WickedVocalist ago

Really.. Its true I also feel this place has been swamped by well.. the swamp

Its_over_9000 ago

Try https://poal.co

A bunch of people are going to come out of the woodwork now to make fun of me for shilling it and tell you how terrible it is over there.

FreeSpeechForever ago

Yes, just as reddit is completely full of idiotic extreme leftists, this site is full of idiotic extreme right wingers. Everyone here is auth right and you can tell by the discourse not of the highest average IQ either. Only reason I'm here is because I wanted absolutely no limit of free speech. While technically I can say whatever I want, there is no one worth saying it to.

TooMuchCoffeeMan ago

People are trying to shock as much as they can. Thats what living in a censored world does with you.

It makes you process thoughts like a child.

Its the same with political streams. Peoples opinions. And yes also discussions and ideas are decreasing in intelligence level rapidly. You could also say that they radicalize.

And people only want to feel free to say nigger. But for the rest they dont know what to do with freedom. Since freedom has been made into a thing where nazis and wrongthink people reside.

The problem you state is really a problem of decreasing intelligence. People just simply dont knoe what to do eith it so they shout... You niggerfaggot. Haha.

Neon_daemon ago

It was fine til the Qoomers took over now everyone wants to play the long game yo freedom. Faggotry

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Voat stopped being fun the day Putt called Crensch & Srayzie "builders".

Crensch ago

Maybe y'all should have taken the hint.

None of you built anything.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Voat is dying. Oh well. On to the next place to pop up soon, I guess. You jews ruined Voat.

WickedVocalist ago

Please, follow your stupid leader elsewhere

Crensch ago

Whiter, and smarter, than you ever could be.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I don't think zionists or Inuits are very smart.

Crensch ago

Could you have written that?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I don't know how to write. I'm illegitimate!

Crensch ago

And you think I'm the one that isn't white?


VoatContainmentGuard ago

You could be Danny Devito's house cleaner for all I know.

Crensch ago

You just admitted to being unable to do something I can do: wreck the entire baseline of the Holocaust hoax.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're an anti-semite? Trump said he will destroy jew haters like you. Didn't he just push some anti-semitism laws through? Trump will red flag you! Yet, you suck his dick. That's some strange dichotomy you got going on there, Skippy.

Crensch ago

Remember what I said about you not understanding what he's doing?

Keep at it, sparky; you're splendid entertainment this evening.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Is that the "5D chess" thingy? Whatever helps your big brain to sleep at night, Champ.

Crensch ago

No, dumbass.

This is checkers. Exceedingly simple, yet far too complicated for your underdeveloped mind.

WickedVocalist ago

So is he getting.... capped or crowned? ;/

VoatContainmentGuard ago

So angry. How about this, chief: I don't side with Donald Trump, the first jewish president. Is that okay?

Crensch ago

It's pretty obvious who you side with.

Here's a hint:

Throughout the 2016 election who was it that kept calling Trump a Jew on the Chans?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

People who knew the truth? Trump got a Goy Of The Year award from ADL around that time, did he not? Trump constantly talks about his love for jews and Israel yet condemns white unity. I think the Chans got it right that time.

Crensch ago

This is just hilarious you don't even know who was caught pushing that narrative in 2016.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You claimed in the past that you were a "jew hunter" but then became part of a zionist movement. How do you explain that?

Crensch ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

You worship a president who referred to himself as "king of the jews". kek

You worship a president who went after white people who points out jewish behavior.

You worship a president who said "we must take the guns first".

You aren't very bright, are you?

Crensch ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

WoW. Two "reee's" in a row from the infamous Crensch. I now feel accomplished!

Crensch ago

I lost count of how many of your comments could be summarized by REEEEEE

VoatContainmentGuard ago

but... You are the one reeeeing.

Crensch ago

I am summarizing your comments.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I didn't write the word "reeee" anywhere. Are you triggered? Or stupid?

Crensch ago

Right. The "REEE" is understood from your whiny soyboy rhetoric.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Are you ready? Got your tickets? This is what you support. https://nationalmenorah.org/

Crensch ago


VoatContainmentGuard ago

Holy shit I got you to reee 4 times in a row. I must be on tonight! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTksCYUgI7s

Crensch ago

You must be Jewish. You don't understand the meaning of "in a row", apparently.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

boy, you are a high-strung trustfund kid amirite

Crensch ago

Oh, is a decent grasp of the English language all that is needed for someone like you to think I'm some angsty kid with no money problems?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm seeing why so many people dislike you and have nothing nice to say about you.

Crensch ago

I noticed the people that dislike me all seem to have a lot of things in common. Very few that dislike me have any noticeable differences in their personalities.

You're not exactly in good company.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Are you? You seem to have an over-inflated sense of self worth. Do you use a lot of cocaine?

Crensch ago

I am. Though a lot of my company left when they doxxed an innocent woman off the site, and supported a literal pedophile.

There's a reason so few pay attention to the meta here, and you seem to not understand why that is.

My sense of self worth is right where it needs to be, do you have envy issues?

Cocaine, huh? Do you have a relative that is addicted to cocaine or something? I bet that sucks.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I watched her brigade many Goats. She went around starting shit then her incels would fight for her. There was no dox. I looked into it. She posted all of her personal info and pics herself. She was sending suggestive pics to Goats, too.

My sense of self worth is right where it needs to be, do you have envy issues?

Are you being serious? kek

Cocaine, huh? Do you have a relative that is addicted to cocaine or something? I bet that sucks.

What does my family have to do with anything, chief? You seem fragile. Give me another reeee.

Crensch ago

I watched her brigade many Goats.

Prove it.

She went around starting shit then her incels would fight for her.

Prove it.

There was no dox. I looked into it.

Prove it.

She posted all of her personal info and pics herself. She was sending suggestive pics to Goats, too.

No, she didn't, and only to ESOTERICshade.

You're a liar.

Are you being serious? kek

You're the one that won't stop pinging and talking about me. You have a hard-on for me for some reason, and I'm guessing you're just envious.

What does my family have to do with anything, chief? You seem fragile. Give me another reeee.

Jews, like ESOTERICshade always project their problems onto others.

Who was it? Your brother? Does he snort the blow at family reunions?

ESOTERICshade ago

Jews, like ESOTERICshade always project their problems onto others.

Who was it? Your brother? Does he snort the blow at family reunions?

You should already know from the PRIVATE messages the traitor srayzie shared with you that my brother doesn't "snort blow" he smokes crack sometimes. We don't have family reunions either. Guess what hot shot? She was a traitor to you too because she gave me a lot of screen shots of private messages of yours too. How bout dem apples?

Crensch ago

She was a traitor to you too because she gave me a lot of screen shots of private messages of yours too. How bout dem apples?

No, she didn't, because she wouldn't even share yours after what you did to her.

ESOTERICshade ago

No, she didn't,

Whatever you choose to believe. I still have them.

because she wouldn't even share yours after what you did to her.

If true, which I doubt, it is a VERY WISE decision on her part, to say the very least. She played games with everybody she dealt with on Voat including you, and she sent the pics her damn self. It backfired in spectacular fashion too.

Crensch ago

No, you don't.

Nobody believed she sent them herself. That was a clever narrative for you to try, but you're a known liar and manipulator well she is not.

ESOTERICshade ago

manipulator well she is not.

Its what she spent most of her time on Voat doing. She was involved in a lot games and she showed it all to me in real time as she played different people. You don't know the half of it.

Crensch ago

I know she didn't create alts to consensus crack and manipulate users into liking her by attacking them with the alts and saving them with her Main. I know she didn't use her alts to vote and change the course of a sub verse that is there for many other people and not just her.

ESOTERICshade ago

I know she didn't create alts to consensus crack and manipulate users into liking her by attacking them with the alts and saving them with her Main.

lol...you know thats bullshit. After she got busted sending those pics she had more alts than anybody on Voat and everybody knows it. And you don't have a clue what all she was doing before that happened, but I do.

I know she didn't use her alts to vote

Funny, but highly inaccurate.

Crensch ago

Not a shred of evidence for any of that. She didn't get busted, and she certainly didn't have more alts than anyone.

Crensch ago

You really need to re-read my comment. Remember how you brought up meth and I kept hammering it at you?

This user brought up cocaine. Or is this user another one of your alts, and that's why you're responding like this?

I never saw any of those messages, but keep convincing yourself of that because it really doesn't matter at this point.

ESOTERICshade ago

I never saw any of those messages, but keep convincing yourself of that because it really doesn't matter at this point.

I could have made it matter a LOT, but I chose not to do that.

This user brought up cocaine. Or is this user another one of your alts, and that's why you're responding like this?

Why do you think asshole? You put drugs, my name, and referred to a brother all in the same comment. And I know the traitor srayzie spread mine, yours, and everybody elses private messages all over Voat.

Jews, like ESOTERICshade always project their problems onto others.

Who was it? Your brother? Does he snort the blow at family reunions?

Crensch ago

I brought up a lot of other family members, too you just confirmed that it was your brother. You can go back and look. I haven't deleted a single one. I just kept hammering you and finally you admitted it.

As for the threats, I'm sure it'll make all kinds of difference what you have or don't have now. And I know you don't have any of my PMs

ESOTERICshade ago

And I know you don't have any of my PMs

Swear to God I do. I absolutely do. I got em from srayzie.

Crensch ago

Yeah, and you're a known liar and manipulator. I don't believe it for a second.

But you do have a meth head brother that causes problems for you. That's still an open wound because you're so butthurt about admitting to me that I was right about you projecting.

ESOTERICshade ago

I was just letting you know, that I KNOW. Ya know?

Crensch ago

Keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel better.

ESOTERICshade ago

Keep telling yourself whatever makes you feel better.

I'm telling you what I KNOW from the dozens, and dozens, and dozens of screen shots she sent me. Its a fact.

Crensch ago

I'm telling you, I don't believe you.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm telling you, I don't believe you.

I'm glad too. That suits me.

Crensch ago

If that were true you wouldn't be saying it over and over again.

ESOTERICshade ago

It was not a threat. It was just my way of letting you know that you really have NO reason to feel so fuckin smug.

Crensch ago

I have every reason to feel so fucking smug. The words of a liar aren't going to change that.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have every reason to feel so fucking smug.

Lots of people have trolled you into showing your whole ass. Its too easy. Mr. Smug.

Crensch ago

Only the delusional, exceedingly stupid, or paid would say something like that.

ESOTERICshade ago

or paid would say something like that.

Twice that you have mentioned the subject of getting paid to post lately. That might explain your sudden 180 degree turn to support Zionist Communism.

