Cant think of anything more obvious outside of meda, banking, insurance than porn where Jews run the show. I saw the increasing amount of incest porn creep in along with trannies and BM/WF. The latetr being promoted way more than white guys fucking blacks or latinas.
They're all owned by Jews to destroy you mentally.
Alex was a sell-out from the start. It's controlled opposition. You used to be able to say some things there but it was always a way to keep men on a leash. The subreddit basically encouraged nothing but failure.
Related communities (/r/semenretention and some others I forget) recently started banning everything too, including the (((brackets))). Literally all of the spin-off discord servers also have antisemitism rules now.
Never knew there was a nofap guy. Who appointed him as the nofap guy? Is there a nofap girl? What about a yesfap girl? More importantly, why did you link that website.
Something important to consider about this. Man-Hating FemiNazis have attacked and criticized porn for ages. The word rape and sex trafficking routinely gets through around in these criticisms. Yet the porn industry has never sued them for slander or libel. Its only loud, proud Caucasian men that have to fear lawsuits for standing up against the establishment.
One of the most liberal friends I still have (we've been through a lot) has been spitting out JQ pills for years.
But one of them actually did stick the other night and shut his ass up.
"Think about what (((they))) are doing man. (((They))) are putting our women into porn. Fucking on camera. Fucking other races. Fucking "family members". Being utterly humiliated. They are getting our girls and women to fuck on camera." He was quiet for a long time. No retort.
Posted automatically (#73279) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@Gigglestick: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @Chempergrill)
I didn't, I read a thread which had an anon who fapped to a video of Chrischan while on Nofap. Don't make me explain who Chrischan is. I didn't believe him till he posted the vid.
Also it's not the mind I'm worried about, it's the sticky sheets.
Correct, but using the term "fap" is not just some catchy meme linguistic, it's them creating yet another weaponized term that will be legally used against you. They want to get masturbation into the legal system, so that they can legally enforce it onto children. The original term is ONANISM, which describes the crime of self-pollution. The term "masturbation" is already a recent corruption that took crime out of the description, thereby stealing the warning sings from mankind.
The only thing I hate more is jewish sympathizers, like this Alex character. Trying to buy their approval.. It will never work. Jews only respect goys who don't put up with their shit.
I don't like videos, I usually look at images, comics, art, & fill in the fantasy gaps. I do like games and hentai as well, but I still consume free. I figure nutting isn't as important as other things, so if I paid money for something, for one nut, I would have failed myself, so I refrain from digging deeper or purchasing any porn.
Depends on what you want with your life. Its good you're not paying for free shit.
If you're on the path of self-improvement, I agree porn is probably not the biggest deal at first. For example, if you're getting drunk and high every night, then cutting that shit is a much bigger deal that dealing with the porn.
In fact, the porn can even be a crutch to help with breaking bigger addictions. You'll know if it is causing a problem for you, and if you're ready to tackle it. We're doing a NoPorn challenge on v/theredpill, but I'm not gonna push it on you.
I live in the area and am so fuckin' sick of hearing about the "Tree of Life"..every day there is some type of story to try to make people feel sorry for them.
I get it,it was wrong and it sucks but shootings and shit happen everyday!..get over it!
If I can get it down to once a day, that would be OK. Not sure what all these folks are about and although I wish them well, I'm not interested at all. My life is sweet and deep with family and friends and pleasuring myself hasn't changed that.
Suit yourself man... I choose not to, and I’m not yelling at anyone who chooses to touch themselves. Keep your porn away from me though. There’s kids as young as 11 saying they’ve been watching hispeed porn since 9 years old. There’s no age verification on damn near any porn site. It’s bad dude.
Question about NoFap- is it specifically about not watching or looking at porn? Or is it about 100% abstinence from masturbation?
I'm absolutely thrilled about the concept of NoPorn.... but idk about a total stopping of masturbation. Healthy masturbation, using the spank bank, a few times a month is probably fine and doesn't affect a man.
It's this "masturbating 4+ times per week while watching a woman turn her asshole inside out" that is probably the larger problem.
From my brief reading of this particular thread, I get the impression that it's more about "NoPorn" than "NoFap at all".
So what would a NoFap person have to say about a man who sees his girlfriend every weekend, and faps occasionally during the time between, without the use of porn?
