SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/whatever submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

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DontBeRacist ago

Voat shouldn't allow (((porn))) at all. It's all over Reddit where the tools and soyboys congregate. We're better than that.

Void0101010101 ago

So let me get this straight, when a woman gets her ass fisted until her butthole prolapses inside out into a "rosebud", while a group of men take turns ejaculating on her, that not healthy???

Whatever man I see nothing wrong with that. I watch that type of porn every night while my Trans wife fucks me in my inside out ass penis using her inside out inflatable vagina

Angryelectrician ago


whitesilk ago

"Sex Workers" that in itself is sad.

WhiteChickens ago

Just get rid of the jews, you idiots.

It's not about any one thing.

midnightblue1335 ago

Always name the user, just like you should always name the jew.

This bullshit where people post screencaps of tweets, facebook posts, etc., with names redacted? Pure faggotry. Why are we protecting faggots who say absurd nonsense? Their identities aren't private, they're not anons- they're on Facebook or w/e. They want more people to hear their malformed abortions of "thoughts".

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I learned my lesson. From now on when I see jewy behavior, I'm not going to hesitate to call out bad actors who only want to stir up trouble.

Rellik88 ago

Look up what verse Joe runs...

TrialsAndTribulation ago

v/NutziHiveKickers? A sub that describes itself as

A place on Voat to discuss topics other than Jews. Keep Jew talk to moderate levels, at most, discuss a mix of topics. Too often Voat looks like little more than a let's talk about Jews discussion hub so the mission of this sub will be to try and mitigate that and provide some balance... Displays of an unhealthy preoccupation with Jews is quite possibly going to get you banned.


Joe_McCarthy ago

I haven't deleted my history old man.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Then you restored it after we started posting as your alt weak_penis. Another poster noticed it too.

Joe_McCarthy ago

Your contrition would be more respectable if you didn't converse like a jackass. But I'll give you points for being a man and correcting the record.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

What contrition? I admitted to an error. You're trying to mischaracterize this, just like a jew.

tokui ago

Fuck your moralfaggotry.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Fuck your degeneracy.

See? It works both ways.

tokui ago

Actually, you're the degenerate.

tokui ago

Try outlawing feminism, first. They're the ones driving up single motherhood - THAT'S destroying society.

Thereunto ago

No self-respecting woman does porn for the thrill of it.

Explicit sexual displays are sometimes used as a strategy to...

  • solicit target prospects
  • mate retention
  • attract solicitation from nonspecific potential mates

As an aspect of risk/reward, successful strategies that produce a perceived net benefit are often experienced as 'thrilling' and lead to repeated behaviour. Especially if the strategy is perceived to give you an advantage over competition which otherwise would be in a better position to win.

Different cultures have different interpretations of "self-respecting" and "pornographic". These precepts are derived from the cultural expectations for sexually exhibitionism. Is dancing tolerable? Is 'sexting' tolerable? Is a private video stream between a long-distance couple tolerable? Is a commissioned nude portrait tolerable? Is the kama sutra tolerable? Is public toplessness tolerable?

There is also the other side of the coin where too little exhibition is sometimes seen as culturally unacceptable. E.g. "No self-respecting woman should go to work without makeup" (makeup simulates sexual arousal) "Women should shave their body hair" (lack of body hair simulates youth) "Women should wear form fitting / feminine clothing" (to evidence reproductive fitness).

Sometimes the level of acceptable exhibition (and voyeurism) also depends on who it is for. Displays for an attractive prospective mate are considered acceptable where displays for an unattractive mate are shamed. And similarly, reception of displays by unintended, 'unworthy' prospects are shamed.

Where do you draw the line for acceptable exhibitions? And where do you draw the line for acceptable engagement of exhibitions?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/OccidentalEnclave submission by @Joe_McCarthy.

Posted automatically (#81445) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Thereunto: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Joe_McCarthy)

TrialsAndTribulation ago

That's a pretty long-winded, self-serving justification. But I don't believe in moral relativism, and your comment reeks of it. There's a reason there are rules of behavior and boundaries on what's socially acceptable.

blit416 ago

I'd venture: drugs are very expensive, and restrictive about what work you can do. Serious addiction means you can't keep a 9-5 etc, and you need a couple of hundred a day. Fuck psychobabble about exhibitionism, liberation, insecurity, validation.... and on and on

Crack costs soo much, and heroin lets you sleep after its all gone. Jews are ready to help with your needs, that and chinamen to some extent.

