They'd never see it coming because I'd eliminate all welfare before giving them reparations, so they'd vote for their own demise while the rest of us enjoyed watching the fireworks.
In addition, I would impose a 75% income tax on the entire Ashkenazi bloodline (see: almost 100% effective tax rate, more of an ultimatum than a choice) and use it to fund research proving the holohoax is a lie. After 15 years this tax would sunset, but only if the Jews agreed to fund adding Hitler to Mt. Rushmore (they won't, so it would not sunset, and we'd put Hitler up there anyway).
ScientiaPotentia ago
No, pay them reparations if they return them to Africa. We can't force them to leave, so it would be cheaper to just pay them to leave. Each Black costs the US tax system over $800,000 in their lifetime more that they take than they pay into it. If you gave them a one time payment of some fraction of that number, I think most would leave. You would have to end welfare first too.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
Interesting. Would you like to contribute to my campaign?
ScientiaPotentia ago
Certainly! Just send me 1000 Bitcoin and I will give you 2000 Bitcoin in return just like McAfee!
FreeDial_Indicator ago
Nice. Wallet ID?
GlowWorm ago
They can have $1 million for every year they were a slave.
spaceman84 ago
They got 40 acres and a mule. Fuck those lazy shitskins.
Empire_of_the_mind ago
Speak in a language they understand: jail. If you have fines you can serve time in jail and the fines will be credited an amount per day. Many people who get DUI's, for example, prefer 30 days in county to trying to pay off a $10k fine. Blacks can be offered the same deal, except deportation to Africa is their option.
FederalShill ago
Alternative hypothesis had a good video on this, he made a rough calculation of what niggers owe whites at the end
TheKalergiFan ago
Send em back to Africa wtf man!
BlowjaySimpson ago
If you are Robert Sterkason, you have my vote
Adam_Jensen_ ago
Spics are a larger problem. They are the most rapidly growing.
Throw them out as well, if not first.
Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago
I would have the descendants of the Jews who shipped them over be fined 6 million sheckles.
anticlutch ago
WhiteChickens ago
If you elect me, I will personally get a running start and kick everyone of them square in the nuts.
ALIENS2222 ago
Ban all welfare within US borders. Only allow welfare if you go to another country and permanently give up citizenship. They will ALL follow the gibs. Open it to all prisoners and all citizens.
eongoat ago
they pay bills?
AgentSakura ago
I'd say go back or be enslaved, end of story.
kingdomhearts123 ago
Please don't throw me in that briar patch, br'er Fox!! Anything but that nasty ole briar patch!
G0P2 ago
No, that's not enough. You need to charge them for their ancestors welfare as well.
Shadowlight ago
Use money seized from Soros, Rothschilds and the Fed Reserve to build infrastructure in Africa for all non European heritage "oppressed" folk.
The building of this Nation is "reparations" and then pay for them all to fly there.
They get their reparations, their own nation free from "Whitey oppression", and we close that chapter in history.
kingdomhearts123 ago
Hey why not have people with down syndrome take care of the Jews for us?
They'll work for spaghettios probably
YamaMaya ago
Its fun to dream
Hockey_Sweater ago
The vast majority of slaves went to the Middle East where they were castrated so they couldn't have any offspring.
Also, America was attacked on 9/11 because of its billion dollar support of Israel.
Blacks owe white people a massive apology and our reparations should come from Israel.
kingdomhearts123 ago
Who do you think attacked us on 9/11?
Charilko ago
Then what would we do with all the inner city ghettos that no longer had an income stream? There’d be riots. I mean, we’re essentially paying those people right now not to kill their white neighbors.
con77 ago
RM-Goetbbels ago
This is the same argument they've been using for the, at least, past 30 years. You have to ask yourself how much of it is really true?
and if they do riot and start killing their white neighbors how do you think that's going to go? I'll tell you, every shitskin walking around would have a target on it's back.
I welcome the end of welfare and everything that accompanies it.
Charilko ago
Defending welfare would come with some pretty nasty consequences. Just as long as everyone gets that...
virge ago
That appears to be the point. Accelerate.
Hyst ago
Don't forget the bill for all the stolen bikes.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
Not really. Once welfare stops, the niggers mostly go on an immediate rampage and we can just deputize all the armed Whites to eliminate them. Any Jew that disagrees with the 50% tax and Hitler on Mt. Rushmore can either leave the country peacefully or be hunted and killed with the rampaging feral niggers. Win/win.
kingdomhearts123 ago
Soooo Zionism, transportation and "let someone else do it" with a 15 year delay...
