Unpopular opinion: Black people are actually people.
It seems like none of you have even talked to a black person, let alone befriended them. They are literally just like you or I, just with a different culture
It is not the jews that are the problem goy, it is women.
I wonder how long White men will buy this shit before they start pushing in your faces with their fists. They have 'bought' it for 6,000 years so at least you clever jews have a good success rate with it.
I didn't realize jews were the majority of voters and consumers, faggot. Jews lie, women fall for the lies and call us evil when we demonstrate the truth.
Jesus, are you retarded? 'Voting' has never made a difference in any government policy on this planet. They simply do whatever they want, whenever they want. This has ZERO to do with women voters any more than the invasion of Europe was 'up to the voters'. VOTING DOESN'T DO SHIT AND IT NEVER DID.
"If voting changed anything it would be made illegal." - Emma Goldman
What other evidence, other than the current state of our nation, do you need to see that 'voting' is a fucking joke?
Look goy, you can 'chose' from preselected candidate number one or preselected candidate number two!
Yeah, whoopdie fucking doo...the whole thing is BULLSHIT! You think they lie cheat and steal every day all fucking day and have left 'voting' untouched?
Yep, I had to talk it out, but now I am sure you are a fucking retard.
I think you've overstated the futility of voting. It doesn't do shit if you're in the minority, but women's votes certainly matter. That's why politicians pander to them with welfare. Why bother to buy their votes with gibs if voting doesn't matter? We don't vote on important issues, we elect representatives, and the representatives only represent their donors and the cheapest people to please. Your vote doesn't matter because you're not a donor or a cheap date, you're a cow they milk and slaughter as needed. That doesn't mean no one's vote matters, it's just yours.
Both have the GIBS ME DAT mentality (the nigger just displays it at its most 'basic' level while the jew displays the EXACT same characteristics as the nigger through usury/theft).
Both 'religions' are based on nigger ideology/voodoo and serpent worship. 1, 2
Both are matriarchal and neither have any idea where the children come from.
Both love child sacrifice.
Both love child rape.
Both love incest.
Both love terrorism and torture.
Both are muh dicking faggots whose only real consideration on this world is for money or 'muh dick'.
Both have no capacity AT ALL for higher reasoning.
Both show a complete lack of any ability with morality of any kind (under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should they be a moral guide for ANYONE).
Etc. etc. etc...after a little while when comparing the two of them, and I could go ON AND ON about the exact match in their behavior and nigger behaviors, culture and beliefs you realize that they are basically Wiggers. Some sort of animal without a shred of human decency.
Yes...if you do a comparison of the two religions; african tribal serpent worship/voodoo and judaism you will find that the core values are almost identical.
When I was studying african tribal religion (which is UNGODLY BRUTAL and arbitrary with extraordinary violence and mayhem based solely on the feels of the priest) you would not believe how many parallels they have to jewish religion. It is almost like everything the jew believes was lifted verbatim from nigger religion. Unfortunately, this made its way into European beliefs as well. For example...here my response explains why the 'serpent' (jew) eats dust (practices ritual cannibalism on humanity exactly like the niggers). Most of the ideas that were imported into Christianity to defile it like ritual human sacrifice and things like the eucharist/cannibalism are nigger religious values that bled into OUR MORAL BELIEFS of pagan Christianity, which was extremely moral, and would have NEVER in a MILLION YEARS condoned ritual human sacrifice (even animal sacrifice to God was an offense to the 'gods' that was worthy of the death penalty in Rome). You can clearly see the difference between the values of the Orthodoxy (which never practiced the 'inquisition', torture or ritual human murders of the (((catholics))) ). Not saying that the Orthodox escaped the contamination of their morality, they didn't...just saying that they retained more of their moral fiber because they were not the focus of jews until the Bolsheviks betrayed Russia and had their coupe of murder and terrorism from within their host nation.
Can you see how many nigger traits they have in them? Big puffy nigger lips, frizzy hair, dark skin, low IQ, even the ones who are barely nigger at all still have nigger characteristics (and DNA that is 'diverse').
And big lips. Basically the jew is a nigger who represents nigger interests while wearing White skin. Look at the slave trade. That is just the jew 'representing' for his nigger kin. This is becoming less reliable though as the jew try to infiltrate all races which is why independent genetic testing for their contaminated mongrel bloodline must be done. Look at the nigger 'queen of england'...she is a jew but she barely resembles a nigger at all. GENETIC TESTING! That is all I have to say about that.
