to voat from her twitter account. She doxxed herself.

heygeorge ago

It is fitting to note here that she not only linked to her Twitter account, but that the account had face shots of her. I do agree with @hyst that there is far more to what transpired than sharing the twitter. (Meth is a helluva drug.) It is my take that trig’s ban was reversed mainly because putts would have also had to ban srayzie and shizy for the same.

This post was 100% astroturfed. That said, I also upvoted it for fun. I mean, it doesn’t even make any sense.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm glad one of you isn't retarded.

TheGrandMaster ago

So much opinion, so little to say.

NotHereForPizza ago

See, you say that, but we both know it's quite a ways from the truth.

TheGrandMaster ago

Check your ego, my man, thats all I'm saying.

NotHereForPizza ago

I'm sort of confused by this...

Firstly, I thought you had thicker skin than this. Secondly, if this isn't just you feeling small because I used a certain word, I'm not even sure what's prompting this out of you.

TheGrandMaster ago

Im not offended at all man. Dont know what word you're referring to either.

Its mostly that I keep stumbling on comments where you tend to gatekeep information without exposing any of the truth. It would help if you spread more information instead of being vague and almost egotistical. Got a lot of respect for you, just dont want you to make the same mistakes I made.

Dont worry about it too much it's new years anyway. Have a happy new year.

NotHereForPizza ago

You act like I wasn't one of the first people to say very explicitly what was in the first comment in this chain. With that being said, triggerlypuff and all of her friends aren't "right" because srayzie is a moran.

Look at the info I use, not the methods.

I'll leave you with this:

I'll give exactly nothing to anyone at all unless they ask for it or make some attempt to get it out of me. I had to ask the right questions all the way up. I was never told what questions to ask. Since I was taught this method, casting pearls before swine is not at all on my list of things to do in places like this.

Even then, I don't always know as much as I let on...

TheGrandMaster ago

You assume I dont know most of what you know... thats a tad egotistical, brother

I know youve been talking about this stuff for a while so I dont doubt what you say. But why even bother commenting if not for spreading truth? I dont get any credit for the big things I exposed years ago, but thats not the point. Its not about getting credit or acting holier than thou. Its about getting the truth out and in the mainstream. Demeaning others who may not know as much as you is not how you effectively spread information. A mistake I already made. But perhaps this knowledge must be learned through experience rather than taught. Godspeed, brother, until next time.

NotHereForPizza ago

The syntax isn't what's important, but the words.

Calling everyone retards usually gets them to respond.

Pretending you're concealing information someone else might went gets people to respond.

Acting like a huge asshole... gets people to respond.

Just dumping info on people is useless. You have to hook them. Bait and switch is practically my gambit.

TheGrandMaster ago

Perhaps Ive misinterpreted a couple things. That's up to you to determine.

In my experience, however, angry people will not have an open mind.

NotHereForPizza ago

People that are quick to anger aren't in control of their emotions. How would they ever possibly be capable of being receptive to anything valuable like what I could show them?

Therein lies the secret - those people aren't my aim.

Why do you think I've given you so much time? You aren't just some retard. You know that.

The targets are the ones that convey curiosity and an ability to control themselves. Those are the people that get rewarded.

TheGrandMaster ago

I feel that those who pass this screening will already have the knowledge you hope to teach them. Is this not your experience?

NotHereForPizza ago

Of course it isn't.

Why do you think I still come here?

Bear in mind, I've shown you a simple sliver of what I perceive to be the truth...

TheGrandMaster ago

If that's the case, maybe it's time we have another conversation. You know how to find me.

NotHereForPizza ago

Ask and ye shall receive.

GrizzlyDark ago

Pics or you're lying

virge ago

@Nosferatjew is extremely good at subtle lies. Masterful, actually. It's my best alt yet.

Nosferatjew ago

You're an idiot.

virge ago

We are what we are.

dassaer ago

God-damn-it grandma ... not again !!.

KillShill ago

Nosferatjew ago

Seems like a strong possibility.

Nosferatjew ago

lol just like almost everything @virge posted, the last thing he posted was a fucking LARP.

virge ago

LARP confirmed.

Nosferatjew ago

Shut up Wesley.

SoapBoxShillSpammer ago

@kevdude alt. Brings to question what really happened betwen @kevdude and @virge that made @kevdude delete his account.

Nosferatjew ago

@kevdude knows that @srayzie selfdoxxed though. Why would he post something that pushes the standard GA narrative about what transpired back then?

NotHereForPizza ago

Kev works for Alphabet.

TestForScience ago

How funny is it that I came here to talk about the Elites that fuck with people's lives for their own amusement, doing whatever they want and need to keep control -

all the while this place is the exact same, with some 'Elites' that can apparently whine their way out of bans to come back and fuck with people, dox them, and basically do whatever they want.

Should the day of the noose ever come, I hope you're one of the first to drop, fuck all of you.

ChiCom ago

Just keep an eye out for when the buffoons doxx each other. You are probably gong to have to DIY on DOTR..

we_kill_creativity ago

Just ignore the little girl drama. Gamma males...all of them. Especially if they are agents of some sort. You can get good enough at ignoring it so that it almost becomes invisible to you.

IsaacJan ago

That would explain this nonsense:

Downvotes for suggesting exterminating jews is the only real choice. The kikes are riled up today.

SoapBoxShillSpammer ago

Looks to me more like you and kingdomhearts123 are FBI subversives doing what FBI subversives do.

