I’ve failed a few times this go around and am back now to one full week without looking at the shit.
For those that have succeeded great job! Keep it up! The challenge for success is with your future self to prove that you are making improvements and bettering your life.
Have a great rest of your day!
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Chempergrill ago
Thanks man. Still going good here (though had some tempting moments), and good on you for picking yourself up again.
Have you seen this? I got a laugh and motivational kick out of this: https://voat.co/v/whatever/3511834
^ It looks like reddit's NoFap is getting double-jewed right now. Supposedly some pornographers are smearing the NoFap movement and trying to get it deplatformed. While at the same time, some guy it setting up a legal defense fund with the catch that all extra proceeds will go to synagogue heh.
Native ago
Excellent keep up the good work! I glanced at the link, you know that you are doing something right when there is so much push back from them.
Gigglestick ago
Isn’t that retarded? Absolute numb skulls...