They'd never see it coming because I'd eliminate all welfare before giving them reparations, so they'd vote for their own demise while the rest of us enjoyed watching the fireworks.
In addition, I would impose a 75% income tax on the entire Ashkenazi bloodline (see: almost 100% effective tax rate, more of an ultimatum than a choice) and use it to fund research proving the holohoax is a lie. After 15 years this tax would sunset, but only if the Jews agreed to fund adding Hitler to Mt. Rushmore (they won't, so it would not sunset, and we'd put Hitler up there anyway).
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KosherHiveLicker ago
Brilliant strategy. Niggers would probably agree to giving up welfare for reparations. What's given can be taken away. Nothing better than watching them shoot themselves in the foot.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
The Jews will be given a simple choice - agree to the 50% income tax, leave, or be hunted like the niggers once they begin their rampage post-welfare scarcity.
IsaacJan ago
You lost me at choice
FreeDial_Indicator ago
It's not too late to be found. Think about it more.
IsaacJan ago
kingdomhearts123 ago
That's a zionist Jew you're talking to.
Zionism, transportation and "let someone else do it". It's all right there.
virge ago
Found the subversive Jew.
kingdomhearts123 ago
Better tax me and then transport me genius
FreeDial_Indicator ago
Choice A) Almost 100% tax.
Choice B) Leave the country.
Choice C) Be killed with the Blacks.
Think about it more.
kingdomhearts123 ago
A shitskin attacks a house full of them and pulls a ZERO body count less than 48 hours ago and you want them to be responsible for the whole population.
How's the weather in tel aviv???
IsaacJan ago
Yeah, and I said you lost me at choice. As in, only one choice is correct.
You’re trying to act intelligent but fail to understand English, sorry man, that’s rough.
Lagmonster ago
Choice A & B are non-options. They have been expelled over 1000 times throughout history. Complete eradication is necessary to rid the world of their evil.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
I'm open to adjusting the platform however necessary to accomplish the end-goal.