Yea you're a giant kike
FreeDial_Indicator ago
It's the equivalent of a 100% tax. I hope you reconsider.
kingdomhearts123 ago
You're going to burn jew
FreeDial_Indicator ago
Your projection is showing. What's the weather like in Langley?
kingdomhearts123 ago
I'll transport myself there and check
VoatContainmentGuard ago
I predict taht Reparashuns = civil war overnight. All the crazies come out to play.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
It would be an instant transaction. Once they wake up and realize they no longer have welfare, and are also footing the bill for all the welfare they have received, we might as well make them legally kill on sight and let the sport begin.
virge ago
Not if the niggers start shooting the Jews for us. Jew York is mostly Jews and Niggers.
kingdomhearts123 ago
Kinda like less than 48 hours ago when a nigger with a machete got a zero in a houseful of them?
How long do you think it would take the fellas to clean out the lower 48?
rubberdinghyhippy ago
Psy ops obviously but I will indulge for just a moment, get the rubber dinghys in the right direction you dumb orthodoxxxx unwashed starbucks, ugly worn bamboo jumper hippies, isn't there a George Washington printed on some antiquitated note in Liberia, #gojoingenralbuttnaked in Liberia. You want to live wakanda, then do.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
You get the Wakanda you deserve.
BoraxTheFungarian ago
Are you Q? You make perfect sense.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
No. I am campaigning for President of the United States.
AnotherGalaxy ago
Fantastic in theory, but in practice it's a complete failure.
May I suggest compulsory prayers to Jesus Christ for everybody's sins?
That will piss off degenerates and make them give up their masks.
Once we know everybody's worth we might think about some realistic plans on how to make everybody contribute to the system according to how how much they benefit from it.
KosherHiveLicker ago
Brilliant strategy. Niggers would probably agree to giving up welfare for reparations. What's given can be taken away. Nothing better than watching them shoot themselves in the foot.
KLDB ago
Give them another option when you give them the bill... Attach a one way ticket to Israel. Israel was built on the ruins of Wakanda.
KosherHiveLicker ago
I'm game for any effective permanent solution.
kingdomhearts123 ago
You're a zionist
KLDB ago
No, Just a witch.
They move masses of people to disrupt our nations with promises of gibs using fliers and pamphlets. Here we move angry mobs of gibers by making fake coupons for starbucks and popeyes...
FreeDial_Indicator ago
The Jews will be given a simple choice - agree to the 50% income tax, leave, or be hunted like the niggers once they begin their rampage post-welfare scarcity.
IsaacJan ago
You lost me at choice
FreeDial_Indicator ago
It's not too late to be found. Think about it more.
IsaacJan ago
kingdomhearts123 ago
That's a zionist Jew you're talking to.
Zionism, transportation and "let someone else do it". It's all right there.
virge ago
Found the subversive Jew.
kingdomhearts123 ago
Better tax me and then transport me genius
FreeDial_Indicator ago
Choice A) Almost 100% tax.
Choice B) Leave the country.
Choice C) Be killed with the Blacks.
Think about it more.
kingdomhearts123 ago
A shitskin attacks a house full of them and pulls a ZERO body count less than 48 hours ago and you want them to be responsible for the whole population.
How's the weather in tel aviv???
IsaacJan ago
Yeah, and I said you lost me at choice. As in, only one choice is correct.
You’re trying to act intelligent but fail to understand English, sorry man, that’s rough.
Lagmonster ago
Choice A & B are non-options. They have been expelled over 1000 times throughout history. Complete eradication is necessary to rid the world of their evil.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
I'm open to adjusting the platform however necessary to accomplish the end-goal.
virge ago
Seems like an ultimatum to me. Choice was just the political formality. With a 50% income taxes, the Jews would be close to 100% taxed.
Math is hard.
RevDrStrangelove ago
Like they'd pay any bill.
FreeDial_Indicator ago
Mostly the point. I'm a man of the people. Sometimes choices are just polite ultimatums.
MeLug ago
Lug not think that point.
TopTierCIAShill ago
Lug no think point*
Smart caveman
MeLug ago
Lug survive for reason.
virge ago
I think you're both right. Lug has an above-average caveman vocabulary.