Nope jews are not white. They are basically light-skinned niggers with a higher IQ. They even have nigger DNA mixed in which is why many have kinky black hair and a lower nigger lip.
Yes, exactly. Most niggers would be "better" criminals if they were smarter. So you take the intentions of the nigger, put a white mask on it, allow it to blend in with their victims, and you have the jews.
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daedon ago
95% of the Jews on earth are of Kazarian descent.
* Possibly more than 95% for those not in the middle east.
The Kazars are from the Caucasus, not the middle east.
The word Caucasian is derived from a region, the Caucasus.
In other words, western Jews are quintessential Caucasians.
In colloquial parlance, Caucasian = White.
Any Jew who really believes he is not Caucasian or White is outright gullible.
blumen4alles ago
Nope jews are not white. They are basically light-skinned niggers with a higher IQ. They even have nigger DNA mixed in which is why many have kinky black hair and a lower nigger lip.
Goys-R-Us ago
They tell you they have high IQ but that's mostly verbal IQ, meaning doublespeak, meaning kiking.
blumen4alles ago
Yes, exactly. Most niggers would be "better" criminals if they were smarter. So you take the intentions of the nigger, put a white mask on it, allow it to blend in with their victims, and you have the jews.