To me, that seems totally natural, totally normal, and I can't for the life of me see how this could possibly be harmful.
I believe that porn, intense sexual imagery, is the real problem here. I don't think we had "masturbation addicts" the way we do today before the internet was a thing- at least not in the numbers we see today.
I do understand it though- when I was a teenager, early teens, I just wanted to fap all day. Porn made me want to fap more. I stopped watching porn in my mid teens, never really looked back- for some reason it lost appeal for me. It's probably not a coincidence that porn lost its appeal to me around the time I became sexually active.
Agreed, porn is the issue not touching yourself. Perhaps it is a waste of seed, and not ejaculating can give you extra energy to get shit done. You can't deny the fact you're a sexual being and you get urges, sometimes you gotta satisfy those urges.
You lose a lot of nutrients and flood your brain with dopamine. Essentially one would be going through the entire reproductive cycle to blow it in a sock or down a drain. Takes a toll on the body - so to speak.
I’m not one to shame you for doing it. It’s just my personal lifestyle. I’m not a Jehovah’s Antifapper.
This is bullshit you Don't lose any nutrients that a healthy meal can't replace.The body is always making sperm regardless of what you do. Having sex burns more calories than masturbating and yes you lose the sperm either way.Stop with pseudo science and lets talk about facts here.
Now if you think that its inmoral or sinful then That's another issues altogether
I suspect that the next major scandal will be porn. That industry will get hit as hard as tobacco when it is all over. Especially if the tobacco industry collapses and the guberment needs a new pay pig.
He started the “NoFap” subreddit and movement (internet wise) about 9 years ago or so. Moved on to websites, talkshows, TedX, etc. He helped get a lot of people off porn.
I think he's donating to them because nofap is always smeared as antisemitic (((gee I wonder why))). Like how when PewDiePie said he was going to donate to ADL. I think it's stupid and weak of them. Who gives a shit they call you antisemitic.
Of all the things to donate to...why not use it to further his own organization? The name Alexander Rhodes doesn't sound Jewish, can anyone confirm whether he is?
It seems suspect as hell..... I can't fully confirm it, but just reading this guys background doesn't quite pass the smell test. He's either really beta or like 1/4th heeb trynna play the other side of the coin for them sweet shekels.
Whaaa? one of the comments is grateful he can choose his own culture now that he's gained some awareness. He can chose his own subreddits What the fuck is wrong with people catttle???
Yep. What they are doing here is coining the term "fap" legally, thereby stealing the natural act of masturbation, which will lead to laws (their laws) ruling over the right to masturbation, which will then be used to further legalize child abuse in the education system by masturbation indoctrination, which is yet another step towards child abuse>pedophilia>child sacrifice. It's the same old blood libel they followed for millennia.
This could be a defensive play on his part. A lot of kikes were crying out in pain about how nofap is antisemitic, so by announcing something like this he pretty much wrecks that argument. There's really not much else they can sue him for, but I could be wrong as you never know what kind of jewish tricks they might pull out.
Works for Trump supporters; liberals don't refer to them as racist, anti-semites, islamaphobic, or bigots anymore! They've sucked a lot of cock to get we're they're at now, but it was all worth it.
He isn't being sued. He filed a federal lawsuit against other people. People don't read the links just the fake title. The tree of life part is correct though.
No. Who cares if jews have something? They'll cry anyway, as is clearly shown and evident. jews only know how to be victims and will turn ANYTHING AT ALL into them being the victim. So we need to STOP catering to that and start not giving a fuck.
It's similar to the "It's okay to be white" movement. It's a simple neutral phrase that normies shouldn't take offense at, but the regressive left will screech at.
Similarly, normies shouldn't take offense at the statement above, but jews will. In both cases, normies will be wondering what all the fuss is about and will see one side acting insane.
oh let's give them some gun control, it's reasonable after all
No. Fuck that and fuck your ideas. It's not like IOTBW even remotely. Not in the fucking slightest. IOTBW is designed SPECIFICALLY for the reaction it gets.
We need to convert the Normies, easiest way to do so is by showing the Jews doubled sidedness. IOTBW, has made massive inclines in showing the true face of the jews. With No Nut November they've already reported on most news networks that it is antisemitic. Even if Alex is playing both sides, this works out in our favor. When they call him Antisemitic, we get to argue about the donation to the devils den. Then we can bring attention that jews run the porn industries, and also bring attention to the health effects of porn.