Qispoop5 ago


Drstrangegoy ago


weak_penis ago

Glownigger detected

IsaacJan ago

Hey faggot, where did you go? I said show how I’m some kind of FBI kike. Do it. What the fuck are you waiting for?

IsaacJan ago

Demonstrate how.

TimMasson1 ago

There's nothing but drama with these people , it's ridiculous. Why doesn't everyone just stay away from them?

m_1 ago

Sorry Dad. I'll go clean my room.

lord_nougat ago

Better wash your penis while you're at it!

m_1 ago

Halp! Halp! @Crensch @theoldones The bad man wants my penis!

theoldones ago

suffer in silence.

lord_nougat ago

He doth protest too much!

m_1 ago


virge ago


TheRealJPeterman ago

Bunch of fat ugly salty cunts.

virge ago

25 upvotes in 13 minutes. I've been watching this shit for a long time and that's the highest ratio I've ever seen.

If we needed any further evidence that the management of Voat has gone Galt and a single user can manipulate the front page, there it is.

POTUShasnoballs ago

I contributed a few times

Hyst ago

In their defense, your behavior has changed pretty drastically since you came back. It wouldn't surprise me.

virge ago

Because behavior never changes.

Hyst ago

Sure, behavior changes. Not drastically though.

virge ago

Define: absolute.

Morbo ago

I've been baiting Virge with comments and ideas that had provoked certain responses from him before he disappeared. He has not reacted in any similar way. This was my indicator that Virge is not virge of old. I believe something has changed but I doubt the SBBH shit is the cause.

Rotteuxx ago

It's admitted to being a shared account in the past, not sure if that comment is still up. It was right before it's hiatus.

virge ago

It's always been a shared account.

That's the joke. @virge is a joke. Literally.

Rotteuxx ago

Can you imagine how many laughs Putt must get from tracking device IDs & accounts ?

virge ago

I imagine he's a fair number of them.

I wonder how much HDD space you'd need to OracleBox individual copies with different user-agent and associated browser telemetry.

Rotteuxx ago

No clue but if you need custom racking for that shit, let me know.

virge ago

What would an 80U in 7075 run me? Any bulk discounts? I'm thinking 10+.

Rotteuxx ago

Nah man, c-u-s-t-o-m.

Screw that lazer cut & bent sheet metal crap. I'm talking brushed stainless steel tubing with cnc machined rail slots, ballistic grade polycarbonate walls with 779 F9 air filtration.

virge ago

Mineral oil immersion doesn't require airflow, just non-corrosive materials.

Rotteuxx ago

Why not epoxy dip that shit like in a welding machine ? Fucking tough as nails.

MinorLeakage ago

It's literally what the account bio still says, for whatever that's worth. Don't look at mine though. It's personal.

Hyst ago

Nothing surprises me anymore. I've always had extremely weird vibes from the SBBH crew. They frame themselves as useless shitposters but their users end up being involved in practically every Voat drama, ever, from subverse takeovers to doxxing.

I mean the website is constantly under outside attack, makes sense that they would try to attack from the inside. Inevitable I'd say.

virge ago

Maintaining one account on a CIA honeypot when you should treat them as disposable as tissue paper is a personal choice to make.

Hyst ago

And yet the Soapdox flunkies do just that, and attempt to leverage their account age to creative and shape narratives.

virge ago

You can't possibly be trying to convince me they're the only player on this particular board.

Hyst ago

I am not. However they are one of them.

virge_Indicator ago


ifuckdolphinseverway ago

Do you conclude it impossible the user learned from previous interactions with you and no longer engages the same way? Cognitive bias bites both ways.

MinorLeakage ago

Read Virge's bio for starters. He openly claims to be an account controlled by multiple people ever since he reappeared.

I don't claim to know the angle, but there's something very odd about that account. His last post before going bye-bye 6 months ago was that bullshit LARP about his "copy of the internet".

ifuckdolphinseverway ago

What's wrong with that?

MinorLeakage ago

It's just the answer to your question.

Do you conclude it impossible the user learned from previous interactions with you and no longer engages the same way?

The comment chain started with someone pointing out his behavior changes, and another confirming they noticed as well. The account in question openly admits to not being the same person as before, and now claims to in fact be multiple people. It isn't really cognitive bias to suggest it's not the same guy, it's established fact.

I also just noticed that you are a ripoff/troll account pretending to be /u/ifuckdolphinseverday. Is that related to your impassioned defense of a fellow impostor?

Morbo ago

Everyone has "tells" in their writing style. The tells are all different now. No one is capable of completely masking their tells, especially since they may not even recognize they have them.

ifuckdolphinseverway ago

I am @virge, also.

virge ago

It's true. And I'm @Morbo. Also @Heygeorge

ifuckdolphinseverway ago

I believe this

Morbo ago

And I'm a talking desk lamp.

heygeorge ago


virge ago

I think its sex code.

notvirge ago

Share them with the rest of us?

virge ago

They don't exist, haha.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

What happened to that copy of the internet you were gonna upload?

virge ago

Damn, just tripped over the cable and it started again!

heygeorge ago

Wow such upvotes so organic

@trigglypuff show us on the doll where you maek buttpain

Gopherurself ago

How was your shitty Christa's bitch? Tell me I was right. My grill fucked u right up the butt didn't it.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Im just happy to have people to be around.

ifuckdolphinseverway ago

Im always here for you.

m_1 ago
