When retribution inevitably comes, the will claim victimhood just like they have from everytime they got expelled from a kingdom or a country. Hopefully this time, we can keep a record of everything the Jews have said and done.
Its another example of some slavic vermin LARPing online as a Jewish woman using a stock image, what are we supposed to not notice? How obviously fake it is? How stilted the dialogue sounds to a native English speaker?
If anyone bothered to check it out that fake handle probably has 1000 comments but not one would have verifiable info on their location, or how they grew up or more images in other places since they only sourced a single photo from a stock source. The barbaric vermin that write these know better than to put in anything besides generic templated comments.
I am. I opened the preface and was captured by his sense of humor in the opening paragraph. Already laughing. Being a hermit has its own perks but my heart aches with loneliness for the intellectual brilliance of my home state and being entrenched in a stimulating and rich environment.
This all takes me back to my fascination with Cardioids a few years ago. I spent days pondering them finding them in nature. Patterns on patterns. The visual richness of the universe is profound. If he crashes and burns somewhere in the writting I won't hold it against you (lol). Thank you for the introduction.
There's something here... Like... Maybe this guy isn't Iranian at all... No, that can't be it. A username reflects the user. People can't lie on White internet.... Like ol' Abraham Lincoln said: "Believe everything you see on the web bruh lol smh,".
“Quantitatively, this may be THE biggest error in all of math and physics, since every single physical equation with π in it must now be thrown out and redone."
—Miles Mathis
BWAHAHAHAHA...I told a number of people on 8chan that pi was broken (obviously). I can't stop laughing at the theory that Pi=4.
I haven't given it that much consideration to know whether it is correct but it is hysterical, none the less...
Now you have given me something interesting and new to look into rather than the boring as fuck constant railing and harping (wash, rinse, repeat) on VOAT...
Hmmm...thank you for an interesting interlude. My days have been so dull lately.
Oh, I thought you were being sarcastic. Sorry about that. I didn't know that there were Whites left alive who didn't know; that theory is so old. Where have you been? Hermiting in the frozen tundra under a pile of empty vodka bottles?
We have QUALITY offspring that we carefully nurture and keep alive and train to survive using logic and reasoning. If you want nigger tits...rather than someone fit and athletic, you know where fucking africa is, don't you?
I always wondered how you people actually found the wet spot when you can't see anything down there...it is like Braille or does it not matter if you even hit the pussy? Like you could just fuck one of her jelly and cream cheese filled fat rolls and be perfectly satisfied. Sounds like hitting up african tities will be one step up for you.
Don't freak out there, whale rider. Go stuff some more cheesecake in your gullet and waddle to your lark for some exercise. Later you can shake the planet by repeatedly bashing each other with your blubber and pretending that someone actually got to stick it in.
Nope jews are not white. They are basically light-skinned niggers with a higher IQ. They even have nigger DNA mixed in which is why many have kinky black hair and a lower nigger lip.
Niggers can be totally retarded, 70 IQ and still function verbally (without any higher reasoning) in society. The jew is this same genetic strain. It should be obvious that they are totally incompetent at this point. Their average IQ is the same as their semitic brothers, 84. So 14 points higher than their nigger lovers. They are 'clever' like their nigger kin, but not intelligent. Clever = GIB ME DAT theft, rape, murder, torture. Intelligence favors Life, productivity and creation.
Yes, exactly. Most niggers would be "better" criminals if they were smarter. So you take the intentions of the nigger, put a white mask on it, allow it to blend in with their victims, and you have the jews.
tbh Sophie is probably a fake name. At the moment it is the most common name to give a girl. They are probably just choosing it to add "one of us" empathy.
I've fucked a few sexy ass Jewish women in the past. One of them was actually pretty cool, and would probably have dated her if she didn't move out of state
Get the fuck out. There are plenty of bonesaw screeching harpies in isreal just waiting to take your money off your hands. You should fuck off since you think bestiality is acceptable. People like you are the destruction of the European races.
It is your verbiage. 'going for them'...I am hearing you. Your cock found a 'redeeming' quality in our mortal enemy; the people who are attempting to genocide us.
I'm saying that the only thing good about them is a nice pair of tits because that's all they have to offer. That's what it means.
