beefartist ago

Best title I have seen on voat. Stop being pussies and FIX YO SHIT

TheKalergiFan ago

Fuck commies and socialists

Chimaira92 ago

How do you consume that as a "white pill"

In todays modern world, where can we look to find another Hitler and Germany? He was a very inspirational person who had witnessed the first world war on the frontlines. Nazi military training was world renown and had soldiers seeking to enlist from all over.

But to top it off, he gave it all he could until it was just down to women and children fighting to defend the remains of their once great German cities, bombed into rubble by constant weekly raids.

Hitler is a blackpill topic and rightfully so. Our own ancestors were tricked into bringing down the last vestige of true greatness.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You didn't watch them all and missed the point.

Nothing without our dead

Chimaira92 ago

I know I didn't watch them all, as soon as I see the hundreds of thousands of smiling white faces saluting Hitler it instantly becomes a black pill to me. It's cool that theres like 3 different garage bands making amateur cover songs with brilliant lyrics however that doesn't act as a white pill and serves more as pointless entertainment.

Sorry for being so pessimistic and obtuse, can you point out what i'm missing?

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The youth is rising up and its evidence of the growth curve turning logarithmic in conjunction with the advent of communications platforms and access to technology for the younger generations. The meme war and access to free speech has brought forth a generation of young men and women who's path of rebellion is one of seeking truth and discovering the active intent behind white genocide.

It means shit is accelerating. It means the sleeping giant actually is waking up. Play the game out 20 years in your mind, hell play it out in 5 when the Q crowd is left with no alternative to satisfy their desire for justice against the evil pedosatanists they know about. Everything is coming to a head. It is Armageddon and that is the greatest white pill there ever could be. You'll have to ACT and not be acted on and the way this movement has spread in the youth is something boomers could never understand.

Chimaira92 ago

I liked the first video but you have much higher hopes than I do. That third video uses Jewish produced nigger-beats and harms the message it's trying to make.

I hope you're right, i'm tired of slowly getting boiled alive.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The only message we care about making is staying alive. Everything else is secondary.

kushtian ago

Went to church today in the small NY town I grew up in. Gotta say, it was beautiful to see all the young white families, many of which had 3+ kids. There's hope for us yet.

EnsignPossible ago

This time let us make sure it NEVER happens again! No quarter. It's us or them. If you are merciful to just one of them, you just became one of them. God will make sure it will never happen again using the lake of fire.

Dyedhairshootonsite ago

FIGHT AND RESIST! but a new Netflix show is being released today soo ima pass for now....

Angryelectrician ago

The level of downvoats in this thread is...interesting. And disturbing.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yeah and my weird stalker is now morphing his anti mormon argument into some mormon white genocide conspiracy. Like a rabbi would.

Don-Keyhote ago

Shit that happened 70 yrs ago is white pill? LMFAO

White Nationalists are so fucking stupid that they'll cream their pants over Tarrant's retarded gun-grabbing stunt, read his manifesto beginning

"it's about the birth rates. it's about the birth rates. it's about the birth rates."

then immediately revert back to circle jerk wignat larping, zero discussion on ACTUALLY FORCING WOMEN TO PERPETUATE OUR RACE

too stupid to recruit among the tens of millions of incels w/ nothing to lose and everything to gain

Yall are unironically the biggest group of faggots I've ever seen, and I been to SF

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Shit that happened 70 yrs ago is white pill? LMFAO

Didn't actually watch the clips that are modern and updated and missed the entire point by being a negative kike.

Ge gone with you negative kike we don't need your sad boomer excuses here.

Don-Keyhote ago

oof a real retort to my comment would have addressed the birth rate issue, but you went full cringefag. Can't say I'm shocked

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

would have addressed the birth rate issue

read thread. Stop being a nigger everyone knows that dumbass. you're not special.

Don-Keyhote ago


what an absolute fuckin faggot XDDD

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Tarrarnt videos are at the top of the list intentionally. His manifesto opens with the following;

It’s the birth rates. It’s the birth rates. It’s the birth rates.

If there is one thing I want you to remember from these writings ,its that the birth rates must change. Even if we were to deport all Non-Europeans from our lands tomorrow, the European people would still be spiraling into decay and eventual death.