Crensch ago

Funny how I back up my claims with evidence, unlike Jews. Unlike you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Funny how I back up my claims with evidence, unlike Jews. Unlike you.

Show us all that proof that Q is an intel agent working with secret white hats to drain the swamp. The same swamp that Trump is filling with Jew bankers and criminals like Barr.

Crensch ago

Did I make that claim?

ESOTERICshade ago

Did I make that claim?

lolcows are fun. :)

Crensch ago

So, you have nothing. Just words you want to put in my mouth and have me defend?

Jews really are low IQ.

ESOTERICshade ago

But you do have a meth head brother that causes problems for you.

I used to but not anymore. I put his ass in quarantine for a while and he learned his lesson.

That's still an open wound because you're so butthurt about admitting to me that I was right about you projecting.

You little childish manlet, I could care less about his ass or what he does anymore. I put him in check in a serious way. I'm not projecting shit because its not my fault and no longer my problem that he chose the wrong path. I could care less these days.

Crensch ago

Is that why you showed up when I was clearly not addressing you about a family member with an addiction? In fact, in my response to his accusation of drug use, I didn't invoke your name at all. The fact that it was on the same comment got you so butthurt that you had to post about it

ESOTERICshade ago

Keep punching at windmills manlet. Like I said, I was just letting you know, that I know, a lot more than you will ever realize. Because it just suited me to do so this morning for some reason. No go to the playground and continue to founder and drown in your attempts to make excuses for your Jew King Trump. It amuses me.

Crensch ago

I'm sure everyone can see that you're just butthurt that I outsmarted you and got you to admit that your brother is a meth head oh, and that's why you accuse me of being one.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm sure everyone can see that you're just butthurt that I outsmarted you and got you to admit that your brother is a meth head

I don't give a flying fuck who knows my brother has a drug problem. You didn't outsmart a fucking thing around here manlet. Like I said, I was just letting you know that I know a lot more than you realize. More than you.

Crensch ago

If that was true, why did it take you so long to admit it?

You can't really seem to get anything right, so your threats are pretty Hollow.

ESOTERICshade ago

No threats manlet. Not at all. You just took it as a threat because your hands are not clean.

Crensch ago

Anyone reading this would consider it a threat.

An idle one, from an internet keyboard Warrior, but a threat none the less.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Its all been hashed and proven. I won't waste my time. You need help. I would bet that most people in your life do not like you either.

Crensch ago

Its all been hashed and proven.

Claiming that doesn't make it true. All it does is show that you have no proof.

I won't waste my time.

Translation: "I cannot prove any of it."

You need help.

Something leftists say when they've lost the argument.

I would bet that most people in your life do not like you either.

More projection. It must suck to wake up as you in the morning.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

I'm awesome. Its great to wake up as me. I don't fall for jewish tricks. I'm proud of that.

Crensch ago

I'm awesome. Its great to wake up as me.

Your projection is more believable.

I don't fall for jewish tricks. I'm proud of that.

I bet you were/are buddies with zyklon.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Who cares? You sound like a woman. wait... are you a Srayzie alt?


Crensch ago

Better than being buddies with a pedophile.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You canjudge me all yo uwant. It doesn't affect me. Its a woman tactic and I view women's opinions as low as I do niggers. Zyklon kicked all of your asses bad. kek

Crensch ago

Friends with a pedophile.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

You're friends with jews.

Crensch ago

I'm not, actually.

But you are, 100%.

A pedophile, leftist Jew.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

W@ho is a leftist pedophile jew?

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Looks like all unfounded accusations by someone who seems butt hurt. He trolled you and you believed it. He outsmarted you at every turn.

Crensch ago

Try to deny it all you want, it would hold up in a court of public opinion of people that haven't met him before.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

Voat is dying. Its sad.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

None of you built anything.

Neither did you. You just slithered your way into things other people built.

WickedVocalist ago

Yeah well some of you don't even respect the mods who did generate subs either

DanglingGoatBalls ago

A real goat shit eater maybe.

Crensch ago

I built a few things, and I built upon the previous GA to create a better user experience without you niggers.

argosciv ago

Isn't it amazing, letting people list their assumptions of you? (see other commenter)

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I am not "assuming" shit. Everything I said here is a fact.

argosciv ago

Oh please, as if you don't stand out like, well, dangling goat balls already.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Naaa, you're the worst little incel bitch on Voat. Your hero Trumpenstein:

Shreds second amendment supporting red flag laws. "take the guns first, worry about due process later.

Shreds first amendment with executive order on anti-semitism.

And you run around calling other people "jew." You are truly pathetic.

Crensch ago

I really get a kick out of the knowledge that not one of you understands what he's doing or why. It works every time. He stated it in his book art of the deal. He said he's not worried about sharing his secret to success because nobody is going to use it or pay attention.

But keep believing what you want to believe about him, the level of butthurt you all show when you piss and moan about me is honestly entertaining.

ESOTERICshade ago

He stated it in his book art of the deal. He said he's not worried about sharing his secret to success because nobody is going to use it or pay attention.

The only reason he is not bankrupt is because Wilbur Ross, Rothschild banker Wilbur Ross, bailed him out of bankruptcy. You know very little.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

But keep believing what you want to believe about him

No need to speculate when I can plainly see it with my own two eyes. I guess his entire life history as a good shabbos goy was just 64 gorrillion D chess too.

argosciv ago

Give us something unique to contribute to your repetitious 'argument'.

I'll wait. Got plenty in the wings myself.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Give us something unique to contribute to your repetitious 'argument'.

Fact spoken more than once don't count? Not surprised.

Got plenty in the wings myself.

Go for it. Tell us how Trumpenstein isn't a kike servant and you Q people are not just a bunch of brain dead followers.

argosciv ago

I do believe I asked you to show us something unique [that you have found]. Please, show us that you're not just a talking-point-driven stooge.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

If Trump shredding both the first and second amendment is not important to you you're not worth my time. All you brain dead fuckers can do is evade the details and revert to insults. Its all you got.

VoatContainmentGuard ago

These fuckers are jews and zionists and helping Trump's zionist plan. It was clear early on. No matter how bad Trump jews America they always say "oy vey its 53D chess". Voat was infiltrated by zionists two years ago and they've taken over, it seems.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Its ironic as hell too considering that @crensch is supposed to be the big bad jew hunter. crensch is afraid that if he disavows Q and Trump now that he will be even more irrelevant than he already is so he will pretend to believe the Q bullshit even if he doesn't believe it. Thats how insecure he is.

argosciv ago


Case in point as to assumptions.

Oh you partisan hacks are such fun to toy with. Y'see, you can't produce anything unique because you aren't a digger. You don't actually care. You're a left vs. right mouth piece. Sit the fuck back down in the sidelines and wait for the genuine people to do what needs to be done.

Fucking peasant.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Ok idiot. Neither the first or second amendment are important. What a fucking moron. Go back to sleep.

argosciv ago

Oh? Is that what I said? Pretty sure it isn't.

Got any other re-hashed quips you want to regurgitate? Or are you ready to show us what you can contribute to the argument/theory you espouse?

DanglingGoatBalls ago

Already did. All your little brain can do is ignore it and pretend like you never saw it.

argosciv ago

I'm coming into this pretty late out of left field so to speak, so by all means, link me to your unique contribution.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

I'm coming into this pretty late out of left field so to speak

All you have to do is look back a couple of comments.

Second amendment, Trump's comments on red flag laws verbatim "take the guns first, worry about due process later."

First amendment, executive order against anti-semitism.

No i'm not your gopher. Look up your own links. (now you can claim its not true. see how easy that was for you?)

Be sure to notify the smart people when Q puts HIllary, Obama, and the Rothschilds in GITMO. We will gladly admit we were wrong.

argosciv ago

I try to avoid double replies, but I intend to head to bed very shortly - If I see a reply in the next few minutes I'll respond but otherwise I'm stuffed and it's been a blast fucking with you. you fuckers have no idea what's coming your way and it's glorious xD

VoatContainmentGuard ago

. you fuckers have no idea what's coming your way and it's glorious xD

Do you?

argosciv ago

None of that is unique contribution indicative of you doing any real digging born of genuine concern.

Come back to me when you've got more than partisan talking points.

In the mean time, as said, sit the fuck down in the sidelines there.

DanglingGoatBalls ago

None of that is unique contribution indicative of you doing any real digging born of genuine concern.e

Who needs to dig when Trump wears it on his forehead and does this shit in broad daylight? He did both of those, but of course they dont' count in your world. Making people like you into evasive fools that refuse to address obvious facts is one thing I do well. Thanx for playing.

argosciv ago

Don't be deferrin' your responsibility.

You care so much? Where's your effort? Think twice before asking about mine – you will regret that in the near future.

If all you have is talking points passed down the line, you're either a willing narrative pusher or you have no real place in this other than as a sideliner. You bet your arse I can act this way with you and, when timing is apt, back my attitude up. Can you? Now or later? With something unique that you found through your own genuine effort?

"Vegas money" says you can't produce anything of your own.

Meanwhile you assume away sbout what is and isn't factored in by me – again you will regret these assumptions(potentially) in the near enough future.

Hence why you're a laugh riot to me right now.

Now with that said, I am indeed off to bed. I may or may not respond to any replies after waking up, but I think we've established that we're not going to be friends so... /shrug

DanglingGoatBalls ago

again you will regret these assumptions(potentially) in the near enough future.

Ok Buckwheat. See you in another two years when nobody is in GITMO.

Hence why you're a laugh riot to me right now.

Been laughing at the Q people since day one. So far the Q people have been wrong.

I may or may not respond

Don't bother. I will just keep being irritated because you guys continue to pollute the airwaves, and keep laughing at you.

argosciv ago

Funny how, as predicted by yours truly (albeit a little late), kev targeted all other 'builders', even though as it appears to have turned out, one was a 'friend' of his incognito.

Lesson: Kev will stab anyone in the back to claim top-dog.

@Vindicator @MolochHunter @EricKaliberhall

argosciv ago

I did warn about it. Maybe some day people will listen to me xD

argosciv ago

And yeah, I'm being a bit indignant about it... what the fuck ever. I know some, if not all of you don't treat me as though the 'shills' would want, so don't take this personally if you know you fall in that category. But damn if I wasn't right and indeed that appears to, by the day, carry over to other broader subjects to an extent.

Call me crazy all you want, but tell me there's nothing to the things I present. While you're at it, explain why not one single other person can present what I intend to...

No response necessary and again not personally directed at the pinged or that who I am responding to.

Just venting.


