We Thought They Were White. Spread this in every black neighborhood. (wethoughttheywerewhite.tumblr.com)
submitted 5.3 years ago by WolfShepherd
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NotHereForPizza 5.3 years ago
It's almost like the noses purposefully excite tensions between other races so that they're easier to control...
DanielR 5.3 years ago
OP is a fraud and jewish shill,
Did you know most "Nazis" are just what you call "Jews"?
I think that question sounded better in your head
No, I mean what I said. The "Jews" concocted the holocaust themselves. Hitler's mother was "Jewish". Some say he was even a Bauer.
Yeah holohaux is a jew lie
Im sure Hitler is as "jewish" as Jesus and most people in the Bible, aka NOT even a little bit jew
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NotHereForPizza ago
It's almost like the noses purposefully excite tensions between other races so that they're easier to control...
DanielR ago
OP is a fraud and jewish shill,
NotHereForPizza ago
Did you know most "Nazis" are just what you call "Jews"?
DanielR ago
I think that question sounded better in your head
NotHereForPizza ago
No, I mean what I said. The "Jews" concocted the holocaust themselves. Hitler's mother was "Jewish". Some say he was even a Bauer.
DanielR ago
Yeah holohaux is a jew lie
Im sure Hitler is as "jewish" as Jesus and most people in the Bible, aka NOT even a little bit jew