Thereunto ago

I don't believe in moral relativism

Different cultures have different norms. That said, Sodom and Gomorrah had a cultural norm, but a norm isn't necessarily moral. How do you determine what is moral?

rules of behavior and boundaries on what's socially acceptable.

These differ per culture. It's the reason you see discussions about Burkas, veils, public toplessness etc. What is decent? What is adverse to social well-being? And how do we come to these determinations?

FederalShill ago

What i dont understand is how any sane person could possibly think that the mass production, mass distribution and mass consumption of pornography is somehow speech. It is not speech, it is a mass produced product and it should be banned from any sane and moral culture.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Nah. A simple Disney movie could plant a poison pill deep into a child’s psyche with a single sentence or scene.

That deep rooted sense of hedonistic self centered pleasure seeking mind fucking desire then grows and grows and grows and then one day due to her desire to go on a cruise with her friends she responds to an ad on Facebook for making adult entertainment videos for $500 a cock.

She goes on her cruise. Easiest money she’s ever made. And boom. Sexual satisfaction + money + Disney = porn actress for life.

Pretty pathetic. We need to burn down Disney headquarters (on Minecraft, of course)

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I don't argue with needing to burn down Disney, but the rest of what you said is nonsense. I doubt one movie can do all you describe.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Well maybe it’s not exactly one scene. But I would at least argue that it’s MUCH EASIER than we think.

I would bet some deep rooted psyche altering stuff happens at a young age and probably not a lifetime of trauma. I literally think of random memories all the time and use that emotion to rationalize my behavior.

So if a Disney princess says something like “I just want to see the whole world!” Or some other nonsense... then a young college girl old who wants to go to Paris with her friends will probably be vulnerable to porn because when she was five she saw a Disney princess justify her entire existence around seeing the world.

But I see what you’re saying.

yewotm8 ago

Porn is much more damaging to men than it is to women. Feminists are right that whoring is actually "empowering" to women in that it facilitates wealth transfer to them. And if we didn't have so much contraception, it would result in children for them too. Women explicitly benefit from being whores, so to say that porn is damaging or coercive just makes you look like some stupid evangelical-con white knight.

Men should have the authority to stop their daughters, sisters, wives from being whores. Anything past that, you're getting into cuck territory.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

I know women porn stars and they all unanimously prefer to NOT do porn. But the money is so good and easy and they usually have no other skills. Porn is always a weird first/last resort.

They start young. But stay too long and usually think they are going to save up for school or some other bullshit lie and end up being totally demoralized within a few months. Porn makes women WEAKER not stronger

TrialsAndTribulation ago

to say that porn is damaging or coercive just makes you look like some stupid evangelical-con white knight.

To use an argument like that makes you look like a self-serving jew.

BAAC ago

Only one caveat... I worked for a big 'lad mag' which you would know the name of.

I used to think all these women were victims until I worked with a bunch of them. Never underestimate some women's drive to get what she wants fast and easy and without a lot of work. A lot of these women are just fucking terrible people. It has nothing to do with abuse, they are just users and want to be adored and be handed an easy life. They weren't victims. They were looking for a short cut and didn't care what it took to get there. I can't speak to what became of them once they left my sphere of work, but I would expect some went bad, some got a real job... etc.

We do tend to have a white knight complex - and I think that speak to the good in us. But, the truth is, women can be every bit as terrible as men can. Luckily for them <sarcasm>, there is an entire industry willing to take advantage of them when they go that route.

I lasted about 6 months on that mag.

ViciousRetard ago

Yeah that's the thing most women just aren't very moral and are willing to do these things. Most women won't be part of porn but will use sex and relationships in a manipulate way. Divorce rape, cheating etc.

anoncastillo ago

I'm sure there's some of both. Some of them probably were vapid cunts who just wanted an easy check. And some saw it as legitimate because they'd already been ruined and had nothing left to save for a proper man.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Most people who were abused never talk about it. It's very unlikely you would know whether or not they were traumatized as girls because all you saw was the behavior they exhibited. I have no doubt a lot of them were terrible people, but the lack of empathy, narcissism, and ease they exploited people are also behaviors found in people who suffered early childhood abuse.

whitesilk ago

While I agree with your opinion on this, the above comment is similar to the spiel of public defenders in violent coon crime cases.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

Pornography, the only thing Jews give away for free.

