Kingofqueenanne ago

When I went to Brigham Young University, the CIA and FBI would hold job fairs and recruitment drives.

The Manti Temple is one of the only temples to NOT have a gold Angel Moroni atop the steeple. The scuttlebutt is that the more egregious ritualistic abuse occurs at the Manti temple.

For awhile I was part of a group on Facebook that was a support group for Mormons who were subjected to ritual abuse. It disbanded and scattered quickly when the therapist in charge of the group had her programming reactivated and she got really weird.

Mormon leaders in the First Presidency, Quorum of the Twelve, and other positions of leadership are typically titans of business and industry. They’re not exceptionally brilliant, however they are quite well connected and seem to rise to prominent positions in the cabal like how cream rises to the top.

WolfShepherd ago

I have added this to my PG post thank you

mostlyfriendly ago

To add to this discussion: there is a lineage between Mormons / Freemasons / Jewish Kabbalah / Luciferianism.

Basically (high level / hand wave):

- Joseph Smith plagiarized the Masonic temple rights for the Mormon temple rights.

- The early Freemason writers ripped of the Kabbalah mystical teachings.

- The Kabbalah mysticism (real Kabbalah, not the hippy friendly strip mall version that Madonna follows) was created from ancient pagan rituals.

- The ancient pagan rituals were dedicated to Lucifer or the other great demons (Baal, Baphomet, etc.)

I don't have any links handy, but I can attempt to dig up references for any of this if there is interest.

GoyimNose ago

Dig em up