SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/whatever submission by @OutragedForNoReason.

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OutragedForNoReason ago

@SearchVoatBot always stirring up some shit.

antiracistMetal ago

Go back to denying logic, you star athlete you.

Chempergrill ago

I heard @Crensch raped a school bus of kids. Lol!!

Crensch ago

A wild shitposter appears!


It's not very effective!

Chempergrill ago

I didn't know you were jewish! I support your choice to be pedo

Crensch ago

Nice pilpul, kike.

Rotteuxx ago

In 1990, reportedly !

Crensch ago

Rotteuxx the Cuck feels no shame in his hypocrisy where he cries about losing friends to suicide but his friends do this.

Rotteuxx ago

I hereby fully endorse whatever is in those links.

Crensch ago

I hereby fully endorse whatever is in those links.

I endorse the suicide of your friends, too. They seem to be pedophiles and supporters of pedophiles.

Rotteuxx ago

All this talk about suicide makes me wonder how lonely you are.

I'd hate for you to put an end to all this cheap entertainment by killing yourself.

Crensch ago

All this talk about suicide makes me wonder how lonely you are.

I'd hate for you to put an end to all this cheap entertainment by killing yourself.

Why would I have any reason to be suicidal? It's not like I've been exposed assisting pedophiles with their innocent targets.

You, however...

Rotteuxx ago

Alright, you got me.

Back in 1990 I was a boy scout troop leader, I raped and murdered a little girl which forced me to go into hiding.

Over time I developed an extensive network of contacts which allows me to order any type of pizza imaginable, anytime, anywhere. This lead me to discover Voat which is a safe haven for predatory gay men due to the amount of innocent children on here.

I make a pretty shekel using a network of bots to run consensus cracking operations on here, good samaritans in perfect mental health like yourself are my specialty. You constantly get in the way of our pedophilic activities & have saved far too many children from our clutches to be tolerated.

Just look at how every user outside of PG & GA now thinks that you're a fucking nutcase who should be euthanized. Just doing my job.

My employer is extremely displeased with you, far too many blood rituals have been negatively impacted by your presence on this platform.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectGoats submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#85968) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Rotteuxx: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Crensch)

Crensch ago

Given the amount of times some kike pedophile has tried to write sarcastic "fiction" about exactly what they're doing, I can't really understand why you'd write this.

Hey, just more data points for me, I guess.

Rotteuxx ago

Happy Hannukah !

Crensch ago

I don't celebrate Jewish pedophile holidays, kike. Gas yourself.

Crensch ago

"But it's totally shitposting and satire and stuff! It has a deeper meaning! It's art! Don't take it so seriously! It's just a joke!"

Who jokes about raping children? Who REALLY jokes about raping children?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Who jokes about raping children? Who REALLY jokes about raping children?

Who jokes about wanting to kill srayzie's children?

Crensch ago

Why do you defend a pedophile?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Why do you defend a pedophile?

Prove it. Citations needed. Mining salt from you is not defending pedophiles. Based on your metric, and declaring Zyklon a "literal pedophile" you are a "literal child murderer that wants to kill srayzie's children." You can't have it both ways. You are a child murderer and we KNOW it.

I bet the day you discovered srayzie's children were not white you started blowing an EPIC amount of smoke up her ass to get over that hump.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

You are just trying to distract from the fact that you are a "literal child murderer."

Crensch ago

Username specifically created to attack me.

Are you civnat, kike?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Are you civnat, kike?

Shittly deflection is not your specialty. The only reason you worked so hard to befriend srayzie is because it might give you an opportunity to kill her children. We KNOW all about it.

Crensch ago

Do you want niggers and spics in your country?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Do you want niggers and spics in your country?

Shitty deflection is not your specialty child murderer. I have never seen anybody sodomize themselves as badly as you have. How were you planning to kill srayzie's children? Were you going to shoot them, cut their throat, or what?

Crensch ago

So, you want niggers and spics in your country?

You belong in Mexico or somewhere in Apefrica then.

Try to go there and have a good time, y'hear!

DanglingGoatBalls ago

So, you want niggers and spics in your country?

Shitty deflection is not your specialty. We are talking about you planning to murder srayzie's children. Stay focused. How were you planning to murder her children?

Crensch ago

What do you do when there are adults and children invaders from shithole countries in your country?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

What do you do when there are adults and children invaders from shithole countries in your country?

Your answer to that is befriend women with brown children and kill her children. I bet you had lots of fantasies about brutally murdering her children. Thats some sick shit.

