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Yixdee ago

Watch Schindler's list. It portrays all the Germans as sociopaths. It is laughably propagandistic.

Drunkenst ago


DeadBeatNigger ago

But once you realize it's a lie, it's now a movie about a fifth column group of people undermining a white, western country, in order to destroy it from within, and it goes from being a tear jerker, to being a suspense film, where the good guys lose.

ancientman ago

Schindler's List by child rapist Spielberg who killed 12 year-old Heather O' Rourke.

Titanbikes4ever ago

That movie was one of the first redpills for me! They have a scene where the women prick their fingers and use the blood to look healthy enough to pass an inspection but the women were allowed lipstick and makeup in the camps.

rabbisucksbabycock ago

Schindler's list was based on a fiction book.

Broc_Lia ago


Schindler's Ark is a Booker Prize-winning historical fiction novel published in 1982

It is a non-fiction novel which describes actual people and places, with fictional events, dialogue and scenes added by the author, and reconstructed dialogue where exact details are unknown.

Even a fictional novel about the holohoax isn't allowed to be called fictional.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Before I was even redpilled my little zoomer bro made jokes like "Wait, Schindler's List wasn't a comedy?"

operation_wetvac ago

There's a part where the Nazis are storming through some building and you can hear someone furiously playing a piano. I remember thinking to myself, I bet that's some Nazi who happened to find a piano and just decided to have a white moment and play some Bach. Then it actually shows a Nazi playing the piano and I laughed till I cried.

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obvious-throwaway- ago

Was forced to watch it in (((Public))) school. I think the teacher was secretly based because I left that class loving the National Socialists and hating the filthy fucking Kikes.

Acerphoon ago

My teachers weren't based.

I always tried to plant some seeds though. We were talking about Weimar germany and the november revolution, led by communists such as Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Radek, etc.

Since she didn't mention it, I said: "Hitler just came back from world war 1 around that time and saw this revolution right? And, if I remember correctly, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Radek, etc. were all jewish, right?" - She had no choice but to agree with my statement.

If I didn't say this probably no one would have known. They would probably all leave school thinking: "Hitler hated jews for no reason!"

Libtardscum ago

I've been browsing voat and the chans for years and I have never heard of the Sklarek scandal

Broc_Lia ago

If I didn't say this probably no one would have known. They would probably all leave school thinking: "Hitler hated jews for no reason!"

In our history class we didn't even cover WW1 or the Wiemar republic because "there wasn't enough time." Hitler just popped out of nowhere salty because he was a bad artist and decided to persecute the jews for no reason at all.

We then spent around four months studying WW2 and the holohoax.

Again, NO ONE in class knew what the Sklarek scandal even was.

I only read about it recently. Also the Barmat scandal.

Beowulf-69MWD ago

It was always amazing to me that every year that I took history, we never learned much about the previous 100 years' events and causes. WE are now in the Information Age as long as we decipher truth from fiction and are able to hang on to the 1st Amendment backed with the 2nd. At 70, first that I've heard of the Sklarek scandal, still have a lot to learn.

Broc_Lia ago

I read a great book about the early stages of WW2 by Len Deighton. It had a section detailing the motivations for the war with all kinds of facts and figures you'd never heard mentioned today. Two of them stuck with me:

  • Following WW1, famine was so bad in Berlin that in the year after peace was declared, 1/10th of the births were stillborn due to malnutrition.

  • When the Wiemar republic briefly suspended war reparation payments due to the great depression, the French army invaded the Rhineland (where the German army was prohibited from occupying) and stole the entire contents of several factories. Tools, materials, inventory etc.

waringi ago

If your teacher was even letting you talk about Weimar then they were pretty based.

Talmuhdick ago

The problem with History graduates is they end up getting boxed in to their own tiny idealized fantasies of the fetishised time period so rarely have an accurate feeling for the movement of time that would more fall into forbidden philosophical debates. He could be based but It's a bit of a toss up to say how ignorant he could be.

Evola had a good point in his 'History - Historocism' chapter in 'Men Among the Ruins'.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Or ignorant

jthun2 ago

Great post, I haven't heard of that scandal. Have to look it up.

nouseforaname ago

Same, watched it in 5th GRADE. Had to get written parents permission. Movie is shot like a documentary. I thought it was a reenactment of real events at the time

Astroqualia ago

So did everyone else in here, including those who claimed their 10 year old selves were woke about the world, lmao. Braggarts and liars everywhere in here, at least you're honest.

pimplepeter ago

we were also forced to watch "Life is Beautiful" in literature class. So much fucking propaganda not even funny.

Crawdaddy ago

Thankfully, we studied only English and American classics in high school.

19810708321b ago

Try "The Pianist." I'm sure Nazi's ran into buildings and threw wheelchair-bound elderly men out of windows to their deaths.


pimplepeter ago

That is what (((they))) would do.

obvious-throwaway- ago

No, but since Jewish crimes are projected on goyim, I guarantee Kikes did exactly this. Probably after they raped and murdered their children in front of them.

SubtleDissonance ago

How the fuck old are you?

H3r0n ago

My teacher tried to leave the opposite impression on us. I was constantly kicked out of his class.

ibepokey ago

yeah, even back then, shills Schindler's list was a little too far-fetched for me, in retrospect.

PygmyGoat ago

And just think now, it’s Steven Spielberg’s film. How many kids did that pedo have access to while he was filming that? Meanwhile generating sympathy for the lie.

H3r0n ago

I admit it’s a hard wank, at first

MarauderShields ago

Man, I have no idea what I'd do without this place.

Drunkenst ago

it’s a kind of library

Chimaeric ago

wait schindler's list has holocaust references in it?

i kid.

but life is beautiful is just as bad. the "kind appearing" nazi who trades riddles with the protagonist before concentration and then ends up just being a total sociopath who only wants him to help solve a riddle, etc..

it's all pretty disgusting really after realizing the holocaust is complete and total bullshit.

waringi ago

There is a video I watched recently that should be seen in all schools. The after affects of the war. Real video of german pow's being beaten to death by mobs as allied soldiers watched. German women left raped in the streets. Children scavenging through the rubble for their next meal.

Astroqualia ago

That's completely useless if you want us to share it when you dont tell us what it is you saw. Do you have a link?

satisfyinghump ago

Read General Pattons personal diary. As old a copy as you can find, since they have been censoring his entries.

He speaks about what you posted of, but mentions the people doing the beating were jews.

And the Russians doing the raping, many were jews.

waringi ago

Thats exactly what this documentary showed. The Russians raped and beat the women, while the jews were beating the men. It also had the French stripping and hanging female "collaborators". I am looking for it. I cant remember the name.

Astroqualia ago

Any link?