Don-Keyhote ago

Thanks Prof Tarrant for that self evident fact, killing Muslims is really consistent with that diagnosis

Elliot Rodger, chink-jew, = literally more based than St Tarrant

WNs are truly the most caved-skull retarded niggers holy shit XDDD

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Due to mass immigration we lack the time scale required to enact the civilizational paradigm shift we need to under take to return to health and prosperity. Mass immigration will disenfranchise us,subvert our nations,destroy our communities,destroy our ethnic binds,destroy our cultures,destroy our peoples. Long before low fertility levels ever could.Thus,before we deal with the fertility rates,we must deal with both the invaders within our lands and the invaders that seek to enter our lands.

Don-Keyhote ago

Bro don't talk abt time scales when you clearly don't even know what a generation is. White youth is already a minority and texas will turn blue soon.




ifuckdolphinseverday ago

calm down boomer

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

You didn't meet my specific needs and now i'm going to be a bitch about it

Okay i understand you now

Don-Keyhote ago

14 words say nothing about the PAST you wignat homosexual

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

It is not for ideas that we live! Not for theories! Not for fantastic party programs! NO! We live and fight for the German Volk For the preservation of its existence!

-Adolf Hitler

Okay dumb dumb


Move to WV get an oil job and a woman. They are both playful

Lagmonster ago

Do you need a forklift for the women? Asking for a friend!


Mid Ohio Valley


No. There are all types of chicks there. Don't be a fag. I would rather have a fat bitch, that will have kids and take care of the house, than living alone and never really 1488

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Fate is determined by the extremes and the evil we face is very extreme. Fence sitters mean nothing and its always been that way.

We owe no apology and we need no assistance. This land was founded as a White Ethno state and it will be returned to that in due time. Pre 1965 , hell pre 1947 immigration standards could be voted on but i highly doubt you'll find many alive who would favor that when this is all done. The hive mind is on a course that cannot be moved. They are exterminating the white races and we know it. There is undeniable proof to you now to know that the youth know it. Accelerating. Logarithmic. They are in a rebellious frame of mind and they have not been completely domesticated yet and this realization that boomers and fence sitters CANT understand isn't an obstacle for them. OR for the rest of us. Their minds are open to the message we are all receiving.

Those who want to live, let them fight. And those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.

NarrativeControl ago

Super quality content so far.

Those not upvoting this are fucking Jews.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Yeah not really relevant but still good thoughts to consider however you really should expand the thinking a bit to understand how they operate. Ask yourself what would you do? They subvert and infiltrate EVERY secret society and the mormon cult is no different. The origins of the mormon faith and why it was created should be taken into consideration in combination of our beliefs and social principles. All anti kike. All anti free mason. We stole the free mason signs and tokens while smith was a mason for 7 weeks. We used the tokens for our endowment ceremony to complete the magik as jews defiled the original intention and smith sought to restore it. We had suicide pacts for the tokens the same as the masons and that wasn't changed until 1990. We are zionists and cultists but again, there is always more to the story and an outsider would never understand no matter how much i write.

The nuances about this off topic conversation however are largely above anyone who does not have the understanding of such things.

Esoteric- "Designed for or understood by the specially initiated alone."

Symbol- "An object or act representing something in the unconscious mind that has been repressed."

Liminality- "The threshold of disorientation between pre-ritual and post-ritual mind".

NarrativeControl ago

I was raised a Catholic but I tend to see all branches of Christianity as cucked by Jews and it doesn't seem like it's any different here.

Sure, at times some great European minds tried to de-jewdify Christianity and sometimes with measurable success but it's still not an indigenous European faith and I can't get past that point. A whole diverse set of indigenous beliefs and religions have been violently wiped out thanks to Christianity and Romans enforcing those rules.

I prefer a Christian to an (((atheist))) but still, it's kike make-believe.

Some people here in Voat pointed out there are traces of European ancestry (DNA) in Christianity but I'm not convinced.

Europeans/White people arguing which kike belief is truer or better is proof of the effectiveness of good ol' D&C.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Europeans/White people arguing which kike belief is truer or better is proof of the effectiveness of good ol' D&C

Odin promised to destroy the ice giants and i don't see any ice giants.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Request he takes care of the dark elves next

WolfShepherd ago


I told him:

White genocide religion

People are waking up to the mormon question, Agent Smith

Why would a mormon post this?

Actual members are prohibited from posting these things, this makes you fucking glow

Br very careful here

NarrativeControl ago

So Mormons are Jews and/or crypto Jews?

WolfShepherd ago

They think they are jews.

Read this, they're not good. Pizzagate censored it

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Isreal has around 206 nukes.

redwing14 ago

you realize this is a jewish controlled website right.. they know.. I am on here cause its where the action is.. but look at the two triangles in voat.. its a star of david. And jewish paid shills are doing work on here..