That's all you need to know.

RandomFurryDude ago

Non-Jewish artists give away plenty of stuff for free too. ;v

tokui ago

Christcucks and (((their))) soup kitchens...

uvulectomy ago

So edgy coming from a pedophile and an Epstein apologist.

tokui ago

Your concernfagging misleads you to see my indifference with apology.

You're the problem.

Mother_Cube ago

The only thing I disagree with is that ‘degrading things’ should be reserved for a husband and wife. I generally don’t think of my duty and sexual pleasure to be something degrading...just saying. I love my spouse and I enjoy sex because it serves the purpose of continuing my lineage and honoring God by respecting His purpose.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Oh, good catch. I wish I'd phrased that better because that's not at all what I meant. My intent was to say that sexuality should be exclusively reserved a husband and wife, and doing it publicly is demeaning and degrading. Thanks for pointing that out.

DontBeRacist ago

There was a Christian speaker that said something like, "Sex is something terribly evil and dirty and should be saved for someone you love."

Mother_Cube ago

YW...I assumed that was what you meant but I just wanted to ping you to check in and make sure I wasn’t missing something or misreading it.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I tend to write quickly in a white heat when I'm exercised on a topic. I always re-read, proofread, and edit before I post, but I know from professional experience that you can't properly proofread your own writing. You keep reading it as what you intended to write rather than what you actually wrote. Another reader is always required.

knightwarrior41 ago

not all porn actresses were abused or the like.most like the profession because it pays well and because they like the sex too

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I said all in my post intentionally because I don't believe women are attracted to it or stay in it for the money. I doubt any woman gets into it for the sex because women don't have a problem finding men to fuck them. I also doubt they're attracted to it for the thrill of being recorded because they can do that themselves with a partner. No, I meant what I said when I used the word "all".

Mother_Cube ago

I can tell that you have never been to a porn studio before. I got dragged to one as ‘protection’ for someone who was ordered to go their for work and the FUCKING SMELL...the smell alone is so revolting that they must just take a flame thrower to these places when they must be worse then meth remediation because there are biohazards and POZ everywhere. Trust me, there is no amount of ‘payment’ on the planet that could make that pleasurable.

WhiteChickens ago

It's not supposed to be, it's work.

blit416 ago

nah bud its sex abuse on tape. if youre ok with that, ok, hey cant save everyone. Some people dont want to be saved, some people dont deserve it, but it's sex abuse - pretty cut and dry.

WhiteChickens ago

It's entirely voluntary, bud.

Don't like it, stop being a whore. lol

blit416 ago

okok point made.

Pervert_Pete ago

Respect women: Spank it to hentai.

Divinelight ago

I agree to an extent, but some women are simply so dumb they think it's easy money without consequences. Only later do they realize they're broken, no man wants them, no children and on pills and/or smashing wine. A sad pathetic life, but they choose it.

CarFan ago

Don't want to see it don't click on it. I don't like porn either but I'm not going to request that it be banned because that's censorship.

Mother_Cube ago

You really bought into the jew ideology that all boundries and laws are ‘evil’ didn’t you.

“All things are permitted, eh?”

Where do you draw the line?

Because most of us are not really enjoying clown world.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

You didn't read what I wrote, did you? I'm not calling for it to be banned and I never did. I want it to be posted in subs where that sort of thing belongs. This jerk, Joe McCarthy, posted a short video three times to whatever and did so without using a NSFW tag. I tend to sort by new or incoming, and when I see that keep coming up, it's kind of in my face and I can't block it, which is what he intended. Pretty antisocial if you ask me.

Tandemlee ago

This is why I can't watch porn anymore. I can't suspend belief. I am too aware of the truth, of what got them there, of the transaction, of the awkwardness, of the smells, of how the girls and men feel after.

And the fake smiles. The fake sounds they make. The fake interaction. It's just gross.

ZOGDOG1488 ago

Yeah, i threw up the last time i stumbled upon picture with real life porn on it. It was a beautiful blonde, degraded into a worthless fuckhole. That is not sexy video to jerk off. That is a type of brainwashing designed specifically to humiliate whites, to plant subversive ideas with all that interracial shit, that makes betraying your kin look 'cool' and 'enjoyable', or cuck shit which is the most cruel, evil thing i've ever encountered, and all other unspeakably degenerate subtypes A new holocaust won't be enough to make them pay for the amount of damage they wrought upon our civilization.

tokui ago

"i stumbled upon picture with real life porn"

Sounds legit...