...I am hearing you.
No, you're really not.
Your cock found a 'redeeming' quality in our mortal enemy; the people who are attempting to genocide us.
If tits are a 'redeeming quality' then I question your standards. There are plenty of White women with better breasts than anything jewesses could ever have. I just find it laughable that their best qualities are something that White women have in abundance, which is physical beauty (represented by a nice rack). If you weren't so autistic you could figure out that it was a backhanded compliment at best. Have a nice day; hopefully you understand reading comprehension in the future.
I am sure you will enjoy sucking on them since they are a 'redeeming quality'. I have to imagine that they are just like that film that forms on a soup that has been left out for a couple of days...you know that scum that collects at the top...soup bacterial bags...almost liquid in their quality and texture. Suck on them too hard and they will probably fall off. Enjoy.
13445123751 ago
When retribution inevitably comes, the will claim victimhood just like they have from everytime they got expelled from a kingdom or a country. Hopefully this time, we can keep a record of everything the Jews have said and done.
GrandmasterAssassin ago
Kill all Jews.
takeback ago
I fucked a few jewesses one liked (ie fetishes) to be pissed on and another liked spit in her mouth not lying
ABastionOfFreeSpeech ago
SubhumanDeplorable ago
I hope you all have told her
spacelog ago
absolutely disgusting. It didn't need to tell anyone it was jewish: http://magaimg.net/img/9k77.jpg
registerinsecond ago
My God.
GoldShekelSteinBerg ago
Happy Hannukah
The_Ghost ago
At least it’s not “I hate my fellow white people”.
HighEnergyLife ago
Fetalpig ago
Sophie is going to have to make a choice......
Phantom42 ago
Fair enough.
Diogenes_The_Cynic ago
Its another example of some slavic vermin LARPing online as a Jewish woman using a stock image, what are we supposed to not notice? How obviously fake it is? How stilted the dialogue sounds to a native English speaker?
If anyone bothered to check it out that fake handle probably has 1000 comments but not one would have verifiable info on their location, or how they grew up or more images in other places since they only sourced a single photo from a stock source. The barbaric vermin that write these know better than to put in anything besides generic templated comments.
great_white_saxon ago
Nothing wrong with that, at least it's honest. I hate them too.
963189_137 ago
I am. I opened the preface and was captured by his sense of humor in the opening paragraph. Already laughing. Being a hermit has its own perks but my heart aches with loneliness for the intellectual brilliance of my home state and being entrenched in a stimulating and rich environment.
This all takes me back to my fascination with Cardioids a few years ago. I spent days pondering them finding them in nature. Patterns on patterns. The visual richness of the universe is profound. If he crashes and burns somewhere in the writting I won't hold it against you (lol). Thank you for the introduction.
recon_johnny ago
It's ok, she's not White.
Phantom42 ago
H M M M M M M M M . . .
There's something here... Like... Maybe this guy isn't Iranian at all... No, that can't be it. A username reflects the user. People can't lie on White internet.... Like ol' Abraham Lincoln said: "Believe everything you see on the web bruh lol smh,".
963189_137 ago
I will enjoy that as well.
Phantom42 ago
This coming from the Iranian government....
Big thonking over here. 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
963189_137 ago
Introducing...the star of our show:
BWAHAHAHAHA...I told a number of people on 8chan that pi was broken (obviously). I can't stop laughing at the theory that Pi=4.
I haven't given it that much consideration to know whether it is correct but it is hysterical, none the less...
Welcome to the Mother Cube.
Enjoy your tour of Hell with the Black Maddona.
The mark of the beast.
Do you see it?
Now you have given me something interesting and new to look into rather than the boring as fuck constant railing and harping (wash, rinse, repeat) on VOAT...
Hmmm...thank you for an interesting interlude. My days have been so dull lately.
MaunaLoona ago
I prefer to call it fast vs slow life strategy. Large tits is a fast life strategy. Makes you wonder why jews have it.
963189_137 ago
Hmm...interesting choices.
So your children browse VOAT?
I don't think I would allow that for children that I was charged with looking after.
BentAxel ago
I wish I could be blind to it.
963189_137 ago
Only busy when 'duty calls' eh?
