BirthTheGirth ago

And turn their coats red ;)

Barbarian ago

Or “Ok kike”

Neverendingpissstory ago

The wouldn't understand what your saying.

Fuzzycrumpkin ago

I have more respect for the redcoats than them at this point...

Loxicologist ago

What about, “ok KGB”

xzars_folly ago

Heh...they are far more Soviets than Redcoats these days.

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xzars_folly ago

Debates are liberals are best punctuated with .45 acp.

Debate is over, its time for action.

theysayso ago

I like it.

waucka ago

I believe the traditional phrasing of "ok redcoat" involves hot tar and feathers.

watts2db ago

they are likely too retarded to get it

changz ago

Didnt the Recoats just want to kick the shit out of the US during that time? Having gun confiscation was an afterthought.

Merlynn ago

They're not red coats,they're commies.

megalon ago

It's a metaphore.

Merlynn ago

Why do you need a metaphor when the truth is far more damaging?

telleveryoneyouknow ago

Maybe “ok faggot” or “ok cuck boy” or “ok dumb piece of shit”

KLDB ago

If you are unarmed. You are a slave.

i_scream_trucks ago

i like the part where someone throws a fire extinguisher at your head...

non_compete ago

The appropriate derogatory term was "Lobsterback" FWIW

i_scream_trucks ago

so you called your former masters 'lobsterback' ...

what do you call your current jewish overlords?

TheyLie ago

Ok snippy? (circumsized)

green_man ago

Yes I do believe sports are currently a legitimate meritocracy. Jews get it both ways here, they get to push the idea that niggers as better than whites on Talmud Vision.

Shadowlight ago

this is good actually

Spiteful_Mutant ago

The time for logic and reasoning has long since passed.

Rabid_Robot ago

Ok redcoat seems like an appropriate thing to say, honestly. Their attention span is six seconds and it doesn't take that long to utter those words so it looks like we've got a winner.

BettyLiberty ago

Libtards don't understand that they are the Redcoats. They are the fascists.

TheyLie ago

How about ok commie or ok Marxist? Well, they're probably proud Communists, so they won't care. Hm.... Ok traitor

pby1000 ago

These New World Order people are redcoats.

FederalShill ago

The thing that i dont understand is how gun control can be at all justified or even possible since the language of the constitution says my right to own a gun isnt granted by the government its an inalienable right granted by god, therefore any attempt to seriously speak and attenpt control via government, is a plain and clear threat of violence and should not be protected under the first amendment.

xzars_folly ago

Because for 50 years the commies, the socialists, the jews, and the liberals have been inundating us in subversive propaganda designed to make you into servile soyboy. They teach now in school that only the State can provide security, that is wrong to defend yourself. They now teach kids that the American way of life is injustice, that American culture is evil, that white people have to be stopped as official school curriculum. They don't teach "American civics" in High Schools anymore. its "History and Injustice of Colonialism." Ever notice how there are NO conservative teachers in America big cities anymore? That is not a fucking accident.

Movies, TV, Media now all moves in lockstep to make guns only the domain of crazy people and criminals. The preach and indoctrinate and have been doing it for 30 years.

Polls are out now. Zoomers, 90% want ALL guns banned forever. Most of them are communists straight up, and the believe that the government should be all powerful and that people what their rights,or even privacy, are criminals with something to hide.

Its...honestly this is probably the end game. I don't know how American can come back from two entire generations, millennials and zoomers, now fully steeped in jew-designed Federalist-communist thought can be saved. These people were programmed into being sheep begging for the Sheep-dog to herd them. All they care about is memes, Pokemon, smoking dope, and banning guns. They now fully believe that "hate speech" should be made into a felony crime without ever asking what "hate speech" actually is. They are so liberal they actually want to make it illegal to be conservative.

And I say this as a 1982 baby. We are fucked. The youth of today are effectively Soviets, not Americans.

FederalShill ago

Your lamentation is useless and non-aryan

xzars_folly ago

Jokes on you nigger...blond, blue eyes, and Scandinavian. Thing is, I'm not a fuckin nazi so I don't care about those things.

Sheeitpost ago

In a way it's a master-slave morality enigma. Nietzsche wrote a lot a about this. Truth is, unless you're so rich and powerful you can make your own rules-- you are at risk of any society exerting force against you. This is a law of nature. Power does indeed makes the rules... collective agreement on what is good is powerful-- that is why social contracts are so important, and the left are breaking the social contract for Virginia residents as well as worrying millions of people in the country and abroad that progressivism is engaged in lawfare against anyone who disagrees with them.