That is precisely why jews have so much fucking power. half a century ago it was common as fuck to be in the public square and directly call out jews.
Bullshit it's because people like you, this is a war! Psychological War is being played out now, and we need to win. Learn from our enemy.
Either admit you're a jew or admit you're a race cuck who likes being subservient to a low IQ species of Satanic demons.
Your writing shows you're emotional, and you can't think beyond the emotions. If you want to win you need to evolve. It's time to use the weapons they've used against us for a century against them. For that to work we have to play both sides for now. If you can't see that, you lost this battle. Normies still like the Jews, and are only starting to realized somethings wrong.
We can already do that.
Screaming the Jews, it's the Jews does nothing for our cause! It only plays into the image of what they've already built of us. We need to show them as they are.
But if you believe otherwise, get a soap box and scream to the heavens.
Not so weird. For any drug that reaches a certain threshold of use within the population, the addiction treatment model becomes profitable. The same applies here, with porn. If it were simply the case that our nation applied some kind of decency laws outlawing the production of pornography and the rates of porn consumption were lower (albeit not zero, Streisand Effect and all), there'd be no need for NoFap. The internet being what it is would always be a platform for a less mainstream market for pornography, but imagine for a moment that all pornography was only obtainable through the sorts of virus-laden, obscure sites people go to now for stuff like bestiality porn. What would that do to the overall porn consumption rates in this country? I could almost guarantee we wouldn't have the porn culture we do now - but I realize this is a complex problem and there are many holes in the ship; other things about our culture would have to change as well.
Maybe I could get it across another way: how many people subscribed to NoFap (and assuming they are there to help themselves with a porn problem) are there to get themselves to stop watching dog-fucking videos?
It comes down to an issue of access and acceptance.
The first sort of exploitative nude films came in the 1920s. It was the 1950s before mass-market nude mags started to hit. How many masturbation addiction clinics were around then?
Even when young boys were stealing their dad's Playboys in the 80s, were they becoming hopelessly addicted to naked pinup girls to such an extent that they suffered sexual dysfunction?
These things don't start to become profitable until you start to see something as your enemy. Heroin had to catch on enough before it would be profitable to start creating treatments. We had to start seeing tobacco as an enemy before it became profitable to sell quitting aids.
Porn has had to become enough of a problem that enough would recognize it as an enemy so a stopping aid could become popular.
The Jews have always played this game. They create the problem and the solution. They feed you a drug until it starts to kill you, and then sell you the way to save yourself. It is in their nature; I think it is this heritable sort of mode of being - how they survive. They give you something that turns your natural impulses into monsters and then sell you the sword to go kill it with. They know that at any given time, half the people will be in bed with the monster and the other half will be trying to kill it with the sword. Moreover, the two different types of people will be at each other's throats arguing about the right way to think about things, and this will create even more opportunities for profit.
On an even deeper level - and this is the maddening part - they also know that their solutions aren't real ones. As soon as you make an enemy of the thing you want to stop, it has a power over you. You almost never stop something once you think of the situation as being a fight against that thing. In fact, it tends to make the problem worse. You go in cycles of deprivation and relapse - the addiction cycle. The whole thing is psychologically engineered. Fuck, it's right in the name "NoFap". It's a failure from the get go (at least for most people). 99% of people on this program will relapse, and this promotes feelings of shame, guilt - the fight itself becomes the point.
You stop something, not by fighting against it, but by desperately wanting to be the alternative. The difference can seem subtle, but it's hugely important. In the case of porn and masturbation, not wanting the ill effects of these things isn't a value. Not fapping isn't the value.
Wanting to be something that simply doesn't involve either of these is the value. As soon as you've decided: "I'm on NoFap", you're already defeated. For the same fucking reason people fail on diets, because diets are inherently defined by what they don't include.
Who is someone who doesn't watch porn and masturbate? Perhaps someone with religion? Or a strong, driven person with clear values about sex, and relationships? Saying "don't fap" is subversive. It's dropping you off short of the destination. Why is it that the NoFap sub probably has 500,000 subscribers, who go there for motivation, none of whom probably go to a Christian sub (or to church)? Your value can't be what you don't do. But causing you to identify as what you don't do is what makes this whole Jew machine go.