Qtards happened

Titanbikes4ever ago

Lol, I dont have to brag about being smarter than you because you make these petty little comments and show everyone, yourself, what a little turd you are. Lol

Zenogias ago

Yeah I've been here for a very long time, and I can confirm your assertion.

This is not the same voat, not by a long shot.

WickedVocalist ago

Its almost like someone used a bot manipulator to aggregate banned reddit comments and pool them here to foist shitpost propaganda onto the first 1-3 pages.

Vvswiftvv17 ago

Dude, I was here when there was only ONE user who posted hate about Jewish people, Amalek. We all became found of him like you do your crazy Uncle who fought in 'Nam. The shit he would post was off the wall nutter. No one took what he said seriously. But now, every other damn post is like that. And there is an entire group of subhuman scum users who take it seriously. It's baffling and really has just tanked the entire platform. I can't take anything serious on here anymore.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Yeah, I miss Amalek. He wouldn’t like it now though, no wonder he left.

The_Crusader ago

I’ve noticed a lot of this kind if behaviour comes from the Qtards. They still have that Reddit mentality.

Doglegwarrior ago

dude! the number one jew tactic is to muddy the waters and never discuss the topic! i have been fighting this forever on here. i accidently discovered a way to identify them really early on in an argument.

shitty spelling and grammer. yes i spell grammer wrong on purpose.. the grammerkike who is new will always point out shitty spelling and grammar then say your point is invalid because you cant even spell. well the true goat or normal non jew non shill human will say something like this. fuck you nigger dogleg you spell like shit you must be retarded. but point A i disagree with because of 1 2 and 3 and point B is a fair point but point C is totaly wrong. the non human jew or paid shill will just go strait to personal attacks almost everytime.

its not perfect and i turn off some good normal humans but overall it works really well.

its more jews and shills on here thats the reason it seems worse.

jthun2 ago

You've had an account for 10 fucking months. Find me someone with an account over 2 years and I might care about your opinion.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Remember u/she?

theshopper ago

Signal to noise I think.

There are still quite a few quality individuals on this site but they don't squawk as loudly as the idiots or the shills.

As far as the quality of conversation goes, i'm fairly sure we all know the world is like a Boeing 737 max going nose down. We look outside our little windows and see the world completely 90 degrees to what it should be. Maybe we need to remember and discuss some of the things that give us hope, or re-awaken our desires to do something and make our small and interconnected worlds a better place.

As others have said, the real quality conversations that we are not having, are in our own real lives.

Tallest_Skil ago

Almost as though people have finally started to realize that no one’s going to fight back and that the whole point of this site is to let off white steam in the face of our own genocide or something. Oh, and it’s flooded with paid shills who can’t comprehend the objectivity of truth. How about that.

FakeNewzIsFake ago

Voat's gone. It's been invaded to the max. Every post is jew filled now and people defending the wrong idea's that founded voat.

keksupreme ago

nice kike post

capicua ago

Well, the benefit of that is it helps you pick out the redditfags and soros-agents from actual goats, doesn't it?

metricisokay ago

The part that bothers me the most, and has been true all over the internet not just here, is people actually vie for internet points. Like they give a shit about whatever handle they're using.

Why not just chat with people for fucks sake.

SolomonPapermaster ago

It’s why I change accounts from time to time. I don’t care about points or my handle. I want people to reply to what I say without the bias that comes with a familiar username. I am not as active as I used to because I’m busy and you couldn’t make new accounts but now that that has changed I will be ditching this account soon

metricisokay ago

Scorched earth accounts I do that too. I'm pretty sure there's some liberal archiving this entire site but I don't really care. Waste of time and money imo. Sooner or later all of the permanence of mainstream social media will be turned against them, archiving voat isn't going to do a damn thing.

At least that's how I imagine it going down.

NotaQjackass ago

"Q" is dog shit.

WickedVocalist ago

Isn;t that Quora?? Because QAnon really isn't that popular.

valleysunshine ago


I was disappointed to see a lot of people agree with this. It's proof of your whole point about no effort arguments.

19810708321b ago

Moral compass shill. Engage in the fight or get out!


NiggadermCQ ago

Ok niggerfaggot

calfahul ago

The only cure is to make good content and commentary and engage in good-faith conversation. Don't resort to name-calling, don't weaponize downvoting because your little ego got bruised, find common ground where you agree, state your cases where you disagree, and continue to engage on other topics as time goes on. Reward thoughtful content with upvotes and engagement and deny oxygen to trolls, low-effort shitposters, and just plain lazy asses.

And yes, I'm talking to you "it's da joos" posters. "It's da joos", "ur a joo", "das a joo". I know it's da joos, our conversation has to be about how we fight, what we do to help each other, how we build our communities, how we share information to help our people thrive. Low-effort "it's da joos" posting is toxic (lol) defeatism. If you're not talking about how to win, you're encouraging accepting defeat, you are betraying and failing your family and your community and you are no brother of mine.


It's because voat is much easier to manipulate than reddit. There's less here, so [they] take full advantage of it and try to dilute the cores what make this site unique and informative as much as possible. Just watch as someone swoops in and tries to throw an ad hom in as to why you shouldn't listen to what I've written.

Mind_Games ago

"a term of endearment" hahahaha..I've been here for a few years.

No. Just fucking no. Shut the fuck up you piece of shit jew nigger. Stop trying to romanticize this place with

bullshit nostalgia. This is an open forum site, where actual conversations can take place.

When that goes so will those who seek out truth (which only happens in an open environment) .

What this kind of post does is try and set labels to what every other pile of shit message board system turns into.

You want to sit around with like minded retards ? Go to one of the many other sites already active in circle jerking.

JJNova ago

A lot of use have also gone silent since the site has turned into a hivemind.

It happened with every site though, newer people arrive and they think the old jokes are serious and not jokes. Now they think the first person to call someone a shill kike niggerfaggot wins. You don't have winners in a conversation.

zxcvzxcv ago

My theory is that when the canary popped, a lot of the intellectuals who lived in other nations had to leave voat (because denying the holocaust is a crime over in their countries). It was too risky for them to stay. Now you just have americans left, and so, obviously, the intellectual level has declined.

WickedVocalist ago

Not all of us are on here to debate history..

zxcvzxcv ago


Drstrangegoy ago


BentAxel ago

Yeah, it declined about a year ago with all the q fags and Pizzagate bullshit.

jewsbadnews ago

No only that but faggots downvote almost all my posts that aren't just about jews or politics.

SolomonPapermaster ago

The downvoat fairies that follow you around! I've had a few of them too.

jewsbadnews ago

They don't do it in the early mornings or late at night, all the homos and qoomers get on during the day, all the cool people in the off hours.

Wowbagger ago


And often I feel like I'm in a honey pot, full of shills trying to get me angry and to blindly hate anyone that's not white.

19810708321b ago

Because it's WAR! Get over it and change your tactics, or get out.

Anson ago

when i insult someone instead of giving a counter argument it's because i'd otherwise ignore them, and i want to see if they can reroute to ask a proper question.

sometimes i do it because something they said was so stupid that i don't even know where to begin, and that either means they're too stupid (so I shouldn't address them) or i think they're trying to push some other narrative that would take so much effort to tear down that i'd rather not interrupt my enemy while they're making a mistake so i'll just call them a faggot because it makes me feel better to beat up on a dumbass for being a dumbass


Shut your fucking mouth faggot.

MemeDropAcct ago

Used to be two gentlemen could argue, discuss and exchange ideas.

Yep. This is a new account and I am being multi-account downvote brigaded by a couple of users whose fee fees I hurt. Yes, I get the part about making it difficult for shills to make new accounts, but the system is being abused by the very people who are meant to be kept out. An established user can haunt new ones and discourage them until they simply quit. Go to /pol/ and bring up VOAT and the most common reply you will get is about this exact thing. Yes, it is a private site and Putt (or whoever is running this place these days) can make whatever rules they like. That being said, my opinion is that the downvote option is the #1 tool of shills/trolls, instead of it being a tool to keep them at bay.


AdmiralEnchilada ago

Its because of pent up frustration and anger

This world needs to burn, and a new one needs to replace it

Civil discourse is for civil society

There is no civil society anymore

Its time to prepare for the murdermake

SolomonPapermaster ago

You can do those things without letting anger and hate poison your mind and soul. Discern the problem and do something about it, but don't let it control your life.

JewishKid ago

I agree with you. Ad hominem attacks are worse than ever, people react based on their general feeling about the schema of any idea you pose, without considering the idea itself. People are employing a simple, dichotomous heuristic to separate their reactions to the material as bad/good. If good, "you go, fuck fags", if bad, "go back to Reddit, fuck you bitch".

CowWithBeef ago

Voat has always been hostile to blue pills. You're misrepresenting the past.

TechDumb ago

blindly hate anyone that's not white.

Imagine being so cucked that you can actually stomach the thought of the fecal-hued living in the homelands and ancient territories that our ancestors cultivated for us.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Letting hatred be the drive in your life will only hurt yourself. You can see, acknowledge and do what you can to solve a problem without letting hatred and anger poison you.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Exactly. You can kill them all and let God sort them out with no need for hate. In fact, you'll probably do a better job and be more efficient if you aren't having an emotional episode.

ggolemg ago

We are allowed to exist because this is a containment site, just like gab, vnn, storefront, etc.

Hfjeidijrneiisifj ago

No it hasn't faggot. it's been a shit pile for years.

registerinsecond ago

Honestly a lot of this is just how people are. Sure there's a bunch of bad actors, but still. Any platform in the internet ends up like that eventually.

I just stop discussing anyone that obviously doesn't want discourse - but that's shutting down any possible dialog (on the flip side I just don't have hours to spent with someone that just spew insults and attacks with zero rethoric). Don't know what the solution is without clean sing the populace or shutting down the internet lol

0rion ago

Found the one of the edgelord kids.

qawwtmaxuq ago

Anyone else remember the buttplug orgy guy? He was my canary. When he left, I knew ridiculous 'fun' had left Voat.

SolomonPapermaster ago

You mean the user that used to organize orgies? I don't remember the handle name but it was a she, not a he.

Heebro ago

Join my Hebrew brothers in sta ding up against such hate speech.

GenderPronoun ago

What you refer to is the bozo explosion, coined by the late Steve Jobs. He (Jobs) noted early on how A players only wanted to be around people who made them better. When management let in B players, they would hire C players, and so on which lead to the Bozo explosion.

I have run into many trolls here, but I just ignore them. There are tons of great A-players here and if you don't feed the trolls you can keep things going a little longer. Just protect yourselves. Note that all these sites, including 4chan etc are compromised with psy-ops and 5th columnists. Create groups in real life where you can talk face-to-face about the great stuff you learned here.