To make a crude analogy, America became a nation that relied on deception too heavily in order to work-- that's why so much information is kept hidden because people can't handle it, apparently-- but the problem is humanity is always evolving so systems (a gov is a system) have to adapt or else they fail. The operating system of our country was replaced with MAGA from it's previous Globalist operating system-- and the system is still updating-- because Globalists in the system have a paradigm that is incompatible thinking MAGA is fundamentally evil or will become evil.

Post-modernist liberals (and Globalists) are fighting back, going for total control via impeachment, totalitarian policy towards gun confiscation and likely many other strategic leftist campaigns for the near future, including Big Tech social media censorship... which will have the opposite effect of making people more upset and questioning things even more.

Why is the left doing this? Many on the left think the world is doomed if they fail and they have the moral justification to win at any cost. It is incredibly insulting to their intellectual agency to understand and admit that many of their ideas stem from KGB subversion of U.S. academia, and was designed to collapase Western culture because the KGB knew the policies didn't work (Source: Yuri Bezmenov)-- further, in our culture that is so afraid of nuance, telling the truth openly or questioning the dominant ideology is suspician that you must be some derivative of bad person, creating a chilling effect where people have be quiet. This further speeds up the echo chamber of academia and many experts, and contributes to more incongruent decisions from the left.

It's sad because even though there are machiavellian actors involved on the left, the majority do not understand how cynical communists actually were... and why their ideas keep failing. In Stalin's biography there was a quote from him saying something like, "I just found what people wanted and I gave it to them."-- leftists don't understand a statement like that. What Stalin was saying is the people had unnatural illusions-- equality of outcome and many other delusions-- he then gave them unnatural outcomes by removing truth from society via propaganda and making an oppressive control aparatus to force what they previously wanted into existence at the cost of mass suffering. The elite, however, had more power than kings, all be it a power gained from exploiting cognitive-biases of the highly emotional and the stupid... and not stable ground, like the Russian Federation being basically without debt and with a strong, pragmatic post-communist and post-feminist worldview. Funny post-modernists hate post-comminist Russia more than communist China-- dare I say, is it because there is a connection there?

Basically, the US jumped into the realm of ideology and assumptions, forgot the founding fathers were critical of democracy and as a country we exported it to people who can't handle it at a developmental level. Now because of the inability to discusss nuances in a politically correct environment and the ensuing societal drama leftists will inevitably create by continueling to act in strange and impetulant ways from the perspective of middle-America... Trump will easily win the next election by 60% of the vote, and the democrats may even lose the house.

projection ago

Good piece.

FederalShill ago

Youre thinking to hard about it. Youve written a magnificient intelligent well crafted response that no sudra goyim retard will ever read or understand, so certainly he will never act on what youre saying. Im trying to motivate them to action.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

I prefer the term 'lobsterback'. I'm sure none of those dimwits would get it.

TheyLie ago

Or shorten it to ok lobster. Make it even harder for them to figure it out.

i_yam_wat_i_yam ago

I've quoted this a few times around here, but it bears repeating;

If ye love wealth better than liberty,

the tranquility of servitude

better than the animating contest of freedom,

go home from us in peace.

We ask not your counsels or your arms.

Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.

May your chains set lightly upon you,

and may posterity forget that you were our countrymen.

Samuel Adams

projection ago

First time I've seen it. Excellent, thank-you.

AmericanBannedStand ago

Whoah that last line

RedCoatTurnCoat ago

I endorse this message.

Crikes ago

Communists don't have points or principles, only pretenses meant to enable their crimes.

Understand this, and be armed!

megalon ago

Don't forget the useful idiots though. Google "useful idiots" if that doesn't ring a bell. We can still convert them easily enough

eongoat ago

idk if they'd would even get the redcoat reference

Cat-hax ago

Even if they dont, you refusing to debate them then calling them a name would trigger them.

jthepk ago

refusing to debate.. hmm where have i heard this tactic before...

BlueDrache ago

They refuse to debate in good faith, so dismissing them out of hand at the start is preferred.

Shadowlight ago

even better if they dont

Leveraction ago

I have to agree. These zombies don't have a clue what the redcoat reference is.

megalon ago

All libtards watched Outlander and now hate the redcoats from that series. Oh it will irk them

AlphaOmega ago

What’s wrong with outlander? I’ve been brushing up on my Scottish history/heritage watching it.