Find me the Jew promoting those things, and I'll kiss your ass.
The porn industry and its friends are trying to take NoFap and me down with defamation and deplatforming. Enough is enough. I've filed a federal lawsuit. Defend NoFap. End the harassment. : NoFap
changz ago
Cant think of anything more obvious outside of meda, banking, insurance than porn where Jews run the show. I saw the increasing amount of incest porn creep in along with trannies and BM/WF. The latetr being promoted way more than white guys fucking blacks or latinas.
They're all owned by Jews to destroy you mentally.
insanitea ago
Alex was a sell-out from the start. It's controlled opposition. You used to be able to say some things there but it was always a way to keep men on a leash. The subreddit basically encouraged nothing but failure.
Related communities (/r/semenretention and some others I forget) recently started banning everything too, including the (((brackets))). Literally all of the spin-off discord servers also have antisemitism rules now.
These things are swarming with Jews.
SpunRecord ago
I was banned from nofap for asking which ethnicity is in charge of all the porn.
Gigglestick ago
I made a joke.
“Jew run porn, since when do they give anything good away for free?”
non_alcoholic_nignog ago
Sounds to me like two nosebergs sheckelberging each other.
DestroyerOfSaturn ago
Never knew there was a nofap guy. Who appointed him as the nofap guy? Is there a nofap girl? What about a yesfap girl? More importantly, why did you link that website.
Gigglestick ago
He started the subreddit. I’m sure there’s a bunch of girls on NoFap. They’re called whores. Because I can.
LegitimatePen ago
rebel_1812 ago
Something important to consider about this. Man-Hating FemiNazis have attacked and criticized porn for ages. The word rape and sex trafficking routinely gets through around in these criticisms. Yet the porn industry has never sued them for slander or libel. Its only loud, proud Caucasian men that have to fear lawsuits for standing up against the establishment.
Angryelectrician ago
One of the most liberal friends I still have (we've been through a lot) has been spitting out JQ pills for years.
But one of them actually did stick the other night and shut his ass up.
"Think about what (((they))) are doing man. (((They))) are putting our women into porn. Fucking on camera. Fucking other races. Fucking "family members". Being utterly humiliated. They are getting our girls and women to fuck on camera." He was quiet for a long time. No retort.
Deceneu ago
That usually gets the point across quite vividly.
SpaceAgePimp ago
Yep they really didn't like me mentioning the money was going to the (((people))) that own the porn industry haha
SearchVoatBot ago
This submission was linked from this v/theredpill comment by @Chempergrill.
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user9713 ago
In other words, it's going right back to the porn industry.
anticlutch ago
[Warning, reddit link below]
If you have a plebbit sock puppet account give a positive post to my thread naming the jew [eventually] in /r/nofap
RM-Goetbbels ago
I want to bang Staci Sprout.
maaaxheadroom ago
This is the correct response
Anonfag ago
Nofap's overrated but that's a bit surprising. Shouldn't the porn industry understand the Streisand effect after all those celebrity nude leaks?
Gigglestick ago
I think you’re wrong. But whatever.
Anonfag ago
Yeah well when you see someone masturbate to a vid of a furry tranny after attempting nofap you tend to have a bias toward it.
Besides, you just end up with nocturnal emissions if you're single.
Gigglestick ago
Why the fuck are you watching that shit? Those people are so mentally screwed up it’s disgusting.
Yeah, but it’s the Neurogenesis behind the matter, and you can analyze what made you have an orgasm (dream wise).
Anonfag ago
I didn't, I read a thread which had an anon who fapped to a video of Chrischan while on Nofap. Don't make me explain who Chrischan is. I didn't believe him till he posted the vid.
Also it's not the mind I'm worried about, it's the sticky sheets.
Gigglestick ago
Oh... thank gods... I don’t like it either, I have to wash more often...
ChickenYiddle ago
The nofap movement deserves more attention around here.
This is a massive opportunity to redpill people on the attitudes and actions of the jew.
Once people can see it happening blatantly to one industry, its not hard to present equally sinister events throughout history.
Blood-is-Nature ago
Correct, but using the term "fap" is not just some catchy meme linguistic, it's them creating yet another weaponized term that will be legally used against you. They want to get masturbation into the legal system, so that they can legally enforce it onto children. The original term is ONANISM, which describes the crime of self-pollution. The term "masturbation" is already a recent corruption that took crime out of the description, thereby stealing the warning sings from mankind.