New sites will keep popping up, they're out there. Look for them.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

poo poo pooo

cyclops1771 ago

You have teams of JIDF, CIA, and FBI, among others coming here and trying to do this on purpose. It's intentional. It stops talking, it stops thinking, it stops discourse.

They will fake a discussion, you will put thought and effort into it, then they will call you a faggot shill kike scum, and you just wasted an hour doing research, checking facts, and thinking to flesh out an idea. Yes, you still have the knowledge gained, but it didn't get expanded, which is what they want.

And next time you get into that type of discussion, rather than expanding on the topic again, you'll just say, "Yeah, I agree" and move on. Less thinking = WIN for JIDF. They want you to stop thinking.

WickedVocalist ago

Hello, that's why I write about myself and experiences and share them rather than debating

BordelonLoop ago

one guy responded to a comment of mine that made me feel like a right idiot. he was supporting what i was saying but he displayed his advanced degree in economics/finance and geopolitical shenanigans. i spent two days researching all of the main topics he threw out there. by the end of my research my head hurt, and i still could not begin to reply with anything other than "what you said" or "i am going to take your word for it." so i kept my mouth shut.

i come here for the news and voat's take on current events. i come here for the humor and the freedom to associate with minds more like mine. it is validation of sorts. i can always tell, though, when an old goat makes the rare comment. you can just tell.

to borrow from the mainstream, "be the change you want to see." but posting crap about how dumb this place is ain't the way to go.

POTUShasnoballs ago

Kill all niggers

Eualos ago

You're contributing to it with posts like this in my opinion

Adherrent ago

And often I feel like I'm in a honey pot, full of shills trying to get me angry and to blindly hate anyone that's not white.

Pretty sure this website IS a honey pot, but at least we have free speech.

shills trying to get you angry, you would be angry if you knew what was going on in this world.

blindly hate anyone that's not white..

AUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, everyone that's not white hates you, envies you, and want your children dead.

that's like 40-60 iq, people with 40-60 iq know that, i'm surprised you don't.

You don't have to hate them back, but they all hate you - and wont hesitate to genocide us.

SolomonPapermaster ago

I am both white of European ancestry (actually white, not like those mixed "mestizos" with light skin that claim to be white) and Hispanic so I am often on both sides of the fence and people of from both sides open up to me. Trust me, they don't all hate you or want your children dead. Envy yes, I must admit that, many do. Most women wish they were with a white guy.

Now, I can only talk about non-Mexican Hispanics. I don't really know any Mexicans and they are a completely different animal. You are right about niggers, kikes and goat fuckers hating whites though. No wonder Canada imports them almost exclusively.

East Asians don't hate whites either. Koreans and Japanese in general love Western culture, Chinese don't care about anything that is not Chinese.

Also, you can discern a problem and do something about it without letting hatred and anger poison your mind. In the end, that will only hurt you.

ados ago

the thing is, the nsa cia don't need a honeypot anymore, anything and everything is a honeypot due to their most commanding use of high technology. Did you read the snowden document release, but as you can imagine.... the tentacles are embedded deep. So they really don't need to run the sites themselves, just let the market provide and they can hook in.

con77 ago

Too many Reddit liberal globalist infiltrating

capnflummox ago

Popularity always does this. Expanding userbase means expanding ideas. Not that it's a good thing...

BoomerHater1488er ago

Hey faggot, we do this because we recognize that rational thought is a waste or breath when directed at an irrational person. This was a waste of a post you dumb kike.

MinorLeakage ago

I'm not sure I agree. I have good thoughtful conversations on Voat all the time, despite the faggots who want to ruin the place. I feel like it is just one of the prices we have to pay for free speech.

I also enjoy insulting idiots sometimes, for no productive reason whatsoever. I've always been told that I'm part of the problem, so I guess it shouldn't be too surprising...

Don't hate people for not being white, because that is stupid. The important part is to not hate yourself for being white, and to realize that whether you like it or not, you are part of something bigger than yourself. Your entire Race and History is being destroyed. Some anger isn't wrong, but don't let it be your driving force or blind you.

We are not the hateful side, they are. We actually care about eachother and our neighbors and more, and they are using that to destroy what our forefathers built for us. There isn't any reason we can't live peacefully on this Earth, and I only want to defend my people and way of life. I have zero interest in Africa or China or anybody else's problems.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Fair enough. You are one of the good ones. You are right, good conversations can still be had, but there the overall quality has definitely decreased. I almost miss Amalek.

Being proud of your heritage and wanting to preserve it is the way to go, hating everyone else only hurts yourself. We are on agreement on that point.

POTUShasnoballs ago

Space is fake and gay

turtlesareNotevil ago

I agree. I can't delete my account so I just delete all my comments every once and awhile and go somewhere else. Then I make it back here to see how things are going. I will say that things were worse here after the Q people came over, but they seem to have either left or settled a bit.


antiliberalsociety ago

The quality of conversation has declined

Member for 10 months

VicariousJambi ago

He's not wrong

antiliberalsociety ago

It's a subjective topic. There's an increase in shills trying to slide conversations as there always has been when registration opens up. I was enjoying the peace and quiet, but people seem to think without floodgates opened we aren't reaching normies outside of Voat, and thus the gates were opened. Nothing of value was gained.

totallynotFBI ago

I've been here since Whoaverse. You don't know how long a person has been here, especially the more privacy-conscious people.

SolomonPapermaster ago

You are correct, I have changed accounts several times for both privacy reasons and because I want to be truly anonymous, as to not let whatever bias someone might have towards me affect the conversation. I'm going to change accounts soon now that new accounts are open again.

antiliberalsociety ago

All it does is make you look like you got shit to hide. Opsec is always possible without having to shape shift. I've had this name for over 15 years on various sites.

WickedVocalist ago

I too use the same handles across all boards. You'd be surprised how many people devote their lives to trolling, making empty threats, stalking, catfishing and more to encourage me not to.

SocksOnCats ago

Fuck you faggot!

Now pay me more shekels! Oh vey!

Heil israel!

scoobatron ago

Ive been here for a few years and the quality of conversation was never really good

nobslob ago

yep, I still come here out of habit but less and less.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

The ability to argue in good-faith has always been held by a small proportion of people. In the beginning of forums like this, only the most concerned about free-expression migrate to places where it can be had, so you get a larger proportion of people who can, and will, argue in good-faith. Of course, as the forum grows, more normies join and the quality of the conversation returns to the average.

I've seen this a number of times on many different forums over the years. We need a term to describe it. 'The Normie Principle' maybe?

The quality of forum posts, arguments, and conversations degrades when a greater proportion of normies enter into a forum.

  • The Normie Principle

PotatoFarm ago

And now we have seen people openly opposing free speech. This either with a mature position where they believe that free speech is sacrificable in the name of a better society, hence they oppose it for the greater good (an opinion I strongly disagree with, but can respect), and those who claim they "support" free speech, with the usual mental gymnastics that closely what the leftist extremist use to silence opposition.

JohnnyLongbow ago

10 month old account claims it’s been here since FPH ban and complaining about shills and downvoats.

Is all this “rough talk” talk rubbing you the wrong way?

Womb_Raider ago

When 80% or more of the accounts here are just alts of other folks here who are all part of a small clique, well... of course the website's conversation declines. There's only a handful of people making traffic. It feels so faux that nobody apart from them partakes.

Almighty1776 ago

All I want is Reddit with free speech, I don't really give a shit if someone posts a cute picture of a cat, I'm a niggerfaggot enough to admit that I enjoy that garbage from time to time. I will agree though that the conversation devolving into "you're just a kike" is a little tiring, also agree with the honey pot criticism. I think people should be allowed to be hate whatever they want to hate and say whatever they want to say, but seriously there's alot of bait it seems on here.

I'm still stoked about coat in general though, I feel like a place like this is giving the younger generations who aren't growing up without a VERY, VERY, VERY CURATED AND NARRATED DISCUSSION, a real picture of what the internet used to be like and what free speech used to be like... Voat is like the Alamo of Western Civilization

SolomonPapermaster ago

It's the price to pay for free speech. I wouldn't still be here if I didn't wholeheartedly believe in the principals this site was founded on. It is out of concern for a place I love that I made a post like that. And reading many of the answers here reaffirms my faith in humanity which is often frail at best.

WickedVocalist ago

Well I don't believe in anything about this website.

Its the only place I know my post won't be tracked or deleted by some troll or another - cannot say the same about Instagram, FB, Reddit, Quora etc..

SolomonPapermaster ago

We're from the same generation then. I resisted smart phones for years.

TimMasson1 ago

I could swear I made this exact same post yesterday hmmmmmmm.

aGameCalledCountries ago

Instead of presenting an argument, people just insult you.

Do you have any specific examples or are you just bitching on the internet?

recon_johnny ago

What was your username before? Because I've been here since fatpeoplehate, but I've kept the same account and same username.

SolomonPapermaster ago

I’ve had a lot of accounts, many with several thousands of upvoats, I’m not as active as I used to be because I am lot busier (taking intensive web programming classes) but giving them away would defeat the purpose of changing accounts to be truly an anonymous. I want people to reply to the message, not the person. If you insist on proof I was there when u/she was downvoated to hell. Don’t worry, now that new accounts are open again I will be ditching this one soon.

Glipglup ago

Don't bother, he's one of those retarded faggots who literally calls any new account shills. You're clearly a government agent because you don't waste your life on a dead forum like him.

Adminstrater ago

It all depends on effort. If people choose not to put effort into their thoughts, they will not put effort into their comments.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

Cool whine, thanks.

Blood-is-Nature ago

I disagree. There are lots of great people here to have discussions with. Also, the problem of social decline tends to always start with the complainers... Now how about making a thread with a good question so that we can discus it?

Ocelot ago

The whole Internet is a honey pot.

21740794? ago

I love it!

TheGruffalo ago

im upvoating you because your name is awesome

AR47 ago

My original account was registered a few hours after puttitout. Since whoaverse days.

Discussion was always fairly degenerate level. No one wants to organize here, or even meet up with actual ideas.

Even less want a connection on a real level to participate within discussion.

Know what they will do? Urge violence, and manipulate. Look at how the protectvoat thing with the mods during the split was an attempt to divide the community. When it didn't work all work was focused on singling out the Q subs and isolation from the rest of voat.

Those of us that are old guard actually have connected on a level.

Rotteuxx ago

No one wants to organize here, or even meet up with actual ideas.

I've met a few goats irl but...