Maggotfeast ago

Brushing up on gay rape scenes eh?

AlphaOmega ago

That has not happened yet. So far the shows not that far off.

Maggotfeast ago

Ah, I haven't watched the show but from what I heard be ready for it

green_man ago

I'm actually for gun control, don't let shitskins or jews have guns. If you're of White European stock you should be allowed to own a full auto suppressed firearm without any bullshit tax stamp or hoops to jump though.

xzars_folly ago

Fuck that, the real solution is no more kikes or shitskins, then we don't need any gun control laws at all. Throw them all out.

dcosta77 ago

I have to admit, you had me at the beginning

MinorLeakage ago

Why not just enforce the original laws? Only Citizens have 2nd Amendment rights, and those groups you mentioned were specifically denied Citizenship.

green_man ago

I don't want niggers and spicks to have guns because they will use them to rob and kill whites.

thirdright ago

You are not going far enough. I agree with you. jews and niggers need to be second class citizens. White superiority is the only way forward. This is our land, they are at best renting it.

green_man ago

Eh, I'm not about "white superiority", I just want countries that were built for white people by white people to be run for white people. Currently white countries are typically run by jews at the expense of white people for brown people and jews. For me it's not who's superior, it's about not having to deal with the other races. White people are smart, they can figure out how to make tacos.

thirdright ago

Eh, I'm not about "white superiority"

You don't think Whites' are superior to everyone else?

I just want countries that were built for white people by white people to be run for white people.

I think we are on the same side, you just like a roundabout way of saying it. Fine by me.

green_man ago

You don't think Whites' are superior to everyone else?

I don't, there is a reason the nigger felon league and the nigger ball association are comprised of mostly blacks, they're better than whites at that type of useless shit. I'm under no illusion that whites are the best at everything, that idea is just wrong. If you want to go full wignat about it, niggers are the the best at smelling bad. I keep talking about niggers, but the real problem is the jews, the niggers are simply the weapon.

I think we are on the same side, you just like a roundabout way of saying it. Fine by me.

We're on the same side, I just think the idea of "white supremacy" is dumb because whites are not the best at everything. We're definitely the best at all of the things that matter, well maybe the japs, they haven't let jews fully subvert their society yet.

GreenSlug ago

Just because someone can pick their nose with their full fist, while i am relegated to just one finger, when i am objectively better in every other way, doesnt mean im not superior to them just because they have a useless talent i dont. The can play retard games better? I think it could be argued they cant and its just a jew plot to make white idiots look up to niggers, but even if they can, they are still 100% objectively inferior.

White superiority is simply reality

FederalShill ago

Youre using niggerball THEATER created by JEWS to say that whites arent the master race??

green_man ago

Sports were not created by jews, they were exploited by jews for shekels. It was originally to showcase the best physical prowess of the population, now it's for betting on which team of monkeys will best the other team of monkeys. And yeah, niggerball theater basically proves niggers are physically superior to whites in certain cases. They can run a ball farther than a white, but they can't invent the wheel.

FederalShill ago

He knows the truth, hes just too afraid to say it

green_man ago

I do and I'm not afraid. I just don't like "white supremacy" terms because I think they're wrong.

thirdright ago

Jesus you are bizarre.

And Whites are the best at everything. Every fucking thing.

green_man ago

LOL, I will agree that I am bizarre. How can you seriously believe whites are better at sports ball though? It's literally one of the only spaces where meritocracy exists and it's dominated by niggers.

thirdright ago

I am not concerned about that. Did civilization advance because some niggers are throwing around a pigskin? Or is it our modern entertainment of watching savages metaphorically kill each other in an arena?

green_man ago

Hold on, I'm in no way shape or form endorsing the nigger felon league or niggers. I'm simply saying niggers are better at sportsball. That's it. You're correct, quarterbacks have to have some level of intelligence which is why the good ones are always white.

We agree for the most part, I was only using niggers in sports as a an example for why I disagree with the idea that Whites are the best at everything. You won't change my mind about that unless an all white team starts wrecking the others, it's one of my favorite normie friendly things to tell people. Yeah, blacks are better at sportsball.

thirdright ago

We agree for the most part, I was only using niggers in sports as a an example for why I disagree with the idea that Whites are the best at everything.

All good. Cheers. And Merry Christmas!

green_man ago

Same to you and yours! Merry Christmas!

ALIENS2222 ago

I like this actually