Holonomic ago

"Dontell" ---- finally made it to da kangs n sheeit.

wokeasfook ago

Holy shit. The blacks and the minorities will end up being the ones to do it. Once everyone is aware of what's been happening and white man is vindicated, white man can just sit back and admire the overdue backlash on the real guilty party.

DanielR ago

no you are just retarded

also weak to need niggers to fight in your place (which they will NEVER do, cuz they are your natural enemy)

ALSO THE ARTICLE IS FAKE! You baboon, its written by a jew, to promote niggers in the right wing movement

wokeasfook ago

Found the Jew. I cast a line and sure enough you bit on it you dumb inbred fuck. The best thing about kikes is they are dumb as fuck but been convinced they are the smartest creature on the planet. Make it easy to get them to expose themselves.

Unlike Slavs. Very good looking and genetically superior to Jews in every way. It's amazing when u look at a Slave and a jew side by side. It's like a an angel beside a gremlin.

DanielR ago

Thats must have been a shit line, if you got nothing. Just a goy telling you to stop being retarded.


'' DON'T TELL JACKSON ''...a cryptic allusion to a US president and slave owner?

I know this is somewhat off topic, but it does pertain to imprinted behavior, more specifically Black African behavior. I've spent almost 30 years in the 3rd World, one month every year, from the last week in February to the end of March...Latin America and Caribbean with 27years in Jamaica...Blacks refer to Jamaica and Haiti as West Africa. to the point...a few years back I was engaged in a conversation with a Jamaican woman whom I've known for a long time. While speaking with her a housefly landed on her face and crawled to near the corner of her eye and I'm thinking to myself that the winged beast must be irritating and I'm waiting for her to swat it off her face, especially near her eye but she never flinched. I immediately envisioned the bleeding heart UNICEF commercials where pictured was an emaciated infant African with a swollen belly and snotty nose covered in flies. I was always under the impression that these Africans were too weak to swat the flies from their face especially in the corner of their eyes but it now dawns on me that centuries of living in an environment appears to shape the DNA...flies crawling on one's face becomes a normal part of the life cycle and as such a fly on one's face, even the corner of one's eye, doesn't bother them, Even thousands of miles away from their cultural roots and homeland Caribbean Blacks have maintained the behavioral definition dominant in black Africans. I do believe that environment shapes DNA...I KNOW I KNOW, WHAT'S ALL THIS GOT TO DO WITH THE FACT THAT EPSTEIN DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF?

golgo91 ago

Jesus fucking christ how come these websites are absolute shit every single time and you can't even read it without scrolling back and forth sideways to read every line fuck you and the nigger that made this site

WolfShepherd ago

You caught me.

Itupe depiy bie eroyeror nal wa hicusi; irico nuw zat varop anieval tirete detile verapa wekotin? Ha de tiwitem uzirisa evimos motedo orir upeho oyicali! Li tucetah cegad ile sunierit sit hieci sesu. Cabibin fa recope lo sotid lu cietira noc. Sa vet nano lo degeli pem otil nac reso. Nofiehah rogader feset. Acepibe ti eruvitup hanew ceminal lel uto linopet nirix.

Good luck.

DanielR ago

The goyim will always win jew. We will crush your niggers and exterminate them, and then we will come after you, You cannot nuke all of us before we get you kikes.

WolfShepherd ago

Are you sure?

We have over 9000 nukes

And they're all pointed at your house

You think we forgive and forget?

DanielR ago

Hope not, weve been looking forward to this showdown for ages.

Once kikes and niggers go away and islam is destroyed, the world will finally get just a little bit better

WolfShepherd ago

We are everywhere. Watching.

We could be your neighbor, or your best friend.

Have fun

DanielR ago

"your best friend" I doubt it

"We could be your neighbor," I doubt it even more, considering we killed all of you before I was born. So my country is clean of your filth

WolfShepherd ago

No, it isn't.

We just hid.

In fact, you ARE ONE

Why do you think you chose the semetic name Daniel?

It was instinctive

DanielR ago

Daniel is just a normal name kike.

Even if you are referring to the tribe of Dan, they werent jews thou. They were Isralites 12 tribes +1 heretical tribe (Judah)

Tribe of Judah are the jews. Thats why they are called jews, cuz they come from Judah.

WolfShepherd ago

Don't fight it.

Israel welcomes you

DanielR ago

Yeah we will take back the European and Christian lands in the Middle East

WolfShepherd ago

Yes you and you will help us.

Good, glad you accepted your role.

