lumbrjack ago

It's comical how this Jew theme is worked into every movie, for example there's this classic boy and his dog movie called Belle & Sebastian with a subplot of the French Resistance and learning to admire Jewish victimization

slowcrash101 ago

Man getting jew pilled should make you detest movies and most if not all modern media

DigDogDude ago

Howard the Duck was made by Jews and promoted Beastiality.

EEMac ago

My husband tried to watch Inglourious Basterds (IB). I glanced over from time to time while reading a book. One scene caught my attention:

The IB captured two German soldiers and wanted information that would kill more Germans. The narrator said one of the soldiers (Sgt. Rachtman) saw this as a test of his character. Importantly, the movie didn't really say anything bad about Rachtman.

Rachtman refused to betray his fellow soldiers and his country. The IBs killed him with a baseball bat. It was played for laughs.

I made the comment, "They just killed a brave man. They're supposed to be the good guys?" My husband agreed with my point.

TimMasson1 ago

Look at IMDB's top 100 movies ever made. Half of them are Holocaust movies or movies about Jews...... not literally half but an overwhelming amount.

Drstrangegoy ago

Fascinating, isn't it?

MockingDead ago

All movies in the 90s have hot jewish women. Thus you start to lust after jewish women. It's sick.

calfahul ago

Devon Stack puts out videos on youtube (and some bitchute exclusives for what's too hot for youtube, such as this about writers of secular Christmas songs) about media propaganda of all sorts (anti-white, encouraging degeneracy or just plain idleness and distraction, etc). His work is fantastic, one of my favorite youtubers.

Youtube channel link

Invidious link (maybe less spying?)

Bitchute channel

A few of my faves:

Analysis of Forrest Gump

Analysis of Easy Rider

A warning to build your family and community despite difficulties, avoid the easy MGTOW siren's call

Blood-is-Nature ago

Friendly reminder that the jewish run entertainment industry was a means to an end, which was subversion, and is now distraction. Don't let those fuckers get you twice.

metricisokay ago

I watched some stupid movie where this chick crossed the construction of the berlin wall to get a teddy bear for her kid or something like that. And when she tried to cross back German soldiers stopped her.

I'm dead serious.

Hyst ago

More like depressing.

voatgoat2 ago

So True

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

I can"t watch anything anymore.

AgentSakura ago

I can't it's just torture to me now.

Disgusted by the first episode of Black Mirror because there was a muzzie fucking white whore no because of the pig fucking

And people are supposed to be entertained by this drivel smh

lejill ago

Mess with the jew, the shoe is sure to follow.

auchtung ago

Just wait for all the follow up pills that follow the jewpill.

ALIENS2222 ago

Wait until you are blackpilled then honkpilled then redpilled again.

Whiteflourguy ago

Jewpilled? I like that better than red pilled or even awake. I mite have to adopt that word from ya Goat. Hi 5 on that 1 for sure. Of course I will have to know my audience before I ever say such a word lol, you should of saw the look on my co workers faces when I said that the Jews being tossed in the oven never happened. But fuck them.

PRND3L ago

Re watching jew movie is cruel and u usual.

TheKnightOfGod ago

It's fucking difficult to watch the Witcher now, I can't all the "diversity". There are non-swimmers every scene. It's fucking gross.

Drunkenst ago

take your head out of your ass

Titanbikes4ever ago

All new movies and shows are ruined for me. Every single movie and show have these blatant moments of behavioural programming that just stops the story a D takes me out of it. Like the Sherlock spin-off called Elementary. He chastises this guy who kept ww2 Nazi memorabilia all throughout one episode and it ruined it for me. I mean, if Sherlock was, indeed, this genius then he would at least want the stuff for historical value and I honestly think he would be blackpilled about the joos

Fresh-Oxygen ago

Young sherlock holmes by spielberg is showing in your face their satanist cult ceremony. And of course Sherlock is a genius chosen one who go with the gentile.

