The Earth is a testing ground for the soul. We come here to test/prove our theories about who we are. There are only two paths, "good" or "evil". Unfortunately we need these dirty manipulative jews and thieving ass niggers for us to understand that way of life and outright reject it as something that is not us. It is beneficial to our soul to come up against the most vile adversaries and fucked up situations as much as possible. This gives us many opportunities to prove we are not evil and we can respond properly even in the most insane situations.
The jews are playing the long game but all their power is built on lies and manipulation so they can control and steal. Whites know a much quicker way to guide society. Just tell the TRUTH. The jew lies can't hold up much longer and it will all come out. This post doesn't really have anything to do with jerking it.
So why am I here? Makes no sense. Unless hating pedophiles and Jews really is in fact bad and sinful and I'm being punished for holding that position in all my previous lives and refusing to learn.
Ok this started as a joke but now I'm actually wondering if this is hell then why the fuck are we here sharing hell with the pedos?
I think we might have all got cast down to Hell together. Some people say you can't get out. That we were cast off from God forever as punishment and that there is no way out.
That is when I developed my European ONLY Ethnoglobalism as a response to this line of thought. I was thinking that the only way to FIX HELL was to have a European ONLY world. That would be as close to Heaven as we are ever going to get. This is why I push for it so hard. Because the other races MAKE THIS PLACE HELL. If it was a European only world we could get very close, as close as we are ever going to get on Spaceship Earth to Heaven again.
There are other theories too...that the jew is a minion of Hell and that they are dragging us under to a deeper darker form of Hell. What started as a minute separation from God is almost at the point where we will no longer 'catch up' and we will be left behind here forever to die a slow heat death at the end of the universe. The more they win the morality war the farther we get from God. There, supposedly, extremely soon according to this theory, is going to come to a point where no matter what we do, we will never be able to reunite with God because he will be too far advanced away from us for us to ever regain our own Godhead. The jew wants this because they are feasting on 'God' or what is left of it.
There are a number of other theories but most of them revolve around the jew as necromancer/parasite, sucking the goodness out of humanity only to discard it as a husk into a black hole when they are done. is just depressing. People would fight harder if they understood the real consequences and what is really at stake and to them, the idea of being separated from God forever is 'no big deal'. They use these religious phrases like 'being born again [into Life]' without even thinking about them. They have been lied to so long by the kikes that they think they can 'say some magic words' and that they are born again HERE...meaning not ACTUALLY BEING BORN BACK TO THE GODHEAD but that this Hell, forever with the kikes, is 'as good as it gets'. This means they don't try for the REAL PRIZE and time is running out. Too depressing. The other idea is that somehow we were cut off...some say rebellion against God, but we don't know that, it could have just been a stupid mistake or an accident that caused us to end up here in isolation with the parasites forever eating us and sucking off us and lapping up our blood.
Gen 2:7
7 Then the LORD God formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed the breath of life into his nostrils, and the man became a living being.
Gen 3:14 [Pi - the endless circle...never-ending, always repeating - it is not a mistake that they coded Pi here in the curse]
14 So the LORD God said to the serpent: “Because you have done this, cursed are you above all livestock and every beast of the field! On your belly will you go, and dust you will eat, all the days of your life.
See those two words 'dust'? They are the same word; meaning that IN THEIR EYES they have been given permission to cannibalize us forever and ever by 'God' (whatever that means) the jew is going to devour down mankind forever and ever unless we kill them. ALL. DEAD. FOREVER.
It is literally saying that the jew has permission to suck the lifeblood out of our people until we are dead.
There are other, worse things I have learned, but honestly, it is far too depressing to even share tonight.
Snakes don't eat actual dust, they knew that even back then, so it must be a metaphor.
Pi is also known as the snake eating its tail.
Numerology, as with most advanced linguistic is historically viewed as the basis of trickery, magic and witchcraft. It's disturbing to find it active in the bible.
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In the case of Europeans they 'legally' murdered and seized the possessions of 100 million Europeans over the 2,000 year-long occupation of Europe (this was just what the 'catholic' church did to our people, it does not include the several hundred million more that they murdered in cold blood in engineered wars, through planned starvations and through usury, assassinations etc and seizure (like the IRS/FED).
Other nations have had their own 'run in' and been ritually slaughtered by the jews and jewish ideas as well.
My question is why tell this through arcane numerology? Is it to avoid censorship/ensure historical survival? Or is it gloating and ingroup messaging akin to modern day media? It's hard to believe it's a coincidence and if it is part of some divine inspiration then surely there would be more to it than a "you are screwed forever" - God.
view the rest of the comments →
SpreeFeech ago
The Earth is a testing ground for the soul. We come here to test/prove our theories about who we are. There are only two paths, "good" or "evil". Unfortunately we need these dirty manipulative jews and thieving ass niggers for us to understand that way of life and outright reject it as something that is not us. It is beneficial to our soul to come up against the most vile adversaries and fucked up situations as much as possible. This gives us many opportunities to prove we are not evil and we can respond properly even in the most insane situations.