"That is not sexy video to jerk off."

So praytell, what would meet your standards for "jerk off material? You lying faggot.

olltre ago

what would meet your standards

penetration inside your wife with intent of procreation you fucking degenerate faggot

tokui ago

You loved it. Don't lie.

NotHereForPizza ago

I keep saying:


Libido Dominandi"

For a very good reason

ig ago

I personally haven’t been able to quit porn even though I want to.

I at the least ensure the sites I go to aren’t owned my mindgeek before proceeding to be a degenerate.

ViciousRetard ago

How long you been trying? Took me about 2 years to fully quit. Firstly, delete any bookmarks or saved vids or profiles. Second, only use softcore or easy going porn to flush out the depravity, that's the most important part imo. 3rd, try go for a day or two of not wanking once a week. If you can do that then After months of slowly ramping the steaks you should be almost done with porn. Getting 90% of the way there is more important than 100%.

ig ago

im curious to see where this conversation leads.

How long you been trying?

A month.

Firstly, delete any bookmarks or saved vids or profiles

Oof. I have a porn journal with links and comments and checkin times since i was in high school. feels like a huge loss. I actually did delete like half of all contents when i was went on a nofap kick a while ago.

Second, only use softcore or easy going porn to flush out the depravity, that's the most important part imo.

Does that mean instead of the hardcode degenerate crap i use now, try to fade out using just softcore porn because it will be easier than going cold turkey? that sounds good.

3rd, try go for a day or two of not wanking once a week. If you can do that then After months of slowly ramping the steaks you should be almost done with porn.

I do it about every other day. it's very seasonal though. i only started masturbating about a month ago which coincides with the time of this year when i was the most stressed and most lonely.

Normally, I just bang girls. not like amazing pure girls. just a ton of (mostly) degenerate college chicks off dating apps. probably go through a handful of them a month. dont really masturbate. however, in december, they all leave the city for holidays and i get lonely so i go on incognito.

maybe im just addicted to sex/getting off. another thing of note: when i masturbate daily (like i did this week) i don't even enjoy it. it feels like im raping myself. like why am i even doing this, i think to myself, as i proceed. i think its just stress and loneliness tbh.

dublin5 ago

There are fantastic resources on reddit called /r/noporn and /r/nofap. You are not alone - porn is highly addictive but it is possible to free your mind from it.

I did something very similar to @Vicioustard and it took roughly the same amount of time. Having my brain freed of that subversion feels amazing. Combine that with kicking sugar and processed foods and get to the the gym 7 days a week and turn yourself into a Warrior.

ig ago

i feel like even if i quit for a while, the next time i see something lusty i would relapse.

i am a fitness model so my diet and body and stuff is pretty ideal.

dublin5 ago

If you can conquer diet, you can get your mind right too. It just takes time. And you have to really want to stop. Sounds like the pmo is a coping mechanism for the stress and loneliness. There is a book called Unthered Soul by Michael A. Singer, a quick read about the voice in your head.

When I stopped fighting the depression and just allowed myself to sit in the pain, it went away. Next time you feel stressed or lonely, start journaling about how you feel and the thoughts that are in your head.

This society is upside down bro. It's perfectly natural to feel stressed out or alone. I'm comfortable spending long periods of time by myself now. But at the same time, there are good people around. I was at the gym and I made eye contact with someone and they smiled. I forced myself to walk up to them and asked them where they were from, because that is not common behavior in the city I live. We ended up having a nice chat about Keto.

ig ago

When I stopped fighting the depression and just allowed myself to sit in the pain, it went away.

sometimes i wonder if im depressed, but ive got a pretty solid easy life and am generally happy, even though i spend a lot of my waking hours in bed.

Next time you feel stressed or lonely, start journaling about how you feel and the thoughts that are in your head.

this is interesting. i journal pretty aggressively. generally small entries. i'll consider journalling next time i feel the urge for pmo.

This society is upside down bro.

yeah everything seems to be getting superficial. i meet a ton of people but they're just quick brushes or one night stands. it's pretty lonely and hard to find what i deem are high quality people since i dont want to waste my time. i do have some close friends, but unfortunately no groups.

dublin5 ago

i spend a lot of my waking hours in bed.