Gigglestick ago
Well, I got banned at NoFap about a year ago for saying Jews run the Porn.
I just think it’s disgusting now. I’m glad I got over the craving of wanting to see a girl get exploited and life ruined on the internet.
blumen4alles ago
NoFap on reddit?
The_Venerable ago
I just got banned for saying I was going to donate until I read they are donating any left over funds to a synagouge.
Gigglestick ago
What’s wrong you don’t like Jews?
The_Venerable ago
The only thing I hate more is jewish sympathizers, like this Alex character. Trying to buy their approval.. It will never work. Jews only respect goys who don't put up with their shit.
yewotm8 ago
Their "respect" means nothing tho
BentAxel ago
She can't memorize three fucking paragraphs? She has to read it?
What a fucking cunt.
AlphaOmega ago
They’re standing up for what’s right!!!
And donating the leftover to a Synagogue!
Gigglestick ago
Bunch of oxy-morons.
qx4chenxp ago
And here I am, fapping all the time, but I never paying once for porn, lol. Why pay when there's so much free content?
Chempergrill ago
Since you discovered porn, how long have you gone without it?
qx4chenxp ago
I don't like videos, I usually look at images, comics, art, & fill in the fantasy gaps. I do like games and hentai as well, but I still consume free. I figure nutting isn't as important as other things, so if I paid money for something, for one nut, I would have failed myself, so I refrain from digging deeper or purchasing any porn.
Chempergrill ago
Depends on what you want with your life. Its good you're not paying for free shit.
If you're on the path of self-improvement, I agree porn is probably not the biggest deal at first. For example, if you're getting drunk and high every night, then cutting that shit is a much bigger deal that dealing with the porn.
In fact, the porn can even be a crutch to help with breaking bigger addictions. You'll know if it is causing a problem for you, and if you're ready to tackle it. We're doing a NoPorn challenge on v/theredpill, but I'm not gonna push it on you.
elchupanibre5 ago
If its free, you are the product. Congrats on being a tool.
qx4chenxp ago
Hell yeah.
another_dot ago
I live in the area and am so fuckin' sick of hearing about the "Tree of Life"..every day there is some type of story to try to make people feel sorry for them.
I get it,it was wrong and it sucks but shootings and shit happen everyday!..get over it!
badruns ago
Try mentioning Jews controlling the porn industry on that subreddit and see what happens.
blumen4alles ago
keyword there buddy, all of reddit is cancer
Gigglestick ago
I did. Got banned.
beece ago
If I can get it down to once a day, that would be OK. Not sure what all these folks are about and although I wish them well, I'm not interested at all. My life is sweet and deep with family and friends and pleasuring myself hasn't changed that.
Gigglestick ago
Suit yourself man... I choose not to, and I’m not yelling at anyone who chooses to touch themselves. Keep your porn away from me though. There’s kids as young as 11 saying they’ve been watching hispeed porn since 9 years old. There’s no age verification on damn near any porn site. It’s bad dude.
963189_137 ago
toobaditworks ago
You have this all wrong. The nofap guy is suing the other people for defamation. He filed the lawsuit.
The_Venerable ago
Looks like this isn't Nicole's first rodeo
midnightblue1335 ago
Question about NoFap- is it specifically about not watching or looking at porn? Or is it about 100% abstinence from masturbation?
I'm absolutely thrilled about the concept of NoPorn.... but idk about a total stopping of masturbation. Healthy masturbation, using the spank bank, a few times a month is probably fine and doesn't affect a man.
It's this "masturbating 4+ times per week while watching a woman turn her asshole inside out" that is probably the larger problem.
From my brief reading of this particular thread, I get the impression that it's more about "NoPorn" than "NoFap at all".
ExpertShitposter ago
Its meant like this:
midnightblue1335 ago
So what would a NoFap person have to say about a man who sees his girlfriend every weekend, and faps occasionally during the time between, without the use of porn?
To me, that seems totally natural, totally normal, and I can't for the life of me see how this could possibly be harmful.
I believe that porn, intense sexual imagery, is the real problem here. I don't think we had "masturbation addicts" the way we do today before the internet was a thing- at least not in the numbers we see today.