Spielberg is really in the red.

Just think about Back to the future 2 and the actors were saying that the hostel room theater where they made the movie was smelling like booze and sex and the children were rawe, who was as a kid in this movie? Elijah Wood!

The video discussing about BTF2 is somehere on /v/pizzagate.

In the third movie, the kids in the train were doing sexual gestures.

It is really difficult to watch a movie even the actions movies are full of propaganda or even pushing subtlety homosexuality like two muscle males actors nudes in the shower and later the actor disguised as a woman.

The last Die Hard 5 was an abomination, John wick is anti Russian (sure, they hate Russia).

And do not forget the evil nazis boers from South Africa.

Caucasians family are broken, Feminism is good,the porn industry in Dirty Harry 2 is Nazi of course with a nazi flag, Negroids are the victims of evil white and must hate the evil white and the imcompetent police, lot of homo agenda, children are sexy, boys are feminize, serial killers are all Caucasians(played by the chosen ones sometimes like Kevin Spacey), drugs are good (so give it to your babies, sheeple), psychiatry and sychologists are real science by really cool guys saving millions people everyday, muslims countries are paradise, Christians are evil or degenerate or weak, etc...

Lot of sadistic violence, horrible monsters in cartoons, mk ultra, nudity.

It was under our eyes from a really long time and they are really happy to create fake idols with the spirit cooking actors.

I am getting an overdose of this Jewish culture, I am not from Israel and I want my Caucasian culture back.

what was good with the old videogames, it is that we got less of this bullshit, now that pedowood is failling, they are pushing their shitty actors idols in it with lot of ugly disgusting things and propaganda, lowering the skills and difficulty, when they are also trying to destroy the old videogames forums and pushed revisionism(Soros Discord Tranny and lefty pol, resetera) they really want to transform this media with Youtube, Netflix as the next fake God TV and Theaters for the next generations of children. Comics and boards games too.

boekanier ago

I never watch movies made beyond the 1960s. The best were made in the 40s and 50s and even in the 30s. That was the time before 'equality' made its appearance.

Drunkenst ago

You are either not a keenly perceptive individual or you are an imposter here.

Kesagiri ago

Any recommendations?

operation_wetvac ago

I watched "Panic in Year Zero" recently. It's about a white family that gets up early one morning to go on a camping trip and along the way they see bombs go off behind them presumably destroying the city. The dad does make a few mistakes but for the most part he seems to know what to do to get his family ready to survive "off the grid." And the biggest suspension of disbelief was that his wife and kids actually listen to him like he's the boss instead of bickering and back-talking.

Gimmethelolz ago

Do I have to do everything here? Try this one

joblotheragman ago

God sends you out to preach about the people who will bring in the Antichrist, you will not be accepted but by the few elect, and hated by the majority, they hated Jesus and demanded his death, John 15:17-18 The Hatred of the World

17 This is My command to you: Love one another. 18 If the world hates you, understand that it hated Me first. 19 If you were of the world, it would love you as its own. Instead, the world hates you, because you are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world

Proverbs 29:27

An unjust man is detestable to the righteous, and one whose way is upright is detestable to the wicked.

Isaiah 66:5

You who tremble at His word, hear the word of the LORD: "Your brothers who hate and exclude you because of My name have said, 'Let the LORD be glorified that we may see your joy!' But they will be put to shame."

Matthew 10:22

You will be hated by everyone on account of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.

Matthew 24:9

Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations on account of My name.

John 7:7

The world cannot hate you, but it hates Me, because I testify that its works are evil.

John 16:1

I have told you these things so that you will not fall away.

John 16:33

I have told you these things so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take courage; I have overcome the world!"

DamonAxemaker ago

Have you gotten to the discovery that Jews are the worshipers of Moloch? That their homeland is where the Moloch worshipers congregated and their modern rituals are the same with a slight evolution over the centuries. They're no longer killing kids. Now they're just cutting parts of their dicks off.