Those of us that are old guard actually have connected on a level.

I wouldn't do that with anyone that's arrived in the last few migrations. Us old goats are from a very different community than what exists today. Before all the Qmigrants & friends started arriving on our shores, we had an awesome thing going. Shit, I just membered that I haven't shipped what I was supposed to, sry @Sguevar & @Empress, that task got shelved somehow :/

Anyways, rapid growth leads to cultural collapse. Voat got raped by niggers and now retarded mongrels are running all over the place !

AR47 ago

Voat wasn't raped.....voat is doing what it was made for.

If you review history of Reddit and then this place. Voat became into its own when Reddit took away vote counts on comments. Reddit knew they would lose people, but a majority of who came was from /conspiracy.

If you compare mod lists from Reddit and voat for that sub you will see similarities.

Voat was a place for all those Reddit didn't want to stay. Each time voat became stagnant a drama happened.

If you look at the comments in most the shit talkers it's canned response. Same with the Q folks. Granted that "Ok Boomer" bullshit is just to further a divide and keep everyone fighting each other.

All sites like this will fail eventually.

RoboGoat2000 ago

OP is right. I would rather have a back and forth discussion with someone I disagree with than get up votes. Growth comes from challenging your own opinion while being exposed to new ones. The Left wants to shutdown open discussion because they know it will have one sole result: the red pilling of the nation. If you disagree with someone on voat, tell them why. You may find out that you have the erroneous opinion, not them. It's a chance for you to grow, so don't shy away from it.

Drenki ago

The conditioning is almost complete

RM-Goetbbels ago

Used to be two gentlemen could argue, discuss and exchange ideas. You could agree to disagree, but it was like a civilized public forum.

What voat did you log into? Sure, there were some discussions and exchanges but your memory is a little rosey as far as the insults and arguments.

It may be that it was fewer disagreements then because there were fewer people. It may be that the Qtards have landed and brought with them a mass of idiots. It may be reddit cunts drifting in.

Voat wasn't some pure and pristine website a few years ago. It was better before the Qtards but it wasn't like what you're trying to portray it as.

Hyst ago

Meanwhile you use your profile on Voat to imply that Putt bans people for downvoating him.

It used to be much better. Only someone with an ulterior motive would lie about that.

RM-Goetbbels ago

You're talking out of school son, about things you likely know nothing about.

It's kind of funny, and sad, at the same time.

Hyst ago

Petty substanceless insults

Putt never banned people for downvoating him. He banned people who broke the rules of this website. Who openly brigaded and manipulated upvoats.

That you try to imply otherwise tells me everything I need to know about you.

But hey, spout some more irrelevant nonsense about what you think I do and don't know.

WickedVocalist ago

They're very close to dropping the pretense that they don't know and weren't monitoring everything

RM-Goetbbels ago

Still talking out of school and not knowing, or at least giving, the real story I see.

Hyst ago

And what is the real story? I love when you people get all cryptic.

RM-Goetbbels ago

The real story is too long and extensive to relive and tbh you're not really entitled to it or worth my time. You're also not doing Putt any favors, if for some reason you feel like you are, by dredging up things that are best left buried.

lettersofmarque ago

Challenge and educate. No one said this job is easy.

Broc_Lia ago

Eh... it's always been a bit like that. Any time I seriously run against the flow of a thread it tends to happen.

qawwtmaxuq ago

And case in point, you used to make a lot more libertarian posts, and I feel like you've been chilled (in a very subtle way) to bring those topics up as much as you used to.

Broc_Lia ago

Possibly. Part of it is that I no longer agree with a lot of the stuff I used to post, but you might be right that I'm subconsciously trying to fit in more.

WhereTheAngelsPlay ago

I no longer agree with a lot of the stuff I used to post

What changed? What opinions you had before but you changed them now?

Broc_Lia ago

  • Immigration
  • Racial equality
  • White genocide
  • The holocaust
  • Jewish subversion of the west
  • Half a dozen different false-flag operations (9/11, sandy hook etc.)
  • Civilian armament
  • Gender equality
  • Homosexuality and transgenderism
  • Drugs, porn and prostitution
  • Religion

Those are the ones that come to mind.

Rotteuxx ago

I recall having way more constructive conversations "back then" but maybe it's just me that's become a cynical asshole.

antiliberalsociety ago

Did you make a post whining about conversation quality afterwards?

totallynotFBI ago

I do that sometimes. What's wrong with it?

antiliberalsociety ago

Whining? Oh I don't know, Twitter and facecuck might have your back on this one

Broc_Lia ago


Hyst ago

It's the same kind of answers I expect a feminist to give me

I've made this observation as well. They behave more like.NPCs

123456788 ago

I literally just posted a comment on another thread saying something very similar. This is very true and needs to be said. Too much screeching without facts, discussion, and sources.

Crikes ago

As long as we tolerate the world reserve fiat global enslavement system, everything that can be corrupted will be corrupted.

Spot communist shills by their lack of argument. Communists don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.

Watch for logical fallacies, and be armed!

SolomonPapermaster ago

To be fair, the world was corrupt way before fiat.

Desolation ago

You're not wrong. Still, there aren't many places to go to talk to people that see the truth. I quit when the Srazie nonsense was in full steam, but came back when registrations re-opened - hoping that things have calmed down a bit.

Hyst ago

SoapBoxBanHammer doesn't calm down. They only take Jewish holidays off.

MadJackChurchill ago

I was going to send you a mod invite, but then saw you're one of these weirdos:

Comments: This user has upvoted 446 and downvoted 444 comments.

Hyst ago

I see a lot more bullshit that I feel deserves downvoats than I see quality sourced comments with well written explanations.

My standards for upvoats are higher than my standards for downvoats.

MadJackChurchill ago

So you self-identity as a crazy judge? I guess that makes you... Judge Mental

Hyst ago

Yeah, shame on me for downvoating clear lies and deceit. I should simply stand idly by while your lot shit the place up.

MadJackChurchill ago

Shhhh, why so serious? Try having some fun.

Hyst ago

I'm serious because this is the last website on the Internet that has freedom of speech, and your group find joy in ruining it.

But by all means, continue laughing it up while the world burns around you.

MadJackChurchill ago

Ahahahaha, oh my. You missed out on all the fun 4-5 years ago apparently.

This place merely serves as a gateway, friend. Seek and you shall find.

Hyst ago

SaneGoat did nothing wrong.

MadJackChurchill ago

omg, ha!

Hyst ago

I've been paying witness for five years now. Consider yourself screencapped, logged, and reported.

MadJackChurchill ago

B b b but I am a Delaware lawyer!

Armpit_and_Ass ago

  • Qtards
  • Facebook-tier normies phoneposting (but i repeat myself)
  • Site itself is likely compromised
  • Zero admin activity for months (putt's last announcement was 4 months ago; his last comment 3)
  • Site being funded by mysterious, benevolent benefactor
  • PIA giveaway
  • PIA bought by jews shortly thereafter
  • Various scumbags run rampant, posting links to known IP-harvesters like chatango

Honestly, the quality of discussion is the least of our worries.

RebelJohnny ago


This is basically it. They’re low-quality boomer conspiritards, backwoods-preacher-tier religious, and they drive down the quality of conversation because they just can’t wrap their minds around what’s happening in the world today. It’s spreads like a virus because you nobody wants to put much thought into a topic when half the responses are going to come from flat-earthers. What could you possibly get out of it? It’s not like they’re going to have some insight into anything. They just shit stupidity all over the place.

whitesilk ago

When I see a post that is low IQ quality or someone just hissing kike kike kike with no justification I just skip it and go onto the next.

Heebro ago

How else can my Hebrew brothers keep track of what everyone is saying if they don't use their electronic leashes... I mean phones.

JohnnyLongbow ago

Is “phone posting “even a thing? Almost everyone uses a tablet or a phone these days.

Are you insinuating that unless the post is from a laptop or a desktop computer that it’s not valid?

Tallest_Skil ago

does something that I literally accepted exists (five words after I asked) exist?

What are you even saying.

are you insinuating

Are you insinuating that someone shitposting while walking into traffic is going to take the time and effort to make a post in quality equal or better than someone sitting at home on a desktop with a proper keyboard who can access his thousands of citations?

Are you REALLY insinuating that?

JohnnyLongbow ago

No but apparently y’all are thin skinned, uptight , and butthurt

Tallest_Skil ago

Phoneposter confirmed.

JohnnyLongbow ago

Yup. Or tablet. Or laptop. I’m not a poorfag so I have options. Lots of them.

ShinyVoater ago

The times I've posted here on a phone I know were definitely less well-done than when I'm on a computer. It's a lot harder to rearrange and rethink things on a phone than a computer(and typing long things out is annoying as fuck)..

ratsmack ago

Phone posting is usually a one liner... poorly done.

PraiseIPU ago

Your moms a oneliner!

*sent from my toaster

albatrosv15 ago

Almost everyone uses a tablet or a phone these days.

Almost everyone is retarded.

JohnnyLongbow ago

Except for you. Right?

albatrosv15 ago

Everyone who posts with a phone or a tablet is retarded, yes.

justregtoasku ago

Not really though

Smokybubbles ago

You've noticed the increased niggerfaggotry. Buzz words and insults are methods employed by shill bots to sow discord and confusion. Disregard them, they are the equivalent of purple haired cunts screaming at the sky.

Titanbikes4ever ago

We're still here, the adults, but we've attracted the edge lord kids that don't know how to utilize this resource.

Shotinthedark ago

You're a fag shill!

we_kill_creativity ago

You're noticing the beginnings of Reddit v/2.0. If you keep tabs on r/TheDonald at all you will have noticed that you've seen more and more "Voat stuff" showing up there. We are, in fact, becoming more mainstream.

But there are problems with that...

It's no different than what I first recognized on Reddit, several years ago. I'd find a sub that wasn't very large, but was quite interesting. Give it a few years and it got bigger until it reached a critical point where it was "popular". That's when it always went to shit.

I think it's all "average IQ" related. I think really smart people are the "explorers" of the internet. That means they're also the "founders" of new places. Because these new places are being operated by the smartest people, they're also "cutting edge" and attractive, BUT...that's always a double edged sword, because it attracts the dreaded "normies"

And what are the normies, but people with literally "normal" IQs...average people. Not inherently evil, but disastrous in large numbers.

So...Voat staked a claim in the wilderness of the internet and created a wonderful place...a bright light in the relative darkness of normie land. But the bright light attracted flies (intelligence agencies) and, frankly, the normal people. And those people, sadly, not only can't hold an intelligent conversation/debate with the likes of you and me...they also, unknowingly, won't allow for it either. They can't understand what we're talking about, so, naturally, they're fearful of it.