TheWorstImaginable ago

Lots of white people too. Spread your black pills somewhere else, this is a WHITE pill thread.

MrDarkWater ago

The entire week is laced with listening rests and prying eyes.

There is no escape ... online.

Glipglup ago

Yeah. It's no fun though because glow niggers won't engage me, I know what flowcharts they use and they always get exposed. It's cute. Hi SBBH thank you for validating my existence by spending billions of dollars and decades of manpower using a global military operation in order... prevent some guy from saying the word "nigger" online. All that money and they won't even engage me lol.

CowWithBeef ago

There are more of us than there are of them. Despair is for cowards and fools.

redwing14 ago

shut up you jew! wtf is this mormon shit?

WolfShepherd ago

Click. The. Links.

They are Zionists working with Israel

Sitnikoff ago

Mormons are shabbos goys at best in the overall hierarchy of things, but it's still important to notice how intimately they they are tied historically to the ZOG agenda.

WolfShepherd ago

It's so intimate that they actually believe they are Anglo jews. This is quite serious, they think they are from the Israeli tribe "ephriam".

They dominate the FBI, it was started by mormon agents continues to be a mormon mafia. They dominate the CIA, mormon agents were given $40M to research how to torture us.

They're very bad shabbos goy, and I honestly believe they wouldn't mind if we killed off kikes and left them alive so they could be the "true jews".

Sitnikoff ago

Jews : Khazars


Jews : Mormons

WolfShepherd ago

CHRISTIANS are the true people of God, not khazar demon worshipers or freemason mormon idolizers.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Everything is a honey pot. All forums have observers for harvest and the work continues on.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Especially for Zog motherfuckers like you, huh?

Inaminit ago

Everyone is a jew, Sport... Even YOU.

WolfShepherd ago

No, he's right.

OP is mormon

Would you like to be mormonpilled?

knightwarrior41 ago

it also means "as above so below" term essential to magic (of any kind)

CowWithBeef ago

Or they're just up and down arrows.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I'm afraid of shapes tho

knightwarrior41 ago

yeah yeah but once you have learned about this occult stuff its hard to unsee =/

smokratez ago

Hitler was the past. Time to be our own heroes.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its nothing in the past.

Its never in the past.

It must ALWAYS be fought for and passed on for future generations to do the same. It is by REMEMBRANCE of our past that we are awoken to the courage within us to ACT as we have ACTED in the past and will do so in the current and future again and again. The reflection and meditation of what has been done before gives us resolve and fortitude to do what must be done again. Its always been the same.


randomfuckingidiot ago

Time is simply a perception error.

In the grim darkness of 2020 there is only eternal war

whatisbestinlife ago

black sun pill first. then white pill

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I love when you show up because you have the unique viewpoint of being someone who didn't like me due to a misunderstanding yet you had the intelligence and humility to realize we are on the same side.

Its accelerating and there are multiple fields to harvest.

Phantom42 ago

Lol, I still remember that. Funny as Hell.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The best part is we have crops like cycles now. Harvest the pills as you feel them its not like it was in the past. Acceleration is the only viable option RACE FAR NOW! Nick F has done nothing but show the youth is ready. THEY KNOW.

Obrez ago

I'm RWDS with you brother but Optics still matter; We should wait for the moment, if republicans don't win in 2020 they will come for our guns and the only thing to do is fight. If republicans do win in 2020 we need Nick's movement, we need to restore free speech online, we need to oust all anti 1A and 2A republicans and declare anyone on the face of the planet with these positions as anti american, we must rescind hate speech laws on a federal level, Encourage our boys to run for office on every level that they can just don't spoil a race for another one of /ourguys/ even if they are ideologically traitors trying to get power and become contro-op we easily reject them now, just take the momentary regret of not contesting them and run against them next time.

If Trump is impeached prior to the election he wont be allowed to win, that is the enemies goal, and seeing as trump's side is keeping their cards to the vest I can't tell if he will beat the impeachment, even still they might have enough to do it considering who our enemies really are, even then as much as I want to take up guns we need to watch the Qtards, if they fight we should fight, if they don't fight us going off wont help us, the real measure is who wins the presidency in 2020. If trump wins 2020 antifa will start doing attacks and that is our reichstag moment, that is our empowerment, that becomes a blank check for us in terms of political capital.

Our message needs to be that "the only thing left for a radical once they can't speak is to act" and if people want to halt radical lone-wolf attacks then free speech is critical. If we can turn the whole internet into a free speech center through Publisher Vs Platform laws we will win, they can't stop the culture shift.