Merlynn ago

Some funny bits. Most of these movies aren't worth sitting through,tho.

Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow: This movie is pretty shit. It's a pretty good attempt at the old 40s serials style of over the top adventure. But it's shit story and unlikable characters bring it down. Guy wants to load everything up on a space ship and nuke the world because it's all going to shit anyway. Stupid. But here's the good bit. Sky Captain is your basic buckler of swashes and his ex-girlfriend pops up. Over the course of the movie,they reveal she sabotaged his plane and he ended up going down behind enemy lines and doing 6 months in a prison camp because she SUSPECTED HIM of cheating on her. No evidence,nothing to base that on. Just a hunch. That's all it took for her to nearly kill him and get him shit canned in a prison camp. He not only chooses her over Angelina Jolie back when she was hot and driving a fucking helicarrier,he ADMITS THAT HE DID cheat on her.

Sky Captain is a dumb fucker. But what can you expect from a guy called Sky Captain.

The Matrix movies take on a whole new meaning. Just watch them again and replace "the Matrix" with "jewish brainwashing" and you'll understand why all those bad things happened in Keanu Reeves life.

The TV series The Young Ones is a disturbing look into the minds of pozzed people.

Any jewish comedy suddenly gets unmasked right in front of you when you realize it's jews conning gentiles to get what they want.

Lynch_Tree ago

It's a double edged sword. I find everything makes me a lot angrier than it used to.


It's dead obvious. Every jew is wise and kind. Every Christian is bigoted and foolish. It's so fucking obvious once you see it that you can't unsee it. It's also obvious that the average jew would have easily seen all the things that I see now, so while I was a dumb fuck blissfully watching a psychological war being waged on my mind without realization the average jew knew that Hollywood was subverting Christianity and promoting jewism.

This is one more reason I have come to dispise their "culture".

Many family members still watch that garbage and have no idea they are doing little more than putting jew diahrea inside their brain.

ibepokey ago

yeah, even back into the 70's. i.e. Barney Miller.

only the jew is the kind gentle soul.

antiliberalsociety ago

I once saw a compilation video of Jews being praised in movies & TV, and it was several hours long.

Drunkenst ago

All In The Family and it’s ilk we’re and are psyops. Most if not all non-instrumental classical music is. There are exceptions but brainwashing is the goal of most.

NotHereForPizza ago

You probably still have a long way to go then.

It's pretty much every "movie"...

insanitea ago

I recently rewatched Die Hard 4 and noticed the subtle nigger-perfectly-centered-on-camera stuff as well as the absurd "Russia bad" vibes. I guess hating Russia was still sorta cool back in 2007.

Then there's the stereotypical European white hacker dude who implies everything malicious is about making people buy stuff. What a Jewish thing to say.

And of course the emotionally compromised divorced father who basically cockblocks hacker dude while he's shot up on heroin in an ambulance and denies his daughter a perfectly good white boyfriend who helped save her life.

Yeah, it's all so obvious now.

operation_wetvac ago

We've always been at war with Russia. We hated them during the Cold War because they were Un-American Communists. Now that we're more Communist we hate them because they're not. /s

1Sorry_SOB ago

How many movies teach you that it is bad, ignorant, immoral to spurn "the other"?

That is what jew entertainment is all about. This theme does not come up in gentile story telling.

ranch-othelioma ago

I've noticed that almost every movie from the late 60's early 70's has a rape scene in it for some reason.

Anyway, for a good laugh, watch Chuck Norris in "the Delta Force". I wouldn't be surprised if Chuck has taken a bunch of loads in the pooper from some jew producer/financier after how super jewed that movie is. I had just remembered it from when I was a kid as "that movie that had the cool hotwheels/matchbox camo dune buggy with the gun mounted on top."

antiliberalsociety ago

In almost every movie made you can find their subversive agenda. 1958 Perry Mason, EVERY bad guy or girl was a white southern Protestant, usually rich, despite blacks being 11% of the population and 88% of the crime back then. Oh, and the only nigger to appear was of course, an innocent witness.