Is the issue lack of purpose? Depressed people are bedridden from sadness, which sounds like you aren't, but not having something to go after sounds maddening to me.

next time i feel the urge

When I started to pay attention to what was stimulating the urges, I learned to be less a slave to my impulses.

it's pretty lonely and hard to find what i deem are high quality people

If you are a millennial or gen z with your head screwed on correctly, it's going to be a lonely road. I have friend in another state and we talk on the phone once a month and he feels lonely where he lives people won't make eye contact or engage in meaningful conversations. The US is now a country run by jews with a population asleep at the wheel. Porn, sugar, netflix binges, cnn, trump hysteria.. it's all a distraction and/or poison to keep people under control. The problem is most people don't want to wake up.

People will eventually wake up; pain forces change. The economy is going to crash again just like in 08 and at some point women are going to need strong men again. I feel your pain.

NotHereForPizza ago

Your problem is, unquestionably, discipline.

What do you do EVERY DAY to rid yourself of a lack of discipline? Is there anything you do, without comprise, every single day, besides masturbate?

ig ago

confused. i mean i brush my teeth daily haha

NotHereForPizza ago

If that's really all you can muster, your issue should be quite clear.

ViciousRetard ago

How old are you? Your urges slow down as you get through your 20s. It all becomes so boring and uninteresting as you get to 30

ig ago

mid 20s

NotHereForPizza ago

No, you've been able to stop the whole time, you just keep choosing not to.

Hirion ago

In all honesty. Porn isn't as destructive as nofap people claim. The only thing that makes a difference is semen retention. Jigging every single day that's fucking destructive to your body. Also, women are natural easy money loving whores, so they need porn industry more than men do. Seriously,

Maggotfeast ago

What effect does jerking every day have on the body?

BoomerHater1488er ago

Name the faggot who posts porn in whatever so that we can publicly shame him.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Joe McCarthy. He posted a shot clip of some woman named Lena something. Three time.

BoomerHater1488er ago

This user? Because it looks like he deleted his account. Which is good.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Mission accomplished. He was cancer -- jew cancer, the worst kind. I imagine he left because he was exposed too publicly

Mother_Cube ago

I am pretty sure he is a jew from reading his comments. I have complained about it before but no one ever does anything. At this point it is enough that we all know and understand that he is destroying OUR PEOPLE and civilization with his activity.

TimMasson1 ago

Porn does suck but can't the people who don't want to see it just not click on it?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

No, it's in whatever, and there's no NSFW tag. I really wouldn't like that popping up if I were reading Voat at work.

TimMasson1 ago

Well I totally agree they should tag it appropriately. Trying to trick people is not very cool. That could cost someone their job. That would be some seriously Bad Karma.

Brawndosaurus ago

Would you apply that to c p ?

Adult porn whores are the product of child abuse. Look at the demons behind it - synagogue of satan

totallynotFBI ago

OP is a fag

BoomerHater1488er ago

Porn is a Jewish weapon.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

So many single parents here. And people act like it isn't a big deal. ?!?! Yeah, NBD, I just never had my dad nearby to help me out.

Muh-Shugana ago

It's niggerization

Niggers don't have parents, and now most people don't either. Even what parents they do have are so completely

hands-off that they functionally might as well not be there. Nobody is getting raised anymore.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

So, because original peoples are easiest to domesticate, and the controlling group enslaved them, from their own race and others, it's all about the blacks. No mention of anyone else...

Mother_Cube ago

You can change this if you understand what is happening. Remember, you are not going to be able to save those who do not want to live in a civilization any can love them but you need to LET THEM GO to their destiny of destruction. Hard choices have to be made. You have to love and nurture what you can protect and preserve.

Titanbikes4ever ago

It should be common knowledge that porn is bad, for EVERYONE, but you just want to be a factor and tattle on someone. Just assume the rest of us have on our big girl/boy pants and are capable of circumventing trolls on here.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Yes, I was "tattling" on someone because this bad mannered troll jew doesn't know how to act around the grown ups. You have your big boy pants? I don't think you do. You need to call out this degenerate too. "Free speech" isn't absolute, there are social rules whenever there's a group of people, and when you act like a jerk, you need to get called out on it. And if you were a man, you'd know that. If you think I'm treating you like a child, I am, because for all your talk about "big boy pants", you're pouting like child.