If we can keep wining victories there will be a snowballing effect, but at this point I don't think we have a great chance for victory, I think if we kick it off now we get something "Troubles"esque which is some concessions but as I see it today, a loss.

The thing I recommend doing now, on top of participating in our counter propaganda ops like IOTBW, is becoming ungovernable, essentially time delayed, anonymous sabotage with the explicit goal of costing liberals (wealthy, poor, and the political and city coffers) millions and damaging their rapport with their voters and local populaces and lowering the quality of life in cities. Get creative but power outages, property damage and public health crises are all relatively doable with deniability, drop branches on power lines, plants that like japanese knotweed that tear up pavement and concrete, poisonous flowers like Datura which have variants in most american climate regions. Get creative because I'm holding back mentioning some other ways of doing this shit, just don't get caught. And keep in mind that the goal is to flip voters and demoralize their die hard voters, not convince millions of liberals to move somewhere else and flip that state.

Anyway, I might as well say it here, I saved your submission and a number of files, really needed this today. Good post.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

even then as much as I want to take up guns we need to watch the Qtards, if they fight we should fight,

Who suppose is the harvest?

If we can keep wining victories there will be a snowballing effect, but at this point I don't think we have a great chance for victory, I think if we kick it off now we get something "Troubles"esque which is some concessions but as I see it today, a loss.

Its not about kicking it off now. Its about gathering the crowd wherever they are on the ladder out of the slave pen. Anyone on voat is here to take a punch to the face.

Anyway, I might as well say it here, I saved your submission and a number of files, really needed this today. Good post.

I needed them too and the fire rises.

WolfShepherd ago

Fucking mormon fedposter

whatisbestinlife ago

race war? dont waste your lives and bullets on blacks and browns. if you arent in jail they are half decent and should be a good citizen of mexico or anywhere in africa. set up another liberia or call it wakanda. if mexico or its people retaliate invade and occupy them afganistan style and bring them civility.

Goyana_punch ago

"no race war, go through a bunch of effort and spend endless money giving them everything they could want, and when they eventually retaliate for being apes, then race war"

yeah you are retarded

whatisbestinlife ago

dont worry. none of it will work. Just like Trump you are going to need the populace on your side and for them to believe what you are doing is right and good. unless you choose a warlord who is openly pro invasion into other's lands you will get someone charismatic though. at least first


check out v/whitepills

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Thanks Goy!

GapingAnus ago

It's telling that the "massive whitepill archive" is nothing but a bunch of emotionally evocative videos set to music. No actual info. No reason for whitepilling. No positivity at all.

Meanwhile, polling indicates zoomers are even more cucked than millennials and the youth and young adults are more conformist and collectivist than ever. I really want a white pill but this wasn't it.

WolfShepherd ago

Hes a mormon that's why

I told him

White genocide religion

People are waking up to the mormon question, Agent Smith

Why would a mormon post this?

Actual members are prohibited from posting these things, this makes you fucking glow

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

No actual info. No reason for whitepilling. No positivity at all.

The whole point showing the youth realizing the situation but this guy misses that because he didn't really watch them all or even half.

Meanwhile, polling indicates zoomers are even more cucked than millennials and the youth and young adults are more conformist and collectivist than ever. I really want a white pill but this wasn't it.

If only he wasn't a nigger, maybe this man would realize the white pill was there the whole time.

The Info you can't seem to see is another mans treasure.

GapingAnus ago

I need a little more than desperate propaganda with emotional music, man. The fact that there isn't any is a fucking blackpill not a white one.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Its not all about you. You still missed the point

GapingAnus ago

>Here's a whitepill

>This is just shitty emotional circlejerking


Fucking boomers, I swear.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Nice try boomer

thatguyiam ago

Israel cohen 1912 in your clip above

What is a wikipedia alternative? It claims the quote is fake.

Glipglup ago

Holy shit that video is so fucking gay.

thatguyiam ago

Liek your feget az

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The end is cringe as fuck.

Updated with Gen Z however it becomes powerful.

Rajadog20 ago

Infogalactic, run by vox day. Although it doesn’t seem to have an updated entry for this

MuzzieJuice ago

Yeah. I came here to question the authenticity of some of these. We can't spread anything that is a hoax. False propaganda hurts our cause. It will end up being used against us.

thatguyiam ago

The whole thing about the cohen 1912 thing is that he said to destroy society you foment racial divides. If that quote by some jew is a falsity, then why in the hell is the jew fomenting racial hatred all over the msm now.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

@crensch was that downvoat you?