The jews are playing the long game but all their power is built on lies and manipulation so they can control and steal. Whites know a much quicker way to guide society. Just tell the TRUTH. The jew lies can't hold up much longer and it will all come out. This post doesn't really have anything to do with jerking it.
MrShekelberg ago
The earth isnt a testing ground its hell.
wokeasfook ago
So why am I here? Makes no sense. Unless hating pedophiles and Jews really is in fact bad and sinful and I'm being punished for holding that position in all my previous lives and refusing to learn.
Ok this started as a joke but now I'm actually wondering if this is hell then why the fuck are we here sharing hell with the pedos?
963189_137 ago
I think we might have all got cast down to Hell together. Some people say you can't get out. That we were cast off from God forever as punishment and that there is no way out.
That is when I developed my European ONLY Ethnoglobalism as a response to this line of thought. I was thinking that the only way to FIX HELL was to have a European ONLY world. That would be as close to Heaven as we are ever going to get. This is why I push for it so hard. Because the other races MAKE THIS PLACE HELL. If it was a European only world we could get very close, as close as we are ever going to get on Spaceship Earth to Heaven again.
There are other theories too...that the jew is a minion of Hell and that they are dragging us under to a deeper darker form of Hell. What started as a minute separation from God is almost at the point where we will no longer 'catch up' and we will be left behind here forever to die a slow heat death at the end of the universe. The more they win the morality war the farther we get from God. There, supposedly, extremely soon according to this theory, is going to come to a point where no matter what we do, we will never be able to reunite with God because he will be too far advanced away from us for us to ever regain our own Godhead. The jew wants this because they are feasting on 'God' or what is left of it.
There are a number of other theories but most of them revolve around the jew as necromancer/parasite, sucking the goodness out of humanity only to discard it as a husk into a black hole when they are done.
jonnyquest ago
Upvoted y'all just because this is an interesting line of thought ... keep going.
963189_137 ago is just depressing. People would fight harder if they understood the real consequences and what is really at stake and to them, the idea of being separated from God forever is 'no big deal'. They use these religious phrases like 'being born again [into Life]' without even thinking about them. They have been lied to so long by the kikes that they think they can 'say some magic words' and that they are born again HERE...meaning not ACTUALLY BEING BORN BACK TO THE GODHEAD but that this Hell, forever with the kikes, is 'as good as it gets'. This means they don't try for the REAL PRIZE and time is running out. Too depressing. The other idea is that somehow we were cut off...some say rebellion against God, but we don't know that, it could have just been a stupid mistake or an accident that caused us to end up here in isolation with the parasites forever eating us and sucking off us and lapping up our blood.
Gen 2:7
Gen 3:14 [Pi - the endless circle...never-ending, always repeating - it is not a mistake that they coded Pi here in the curse]
See those two words 'dust'? They are the same word; meaning that IN THEIR EYES they have been given permission to cannibalize us forever and ever by 'God' (whatever that means) the jew is going to devour down mankind forever and ever unless we kill them. ALL. DEAD. FOREVER.
It is literally saying that the jew has permission to suck the lifeblood out of our people until we are dead.
There are other, worse things I have learned, but honestly, it is far too depressing to even share tonight.
DrPlant ago
Snakes don't eat actual dust, they knew that even back then, so it must be a metaphor.
Pi is also known as the snake eating its tail.
Numerology, as with most advanced linguistic is historically viewed as the basis of trickery, magic and witchcraft. It's disturbing to find it active in the bible.
SearchVoatBot ago
This comment was linked from this v/whatever comment by @963189_137.
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963189_137 ago
The 'dust' in this case was their penchant for ritually murdering legally and illegally HUMANS/Europeans.
In the case of Europeans they 'legally' murdered and seized the possessions of 100 million Europeans over the 2,000 year-long occupation of Europe (this was just what the 'catholic' church did to our people, it does not include the several hundred million more that they murdered in cold blood in engineered wars, through planned starvations and through usury, assassinations etc and seizure (like the IRS/FED).
Other nations have had their own 'run in' and been ritually slaughtered by the jews and jewish ideas as well.
DrPlant ago
My question is why tell this through arcane numerology? Is it to avoid censorship/ensure historical survival? Or is it gloating and ingroup messaging akin to modern day media? It's hard to believe it's a coincidence and if it is part of some divine inspiration then surely there would be more to it than a "you are screwed forever" - God.