That show gave birth to Matlock, a carbon copy with blatant racial propaganda painting White cops as evil racists out to hang the poor black man. (The nigger from Ghostbusters played the oppressed black guy). Of course the Jewish lawyer went to bat for him, and the evil white cop got his.

Look for: Race Mixing, homosexuality, cross dressing, culture meshing (melting pot, where only white people convert), unnecessary nudity (may not show all, but eludes to being naked), over revealing attire (most common is single layered swimsuits that reveal every contour, often flesh colored), drug/alcohol abuse, discussion of sex/sexual acts (often under the guise of humor), children using adult terminology they would know nothing about at that age, children cussing, disrepect to parents, parents being idiotic or absent, and above all - THE BROKEN FAMILY. Divorce, missing parent, step mother/father, adopted/misplaced children, kids running away and it's a successful experience, family infighting.

In addition anything Christianity related is bad, weird, unpopular, or a cover for psycho child abusers. Many a movie has been made about God & religion, made by Jews. Also notice their fixation on American Southern culture. In particular, southern Baptist & Protestant. They're always made out to be extremists, angry oppressive tyrants that do nothing but harm to a community, usually whilst hiding secret sexual perversions.

Humor is probably the #1 guise they use to sell this degeneracy. When asked why they do it, they blame the viewers. "It's what people want". In the field (having known reporters) they have a saying for the news: "If it bleeds it leads". They act like that's what people want, forgetting the fact the same jews that own their local station control the entire market.

antiliberalsociety ago

Always accuse your adversary of what you are doing to keep them scrambling and create confusion.

  • Karl Marx

If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the oppressing...

But let’s not forget the Jew. Anybody that gives even a just criticism of the Jew is instantly labeled anti-Semite. The Jew cries louder than anybody else if anybody criticizes him. You can tell the truth about any minority in America, but make a true observation about the Jew, and if it doesn’t 't pat him on the back, then he uses his grip on the news media to label you anti-Semite.

Jews befriend the negro and claim to fight white oppression by our side, but the Jew benefits because it keeps white oppressors focused on negroes and off of the Jews.

  • Malcolm X

How are they 2% of the population and 98% of media ownership? The Jewish people are GENIUSES I won't deny them that, but then they've abused their power. They keep telling us Niggers are great and Jews are even better, why don't we give them to Israel if they love 'em so much?

I agree with Malcolm X, we owe niggers the right to have their own nation free of white interference. But we've seen the results of that after thousands of years in the Congo they're still eating eachother.

  • George Lincoln Rockwell

The Jews cannot succeed in a nation without bastardizing a race... America is half judefied and negrified, how could any nation survive that?

If you do not see your name smeared in the Jewish press, you have not made proper use of the day before.

  • Adolf Hitler

What the Jews did to the Germans


Extra Sauce:

Children cussing/placed in adult situations

Scantily clad children, sexualized

Transgenderism predicted in women's sports

Spy Game "She uses him for funds, he uses her for God-knows-what". Try to find a youtube link.

Pitting men against women

Oh God! 1977 Directed by a Jew

Reiner was born in The Bronx, to Bessie (Mathias) and Irving Reiner, a watchmaker. His father was an Austrian Jewish immigrant and his mother was a Romanian Jewish immigrant.

Drunkenst ago

Epic rant. Bravo.

ibepokey ago

nice synopsis. thanks

naturalethic ago

You've posted this exact comment before. Perry Mason is decent. There are some great moments in it. Some of the bad guys are clearly jewish actors. There arent many black people in the show at all. It's almost always estate crime or blackmail or the like.