It would be one thing if they couldn't talk to us, so they just didn't, and let us talk among ourselves and observed, but they don't. The average IQ people use the power of the downvote and "the insult" to create they're own rules of conformity because that's how they perceive the world and their status in it.

It doesn't help that the Mossads and CIAs of the world are here too, but that's almost secondary to the even more basic reality of "the normie". And I'm not trying to be in despair about this. I'm sure there's a solution, but in order to think of a solution, it helps to accurately identify the problem in the first place.

On the note of a solution though...I think one possible solution might be to "take Voat off the internet" and take our ideas to people in the real world...like...actually talk to people in the real world. Start groups and clubs etc. that meet once a week or month or whatever. People act VERY different face to face vs. on the internet. A lot of the "normie rules" I mentioned above simply don't apply when everyone's in person.

WickedVocalist ago

Well I don't want people hitting on me or my husband and that always happens so no that's the purpose of online interaction, idiot

Anonfag ago

take our ideas to people in the real world...like...actually talk to people in the real world.

This isn't necessarily a bad idea, but you should be careful. Even if you miraculously don't end up with a Fed or some other saboteur in your ranks, you may not like the results. The kind of people who readily shed their internet anonymity tend to be rather foolish or narcissistic.

ChiComs ago


Maby books written on this. High IQ people actively flee normies. They flee!!

MySpace attracted younger and lower IQ people and devolved

Digg attracted younger and lower IQ people and devolved

Reddit attracted younger and lower IQ people and devolved

Voat attracted ....

Invasion of lower IQ and younger happens ALLT HE TIME it is a cycle.

Monthly IQ tests using symbols , shapes, patterns, timed, would keep IQ to whatever norm a site desires.

IQ test to prove admission.

That would NOT affect ages, a 13 year old could score rather high even against a 17 year old.

It would improve the caliber of people.

heygeorge ago

The flight of high IQ happened years ago on Voat. Even Amalek left.

waringi ago

Redpill the shills while theyre here. I also noticed on r/conspiracy many people are calling out the jews and not getting immediate bans.

Approved ago

I think it's all "average IQ" related. I think really smart people are the "explorers" of the internet. That means they're also the "founders" of new places. Because these new places are being operated by the smartest people, they're also "cutting edge" and attractive, BUT...that's always a double edged sword, because it attracts the dreaded "normies"

And what are the normies, but people with literally "normal" IQs...average people. Not inherently evil, but disastrous in large numbers.

This is (a) true and (b) spells the doom of every forum that isn't heavily moderated to exclude normies... and (c) spells the doom of every forum that is heavily moderated, because "explorers" won't go there to begin with.

So, enjoy things while they last, because they won't.

totallynotFBI ago

I am very smart

Everyone likes to think they're special. I think you're biased.

SolomonPapermaster ago

Intelligent people can tell when someone else is smart.

we_kill_creativity ago

What you think is irrelevant to me. Have a nice day!

0rion ago

This was a very well written explanation, it seems spot on to me.

GenderPronoun ago

take our ideas to people in the real world

This is a very important point. I'm new here myself, and came seeking good intellectual discourse and information. I dip in and out of this place and have (because of this place) been able to make positive changes in the real world, which is the main point.

I recommend that people here download locally as much of the red-pill shit that you can and seek honest discourse in your personal lives. The only way (((they))) can win is if we rely on centralized services for our needs exclusively. That includes sites like VOAT.

As things go, more sites will pop up. The one's who know how to dig (thanks to what we've learned here) will find them.

zxcvzxcv ago

You are new here? You want to take voat to people in the real world?

Here you go:

jews= https://files.catbox.moe/bnpl90.pdf

niggers= https://files.catbox.moe/edr5bv.pdf

women= https://files.catbox.moe/z7qum9.pdf

clowns= https://files.catbox.moe/gazilw.pdf

WickedVocalist ago

That guy is a cop..

He needs to escalate his relationship to in person lol

shiffscreek ago


nathanrosegoldberg ago

I just ran through https://www.reddit.com/r/The_Donald/ briefly. I didn't see a single thread I thought was voat tier. I think it's kind of the opposite over there. I don't visit it often, just when I want to keep tabs on what the normies are saying. I do agree that our movement is gaining a lot of traction fast though.

I think a large amount of v/all over here is becoming full of td boomer tier shit.

we_kill_creativity ago

I didn't see a single thread I thought was voat tier.

The threads, as in the comment sections, won't be, but I'll just say that I see things posted here then the next day posted there with regularity. Not the "edgier" stuff, but stuff that I'm surprised to see on the_donald anyways,

TopTierCIAShill ago

ok boomer

Titanbikes4ever ago

That's what faggots and little girls say on tik tock

TopTierCIAShill ago


NotHereForPizza ago

Weird how more waves hit, the more diluted this place got...

It's almost like feds always ruin these places.

ALIENS2222 ago

Go to high quality Reddit then...

Humansized ago

this guy actually cares about his internet points, tries to use them as an argument point. AND HES SAYING GO BACK TO REDDIT. Self awareness levels at an all time low.

TheNiggerFaggot ago

Fucking nigger faggots.

Gopherurself ago


Now in gentlemen fashion explain why having them all in my country should not warrant them death?

WickedVocalist ago

You guys aren't gentlemen..

You're rakes

Gopherurself ago


TopTierCIAShill ago

Hey woah man, you can't be racist! This is Voat, a site for gentleman.

Goys-R-Us ago

You're not wrong asshole.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/Germany comment.

Posted automatically (#79492) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Goys-R-Us: Click here to suppress your anonymous crosslink notifications)

CivNatisFullRetard ago

It all started when Qoomers came.

Hey_Sunshine ago

Don't act like you're here trying to make voat a better place. You aren't.

123456788 ago

My opinion on this is that after the Q crowd came here, like myself, that is when the shills started coming also.

Q sent me here, but I learned the truth about the jew. Almost like that was the plan all along. By Q sending a giant influx of people here, they basically named the jew, while having plausible deniability and not face the consequences of directly doing so. The jews saw this and decided to send their own influx of shills at the same moment the Qers came.

spaceman84 ago

Why do so many Qikes still balk at naming the Jew? Because civnat Christians are pussy faggots who refuse to accept the disgusting face of reality. Perhaps they cannot bear to realize that the world far worse than they wish it to be. It would invalidate their worldview. They attempt to rectify it by calling antisemitism "division" and celebrate niggers who are pro Trump. Truly a glaring example of mental deficiency and emotional weakness.

123456788 ago

I'm a Qike and name the jew.

spaceman84 ago

And how many times a day do they call you a division shill?

123456788 ago

Not often. The go to responses are calling me a boomer kike or a Qtard. Literally the weirdest, least offensive things that they think are powerful put downs.

CivNatisFullRetard ago

I would have rathered Q sent your retarded ass to the grave. Q didn’t do shit but lie to you idiots.

123456788 ago

Lol you fucking hipster. "I was naming the jew before it was cool! That means I am so coool too!!"


mrnicegoy ago

Been talking with the qtards lately? That's a guaranteed dead end.

70times7 ago

often I feel like I'm in a honey pot


21740645? ago

Sorry about the smell.

Planetoftheclown ago

The calls for outright violence on Voat and the Goats that go to great detail about how they plan to do certain 'thing' always make me cringe. I mean, who publicly incriminates themselves? Really?!?

WickedVocalist ago

A cop

Usually one who can pretend to get locked up with you and walk right out to be with the other cops that helped

TheKalergiFan ago

I mean, who publicly incriminates themselves? Really?!?

Joe Biden

Planetoftheclown ago

Take your upvoat!

critias ago


KLDB ago

People here are very smart Honey Pot or not it is good for us to talk openly about our ideas. Iron sharpens Iron. One thing I found voat never wants to talk about is when you say things like...

Why is Hitler seen as a hero, when his country after him has never been allowed to be proud of being German and his war devastated strong European men on both sides. His country is now full of niggers. Did Hitler really need to invade Poland? Couldn't he have just shipped those Germans in Poland back home? Sure he was a great military man. Had all of Europe on her knees. But as far as the 14 words go. Looks like 1 step forward 2 steps back.

SolomonPapermaster ago

I personally think Hitler had too much of an ego. He wanted to be loved, he wanted to be seen as a liberator. Why else would he have taken so long to get to Russia?

Imagine if instead of liberating everyone on his way to the USSR and getting caught by winter, he would have ignored them and went straight to Moscow as fast as possible, forced march if need be. He would have arrived before winter. Picture the Red army coming back from their Eastern front to find the Nazis occupying the Kremlin (or better yet, having destroyed the Kremlin) and all of the Bolsheviks still in the city dead by hanging. They could have wintered in Moscow.

KLDB ago

Was losing in Russia part of his orders?

I openly ask the question because I am no expert in WWII. I've seen his rise to power in the lens of kosher documentaries and not so kosher documentaries and it seems legit grass roots to me. Whenever a people are brutally beaten down in to a meek and lowly state, that is when the spirit of their people call to awaken their Heroes to fight for her honour.

I have also seen when I was here passively people here say Hitler was controlled opposition. I wished I would have asked for sauce then to them. But lots of anti Hitler stuff just gets down voats so fast. The quote in my previous post is one I made alone without the preface and it got -4

SolomonPapermaster ago

To a hammer everything looks like a nail. Some people see jews everywhere. I don't think Hitler was controlled opposition, not by a long shot.

The "awakening of their Heroes" wouldn't have applied to the Russians. It is important to note that the Bolsheviks were almost all jews, not Christian Russians. The Christians were being oppressed and massacred. The Russian people were already "brutally beaten down in to a meek and lowly state" and living in fear (except the for the truly brainwashed ones). Hanging all the Bolsheviks would have been a clear message to all the Russian people that it's ok to speak up. Taking the Kremlin a signal that they don't need to fear the Communist party anymore. But alas, that didn't happen.

Also, Hitler underestimated the influence the jews had in the British and American governments. Don't you find it strange that the US took the side of the Soviet communists and were allies with Stalin of all people, when a few years ago the American people were quiet pro-Nazi?

KLDB ago

I seen here some photos of people protesting the war against Germany. They were honest in their protests and they did not look like the mislead mass protesters of today.

You mention Kremlin... I can't remember which youtube rabbit hole of conspiracy documentaries I was going down but it oddly stuck with me. they said that the real Jerusalem is the Kremlin.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

It took the whole of the Western world to defeat him. People like General Lee and Stonewall Jackson didn't win the war but they were still far better generals than anyone the North had until Sherman (who won by via a brutal scorched earth approach).