963189_137 ago
R E A L L Y...
P R A Y T E L L...what are you doing on VOAT? It would seem that you would have better things to do with your time than shoot the shit here.
963189_137 ago
Oh, I thought you were being sarcastic. Sorry about that. I didn't know that there were Whites left alive who didn't know; that theory is so old. Where have you been? Hermiting in the frozen tundra under a pile of empty vodka bottles?
Barfin ago
how is this jews fault. biology makes big tits more attractive, r trait leads to more babies being born
963189_137 ago
Only in niggers. The women of the North have other things to do other than nurse your nigger offspring.
Barfin ago
ummm did you think white women never nurse their white babies
963189_137 ago
We have QUALITY offspring that we carefully nurture and keep alive and train to survive using logic and reasoning. If you want nigger tits...rather than someone fit and athletic, you know where fucking africa is, don't you?
Barfin ago
someone fit and athletic . . . hate to break it to you bro but you been fuckin a dude!
963189_137 ago
LMAO...enjoy 'pudgy the whale'.
I always wondered how you people actually found the wet spot when you can't see anything down there...it is like Braille or does it not matter if you even hit the pussy? Like you could just fuck one of her jelly and cream cheese filled fat rolls and be perfectly satisfied. Sounds like hitting up african tities will be one step up for you.
Barfin ago
have to be shaped like an hourglass not like a 12 year old boy like how you want it
963189_137 ago
So you are FAT?
So how do you all fuck each other? Seriously curious...
Not a pedo, whale rider.
Barfin ago
you're fat, a fag, and black
963189_137 ago
Don't freak out there, whale rider. Go stuff some more cheesecake in your gullet and waddle to your lark for some exercise. Later you can shake the planet by repeatedly bashing each other with your blubber and pretending that someone actually got to stick it in.
Barfin ago
ok boomer
963189_137 ago
Barfin ago
Gunk ago
At least that kike is honest about it.
963189_137 ago
You all must be very bored.
daedon ago
95% of the Jews on earth are of Kazarian descent.
* Possibly more than 95% for those not in the middle east.
The Kazars are from the Caucasus, not the middle east.
The word Caucasian is derived from a region, the Caucasus.
In other words, western Jews are quintessential Caucasians.
In colloquial parlance, Caucasian = White.
Any Jew who really believes he is not Caucasian or White is outright gullible.
ianadba ago
Ashekenazi Jews are genetically closer to Italians and Greeks than to Kazars. They are not Caucasian.
great_white_saxon ago
When we talk of white people we mean of European descent. I haven't heard anyone use Caucasian in a long time.
963189_137 ago
All their records indicate they are nigger fuckers.
It is called recessive DNA, look into it.
blumen4alles ago
Nope jews are not white. They are basically light-skinned niggers with a higher IQ. They even have nigger DNA mixed in which is why many have kinky black hair and a lower nigger lip.
Goys-R-Us ago
They tell you they have high IQ but that's mostly verbal IQ, meaning doublespeak, meaning kiking.
963189_137 ago
Niggers can be totally retarded, 70 IQ and still function verbally (without any higher reasoning) in society. The jew is this same genetic strain. It should be obvious that they are totally incompetent at this point. Their average IQ is the same as their semitic brothers, 84. So 14 points higher than their nigger lovers. They are 'clever' like their nigger kin, but not intelligent. Clever = GIB ME DAT theft, rape, murder, torture. Intelligence favors Life, productivity and creation.
blumen4alles ago
Yes, exactly. Most niggers would be "better" criminals if they were smarter. So you take the intentions of the nigger, put a white mask on it, allow it to blend in with their victims, and you have the jews.
SanFranTrailerPark ago
tbh Sophie is probably a fake name. At the moment it is the most common name to give a girl. They are probably just choosing it to add "one of us" empathy.
blumen4alles ago
You have to count on it all being a deception. jews are deceivers
Derpfroot ago
blumen4alles ago
Great example of why I hate twatter!
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
When are we going to set a date?
blumen4alles ago
I hope its the 27th
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
Just might be.
Bigdickedelf ago
Suck on a tail pipe jewess
963189_137 ago
A shotgun would also work.
WD_Pelley ago
The only thing jewish women have going for them are their fat tits.