Hey_Sunshine ago

What'd you do to piss Crensch off?

Hey_Sunshine ago

Oh, that mess. Lol forget I asked

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

In essence its my willingness to be reasonable which really revealed his character i must say.

CheckYourDissonance ago


CapinBoredface ago

uh oh, @Tallest_Skil, you better come in here and explain to everyone how the jews have already won and theres no point fighting. C'mon, shill for your kike overlords.

midnightblue1335 ago

you better come in here and explain to everyone how the jews have already won and theres no point fighting.

Never seen him say anything like that.

He repeatedly says "THERE IS NO PEACEFUL SOLUTION". He is implying that there is a solution, but that we currently lack the will or w/e to carry it out. Is that wrong?

If anything, Skil seems to be calling for real action. How do you get "You should give up and bow to the kikes" out of "THERE IS NO VOTING OUR WAY OUT OF THIS"?

CapinBoredface ago

Really? Have you just never read what he actually writes or are you flat out lying about what he says?

He constantly says the white race is extinct and nothing will change.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I agree 100% @tallest_skil is a realist.

The reality is we did already lose. The white pill is knowing we all know it and that we can turn it around at any moment. We have the absolute power to change our fate if only we would come to the realization of just how awful the situation is.

The white pill is knowing and choosing to ACT. Not be acted on.

CapinBoredface ago

@Tallest_Skil consistently says the white race is extinct and civilization has been completely destroyed.

That is not being a realist, that’s being a defeatist. He’s a coward. He reported me to the FBI (like that’s going to do anything) because I hurt he’s feelings.

He told me he would come to my house and fight me so I gave him an address and he immediately backed down.

He’s a pathetic sack of shit.


Fucking kike faggot won’t even have the balls to reply to me or dispute anything I say because he fucking knows he’s a useless Jew mouthpiece.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Maybe you guys just have a misunderstanding? We are on the same side by my viewpoint.

CapinBoredface ago

There is no misunderstanding.

He has good points about Jews. He does a good job of pointing out how Jews corrupt.

However, @Tallest_Skil is far to quick to decide that anyone who questions him is a shill or a Jew. Which is perplexing because he does in fact say silly shit like “the white race is already extinct.”

What good does that kind of rhetoric do anyone? All it does is blackpill people. This is exacerbated by his constant proclamations that he has nothing to live for while also flat out saying he’s too scared to fight for what he (supposedly) knows is right.

Honestly, if @Tallest_Skil didn’t copy and paste the same bullshit from his “book,” that he claims he isn’t shilling while obviously shilling it, over and over and over he’s be far less annoying.

And the fact that he has the audacity to call people cowards while also being the only faggot I’ve ever seen *brag about tattling to the FBI” and literally running away from fights really runs me the wrong way. So fuck him.

He thinks he’s special because he names the Jew. He thinks he’s infallible because he refuses to discuss anything and then just calls people Jews when they prove him wrong. Or he just posts stupid psycho bullshit about how “they admitted” something.

He bitches about people erecting scarecrows while erecting scarecrows.

It’s the most annoying shit when I constantly see people encouraging him just because he names the Jew.

Is that our standard here? “Had the kikes” means you can get a free pass to be the biggest sack of shit in existence?

WolfShepherd ago

See my comment above for OP real beliefs. Hes a fucking plant

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

Ignore the boomer stalking me he wants my big fat mormon cock really bad.

zxcvbnasdf ago

What kind of faggot brags about another guy wanting his dick?

Fuck off you Mormon scum.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

This faggot with a massive mormon monster in his pants thats who.

Foursome ago

That Zion the new Jerusalem will be built upon...

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

The standard of Truth has been erected.

Foursome ago

Not too long before you see it. Sorry man. It really sucks once you do.

ifuckdolphinseverday ago

I've already seen it. I already know. I've been deactivated.

No point going back now but i understand the pain brother.

WolfShepherd ago

@nomochomo look at this before they delete it

Bragging about zionism

WolfShepherd ago


I've found tthe feds

Mormon feds and catholic feds

Foursome ago

Ah, I'm an exmo. I like to point out the absurdity of liberal exmos and headlines.

zxcvbnasdf ago

Genocide yourself faggot.

WolfShepherd ago

Hes already genociding us.

Is it time to return the favor ?


WolfShepherd ago

White genocide religion

People are waking up to the mormon question Mr. Smith

WolfShepherd ago

Why would a mormon post this?