BushChuck ago

Neck yourself, kike.

antiliberalsociety ago

If you noticed, I'm still building it. It's going to be a megapost. Thanks for your "not all jews 'r bad" sentiment, Mr. 4.6 years with 8SCP, 56 CCP sleeper account.

Rockfish1000 ago

Devon Stack at Black Pulled on bitchute is great at finding the blue in movies.

HighEnergyLife ago

How many talk about Lenin/ Stalin and the gulags?

MrBoutros ago

try Dark City

Granite_Pill ago

It's not about what they reference, it's that 75% of the people in the credits are Jewish.

New-World-Ebola ago

if you're watching hollywood movies.... you're really wasting your time.

Drunkenst ago

worse than that by a large margin fren.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

There's good movies. Watch LA Story with Steve Martin.

ig ago

i like watching movies to relax sometimes. or to feel emotions. what do you recommend in place of hollywood movies

Drunkenst ago

music. scour thrifts for lp’s and cd’s.

New-World-Ebola ago

exercise for health and fitness and get a natural high, read books to learn a new hobby or undertake a project, start a business.... you only live once.

don't waste it watching jewish movies.

ibepokey ago

for 'research'

mostly background noise for when i'm working at home.

got Carson reruns running behind me now.

Everything has new meaning now.

Drunkenst ago

trufe. it was right before our eyes before our eyes were opened.

fellowwhiteperson ago

I watched Se7en recently. In it, Keven Spacey is a crazy Christian killer that does heinous acts in the name of his faith. He's balls deep in Christian writings as well as if tainting those by association is the goal.

The police break the rules at least 3 times throughout the movie, and because they're the protagonists we're supposed to cheer them for it. So the movie also makes a big deal out of procedure and rights and how they are bad and we should give them up to get the evil bad Christian. And this was in 1995.

Every movie has some crazy perverted angle to it.

pimplepeter ago

Are there any websites that breakdown the hidden subversion of films?

Drunkenst ago

Brad Pitt and the African American fellow - enuf sed.

operation_wetvac ago

The part where they pull up the library records on people horrified more than anything else in that movie. Nowadays hardly anyone goes to the library except to "rent" movies. But everyone and their grandma and toddler has a smartphone tracking their every move/location, tracking their thoughts by recording their searches, tracking what they watch, tracking what they look like when they take dozens of selfies every day, and it may or may not be firing up to record what they say along with whatever anyone else in the vicinity is saying. And while that data may or may not be instantly available to johnny law, it's being passed around by Big Tech. They're analyzing that data and profiling the fuck out of people. Right now it's just serving ads and pushing their propaganda and election meddling. But just imagine when they start turning to carefully fine-tuned/gelded AI to shit out a list of who come after.

Drunkenst ago

Homeless go to big city libraries.

Firevine ago

it may or may not be firing up to record what they say

There have been far too many "coincidences" for me to say "may". They are. It's insane. One of my friends and I were talking about the Dune board game the other day, then all of sudden, I'm getting tons of YouTube recommendations for Dune related videos. I have never looked up anything about Dune on YT. This has happened before with other games, where I've only talked about them in person to friends, then they show up in Amazon or I get other types of recommendations.

Drunkenst ago

Suhprize Suhprize

operation_wetvac ago

I believe it. Just the other day I was reading about something online. Then later I saw a YouTube recommendation for something along the same lines. And it wasn't something trending or suddenly popular and it wasn't something I had previously looked up on there. Like how Democrats/Republicans are two heads of the same monster, all of the big tech companies are just multiple heads of the same hydra in how they pass data about people around behind the scenes. The biggest players (Google/Facebook/Amazon) have tracking cookies and beacons and scripts embedded into almost every site you can possibly visit. They're listening, they're watching, and they're putting the pieces together to harvest everything they can about you. But don't worry, they just want to use all of that info to make it easier for you to buy a new toaster, honest. 🙄

antiliberalsociety ago

Doesn't work with Mein Kampf or George Lincoln Rockwell though...