I'd say gypsies, not niggers. Niggers are just animals incapable of true creativity. Gypsies (be it the Roma pajeets or any other gypsy group) on the other hand are parasites to the bone, and jews are just a gyppo group that succeeded.
The Romani are something like 70% chimpanzee alleles. Not as high as the nigger, but due to gene theft, higher than the jew at 40% chimpanzee alleles. What you are seeing is their great ape characteristics coming out. When GEDMATCH is used for comparison the jew/middle eastern peoples (semites) are the only genetic bridge between the nigger and humanity. The nigger is not related to humanity at all...not even partially (less than 1% match in alleles between us). But due to the jews proximity in the middle east and their complete lack of standards of any sort, they have been nigger fucking for thousands of years. They are basically the cork in the bottle of Rapefrica and almost all of them display their nigger characteristics in their lips, kinky hair, brown eyes and skin.
I’ve always of it that way too. They’re basically a gypsie nation. Even now they’ve been given their own country (read: large halting site) half of the fuckers are still ‘takin to da road boss’ in other peoples countries. Gypos can’t settle, that’s what makes them gypos, and the wandering jews are displaying exactly that same trait. Pity though they don’t just nick the copper piping like ordinary gypos, preferring instead usury and subversion of their hosts’ homes.
Their penchant for 'wandering' allows them to infiltrate and betray their host nation from within. They never had any intention of 'settling' in their 'home nation'. They would lose control and the opportunity to fuck over their host and play both sides. This is why EVERY LAST FUCKING HUMAN must be tested for the parasitic genetics of the kikes and exterminated.
BillyLuath ago
That sign makes no sense, it's like saying coyotes are just smarter prairie dogs.
not_a_commie ago
Unpopular opinion: Black people are actually people.
It seems like none of you have even talked to a black person, let alone befriended them. They are literally just like you or I, just with a different culture
magameme ago
They're a different species......
Europeanrennaisance ago
no....no they're not. i live in a majority black area. you don't know what the fuck you are talking about.
Bigdickedelf ago
That's why I call them 'Synagogue of Satan' niggers
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
Women are crafty niggers, jews are just liars.
963189_137 ago
I wonder how long White men will buy this shit before they start pushing in your faces with their fists. They have 'bought' it for 6,000 years so at least you clever jews have a good success rate with it.
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
I didn't realize jews were the majority of voters and consumers, faggot. Jews lie, women fall for the lies and call us evil when we demonstrate the truth.
963189_137 ago
Jesus, are you retarded? 'Voting' has never made a difference in any government policy on this planet. They simply do whatever they want, whenever they want. This has ZERO to do with women voters any more than the invasion of Europe was 'up to the voters'. VOTING DOESN'T DO SHIT AND IT NEVER DID.
"If voting changed anything it would be made illegal." - Emma Goldman
What other evidence, other than the current state of our nation, do you need to see that 'voting' is a fucking joke?
Yeah, whoopdie fucking doo...the whole thing is BULLSHIT! You think they lie cheat and steal every day all fucking day and have left 'voting' untouched?
Yep, I had to talk it out, but now I am sure you are a fucking retard.
BlackSheepBrouhaha ago
I think you've overstated the futility of voting. It doesn't do shit if you're in the minority, but women's votes certainly matter. That's why politicians pander to them with welfare. Why bother to buy their votes with gibs if voting doesn't matter? We don't vote on important issues, we elect representatives, and the representatives only represent their donors and the cheapest people to please. Your vote doesn't matter because you're not a donor or a cheap date, you're a cow they milk and slaughter as needed. That doesn't mean no one's vote matters, it's just yours.
philmchawk ago
Jewishs are smarter Gypsies.
ForgottenMemes ago
Niggers are just animals, taking what they need to survive.
jews are satanic, they have an ideology of destruction and profiting off evil.
Deflo56 ago
They are originally from Africa you know. So. Just saying.
963189_137 ago
Unfortunately, I cannot oblige.
Both have the GIBS ME DAT mentality (the nigger just displays it at its most 'basic' level while the jew displays the EXACT same characteristics as the nigger through usury/theft).
Both 'religions' are based on nigger ideology/voodoo and serpent worship. 1, 2
Both are matriarchal and neither have any idea where the children come from.
Both love child sacrifice.
Both love child rape.
Both love incest.
Both love terrorism and torture.
Both are muh dicking faggots whose only real consideration on this world is for money or 'muh dick'.
Both have no capacity AT ALL for higher reasoning.
Both show a complete lack of any ability with morality of any kind (under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should they be a moral guide for ANYONE).