I don't want to circumvent trolls, I want to expose them and make them socially unacceptable to drive them away. Voat is light with the banhammer, as it should be, but there comes a point where egregious behavior needs to be acted on.

Titanbikes4ever ago

"Free speech isn't absolute" Oh honey,

it definitely is. Lol

You're just becoming the hysterical troll, yourself, clogging the feed with self-important virtue signaling. These people, you included, don't need any attention.

As far as you trying to treat me like a child, well, it's laughable. I mean, you just kind of chuckle when a little kid trys to talk down to you. I have big girl pants on, kiddo. End of discussion.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

"Oh honey"? Really?

End of discussion? Good, then I have the floor. Yeah, I'm still going to condescend. You think free speech is absolute? So you're okay with people posting CP? You're okay with people doxing you? You're okay with people using other social media like Twitter and slandering you? Don't know if you're a parent, but would you be okay with people teaching your young children how to suck cock, how to smoke weed, how to shoplift, and how to assault people they don't like?

This is all absolute free speech, and if you say you're okay with any of this, you're full of shit. No one wants absolute free speech. We have rules, manners, and show acts of respect and courtesy to facilitate social intercourse, and when they aren't observed, people get upset. Yes, you can exercise your right to absolute free speech, but you're going to get a lot of pushback from people who think you're being an utter asshole, and they'd be right.

And that's why I object to posting porn on whatever, especially without a NSFW tag. Little girl, tell me why showing disrespect to other people here is good and why one user exercising his "right to absolute free speech" overrides the expectation that no one should have porn shoved in their faces. You're a lightweight thinker who only thinks of the present and your precious "rights" and the gross environment their exercise creates. Act like an adult, and I'll treat you like an adult.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Porn isn't speech. If you're a degenerate who can't control his urge to wack off you can go to literally any other website on the internet.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Why doesn't he then? Why are porn subs allowed on voat? Who gets to decide what's pornographic?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Why doesn't the person posting porn go to a different website? Because it's probably a Jew doing it?

It's very obvious what is and what isn't porn.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Why don't you just ignore it? So what exactly constitutes pornography? Is paul gauguin's two tahitian women porno?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

In the case of this thread it's being pushed in places not meant for porn. Why don't the people who want to view it go to the numerous porn sites? (The answer is the cancer like nature of porn means it has to spread). Also porn sites make no effort to keep kids from viewing it. Finally as a Supreme Court Justice (whose name escapes me) put it, I know it when I see it.

Titanbikes4ever ago

So the Jews in government and you get to decide? LMAO what's really going on is you want have some power to boss people around

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

None of that tied into what I just said. The problem is I've wasted time on a retarded degenerate.

Titanbikes4ever ago

What are you? 12? Are you capable of answering any question?

You don't even understand that the government is all Jews and the porn industry is run by Jews. Your Jew buddies in the supreme court aren't on your side. Also free speech means everything, even if your fee fees get hurt.

How am I a degenerate if I think porn is evil and I support free speech?

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

"So the Jews in government and you get to decide? LMAO what's really going on is you want have some power to boss people around"

Your question was retarded, there is no way to answer a retarded question.

I understand that totally, what I was referring to was a quote by Potter Stewart, a Scot appointed in the 1950s, so not a Jew unlike the Supreme Court today. Porn isn't speech, and it is objectively harmful at that. The only reason one would want it is because it makes your dick feel good, so your fee fees.

So you know the porn industry is run by Jews and exploits girls in order to degrade society, yet you support I assume other people viewing it? If it harms everyone else, who cares, so long as it doesn't effect you. That's as bad as being a degenerate. And porn isn't speech, unless you count grunts as speech.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I never called for anything to be banned. I just want it posted in the subs where it belongs. From my first sentence: "A user here insists on posting explicit pornography on whatever without a NSFW tag." Is it unreasonable to ask users to exercise some adult behavior and NOT post porn on whatever, and if they think they must (although they don't have to), use a NSFW tag.

I'm asking for people to show some respect to other users. I'm not calling for bans or censorship.

New-World-Ebola ago

(((everyone))) behind the porn industry need to be murdered. It's plain and simple.

it has truly ruined western society creating a bunch of soy cucks and degenerate whores.