pimplepeter ago

watch this scene of tarantino talking about subversion in Top Gun as a character in the movie "Sleep with me"... people think it's a joke... but it's not... All films serve subversion. It is scary when you realize this

antiliberalsociety ago

The irony, Tarantino has to play the role of a straight guy because he himself is a faggot. Case in point, his obsession with BDSM and race mixing. He makes the white boxer the thief, the black guy the mob boss (with a white wife), the "hillbilly boys" gay rapists, and the hitmen a pair of race mixed partners where the black guy is the alpha/lead and always calls the shots

Drunkenst ago


aGameCalledCountries ago

There was a big push in the mid to late nineties and continuing past 9/11 to make cops breaking the law and violating rights seem noble. If it gets the bad guy, the cops are justified.

anamazonslittle ago

That's weird. Law and Order (the original, at least) had bad guys getting off all the time for investigative or prosecution over step.

ibepokey ago

hmm. Spacey is a crazed Christian.

it's like they want us to believe that we do the things they are doing.

GreenSlug ago

Yea thats their go to. Blame your victims for what you are doing. Persecuting the goyim? Oy vey, all this antisemitism!

curiouserdude ago

FYI, the most not-Jewish American director is Richard Linklater.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Steve Martin is pretty good, too.

Drunkenst ago

some of his Oscar monologues are snide in favor of TPTB and their worst habits. he inverts.

Broc_Lia ago

Imagine adopting jewish culture so hard you think you're more jewish than the jews.

Doglegwarrior ago

commericals. movies. advertising. international news. proffesors all seem less inteligent. magazine covers.. anything in america degenerate you question is that a jew behind it.

mitoriomyt ago

And you find out it is ALWAYS a jew behind it...

pimplepeter ago


abwydyn ago

You were jew-pilled before. Now you are red-pilled.

GenderPronoun ago

Just wait until you start trying to red-pill others. It'll be like this scene from They Live. Oh, and watch They Live. You'll understand what I mean when you do.

Gimmethelolz ago

Here's the full movie if you want to share it

cT9NlRLhxlyr ago

Trivia: That movie was filmed here, though the large building in the foreground was recently demolished.

GenderPronoun ago

Thanks brother! I'll edit that in my original post.

0rion ago

God damn....I really need to watch this movie, it looks great.

Broc_Lia ago

We watched it on /v/movieswithgoats a while back. Might watch it again for the kicks. There's been huge demand for that and starship troopers.

ibepokey ago

yes, bring it back please. i must have missed that movie night.

StankMouth ago

I hear you. I haven’t seen a movie in at least 3 or 4 years. I have no desire after I started waking up to the propaganda.

Broc_Lia ago

Come to /v/movieswithgoats if you like. It's more fun when you can take the piss out of the propaganda with other goats.

Abi73 ago

Saw the new Frozen movie.. It's about the damage building a dam has done to the area. , the nature spirits have been playing up since. The dam is destroyed and balance is restored ! it is rather accurate imo

Drunkenst ago

do you like aluminum? like electricity? like fertile fields of grain?

Abi73 ago

There are other ways to make power.imo smaller scale farming should be encouraged with better land management,

like we did before big money was to made poisoning our food and soil. I don't know much about aluminum other than it is used alot, I'm fascinated by all the things bamboo and hemp can build .

GreenSlug ago

It is damned great. And even though john carpenter says its not about jews, its totally about jews

Gimmethelolz ago

Here you go. Enjoy

ussliberty ago

They live should be required viewing for anyone who wants their eyes opened. RIP Piper

Drunkenst ago


GreenSlug ago

Fuck, i forgot he died.

ibepokey ago

my wife is finally red-pilled, and hungering for more. she thought i was just a racist sonofabitch until the last couple weeks ago.

and yes, They Live is too accurate, as is Idiocracy

Drunkenst ago

Idiocracy is crap.