Etc. etc. etc...after a little while when comparing the two of them, and I could go ON AND ON about the exact match in their behavior and nigger behaviors, culture and beliefs you realize that they are basically Wiggers. Some sort of animal without a shred of human decency.
AntiMason ago
What is that Jew with the chicken? Wtf?
963189_137 ago
Yes...if you do a comparison of the two religions; african tribal serpent worship/voodoo and judaism you will find that the core values are almost identical.
When I was studying african tribal religion (which is UNGODLY BRUTAL and arbitrary with extraordinary violence and mayhem based solely on the feels of the priest) you would not believe how many parallels they have to jewish religion. It is almost like everything the jew believes was lifted verbatim from nigger religion. Unfortunately, this made its way into European beliefs as well. For example...here my response explains why the 'serpent' (jew) eats dust (practices ritual cannibalism on humanity exactly like the niggers). Most of the ideas that were imported into Christianity to defile it like ritual human sacrifice and things like the eucharist/cannibalism are nigger religious values that bled into OUR MORAL BELIEFS of pagan Christianity, which was extremely moral, and would have NEVER in a MILLION YEARS condoned ritual human sacrifice (even animal sacrifice to God was an offense to the 'gods' that was worthy of the death penalty in Rome). You can clearly see the difference between the values of the Orthodoxy (which never practiced the 'inquisition', torture or ritual human murders of the (((catholics))) ). Not saying that the Orthodox escaped the contamination of their morality, they didn't...just saying that they retained more of their moral fiber because they were not the focus of jews until the Bolsheviks betrayed Russia and had their coupe of murder and terrorism from within their host nation.
WD_Pelley ago
Don't forget afros and Jewfros. Both have the same hair styles.
963189_137 ago
Yep...look at these photos and see if you can spot the nigger characteristics in their faces.
1, 2, 3
Can you see how many nigger traits they have in them? Big puffy nigger lips, frizzy hair, dark skin, low IQ, even the ones who are barely nigger at all still have nigger characteristics (and DNA that is 'diverse').
WD_Pelley ago
No surprise there. And yes, I see a lot of frizzy hair and beady eyes.
963189_137 ago
And big lips. Basically the jew is a nigger who represents nigger interests while wearing White skin. Look at the slave trade. That is just the jew 'representing' for his nigger kin. This is becoming less reliable though as the jew try to infiltrate all races which is why independent genetic testing for their contaminated mongrel bloodline must be done. Look at the nigger 'queen of england'...she is a jew but she barely resembles a nigger at all. GENETIC TESTING! That is all I have to say about that.
Heebro ago
I resemble that remark.
Napierdalator ago
I'd say gypsies, not niggers. Niggers are just animals incapable of true creativity. Gypsies (be it the Roma pajeets or any other gypsy group) on the other hand are parasites to the bone, and jews are just a gyppo group that succeeded.
963189_137 ago
The Romani are something like 70% chimpanzee alleles. Not as high as the nigger, but due to gene theft, higher than the jew at 40% chimpanzee alleles. What you are seeing is their great ape characteristics coming out. When GEDMATCH is used for comparison the jew/middle eastern peoples (semites) are the only genetic bridge between the nigger and humanity. The nigger is not related to humanity at all...not even partially (less than 1% match in alleles between us). But due to the jews proximity in the middle east and their complete lack of standards of any sort, they have been nigger fucking for thousands of years. They are basically the cork in the bottle of Rapefrica and almost all of them display their nigger characteristics in their lips, kinky hair, brown eyes and skin.
irelandLost ago
I’ve always of it that way too. They’re basically a gypsie nation. Even now they’ve been given their own country (read: large halting site) half of the fuckers are still ‘takin to da road boss’ in other peoples countries. Gypos can’t settle, that’s what makes them gypos, and the wandering jews are displaying exactly that same trait. Pity though they don’t just nick the copper piping like ordinary gypos, preferring instead usury and subversion of their hosts’ homes.
963189_137 ago
Their penchant for 'wandering' allows them to infiltrate and betray their host nation from within. They never had any intention of 'settling' in their 'home nation'. They would lose control and the opportunity to fuck over their host and play both sides. This is why EVERY LAST FUCKING HUMAN must be tested for the parasitic genetics of the kikes and exterminated.
WyattMale ago
Correction: Jews are just craftier gypsies.
blumen4alles ago
Yes, exactly. Most niggers would be "better" criminals if they were smarter. So you take the intentions of the nigger, put a white mask on it, allow it to blend in with their victims, and you have the jews.