DanielR ago

How often are you kikes gonna repost this ?

Your tricks to make us accept your niggers, didnt work the first 100 times you tried, so why do you think the 101 time will work better ?

Holonomic ago

Go be a fucking crybaby some place else.

DanielR ago

LOL shill is mad

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

I wouldn’t say that we had “little to do with it”, but I would say that Jews have a significant, unspoken of representation in it all.

DanielR ago

OP is a fraud and jewish shill by the way, also he reposts this fake article every week, trying to fool goyim



WolfShepherd ago

Whites fell for it, just like the wars and the media.

But we are powerful and can wake up

DanielR ago

The goyim found you out shlomo

WolfShepherd ago

Oh no, what should I do?

DanielR ago

Nothing, just lay down and die jew. It will all be over soon. You can meet the niggers in Hell.

WolfShepherd ago

Oh no. Was that a threat?

DanielR ago

More of a description of your last moments rly.

WolfShepherd ago

Describe, in graphic detail. I'm listening

DanielR ago

I already did, its not much of a show, more of a pathetic death really.

DanielR ago

I like the jewish "muh based nigger" movement, and the shill sponsoring it.

As if other stupid people in the past didnt try to make a deal with the niggers and always got screwed over.

Boomers who gave niggers equal rights, melenials who gave niggers affirmative action, retards who freed the nigger slaves.

Tell me how great and wonderful those deals with niggers have been in past.

So why are you people retarded enough to think this time it will work out....somehow.

Nigger lovers and promoters are inferior whites, weak and pathetic who see the nigger as better and try to get his help.

Pathetic really, very pathetic.

Stawpikk ago

And suddenly, without any reason, I stopped hating niggers.

DanielR ago

Until Tyrone slits your neck

Then as you bleed out to the sounds of your wife fking Tyrone, you realize this is what you get for being a cuck

jonnyquest ago

Ahh yes, my friend ... so did we.

jewsbadnews ago

This site was taken down before, when did it come back up?

jthun2 ago

Excellent web pages. Super interesting, well written... wish there were more references/citations.

sinclair ago

Bares a striking resemblance to Commander Sisko.

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Too wordy. He're a summary

NotHereForPizza ago

It's almost like the noses purposefully excite tensions between other races so that they're easier to control...

NotHereForPizza ago

Did you know most "Nazis" are just what you call "Jews"?

DanielR ago

I think that question sounded better in your head

NotHereForPizza ago


No, I mean what I said. The "Jews" concocted the holocaust themselves. Hitler's mother was "Jewish". Some say he was even a Bauer.

DanielR ago

Yeah holohaux is a jew lie

Im sure Hitler is as "jewish" as Jesus and most people in the Bible, aka NOT even a little bit jew

subscribetopewdiepie ago

If blacks and whites didn't spend so much time hating each other they would spend more time noticing things.

NotHereForPizza ago

Little do the goyim know, it's now illegal to notice things!

DanielR ago

Naw fuk off cuck

Id rather exterminate them then play your retarded games.

I bet a similar moron suggested we free the niggers from slavery and red pill them. Look how great that ended up. Just kill yourself op.

HiJoker ago

Oy vey.

DanielR ago

Yes goyim let based niggers into your movement. What could possibly go wrong ?

Not like you tried letting niggers into your country already and it turned to shit.

HiJoker ago

Ok, fuck you rabbi. You want to play that low rent nigger shit with me fag?

Letting into my movement? You think this is a fucking movement, rabbi? It's an earthquake of people having enough of jew bullshit.

Not to mention, you think I'm in charge of it in some fucking cunty strawman, then snark away?

Again, strawmanning that I let the damn niggers in. lol


DanielR ago

Oh I seem to have found you kike.

Either you are some pathetic fucker who needs nigger help to win XD

Or you a kike, plain and simply and try to sabotage whites

HiJoker ago

The only meltdown going on here is you, rabbi.

You goofy fuckers can't even troll right. You do know you fucks are toast? Right? You should come to Jesus before it's too late.

DanielR ago

"Oy vey! Better start calling the goy names or they will figure it out !" XD

GTFO jew and take your niggers with you !

HiJoker ago

So how many nukes does Israel have?

DanielR ago

Israel and jews get to die along side your niggers m8

Two sides of the same kike coin.

Also goyim found out you a faker m8


HiJoker ago

Way to fail the glownig test.

This conversation is over.

DanielR ago

Kike looses and needs to tactical retreat

ESOTERICshade ago

I remember you fuckwit and I think you are jew.