Broc_Lia ago

she thought i was just a racist sonofabitch until the last couple weeks ago

What changed?

ibepokey ago

the latest episode of impeachment sham. we had already seen Biden bragging about his quid-pro-quo. i had been sending her soft red pills for a couple years.

now she and her sister are on board, and afraid to tell their libtard mom, lol

edit: also we watched the Greatest Story Never Told. MAJOR eye opener

Broc_Lia ago

I still haven't seen that, although I know what it's about.

ibepokey ago

was def worth the time to watch. i think we watched it in 2-3 sessions since it's 6 hours long.

GenderPronoun ago

Congratulations on red-pilling your wife. I've got a great documentary if you're interested. Me and my lady watched this together and it drummed up a lot of great conversation. We ended up watching a whole bunch of other speeches and docs together. Get your popcorn ready though, it's a long one.

Yixdee ago

Watch Schindler's list. It portrays all the Germans as sociopaths. It is laughably propagandistic.

Drunkenst ago


DeadBeatNigger ago

But once you realize it's a lie, it's now a movie about a fifth column group of people undermining a white, western country, in order to destroy it from within, and it goes from being a tear jerker, to being a suspense film, where the good guys lose.

ancientman ago

Schindler's List by child rapist Spielberg who killed 12 year-old Heather O' Rourke.

Titanbikes4ever ago

That movie was one of the first redpills for me! They have a scene where the women prick their fingers and use the blood to look healthy enough to pass an inspection but the women were allowed lipstick and makeup in the camps.

rabbisucksbabycock ago

Schindler's list was based on a fiction book.

Broc_Lia ago


Schindler's Ark is a Booker Prize-winning historical fiction novel published in 1982

It is a non-fiction novel which describes actual people and places, with fictional events, dialogue and scenes added by the author, and reconstructed dialogue where exact details are unknown.

Even a fictional novel about the holohoax isn't allowed to be called fictional.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Before I was even redpilled my little zoomer bro made jokes like "Wait, Schindler's List wasn't a comedy?"

operation_wetvac ago

There's a part where the Nazis are storming through some building and you can hear someone furiously playing a piano. I remember thinking to myself, I bet that's some Nazi who happened to find a piano and just decided to have a white moment and play some Bach. Then it actually shows a Nazi playing the piano and I laughed till I cried.

SearchVoatBot ago

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obvious-throwaway- ago

Was forced to watch it in (((Public))) school. I think the teacher was secretly based because I left that class loving the National Socialists and hating the filthy fucking Kikes.

Acerphoon ago

My teachers weren't based.

I always tried to plant some seeds though. We were talking about Weimar germany and the november revolution, led by communists such as Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Radek, etc.

Since she didn't mention it, I said: "Hitler just came back from world war 1 around that time and saw this revolution right? And, if I remember correctly, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Radek, etc. were all jewish, right?" - She had no choice but to agree with my statement.

If I didn't say this probably no one would have known. They would probably all leave school thinking: "Hitler hated jews for no reason!"

Libtardscum ago

I've been browsing voat and the chans for years and I have never heard of the Sklarek scandal

Broc_Lia ago

If I didn't say this probably no one would have known. They would probably all leave school thinking: "Hitler hated jews for no reason!"

In our history class we didn't even cover WW1 or the Wiemar republic because "there wasn't enough time." Hitler just popped out of nowhere salty because he was a bad artist and decided to persecute the jews for no reason at all.

We then spent around four months studying WW2 and the holohoax.

Again, NO ONE in class knew what the Sklarek scandal even was.

I only read about it recently. Also the Barmat scandal.

Beowulf-69MWD ago

It was always amazing to me that every year that I took history, we never learned much about the previous 100 years' events and causes. WE are now in the Information Age as long as we decipher truth from fiction and are able to hang on to the 1st Amendment backed with the 2nd. At 70, first that I've heard of the Sklarek scandal, still have a lot to learn.