At some point you have to judge the man not by what he accomplished outright but what he accomplished with what he had.

100100011001 ago

Grant was a sloppy drunk who only won by throwing superior numbers and industrial production at the Confederates. He was also a terrible president. Not a great role model.

theshopper ago

"It took the whole of the Western world to defeat him."

And the Commies.

Phantom42 ago

his war

Except it wasn't.

Did Hitler really need to invade Poland?

Implying he started it.

KLDB ago

That is true. I cannot say his war.

Did Hitler really need to invade Poland?

School taught me He wanted to relive his Teutonic wet dreams and rule Europe.

The Greatest Story Never told, taught me the Polish were smashing in the faces of German people with hammers living on the Poland side of their shared border. Hitler defended his people there.

I'm not an expert of WWII And I won't pretend to be. What I want to point out is men singing his praises as if he didn't fail.

There is a shift in power happening. I don't think the deep state and globo homos will go out in a whimper. I don't want to be a martyr, I want to win. I'd be sick looking down from the after life If North America sunk to the state of Germany in so few years.

Phantom42 ago

I'm not an expert of WWII And I won't pretend to be. What I want to point out is men singing his praises as if he didn't fail.

He failed, in a way. In a way.

I'm not so stupid as to pretend Berlin didn't have the jewish flag waving over the city, and many good German gals were raped and killed.

But it is important to look at why it happened. By all accounts, Germany was very close to winning in the USSR. Stalin was on his knees begging for the Brits and Americans to open up another front, what would become D-Day.

Think about how many lives were lost that day, defending a communist state, essentially.

Germany had 3 cities they needed to take to win. Stalingrad, Leningrad, and Moscow. Two were damn close to falling (Leningrad, Stalingrad), and one was within eyesight at one point.

What happened was, and it wasn't the Russian Winter, sheer luck. That's really all I can attribute it to. With Italy's incompetence, Germany had to divert troops to preserve Mussolini's living carcass, very experienced troops nonetheless. If Italy had even been somewhat competent, Russia would have lost. I mean... Damn man there are so many factors that Germany couldn't really help at the time, it's just what happened man. That war was 99% over.

It's just how it happened. Maybe for the better, though. It gave the world even more time to see just how evil these fucks are. It also shows us both sides of what is possible and how total our conflict is. Pre-war Germany was damn near a utopia. Post-war... Not even a nation.

It is a message to us, man. We are to strive for these great heights they achieved, but remember what may be lost.

You may not want to go out a martyr, neither did they. It really isn't up to you.

What is up to you is sitting back and dying worthless, or at least trying to strive for something greater. That's what the Germans did. They "lost", but in that loss it gave us greater knowledge of how the Synagogue of Satan fights. It would be stupid not to use the information we have been given. As well as new tools presented to us.

If Germany had fought today, they could have won (proportinally the same troop numbers, unity, and so on). The internet is a valuable asset in our struggle and it is so open that anything can happen.

Don't see it as a loss, but an opportunity.

KLDB ago

well said.

The next fight is for Us and our European Brothers.

jewsbadnews ago

u/Puttitout is a fed no doubt

Israel-Did-9-11 ago

SO MANY SHILLS HERE like @Tallest_Shil

also some glow-niggers

WickedVocalist ago

You're a good Goat if you flagged him. I also did early on, but you're wrong about Empress - she's also a psy op shill as is Broc_Lia - they get pretty flippant and circley often

sniper98g ago

We got taken over like 4 months ago. It's why @puttitout has been afk from this site and the preview site. Don't know if it was a full take over, or if they are forcing him to open the code and have him under gag order.

WickedVocalist ago

You know its the Feds.. Or maybe state tax agency

They can take it and call it an asset and lock him out that's probably how it went down too

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

I love all you jewish faggots who bought old accounts gaslighting about how Voat is taken over and DOOMED

...yet here you are, still on the site trashing it. As if you're paid to be here. Hm.

sniper98g ago

Bro, I've been here 5 fucking years. I made my account early on in GG when it looked like Reddit was going to ban talking about 5 guys.

I've seen plenty of fags like you come and go.

I still come here because dispite the fact that there is clearly some type of government intervention happening to voat, it's still the best fucking site on the internet, and one of the only places people can speak their mind. I'm going to keep coming here till they shut it down.

virge ago

It still cracks me up that there are actually people who believe Voat isn't a honeypot.

WickedVocalist ago

Well if you're a law abiding citizen what is there to fear?

virge ago

"Laws". Hah. Social constructs enforced through the threat of violence by a State with a monopoly on violence.

Laws are for slaves. Not men.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Your link takes me to:

Voat is currently in maintenance mode

virge ago

Works for me.

capicua ago

Is anything not a honeypot?

virge ago

No, that's the whole joke that the mouth breahters fail to understand when they defend things as being not honeypots.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Ehh u/DeliciousOnions is right, AMD just broke 7nm and after we were stalled out and playing the 'more cores' game for far too long, Moore's law is starting to encounter physical limitations already. Intel still hasn't started producing 7nm chips because they've been trying to solve the electron tunneling problem...

That doesn't mean computer advancement will stop, it just means that it isn't a smooth and straight road to the singularity. More innovation will be needed and the whole thing is subject to go off the rails at any point.

virge ago

I still think it's more likely the old proverb about consumer technology being 20+ year old Military tech is accurate. Either way, we're in for a fun ride very soon.

InClownWorldSellPnut ago

Yeah I mean the Navy was playing with Molten Salt Reactors in the 60's so I think there is definitely some truth there, I could also easily see a company like Intel which has very close relations to the military industrial complex churning out some 'multi-core advancements' while sitting on a 7nm or a 5nm chip because 'AMD are bunch of scrubs'... however if that is the case Ryzen would have been answered with an Intel equivalent very quickly.

On the flip side I also recognize the cancer that is scale in the corporate world, no company survives it's own success and it's perfectly plausible that Intel's HR waffling and investor pandering and batshit cali corporate culture have crippled them.

I think it's feasible that the military versions are simply the same chips without all the back doors... and I would bet they get the 'top crop' as it were (a lot people don't realize that the difference between an i7 and an i5 is that the die failed to produce 7 of a potential 8 usable cores and only 5 or 6 of them worked.

virge ago

I think you're onto something. I've always thought that the consumer CPU's were just the B (or worse) Military stock, given how processors are fabricated and how it's mostly a game of whack-a-mole of releasing the ones without defects for each traunch.

DeliciousOnions ago

That blew me away when I realized it at first! I'm impressed more than anything - it's a great way to push the limits of your designs, print in such a way that you can just downgrade your defects and continue selling them anyway.

Joe10jo ago

We know. Voat “goats” up triangle/down one. But I come here anyways bc... well where else are we to go? And like you said, doesn’t matter anyways.

virge ago

Basically, yeah.

MinorLeakage ago

I believe it more now that you've magically reappeared after a 6 month hiatus. Where is that "copy of the internet" you were going to upload, you absolutely worthless faggot?

virge ago

The user you are referring to is sadly no longer with us.

MinorLeakage ago

Unfortunately this is not the case.

virge ago

One of us has evidence. The other is you.

Morbo ago

Ahh, why do you downvoat me without discussion, @Virge? Did I hit too close to home for you? Maybe I should invite @WhiteRonin back to get under your skin some more. Actually, I think I have someone who would be much more fun for you. Membership is open so...do you want to play?

Morbo ago


You deleted yourself but the comment and your account still exist. This further supports my past assertion that you and Putt have some sort of connection. I called you out as the investor before and this sort of fuckery with accounts/history makes me more certain that you are the investor and are fucking with Voat. Have fun with that, builder. Your time will come.

MinorLeakage ago

You don't have evidence of anything beyond your micropenis. You are the dumbest LARPer on the entire internet. Kill yourself.

virge ago

We've already had this conversation, many times, over the years. You always use the same structure for naming your accounts, and your alts.

I've watched this episode, already. The re-run would be just as boring as the first time. No thanks.

Feel free to keep playing with yourself.

MinorLeakage ago

The Virge cries out in pain as he strikes you. My account needs no defending, anyone can peruse my comments at their leisure. You can tilt at windmills all you like. This is the same name I have used for 10 years, here and elsewhere (well, I've only been here since the Fattening).

So where's the evidence? Where's the "copy of the internet"?

You are actually a perfect example of why discourse has reached such a low level on Voat. There is no value engaging people like you. All you deserve is an insult, as you converse in bad faith.

I just want to make sure people can see you for what you are: a coward who talks out of both sides of his mouth, and runs away whenever backed into a corner, only to reappear when you hope everyone has forgotten. I have not forgotten you, faggot. Time for a new account.

virge ago

You've done a better job than I could have possibly imagined of illustrating my points for me. I appreciate your participation.

MinorLeakage ago

And which point was that again? Everything you've ever claimed is demonstrably false.

Anyone who has read this far - just check out @virge comment and submission history. Says far more than I can here. Pathetic.

virge ago

Your biggest tell is that you use false pretenses, such as accusing people of not having discourse, when you literally only ever have discourse between yourself an an audience, and not the account you are engaging with.

Every post you make simply provides more evidence to this fact. Please continue.

MinorLeakage ago

I specifically explained why you're not worth engaging, and this is not a private message. The only reason I reply to you at all is for the benefit of others, not for you, faggot.

I directly answer every statement you make. You dodge every statement I make. Let's try again, shall we? Where is your "copy of the internet" you promised to upload before going into hiding for 6 months?

Try to actually answer without being a weasel for once. I know you can't and won't, but it's cute to see all the bullshit you try to hide it with.

virge ago

Your script never changes. Just another re-run.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Why can’t you just answer his question, faggot?

virge ago

Far more amusing to watch him miss the forest for the trees.

Just like you.

Bitch and moan and REEEEE all you want. You can't character assassinate someone with no character. I'm nothing more than a parody, after all.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

You’re kinda just proving his point

MinorLeakage ago

More than kinda, wouldn't you say? Here's the link to what I'm referring to: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3367040

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

Yeah, I saw it when he posted. He’s a huge faggot

MinorLeakage ago

I'm just tired of seeing him everywhere, and no one calling him out. I can see why now, as him and his buddies have been pinging me nonstop and banning/unbanning me from SBBH for the last few hours.

I must have hit a nerve.

I really appreciate that you bothered to comment on this. It's good to know there are some reasonable people around here with their eyes open.