Banned4Truth ago

(((everyone))) behind the porn industry need to be murdered.

degenerate whores

You're a confused individual. On one hand, you try to appear concerned, empathetic, Then on the other hand you completely ruin your point by calling them whores. Porn degrades women and you just degraded them as well. So who do you have a problem with? The porn producers or the women that do it? Should the women of porn be murdered as well? After all, you called them whores so they must be just as culpable. I know all of this has gone right over your head because you probably can't understand how hyportical you sound.

New-World-Ebola ago

you're like a CNN reporter taking little bits here and there and mixing it all up to misconstrue a pile of shit.

that comment was about the effect on society, dumbarse... porn creates soy cucks and degenerate whores because they get desensitised to judaised filth.

now go find something useful to do instead of being a fuckwit.

gazillions ago

I wouldn't elevate teh whores of porn as poor stupid victims. The more strippers whores and junkies you know, the more reality gets through your head; they're more likely to be from liberal upper class families than any other. If they're victims of anyone it's their parents, the schools, feminists that urge on their objectification and loss of humanity and the government state slide into support of pornography. The amount of poor women that are not whores of any description stands as testament to the fact that they are indeed whores.

Intrixina ago

Pretty sure he's talking about the ones who glorify their "craft" (for lack of a better word) - those types absolutely deserve the rope.

weak_penis ago

(((everyone))) behind the porn industry need to be murdered. It's plain and simple.

Then all men ought to be killed. After all, the primary consumers of porn are the real reason it exists at all; if men didn't watch it, no one would produce it. So men in general are really the ones behind the porn industry. Have you ever watched porn, @New-World-Ebola?

Tallest_Skil ago

Hi, alt account! Reported!

weak_penis ago

You're clearly afraid of the truth. Grow up.

Tallest_Skil ago

you’re afraid of truth because you exposed my sockpuppet account

Hi! Reported! Kill yourself!

weak_penis ago

The words of a coward.

Tallest_Skil ago

No one cares, admitted alt account! Reported!

SearchVoatBot ago

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weak_penis ago

admitted alt account

Liar. But that's typical for @Tallest_Skil. You are a known liar.

Tallest_Skil ago


lol, you were exposed days ago.


Enjoy killing yourself, Joe McCarthy.

weak_penis ago

You continue to lie. I have made no such admission. You are a liar through and through. You must lie, because you cannot contend with the truth.

Tallest_Skil ago

oy vey you’re lying i say so i win

ignore that multiple people have exposed me already


weak_penis ago

You are a liar, @Tallest_Skil.

Tallest_Skil ago


Pathetic, Joe.

weak_penis ago

You cannot change the truth with comments on Voat, @Tallest_Skil. You are a liar. Why do you fear the truth?

anoncastillo ago

You'd be surprisded by how many women watch it too. Feminism has created a void in women's lives where they crave male dominance but aren't allowed any outside of sex, so they fantasize about brutality, rape, degradation, etc.

weak_penis ago

Women have always fantasized about brutality / rape / degradation. Its how they know they are with a powerful man.

New-World-Ebola ago

liberal logic. you have a shenis don't you, cunt?

weak_penis ago

So you have used porn and should be put to death for your support of the porn industry.

New-World-Ebola ago

you're a dumb little fuck.

that's like saying if you hear kenya worst on the radio, you're supporting him because you heard his shit.

see how fucked in the head you are CUNT?

kill yourself IMMEDIATELY.

weak_penis ago

You're just mad that you've been found out. You're a degenerate porn addict. You're a coomer. Instead of taking responsibility for your own behavior you're projecting all the responsibility onto the people who made porn in the first place. By your own standard, you should be put to death for supporting the porn industry. Instead of being an emotional child and throwing a tantrum, you could admit the truth to yourself and realize that putting porn producers to death won't do anything until you are willing to stop using.

New-World-Ebola ago

i see it as one of the major contributors to western civilisation's downfall.

i don't give a shit for your projections, jew faggot.

go try your jew logic on someone that will take the bait, lame cunt.

weak_penis ago

Its not my fault!

It is your fault. You'll never escape your addiction because you refuse to even try.

New-World-Ebola ago

bye jew

weak_penis ago

Not an argument.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Found Joe McCarthy's new alt.

weak_penis ago

Its not my fault! They're *making" me watch porn!