I do understand it though- when I was a teenager, early teens, I just wanted to fap all day. Porn made me want to fap more. I stopped watching porn in my mid teens, never really looked back- for some reason it lost appeal for me. It's probably not a coincidence that porn lost its appeal to me around the time I became sexually active.
ExpertShitposter ago
You have no need for noFap then. The name was badly chosen from the start.
slowcrash101 ago
Agreed, porn is the issue not touching yourself. Perhaps it is a waste of seed, and not ejaculating can give you extra energy to get shit done. You can't deny the fact you're a sexual being and you get urges, sometimes you gotta satisfy those urges.
Gigglestick ago
You lose a lot of nutrients and flood your brain with dopamine. Essentially one would be going through the entire reproductive cycle to blow it in a sock or down a drain. Takes a toll on the body - so to speak.
I’m not one to shame you for doing it. It’s just my personal lifestyle. I’m not a Jehovah’s Antifapper.
knightwarrior41 ago
This is bullshit you Don't lose any nutrients that a healthy meal can't replace.The body is always making sperm regardless of what you do. Having sex burns more calories than masturbating and yes you lose the sperm either way.Stop with pseudo science and lets talk about facts here.
Now if you think that its inmoral or sinful then That's another issues altogether
Gigglestick ago
Yeah, you’re probably right.
senpaithatignoresyou ago
I suspect that the next major scandal will be porn. That industry will get hit as hard as tobacco when it is all over. Especially if the tobacco industry collapses and the guberment needs a new pay pig.
Gigglestick ago
Good. Get rid of porn. It’s degen garbage.
SIayfire122 ago
If you link to reddit (or archive it), please use
voatusernamevoat ago
You're going to have to elaborate, what dude from nofap?
Gigglestick ago
He started the “NoFap” subreddit and movement (internet wise) about 9 years ago or so. Moved on to websites, talkshows, TedX, etc. He helped get a lot of people off porn.
badruns ago
And he wants to donate to Jews?
Gigglestick ago
Vagteble ago
I think he's donating to them because nofap is always smeared as antisemitic (((gee I wonder why))). Like how when PewDiePie said he was going to donate to ADL. I think it's stupid and weak of them. Who gives a shit they call you antisemitic.
blumen4alles ago
Pewds changed his mind, maybe Alex will change his.
drj2 ago
It’s extortion
SparklingWiggle ago
Of all the things to donate to...why not use it to further his own organization? The name Alexander Rhodes doesn't sound Jewish, can anyone confirm whether he is?
58SecondsMinuteRice ago
It seems suspect as hell..... I can't fully confirm it, but just reading this guys background doesn't quite pass the smell test. He's either really beta or like 1/4th heeb trynna play the other side of the coin for them sweet shekels.
gazillions ago
Whaaa? one of the comments is grateful he can choose his own culture now that he's gained some awareness. He can chose his own subreddits What the fuck is wrong with
peoplecatttle???Glory_Beckons ago
I chuckled at that one too. Well, we all started somewhere. Gotta encourage those first wobbly baby-steps towards self-awareness.
BitChuteArchive ago .
Tsilent_Tsunami ago
You have no 'rights' you're not able or willing to defend.
anticlutch ago
This is weird as fuck.
Blood-is-Nature ago
Yep. What they are doing here is coining the term "fap" legally, thereby stealing the natural act of masturbation, which will lead to laws (their laws) ruling over the right to masturbation, which will then be used to further legalize child abuse in the education system by masturbation indoctrination, which is yet another step towards child abuse>pedophilia>child sacrifice. It's the same old blood libel they followed for millennia.
Putt_it_in ago
Kosher sandwich
jimibulgin ago
in other words, a normal day.
Diarrhea_Van_Frank ago
It’s called the kosher sandwich
oyy_veyy_goyy ago
This could be a defensive play on his part. A lot of kikes were crying out in pain about how nofap is antisemitic, so by announcing something like this he pretty much wrecks that argument. There's really not much else they can sue him for, but I could be wrong as you never know what kind of jewish tricks they might pull out.
satisfyinghump ago
How the fuck could any one, jew or not, claim NoFap is antisemitic... and not realize what doors that statement opens?
ExpertShitposter ago
all he has to make sure, is that there is only 14.88 dollars left after all he pays his lawyers.
Spiteful_Mutant ago
Not jerking it is antisemitic?