RonBennington ago
They usually have huge clits and labias too
Bastionof_freespeech ago
I've fucked a few sexy ass Jewish women in the past. One of them was actually pretty cool, and would probably have dated her if she didn't move out of state
jewsbadnews ago
az88 ago
And alimony!
Moln0014 ago
I'd blow my load on her tits and give her bus money home.
963189_137 ago
Get the fuck out. There are plenty of bonesaw screeching harpies in isreal just waiting to take your money off your hands. You should fuck off since you think bestiality is acceptable. People like you are the destruction of the European races.
SpaceAgePimp ago
Why dont you purity spiral harder faggot
963189_137 ago
Yeah, no thanks.
SpaceAgePimp ago
Nice straw man dipshit
963189_137 ago
You would know you fucker of subhuman beasts.
I bet you have never fucked a real HUMAN because none of them would want your skank POZZED ass.
SpaceAgePimp ago
LOL with how angry you are I bet you havent been laid this century you poofter.
963189_137 ago
At least I don't have to fuck animals and part niggers like you do.
SpaceAgePimp ago
You probably should though, that's the best you'll do.
963189_137 ago
They are all yours, nigger.
SpaceAgePimp ago
Thanks for the offer, now go kindly fellate the pointy end of a shotgun pleb.
WD_Pelley ago
I never said that bestiality is acceptable, you autistic nigger. I said that that's the only thing going for them, which is pretty sad to think about.
963189_137 ago
You are 'purchased' so fucking cheap. I am repulsed. Carry on.
killkillkill ago
shut up faggot ass incel, acting alpha like you get any pussy at all
963189_137 ago
Look everyone another kike defending his disgusting subhuman females 'honor'.
killkillkill ago
Yup, you caught me. Big Jew cause I call an incel when I see one.
963189_137 ago
Lol muh incel...
blit416 ago
whattarya... a VIIRGIN OIR SOMEFIN!??.
963189_137 ago
Lol, no.
I wish I was though.
WD_Pelley ago
You really have no reading comprehension, do you? Oh well, carry on.
963189_137 ago
It is your verbiage. 'going for them'...I am hearing you. Your cock found a 'redeeming' quality in our mortal enemy; the people who are attempting to genocide us.
WD_Pelley ago
I'm saying that the only thing good about them is a nice pair of tits because that's all they have to offer. That's what it means.
No, you're really not.
If tits are a 'redeeming quality' then I question your standards. There are plenty of White women with better breasts than anything jewesses could ever have. I just find it laughable that their best qualities are something that White women have in abundance, which is physical beauty (represented by a nice rack). If you weren't so autistic you could figure out that it was a backhanded compliment at best. Have a nice day; hopefully you understand reading comprehension in the future.
963189_137 ago
Enjoy these tits.
WD_Pelley ago
So you have no valid response then? Good to know.
963189_137 ago
I am sure you will enjoy sucking on them since they are a 'redeeming quality'. I have to imagine that they are just like that film that forms on a soup that has been left out for a couple of days...you know that scum that collects at the top...soup bacterial bags...almost liquid in their quality and texture. Suck on them too hard and they will probably fall off. Enjoy.
WD_Pelley ago
I'm sorry that you feel this way and have no valid responses. It must be difficult to not understand backhanded compliments.
963189_137 ago
muh autism...
Seriously, guy, I am fucking with you at this point. I am going to stop...you may have the last word.
I mean soup scum titties?
I told you I was hearing you before.
WD_Pelley ago
I'm sure you were.
963189_137 ago
WD_Pelley ago
You too.
JesusRules ago
And their breath: "with a garlic aroma that could level Tacoma" (Frank Zappa)
RockmanRaiden ago
Damn. Tacoma is pretty disgusting.
ianadba ago
So are Jews
sore_ass_losers ago
“I don’t even care if your Dad’s a Hebe.”
Wowee Zowee, Frank Zappa
JesusRules ago
hahaah, love that one
BentAxel ago
Oh, Jesus, you're awesome. I miss Frank Zappa.
zxcvzxcv ago
You know the jews programmed you to like fat tits since that is an r-selected trait.
VicariousJambi ago
ive always been an ass man myself