Only coward refuse to take responsibility for their actions. You will never be free of porn addiction until you admit that you are an addict, coomer.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Aaaaand ... he argues just like jew Joe McCarthy! Thanks for making yourself known so soon.

weak_penis ago

Sounds to me like @Joe_McCarthy is right then. I think its telling that no one ever actually refuted his post on who produces porn. Downvoats are not an argument, in fact I think its a tacit admission that you know its true, or else you would post an actual argument.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Which post on who produces porn, Joe? It's gone, as you well know, because you deleted your history.

Nice try, jew.

weak_penis ago

Firstly, stop being an idiot, I'm not @Joe_McCarthy.

Secondly, his post, if I recall correctly, demonstrated that jews were not over-represented as porn producers. It does look like they've been deleted, so I don't have the originals, although I'm sure they exist somewhere. I've never seen evidence to the contrary, though. Show me some and I'll change my mind. Doubt you will, though, based on how you refuse rational argument and opt for calling your opponent "jew".

Thirdly, you're still ignoring that porn addiction is your responsibility, not your dealers'.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I don't believe you. You write like Joe, you make non-sequitur accusations like Joe, and you argue like Joe. And Joe is a jew.

weak_penis ago

I don't care what you believe. Even if I were @Joe_McCarthy you have failed to refute that your porn addiction is your responsibility, and you have failed to show any evidence that jews are over represented in porn production. All you've done with those accusations is make me sympathetic to @Joe_McCarthy, who's argument you apparently cannot refute.

I don't think you can refute it, which is why you haven't. You refuse to embrace the truth because it would mean you have to take responsibility for your own porn addiction, and its easier to blame someone else than work on a solution.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I think I struck a nerve with you, Joe, because you're still arguing like a jew.

weak_penis ago

Asking for rationale

arguing like a jew.

You have no rationale. All you can do is throw insults. You have no argument. I guess that means I win?

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I'm not throwing insults, I'm telling you that you argue like a jew. A sneaky, slippery, can't-be-nailed-down, changes-the-subject-constantly, accusation throwing jew.

weak_penis ago

I've been pretty clear from the start: Your addiction is your responsibility. You consistently avoid that. You're projecting your own behavior onto me as some desperate attempt to hide that fact.

“Accuse Your Enemy Of What You Are Doing, As You Are Doing It To Create Confusion”

Taking direction from Marx himself.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Yup, just what you're doing. Arguing like a jew.

Mother_Cube ago

TRUE! Also civilization cannot exist without RULES. The family unit is the cornerstone of civilization and rules and laws are its protection. They are not something to be ‘freed’ from, but rather, something that frees one from brutality and beastial nature of the subhuman masses.

tokui ago

Got anything but feels?

How about facts? Or go live in a country without freedom - and stop trying to take away ours.

BoomerHater1488er ago

Porn should be banned and pornographers hanged.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Porn is sexual slavery. No freedom in it. We want freedom that isn't jewish degeneracy.


You're a porn addict. Your life will improve astoundingly the moment you decide to never touch that filth again.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

Pornography = freedom

Whatever you say, pal. Besides, I'm not trying to "take away" your porn, I'm asking you to post it in subs for the purpose. The point of my post was the human cost of your "freedom".

Tandemlee ago

Don't defend yourself against that jew. Stand your ground and speak the truth. Don't engage in his manipulative narrative.

New-World-Ebola ago

it's not freedom, it's degeneracy.

totallynotFBI ago

if I don't like it you shouldn't be free to do it.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

If it makes my penis feel good it should be unrestricted. Hey wait, do you have anything but feels?

totallynotFBI ago

If there's not an EXTREMELY good reason backed by a solid foundation of science nothing should be restricted. And censorship is right out.

totallynotFBI ago

No no, a solid foundation, not a smattering of studies combined with your own wishful thinking and confusion between correlation and causation. And again, censorship is right out. And stop abusing the downvote button. It's not for expressing disagreement.

RunOverByASchoolBus ago

Which you'll notice those sources had even more scientific sources. Nearly every scientist admits porn is harmful, only the Jews selling it claim it's not (and their justification for it being good is that it makes people more accepting of diversity and makes men more passive). You can search for it yourself if you don't like my sources, you'll find the same stuff. I feel I've met my burden of evidence, so really it's up to you to provide sources claiming porn isn't harmful.

Also I haven't been down voting you retard.

remainselusive ago

The kike cries out as he strikes you! Go back to Israel.