Is wiping my ass antisemitic as well?
user9713 ago
Works for Trump supporters; liberals don't refer to them as racist, anti-semites, islamaphobic, or bigots anymore! They've sucked a lot of cock to get we're they're at now, but it was all worth it.
toobaditworks ago
He isn't being sued. He filed a federal lawsuit against other people. People don't read the links just the fake title. The tree of life part is correct though.
Glory_Beckons ago
Because trying to appease the Jew always works out so well.
Gigglestick ago
How in the living world is it anti-Semitic to Not masturbate and looking at pornography?
Glory_Beckons ago
See my comment over here.
They view porn, along with all "sexual liberalism", as a tool to dismantle what they call White Supremacy.
Opposing Semetic efforts to dismantle White Surpremacy is, of course, anti-Semitic.
anticlutch ago
Want to know what wrecks that argument more?
Being honest and saying yes, I am anti-jew as jews are behind the proliferation of porn.
That would be FAR MORE effective.
Barbarian ago
Yep there’s more than enough evidence to prove jews are behind most problems in society and not the scapegoats they claim to be.
SIayfire122 ago
It's a neutral stance that gives the jews nothing.
anticlutch ago
No. Who cares if jews have something? They'll cry anyway, as is clearly shown and evident. jews only know how to be victims and will turn ANYTHING AT ALL into them being the victim. So we need to STOP catering to that and start not giving a fuck.
SIayfire122 ago
It's similar to the "It's okay to be white" movement. It's a simple neutral phrase that normies shouldn't take offense at, but the regressive left will screech at.
Similarly, normies shouldn't take offense at the statement above, but jews will. In both cases, normies will be wondering what all the fuss is about and will see one side acting insane.
anticlutch ago
No. Fuck you. You're part of the problem.
No. Fuck that and fuck your ideas. It's not like IOTBW even remotely. Not in the fucking slightest. IOTBW is designed SPECIFICALLY for the reaction it gets.
This is not.
Folke ago
We need to convert the Normies, easiest way to do so is by showing the Jews doubled sidedness. IOTBW, has made massive inclines in showing the true face of the jews. With No Nut November they've already reported on most news networks that it is antisemitic. Even if Alex is playing both sides, this works out in our favor. When they call him Antisemitic, we get to argue about the donation to the devils den. Then we can bring attention that jews run the porn industries, and also bring attention to the health effects of porn.
anticlutch ago
We can already do that.
What the fuck is it with you faggots and muh optics or being nice to jews because of normies?
That is precisely why jews have so much fucking power. half a century ago it was common as fuck to be in the public square and directly call out jews.
Either admit you're a jew or admit you're a race cuck who likes being subservient to a low IQ species of Satanic demons.
Folke ago
Bullshit it's because people like you, this is a war! Psychological War is being played out now, and we need to win. Learn from our enemy.
Your writing shows you're emotional, and you can't think beyond the emotions. If you want to win you need to evolve. It's time to use the weapons they've used against us for a century against them. For that to work we have to play both sides for now. If you can't see that, you lost this battle. Normies still like the Jews, and are only starting to realized somethings wrong.
Screaming the Jews, it's the Jews does nothing for our cause! It only plays into the image of what they've already built of us. We need to show them as they are.
But if you believe otherwise, get a soap box and scream to the heavens.
SIayfire122 ago
How is my statement above giving any ground to the jews? It's taking ground from them under the guise of being neutral.
Xeros ago
Maybe giving money to the synagogue is a very subtle way of naming them without naming them.
drj2 ago
cursedcrusader ago
This is standard jew play actually. Whichever "side" wins they still profit. #justjewthings
anticlutch ago
I fully understand this is the status quo of jewish tactics. I dunno something about this feels weird though.
chirogonemd ago
Not so weird. For any drug that reaches a certain threshold of use within the population, the addiction treatment model becomes profitable. The same applies here, with porn. If it were simply the case that our nation applied some kind of decency laws outlawing the production of pornography and the rates of porn consumption were lower (albeit not zero, Streisand Effect and all), there'd be no need for NoFap. The internet being what it is would always be a platform for a less mainstream market for pornography, but imagine for a moment that all pornography was only obtainable through the sorts of virus-laden, obscure sites people go to now for stuff like bestiality porn. What would that do to the overall porn consumption rates in this country? I could almost guarantee we wouldn't have the porn culture we do now - but I realize this is a complex problem and there are many holes in the ship; other things about our culture would have to change as well.