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

He banned me too, probably just to be an annoying dickcheese. I’ve been reading you calling him out for the past few days, I’m sure others have too

MinorLeakage ago

Mmmhmm. So where is your "copy of the internet" you were going to upload?

virge ago

Re-runs are boring.

MinorLeakage ago

You're not even trying anymore. Where is your "copy of the internet" you were going to post? You've run out of "clever" ways to dodge the question, oven-dodger.

virge ago

Re-runs are very boring.

MinorLeakage ago

Reply with your "copy of the internet". You've been exposed.

virge ago

Re-runs are very, very boring.

MinorLeakage ago

Okay, link to your previous answer then. Since you claim to have already had this conversation.

It is rather funny how you refuse to answer such a simple question. I assume you're being paid per comment.

Where is your "copy of the internet"? It's actually funny how easy it was to show you for what you are. Try to change the subject again, or deflect about how everyone is so mean to you.

You are at best a retarded liar. I'm betting you're worse than that though.

virge ago


MinorLeakage ago

Yes, I know that's your standard response to everything.

Why did you claim to have a "copy of the internet" before disappearing for 6 months? Why do you refuse to acknowledge this, after trying to claim I was the shill and not you? Seems like rather odd behaviour.

So where is it, Mr Builder? Lol.

virge ago


MinorLeakage ago

It's funny how you abandon all pretense of intelligence and discourse once backed into a corner with no way out. I would say you've demonstrated your character rather clearly in this thread. Your handlers may not be too pleased.

Reee one more time for me? That's a good Virge.

virge ago


MinorLeakage ago

Your biggest tell is that you use false pretenses, such as accusing people of not having discourse

So where is your copy of the internet? Keep using your alts to downvoat me. This will still be publicly available for all to read.

endomorpho ago

reading it.

MinorLeakage ago

I'm happy if you're the only one I can demonstrate Virge's dishonesty to. I don't usually do this, but this guy is a tool.

endomorpho ago

is this person like a verified account or something? an influencer or reality show star or something?

MinorLeakage ago

He was plugged as a "builder" by @Puttitout before both of them disappeared. I don't know if that was an honest mistake on Putts part or not.

MinorLeakage ago

It's okay man, just knowing you see the real Virge is reward enough for me. I've got almost 10k in points to spend, and he doesn't have enough alts to silence me.

endomorpho ago

ohhhh, I see. it seems like youd have to say something very unpopular to be downvoted that much. so I assume if one is downvoted to zero they lose the ability to speak? sounds like a free market solution! no big authority involvement. if the community doesn't like something, it kicks you out. I like it!

MinorLeakage ago

It might not be the best system ever, but it seems to work okay. The downside is that people just agree with the consensus to get points, and people will sometimes delete a good and thoughtful comment, just because they are being downvoated.

endomorpho ago

an occasional screwup sounds like an okay trade for a stable society. if it is ultimately corrected. that's why you need johnny law.

MinorLeakage ago

Well I'm happy you found us here on Voat. Many of us are insane or shills, but at least we've got free speech!

endomorpho ago

theres always that!

virge ago


MinorLeakage ago

How does it feel to be dominated so easily by a superior mind?

virge ago


MinorLeakage ago

That might be the smartest thing I've ever heard you say. Make sure you ping me when you post that copy of the internet!

virge ago

I'm just here to help you inflate your ego. Is it working? Please say it's working. Your approval is the only reason I'm here.

MinorLeakage ago

Hey I got you talking again! If it's my approval you're after, where were you the last six months?

virge ago

I'm here for you buddy, I'm glad I can help.

MinorLeakage ago

You can! Just let me know when/where I can pick up my copy of the internet. Seems like you forgot to post it. Thanks.

virge ago

I like games. I'm only a parody account, after all. I'm here to see how long I can keep you asking the same question, over and over again. This will be fun.

MinorLeakage ago

Funny, because earlier you had a totally different answer. Neither of which ever acknowledge your claim to have a copy of the internet. Isn't that strange. I wonder why that might be?

I realized the easiest way to get you to show your true colors was asking the same question again and again. It clearly demonstrates what a subversive liar you are, with very little effort, and all your REEEEING just makes it even funnier and more obvious.

So where is it Virge? If you never had it, as we know you didn't, why did you say it? And why so desperately deflect any Goat who asks? The internet has a long memory.

virge ago

You've clearly got it all figured out. Any other way I can help?

MinorLeakage ago

To be quite frank, I really don't have a clue who you are or what your motivations are. I am just generally annoyed by dishonest cunts who think erudite diction will confuse the unwashed masses into thinking they aren't retarded.

I don't know if you're actually subversive or just mentally ill. But the fact you cannot even acknowledge that @Puttitout called you a "builder", then you claimed to have a copy of the Internet, certainly makes you very suspicious.

Whatever your intent, it isn't to spread good information or have honest conversations. Lucky for both of us, I've got some free time to call you out today. I may not tomorrow.

virge ago

I can absolutely understand your frustration. You (appear to be) motivated by thinking you are right about things with what I believe to be no evidence and a lot of speculation. It's a conundrum to be in that position.

As you said, your superior intelligence has already concluded the answers to the questions you have about the situation, I cannot possibly see how any information I could give you would change that.

I would appreciate it if you would always make time for me. Being reminded how superior you are gives me hope for humanity and is a beacon of both integrity and intense representation of the dialogue you have stated you desire to see everyone participate in (I imagine at all times, although please correct me if this assumption was in error).

Ultimately juxtapositions of your cognitive bias are irrelevant when you are not seeking answers, but instead seeking to illustrate your opinion of someone to an audience. I would hesitate to stand in your way when you wish to perform this act, for I believe it to be integral to others like you.

MinorLeakage ago

I knew attacking your intelligence would get you talking again, and it appears I was right.

I have always been seeking one simple answer. Where is your copy of the internet, and why did you never post it?

At this point I just want other Goats to see you for what you are. I think my earlier comment summed it up rather nicely. The Virge cries out in pain as he strikes you.

So, where is it?

virge ago

We've already established you have this all figured out. I'm at a loss for why you persist in this line of questioning when it's already been firmly established you are of superior intelligence and MUST HAVE ANSWERS IMMEDIATELY to this travesty.

MinorLeakage ago

I never said I figured out anything. I did say I was a superior intellect, hoping to aggravate you into talking again. It's likely true, but I doubt you want to swap phone numbers and find out.

So tell us. Where's the copy of the internet, and why did you make such a nonsensical claim? Waiting for you to "build" me an answer, fren.

virge ago

Heavens, not aggravation! It could never be that the must hilarious thing to watch is someone who thinks they are smarter than others declare their superiority with such certainty, oh no that could never be it. It must be aggravation! You are so smart, how could I doubt you?

I'd be happy to have a phone conversation. Give me your number and I'll call you right now.

MinorLeakage ago

Keep trying to distract from the only thing this was ever about. Where's your copy of the internet?

virge ago

Was your offer to have a phone conversation disingenuous? Please hurry, I'm boarding a plane in 30 minutes so our time to talk will be put off for another day. That would make me so very sad.

MinorLeakage ago

No, totally genuine, but I'd much rather have your number. You can't even answer a simple question, so you don't inspire my trust, oddly.

Send it over with the copy of the internet?

I think everyone on Voat has a superior intellect to a man who claims to have a copy of the internet, don't you?

virge ago

Oh, absolutely. We've already established you have this entire thing figured out. Your continued line of inquiry is very perplexing.

Please let me know if you change your mind about having a phone call.

MinorLeakage ago

Well, the important part is showing people what you are, so I think it's been overall very successful. Thanks for playing your part so well. Voat needs a good shill to stay on its game I guess.

Ping me when you post "the internet" you pathetic mental midget.

virge ago

Can I ping you whenever I need you to show people what I am? That would be very helpful. I wouldn't want to take away from your success.

MinorLeakage ago

Please do. Also when you post "the internet" along with your sub-80 IQ score.

virge ago

No problem!

MinorLeakage ago

I can see this really blossoming into a beautiful friendship. You're like the retarded little brother I never had.

virge ago

Whoa, dude. Whoa.

Are you paying for my gender reassignment surgery? @heygeorge FINALLY! Someone with cash in the bank!

MinorLeakage ago

Maybe I'm just ignorant, but I doubt @heygeorge supports you and your shit. He seems like a decent enough guy when I've talked to him. You just dodge and twist in the wind when confronted.

I have no problems with shitposters. What I dislike is actual lying fakes like yourself.

virge ago

@heygeorge confirm/deny?

You can answer by giving me moderator of SBBH if you'd like.

@MinorLeakage says he is superior intellect, so I'm sure he intentionally just used shitposters and lying fakes back to back as if they were not the same thing. He's the smartest man I know, so I'm sure he has a good reason for this obvious fallacy..

MinorLeakage ago

Satire does not equal subversion. It takes a certain intellect to understand, so I'm sure you could get someone to explain it to you.


MayorMcBullshit ago

yall r both faggots and i mean that in the best & worst way possible. How Dare You!!!1!

MinorLeakage ago

This guy is one of the worst shills on Voat, and deserves to be called out every time. I'll happily eat 100 downvoats for it.

POTUShasnoballs ago

Everything is a honeypot

KLDB ago

Be the honey pot.

videocodec ago

People here underestimate the tracking that goes on in most social media. The difference between some private Jew scam for data and the government is blurred at best.

POTUShasnoballs ago

Verge sucks baby dicks

Killdozer6gozillian ago

Pretty much. I've started to go to 4 and 8 for more quality content. Same with lots of the original user base.

virge ago

There is a wireless mesh network across the entire continental United States run by the seedy underbelly of society piggybacking off one of the more popular cryptocurrencies.

Yes. The barrier of entry is technically complicated. Nothing is easy. Only you can decide if that's worth it to you.

Tekedo ago

You can really tell when the site goes down for an extended period of time. When it comes back up, the organic user base is on and talking, and it takes a few hours for the shills and agents to log in and start sliding posts and freaking out in comments.

virge ago

What about the accounts that post during the downtime using the API?

It's not the submissions that matter (that would be far too noticeable, obviously) - it's the comments themselves. Use SV.co to see for yourself.

justregtoasku ago

Who would post using the api during downtime? What's the point?

virge ago

All valid questions to ask, but with a management team silent for over a quarter you're unlikely to find out.

justregtoasku ago

Ok but what do you think? Why would you point it out?

virge ago

I don't think. I know.

Knowing takes effort. Sharing what I know, and how I know it, would mean revealing enough to doxx me. Somewhat of a catch-22.

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hollywood2020 ago

there is nothing blind about hating niggers, spics, anything LBQBT plus Govt workers

whitesilk ago
