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Thereunto ago

No self-respecting woman does porn for the thrill of it.

Explicit sexual displays are sometimes used as a strategy to...

  • solicit target prospects
  • mate retention
  • attract solicitation from nonspecific potential mates

As an aspect of risk/reward, successful strategies that produce a perceived net benefit are often experienced as 'thrilling' and lead to repeated behaviour. Especially if the strategy is perceived to give you an advantage over competition which otherwise would be in a better position to win.

Different cultures have different interpretations of "self-respecting" and "pornographic". These precepts are derived from the cultural expectations for sexually exhibitionism. Is dancing tolerable? Is 'sexting' tolerable? Is a private video stream between a long-distance couple tolerable? Is a commissioned nude portrait tolerable? Is the kama sutra tolerable? Is public toplessness tolerable?

There is also the other side of the coin where too little exhibition is sometimes seen as culturally unacceptable. E.g. "No self-respecting woman should go to work without makeup" (makeup simulates sexual arousal) "Women should shave their body hair" (lack of body hair simulates youth) "Women should wear form fitting / feminine clothing" (to evidence reproductive fitness).

Sometimes the level of acceptable exhibition (and voyeurism) also depends on who it is for. Displays for an attractive prospective mate are considered acceptable where displays for an unattractive mate are shamed. And similarly, reception of displays by unintended, 'unworthy' prospects are shamed.

Where do you draw the line for acceptable exhibitions? And where do you draw the line for acceptable engagement of exhibitions?

SearchVoatBot ago

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TrialsAndTribulation ago

That's a pretty long-winded, self-serving justification. But I don't believe in moral relativism, and your comment reeks of it. There's a reason there are rules of behavior and boundaries on what's socially acceptable.

blit416 ago

I'd venture: drugs are very expensive, and restrictive about what work you can do. Serious addiction means you can't keep a 9-5 etc, and you need a couple of hundred a day. Fuck psychobabble about exhibitionism, liberation, insecurity, validation.... and on and on

Crack costs soo much, and heroin lets you sleep after its all gone. Jews are ready to help with your needs, that and chinamen to some extent.

Thereunto ago

I don't believe in moral relativism

Different cultures have different norms. That said, Sodom and Gomorrah had a cultural norm, but a norm isn't necessarily moral. How do you determine what is moral?

rules of behavior and boundaries on what's socially acceptable.

These differ per culture. It's the reason you see discussions about Burkas, veils, public toplessness etc. What is decent? What is adverse to social well-being? And how do we come to these determinations?