DanielR ago

Doesnt matter what you think.

All retards think they are smart. But you already know where your based nigger routine ends up.

Because stupid people like you tried it before, when they freed the slaves, when they gave niggers rights, affirmative action.

It never worked.

WolfShepherd ago

Lol I called him fuckwit too

Maybe he is a jew

DanielR ago

Doesnt matter what you think.

All retards think they are smart. But you already know where your based nigger routine ends up.

Because stupid people like you tried it before, when they freed the slaves, when they gave niggers rights, affirmative action.

It never worked. Yes I copy/pasted, cuz you people are all probably the same retard or same IQ level. Thinking you are smart, while doing the same stupid shit the boomers and other retards did. I bet you people date cheaters too and imagine you will somehow be different and she wont cheat. XD

WolfShepherd ago

Dont be a fuckwit

We need to use chimp outs

We defeat jews by using their tactic

DanielR ago

You are wasting your time idiot.

Your pathetic attempts at kissing nigger ass wont work and will fail. Thats what the anti-slavery whites did and look how well it worked out.

If you dont learn from history, you will repeat it. And when you die stabbed by your based niggers, as you bleed out, remember: "No sympathy for nigger lovers, they deserve what they get"

WolfShepherd ago

I don't give two shits about them

I want them to chimp out

Understand that

DanielR ago

They are in your country stupid fuker, when they chimp out they wont kill jews, they will kill whites.

You retard !

1Sorry_SOB ago

I like that headline font.

Holonomic ago

Times New Roman font.

abattoirdaydream ago

This really is one of the best summaries of the whole issue.

jewd_law ago

OP doxed


jewd_law ago

In case you missed the memo on OP's glow nigger activity

Glow nigger @ WolfShepherd deleting his threads because he got caught

DanielR ago

well done for exposing him, look at the dislikes, the goyim know and the kike trembles in fear, tries to shut us down !

ShadowWatcher ago

If you have a WorldStarHipHop account? this needs to be posted there! it will change a lot of Minds.

Anon1492 ago

Nah, I'm good. I don't want to get anywhere near a black neighborhood.

awildbanannaphone ago

and all the sudden he killed himself...

ratsmack ago

Based black man speaks... too bad no one will hear him.

He will probably commit suicide by two shots to the back of the head... as reported by the FBI.

DanielR ago

OP is a fraud and jewish shill and you are a cuck, sadly



CrudOMatic ago

You and your buddy @CantDentTheBrent are doing overtime trying to get people to not read that site. I read it a year ago and no kike has been able to debunk it. Jew harder, Moishe.

DanielR ago

Funny cuz it was written by a jew XD

As bait for stupid whites

CantDentTheBrent ago

Niggers have IQ average in the 80s.

Good luck with them on your team.

CantDentTheBrent ago

This isn't real you faggot.

Jesus Christ you niggers are dumb

jewd_law ago

"Dontell Jackson"?! - LOL! yeah, I'm sure that's the author's real name. This content gets points for both relevant information and trolling as a magic negro.

DanielR ago

What a cuck

HiJoker ago

How's the black guy a cuck for being based? Does not compute.

DanielR ago

The op is a cuck and all the nigger ass kissers are cucked

The nigger in the article isnt real, its a article wrote by a white man, using a nigger pic to fool niggers into hating the kikes.

Its part of that retarded movement of nigger lovers who think the black man is the only way for whites to win.

HiJoker ago

Well, would you rather they all be out voting Democrat or something? Maybe they'll fumble fuck around and accomplish something.

If it's fake, who cares as long as it works? lol Don't tell me you're principled on this ruse? Is there something wrong with your jew hate?

DanielR ago


The niggers never gonna vote for you imbecile.

You gave em education, are niggers smarter ? NOOOO they are more stupid then before.

Its because you pretend niggers are black skinned whites, and THEY ARE NOT, they dont think like us at all !

HiJoker ago

Jesus, Rabbi, you'd better take your meds or you're going to stroke the fuck out.

DanielR ago

You like it when you lose the argument and have to name call, hein jew ? ;)

HiJoker ago

You goofy bitch nigger, I sure as fuck didn't lose that exchange.

I know you've got to save face, JDIF isn't very forgiving now is it?

DanielR ago

Ignoring solid arguments and flaws in your (((master plan))) in favor of name calling, like you are a jew and a goy found you out, so now you gotta run and shut it down.

CantDentTheBrent ago

Lebased negro!! They'll save us!!

