We Thought They Were White. Spread this in every black neighborhood. (wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com)
submitted 5.3 years ago by WolfShepherd
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remainselusive 5.3 years ago
I love what this nigger is trying to do, spread the truth. But the average American nigger's IQ is 85. Most American niggers couldn't even read this, much less make sense of it.
DanielR 5.3 years ago
OP is a fraud and jewish shill, article is fake by the way
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remainselusive ago
I love what this nigger is trying to do, spread the truth. But the average American nigger's IQ is 85. Most American niggers couldn't even read this, much less make sense of it.
DanielR ago
OP is a fraud and jewish shill, article is fake by the way