MagotrapTheArchmage ago

Day 12 of NFN for me.

philmchawk ago

Yesterday was the 10th day and I caved after 3 days of blue balls. Does that shit ever go away or should I ween myself off instead of going cold turkey?

Native ago

It depends on how often and degenerate the porn was that you watched.

It took me two years from every day video porn to finally cut down simply to pictures and then down to a few times a week.

I'm still struggling with it. It was easier when I was in a relationship and then would relapse once I was single. The technique i've been using that carnold03 recommended was to use a journal and keep track of your progress that way it works as physical proof of success and a form of shaming yourself when you fail.

M80TheMan ago

Going strong. I started sometime during the second week of October. Quit the shit cold turkey and not looking back.

Native ago

Great job i'm impressed!

M80TheMan ago

Thank you. It's a tough habit to kick and I'm still addicted to it. I read at around 90 days of no porn your brain eventually "rewires" itself so that porn no longer becomes enticing or provides a novelty effect. The key is, I guess, to distract yourself and use that urge to learn a new skill or pick up a new hobby. It's a struggle but persistence is key.

Chempergrill ago

Good work. You're a bit ahead of me in the challenge.

Yeah I'm really looking forward to see what happens with the 90 day "rewiring". The challenge is going fine, but I can definitely still feel the temptation.

Native ago

Oh for sure on the 90 days, at the beginning of the year we did a straight 90 day no booze challenge with daily motivational posts and that was easier than pron. the reason I think is because the porn habit started so early for most men and is so much more rooted as an addiction

Gigglestick ago

Good job man, don’t let them win.

Chempergrill ago

Thanks man. Still going good here (though had some tempting moments), and good on you for picking yourself up again.

Have you seen this? I got a laugh and motivational kick out of this:

^ It looks like reddit's NoFap is getting double-jewed right now. Supposedly some pornographers are smearing the NoFap movement and trying to get it deplatformed. While at the same time, some guy it setting up a legal defense fund with the catch that all extra proceeds will go to synagogue heh.

Native ago

Excellent keep up the good work! I glanced at the link, you know that you are doing something right when there is so much push back from them.

Gigglestick ago

Isn’t that retarded? Absolute numb skulls...