HiJoker ago

Did I say that? Did you ever play any wargames? Have you ever heard of the concept of 'cannon fodder'? The niggers have the numbers on us and the jews by far.

You fuck around and you'll miss out on something here. Niggers might wake their dumbasses up to the fact that without white people they are back to jungle fucked and they like the white life in white lands. Without whites, it all goes away. Jews are hell bent on killing us off. That means no more white people, no white civilization to suck on the milk and honey of for starters and what's even worse they'll never be able to learn 'white magic' for themselves if there are no whites left. No real Wakanda for niggers ever. Ever. lol Ever.

hahaha..I'm kidding. Niggers can't fathom that at all.

Now we've got some breeds that some of their forebears got 'Massah Dicked'. If you look at the outliers, you're not getting 100% nigger genes, they're getting a genetic boost from us. Right? They bred up. It's completely fucked up and the first born are always freaks, but they get a few generations of development and nature evens them out a bit with their environment. Right? Is that science? We still do science, right? If I'm fucking wrong about it, please shoot me the fuck down.

Lastly, any humanoid on the planet taking a close look at jews is going to discover with any luck how foul nasty evil plotting dirty rotten child raping and murdering pieces of evil shit they are and the natural reaction is to kill it with fire. Why would anyone want to get in the way of that natural process? Hmm?

Just sayin'.

remainselusive ago

I love what this nigger is trying to do, spread the truth. But the average American nigger's IQ is 85. Most American niggers couldn't even read this, much less make sense of it.

DanielR ago

OP is a fraud and jewish shill, article is fake by the way



awildbanannaphone ago

theres a difference between this man and a nigger. learn it. don't antagonize someone fighting with you. Just my 2 cents

HiJoker ago

OK, we're being genocided and are globally outnumbered to the brim, we've got a retarded white population who've cucked out and went commie anti-white. Jews are in a struggle to destroy us once and for all.

All of that and we get some supposive whites that are just adamant in thinking that somehow they're going to grow some balls and straighten it all out all by our very few selves.

Nobody is proposing sucking nigger dick, more like an encouragement of the niggers to revolt against the jews. That works out for everyone and the niggers can fuck off back to africa where they spawned. It's win/win for everyone but the jews. Hmm.

I see it like this. Either they are fucktardedly stupid or they're jew shills. We've got jew shills up our asses here in spades playing hard AF psyops on as many retards as they can.

Too bad none of us are pattern recognition autists.

jthun2 ago

agree. Reverend Farrakhan is no 'nigger'. nor is Jesse Lee Peterson.

remainselusive ago

Ever heard the fable of the scorpion and the frog? A nigger is a nigger is a nigger...Get your sanctimonious ghetto loving bitch ass back to Popeyes and your nigger girlfriend.

awildbanannaphone ago

ha, i would never fuck anything non-white. I went through a stage before waking up where I like asians. but that slowly changed.

ESOTERICshade ago

Doing the jews work eh? If whites and real black people ever get together its over for the jew. I agree with the poster that said this man is not a "nigger" and if he wants to fight the jew you are a fool not to take his help.

CantDentTheBrent ago

real black people

Who is that nigger?? Where are these magic negroes???

DanielR ago

You are retarded, all you gonna do is make it easier for niggers to infiltrate and destroy our movements.

The guy who started the "muh based black man" mouvement was a jew.

ESOTERICshade ago

Well, until you go ahead and kill em all (snark) it benefits us for them to realize who their real slave masters are. Idiot.

DanielR ago

You are as dumb as a nigger. Probably why you think working with them is "a good idea"

NIGGERS DONT CARE ! Niggers know democrats screw them over yet they vote 97% democrat anyways,

They dont care jews were slave owners, are you rly stupid enough to think niggers still care about slavery XD

Slavery is to the nigger what holohaux is to the jew, a tool to steal money from whites !

ESOTERICshade ago

Rabbi you doth protest too much.

DanielR ago

I like how you ignore the arguments and name call.

Using the same insults as the other shills who promote niggers.

Suspiciously making it seem like you are all the same person but on different accounts to promote your kike ideas.

Gettm ago

whites and blacks can never "get together". stop fooling yourself fool.

WolfShepherd ago

Dumb it down


They are a great resource

Soyboy69 ago

"Deez hooknose mufuggas is de real white debil, dey be taking our womenz, taxin our whips, making us pay alimony on our jizzbabies, and locking us up when we steal shit. dey isn't white, da real white man wanna send us to wakanda"