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green_man ago

I'm actually for gun control, don't let shitskins or jews have guns. If you're of White European stock you should be allowed to own a full auto suppressed firearm without any bullshit tax stamp or hoops to jump though.

thirdright ago

You are not going far enough. I agree with you. jews and niggers need to be second class citizens. White superiority is the only way forward. This is our land, they are at best renting it.

green_man ago

Eh, I'm not about "white superiority", I just want countries that were built for white people by white people to be run for white people. Currently white countries are typically run by jews at the expense of white people for brown people and jews. For me it's not who's superior, it's about not having to deal with the other races. White people are smart, they can figure out how to make tacos.

thirdright ago

Eh, I'm not about "white superiority"

You don't think Whites' are superior to everyone else?

I just want countries that were built for white people by white people to be run for white people.

I think we are on the same side, you just like a roundabout way of saying it. Fine by me.

green_man ago

You don't think Whites' are superior to everyone else?

I don't, there is a reason the nigger felon league and the nigger ball association are comprised of mostly blacks, they're better than whites at that type of useless shit. I'm under no illusion that whites are the best at everything, that idea is just wrong. If you want to go full wignat about it, niggers are the the best at smelling bad. I keep talking about niggers, but the real problem is the jews, the niggers are simply the weapon.

I think we are on the same side, you just like a roundabout way of saying it. Fine by me.

We're on the same side, I just think the idea of "white supremacy" is dumb because whites are not the best at everything. We're definitely the best at all of the things that matter, well maybe the japs, they haven't let jews fully subvert their society yet.

GreenSlug ago

Just because someone can pick their nose with their full fist, while i am relegated to just one finger, when i am objectively better in every other way, doesnt mean im not superior to them just because they have a useless talent i dont. The can play retard games better? I think it could be argued they cant and its just a jew plot to make white idiots look up to niggers, but even if they can, they are still 100% objectively inferior.

White superiority is simply reality

FederalShill ago

Youre using niggerball THEATER created by JEWS to say that whites arent the master race??

green_man ago

Sports were not created by jews, they were exploited by jews for shekels. It was originally to showcase the best physical prowess of the population, now it's for betting on which team of monkeys will best the other team of monkeys. And yeah, niggerball theater basically proves niggers are physically superior to whites in certain cases. They can run a ball farther than a white, but they can't invent the wheel.