Maybe I could get it across another way: how many people subscribed to NoFap (and assuming they are there to help themselves with a porn problem) are there to get themselves to stop watching dog-fucking videos?
It comes down to an issue of access and acceptance.
The first sort of exploitative nude films came in the 1920s. It was the 1950s before mass-market nude mags started to hit. How many masturbation addiction clinics were around then?
Even when young boys were stealing their dad's Playboys in the 80s, were they becoming hopelessly addicted to naked pinup girls to such an extent that they suffered sexual dysfunction?
These things don't start to become profitable until you start to see something as your enemy. Heroin had to catch on enough before it would be profitable to start creating treatments. We had to start seeing tobacco as an enemy before it became profitable to sell quitting aids.
Porn has had to become enough of a problem that enough would recognize it as an enemy so a stopping aid could become popular.
The Jews have always played this game. They create the problem and the solution. They feed you a drug until it starts to kill you, and then sell you the way to save yourself. It is in their nature; I think it is this heritable sort of mode of being - how they survive. They give you something that turns your natural impulses into monsters and then sell you the sword to go kill it with. They know that at any given time, half the people will be in bed with the monster and the other half will be trying to kill it with the sword. Moreover, the two different types of people will be at each other's throats arguing about the right way to think about things, and this will create even more opportunities for profit.
On an even deeper level - and this is the maddening part - they also know that their solutions aren't real ones. As soon as you make an enemy of the thing you want to stop, it has a power over you. You almost never stop something once you think of the situation as being a fight against that thing. In fact, it tends to make the problem worse. You go in cycles of deprivation and relapse - the addiction cycle. The whole thing is psychologically engineered. Fuck, it's right in the name "NoFap". It's a failure from the get go (at least for most people). 99% of people on this program will relapse, and this promotes feelings of shame, guilt - the fight itself becomes the point.
You stop something, not by fighting against it, but by desperately wanting to be the alternative. The difference can seem subtle, but it's hugely important. In the case of porn and masturbation, not wanting the ill effects of these things isn't a value. Not fapping isn't the value.
Wanting to be something that simply doesn't involve either of these is the value. As soon as you've decided: "I'm on NoFap", you're already defeated. For the same fucking reason people fail on diets, because diets are inherently defined by what they don't include.
Who is someone who doesn't watch porn and masturbate? Perhaps someone with religion? Or a strong, driven person with clear values about sex, and relationships? Saying "don't fap" is subversive. It's dropping you off short of the destination. Why is it that the NoFap sub probably has 500,000 subscribers, who go there for motivation, none of whom probably go to a Christian sub (or to church)? Your value can't be what you don't do. But causing you to identify as what you don't do is what makes this whole Jew machine go.
Find me the Jew promoting those things, and I'll kiss your ass.
TheAntiZealot ago
I upvoated as soon as I noticed your logic. But the rest of the post was even better. Just basic common sense needs to be shouted from the rooftops.
Well said.
MartinMarpul8 ago
Well said Chirogonmad.
anticlutch ago
Goys-R-Us ago
I read the entire thing and it was worth it.
chirogonemd ago
Haha. I swear, in my head, it started off as a short answer - maybe two sentences. And then I ranted.
I understand not reading it. But I promise you've got it all wrong.
Broc_Lia ago
That or not all jews are taking part in the attack. Just because one jew does something good doesn't mean it's actually a convoluted plot
hello_reddit ago
Funny how the jews in this situation that are the “based” ones are still managing to make money
Broc_Lia ago
Idk, maybe it's all just a scam. I thought anti-clutch was implying anti-fap was some kind of jewish conspiracy to... make people less degenerate?
anticlutch ago
Ahaha yup. jewish/plebbit "superuser" account modding a ton of subs.
Broc_Lia ago
I mod 7 seven subs lol. Four of them I started, the other three I agreed to mod because the guys who founded them were leaving voat.
SadMacKabaam ago
Two sides of the same shekel is a pretty funny turn of phrase tho.
Broc_Lia ago
TopLobster ago
I’d bet its to keep people feeling conflicted, always have them in a state of doubt. makes them more irrational, and subsequently, easier to control.
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