Crensch ago

Try to push this narrative and more of your "we're nazis/racists" narrative gets blown out of the water. YOu and I both know that.

Try again with your next narrative.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I'm not creating a narrative. If Zyklon can be a pedophile you can be a child murderer that tried to sneak up on srayzie's kids. Thats the way "logic" works.

Crensch ago

Did I ever threaten srayzie's kids?

Did I do it for a month straight, non-stop, as she was doxxed?

Thats the way "logic" works.

No, that's how your Jew mind and pilpul work.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Did I ever threaten srayzie's kids?

Of course you are a threat to srayzie. According to you brown children need to be murdered and srayzie has brown children. Thats why you worked to befriend her was to get an opportunity to kill her children.

as she was doxxed?

Doxxed herself by being stupid about her social media accounts and agitating the living fuck out of people.

Crensch ago

So it's okay to doxx someone because they agitate you?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

So it's okay to doxx someone because they agitate you?

You have already had this argument with dozens of other people. It was not a real doxx. She set herself up for it by being sloppy with her info and agitating the hell out of @gothamgirl until Zyklon finally decided to get involved.

I don't care what else you have to say about it. That is my final conclusion, because its true. I also find your total and complete obsession with it very strange. You are not "protecting" srayzie because there is nothing to protect. Its done. Its over. You are just grandstanding and virtue signaling at everybody's expense and mainly your own.

You are fucking yourself good over this PAST ordeal. It should be obvious to you that you are not winning friends and influencing people but you are too blind to see it. People are not buying the bullshit. Your behavior also reflects very poorty on v/ga, not that I give a fuck about v/ga though.

Crensch ago

You have already had this argument with dozens of other people. It was not a real doxx. She set herself up for it by being sloppy with her info and agitating the hell out of @gothamgirl until Zyklon finally decided to get involved.

So agitating someone = ok to doxx for SBBH? Got it.

You are not "protecting" srayzie because there is nothing to protect. Its done. Its over. You are just grandstanding and virtue signaling at everybody's expense and mainly your own.

Still don't understand why i'm doing this. Kek.

You are fucking yourself good over this PAST ordeal. It should be obvious to you that you are not winning friends and influencing people but you are too blind to see it. People are not buying the bullshit.

Usernames that post in SBBH and some that were created just to attack me. OH NO HOW WILL I EVER LIVE WITHOUT YOUR APPROVAL?


Almost nobody with a legitimate posting history has said anything either way, but keep trying that narrative, kike.

Trigglypuff just got wrecked again, too.

Gothamgirl ago

I hope you and your family have a blessed holiday, Merry Christmas Crensch!

✝️ ⛪ ⛄ 😊 🌲 🎁🎅

Crensch ago

Hope zyklon finds you.

Gothamgirl ago

I hope you get a fitted muzzle instead of coal.

Crensch ago

Hope you get a gift card for plastic surgery on your everything so you can finally upload a picture of a human-ish face.

Gothamgirl ago

I hope you get locked in a padded room indefinitely.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

So agitating someone = ok to doxx for SBBH? Got it.

You don't speak for me. Nice try.

Still don't understand why i'm doing this. Kek.

I don't know what deluded reason you use for doing it. I don't think you have a master plan here. I think its just serious butthurt and an obsession to gain control over something you can't control. One thing is for sure, your method of doing whatever it is you are trying to do is a disaster and a failure. You accomplished the opposite of whatever you wanted. I will only laugh at you if you come back with something like "you just don't understand my plan but you will before I am done." Totally laughable.

Usernames that post in SBBH and some that were created just to attack me.

Look dummy. If it that were true you just sound like a broken record player because its not an argument. That is the sort of shit you use when the facts don't fit your story. You have a little sack full of those one liners you never stop repeating. Its all you have because you don't have a leg to stand on.

Trigglypuff just got wrecked again, too.

ohhhs no. I bet @trigglypuff is rolling around in the floor in a crinkled up heap of pain and butthurt. NOT. You might be the most blind person I ever ran across.

Almost nobody with a legitimate posting history has said anything either way

I'm sure you wish that were true. "everybody that disagrees with me is not legitimate and a jew leftist pedophile protector."


Crensch ago

You don't speak for anyone.

ohhhs no. I bet @trigglypuff is rolling around in the floor in a crinkled up heap of pain and butthurt. NOT. You might be the most blind person I ever ran across.

I hear pedophiles are hated pretty strongly on most of the site. Why is she defending and palling around with two of them?


Enjoy the show, username created to attack me.