Broc_Lia ago

I read a great book about the early stages of WW2 by Len Deighton. It had a section detailing the motivations for the war with all kinds of facts and figures you'd never heard mentioned today. Two of them stuck with me:

  • Following WW1, famine was so bad in Berlin that in the year after peace was declared, 1/10th of the births were stillborn due to malnutrition.

  • When the Wiemar republic briefly suspended war reparation payments due to the great depression, the French army invaded the Rhineland (where the German army was prohibited from occupying) and stole the entire contents of several factories. Tools, materials, inventory etc.

waringi ago

If your teacher was even letting you talk about Weimar then they were pretty based.

Talmuhdick ago

The problem with History graduates is they end up getting boxed in to their own tiny idealized fantasies of the fetishised time period so rarely have an accurate feeling for the movement of time that would more fall into forbidden philosophical debates. He could be based but It's a bit of a toss up to say how ignorant he could be.

Evola had a good point in his 'History - Historocism' chapter in 'Men Among the Ruins'.

DeadBeatNigger ago

Or ignorant

jthun2 ago

Great post, I haven't heard of that scandal. Have to look it up.

nouseforaname ago

Same, watched it in 5th GRADE. Had to get written parents permission. Movie is shot like a documentary. I thought it was a reenactment of real events at the time

Astroqualia ago

So did everyone else in here, including those who claimed their 10 year old selves were woke about the world, lmao. Braggarts and liars everywhere in here, at least you're honest.

pimplepeter ago

we were also forced to watch "Life is Beautiful" in literature class. So much fucking propaganda not even funny.

Crawdaddy ago

Thankfully, we studied only English and American classics in high school.

19810708321b ago

Try "The Pianist." I'm sure Nazi's ran into buildings and threw wheelchair-bound elderly men out of windows to their deaths.


pimplepeter ago

That is what (((they))) would do.

obvious-throwaway- ago

No, but since Jewish crimes are projected on goyim, I guarantee Kikes did exactly this. Probably after they raped and murdered their children in front of them.

SubtleDissonance ago

How the fuck old are you?

H3r0n ago

My teacher tried to leave the opposite impression on us. I was constantly kicked out of his class.

ibepokey ago

yeah, even back then, shills Schindler's list was a little too far-fetched for me, in retrospect.

PygmyGoat ago

And just think now, it’s Steven Spielberg’s film. How many kids did that pedo have access to while he was filming that? Meanwhile generating sympathy for the lie.

H3r0n ago

I admit it’s a hard wank, at first

MarauderShields ago

Man, I have no idea what I'd do without this place.

Drunkenst ago

it’s a kind of library

Chimaeric ago

wait schindler's list has holocaust references in it?

i kid.

but life is beautiful is just as bad. the "kind appearing" nazi who trades riddles with the protagonist before concentration and then ends up just being a total sociopath who only wants him to help solve a riddle, etc..

it's all pretty disgusting really after realizing the holocaust is complete and total bullshit.

waringi ago

There is a video I watched recently that should be seen in all schools. The after affects of the war. Real video of german pow's being beaten to death by mobs as allied soldiers watched. German women left raped in the streets. Children scavenging through the rubble for their next meal.

Astroqualia ago

That's completely useless if you want us to share it when you dont tell us what it is you saw. Do you have a link?

satisfyinghump ago

Read General Pattons personal diary. As old a copy as you can find, since they have been censoring his entries.

He speaks about what you posted of, but mentions the people doing the beating were jews.

And the Russians doing the raping, many were jews.

waringi ago

Thats exactly what this documentary showed. The Russians raped and beat the women, while the jews were beating the men. It also had the French stripping and hanging female "collaborators". I am looking for it. I cant remember the name.

Astroqualia ago

Any link?

freeman84 ago

the ones about sodomy and feminism