PunishedPatriot ago

i love how these faggots are so rash that they leave massive paper trails and then go on to do some fucked up shit as if we can't use their trail to track them right to their faggot beds.

lesson for the lurkers, if you must use socmed, use multiple aliases. and never ever succumb to the temptation of revealing your deeds online, no matter how clever you think you are.

satisfyinghump ago

You are right, imgurl scrubs exif. But ive had success finding the exif data i needed by reverse image searching the image from Imgurl and finding its been posted else where that doesnt scrub exif data.

Yes i know this exif data may be false, not the one i want, but sometimes you get lucky.

i_hate_sodomites ago

Oh my god! He's a fucking child-raping jew! Color me surprised!

Almighty1776 ago

What is this fentanyl candy thing about?

prairie ago

I finally read up on it. Apparently it's an extremely potent pain reliever where just a pinch is lethal to humans, and it's used a lot in the medical industry and by druggies.

BlowjaySimpson ago

They just busted 3 niggers with 40 pounds of it in Ohio. That's enough to kill everyone in Ohio.

speedisavirus ago

Faggot larped on Twitter that he was going to poison any kids dressed up favorable to Trump

hagarthehorrible ago

looked through the facebook, doesn't seem to be a match. the paint in the rooms is wrong, the bed is wrong, and the room furniture is wrong. The windows are the wrong height from the floor, and the FB stuff all has an a/c unit, and the first pic does not.

the FB guy does love dogs, and the sheets in the pic do have dogs, but that's the only link I see.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Thanks, don't have a FB.

I'll remove that link.

ToOnMaN ago

Judging from them sheets the d00d is 5 years old..

BillyBobBoJangles ago

His twitch image is half of Epstein's face with someone else's face.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Yeah, many of his Twitter conversations are with people who have weird references to Pizza and shit.

Would not be surprised if this guy was a pedo.

Glipglup ago

If he's Jewish he's a pedo.

sore_ass_losers ago

Bad joke (funny to the deranged), I’ve read worse ones here.

Element115 ago

Correction: The dude who posted a picture of a handful of multivitamins next to sealed in wrapper candy.

You guys really hate free speech and offensive jokes here at Voat, huh?

BlowjaySimpson ago

Lol, turnabout is fair play you cunt.

You think they would take the high road on you?

Give no quarter, for none will be given to you.

"He has a right to free speech, but that doesn't protect him from the consequences".

Element115 ago

Is he even really antifa or is that a stupid joke too? Imagine if you put this much effort into caring about someone actually doing something harmful.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Got any leads?

Element115 ago

I dunno, getting trannies banned from stripping for kids in the libraries seems more important than this guy.

Deathperception ago

Be a great right wing ff psyop.

Generate normie enmity for communists.

PunishedPatriot ago

every single one of us should be doing this. they want to accelerate, let's give them acceleration.

AdmiralEnchilada ago

Good work soldier

bdubs ago

The flyer on his night stand looks like one that our NEX mails out here in pensacola...

Take that information with a grain of salt though as resolution is a bit low to be 100% on that

Astroqualia ago

I live in the viscinity of that area as well. Good to see fellows local to the cause.

holaymackal ago

I was about to say, when I read 'pensacola' I immediately think Navy "A" school. Why else would you live there?

Source: did one year in "A" school

Carpools ago

Can you imagine if one of your people was poisoned by this piece of garbage, and then you read about this after the fact?

SearchVoatBot ago

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awildbanannaphone ago

Literally doing God's work, thanks op

sinclair ago

Battlefield? Time for some PvP. :)

PencilLeadSyringe ago

My black female soldier is ready.

PunishedPatriot ago

i like hunting those players just for a kick.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I toada so!! I knew he was a jew.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Might just be taking shabbos shekels, but since it's Florida, mischling shitstain is likely.

SearchVoatBot ago

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PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Archive.md everything.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Do it.

Zednix ago

OOTL - did this retard post a pic of meth candy on voat or reddit?

A_Thicc_Man ago

He posted on twitter that any child dressed as Donald Trump for Halloween he would give candy laced with fetanyl

Ocelot ago

He was definitely just trying to look cool to his faggot friends since that's not fentanyl at all. He should still swing.

SmokeyMeadow ago

Spread your butt cheeks, "Brandon Jenkins." The internet is going in raw.

BlowjaySimpson ago

I could absolutely be wrong. Gather your own Intel to confirm anything.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ggolemg ago

Fucking good job op.

anticlutch ago

Good shit anon. Can I interest you in some Halloween candy?

BlowjaySimpson ago

Sure but let's take a helicopter ride first.

sbt2160p ago

You know he didn’t actually have fentanyl and it was just a shitty twitter joke, right?

watts2db ago

does not matter one bit

Goys-R-Us ago

Joking about killing kids is simply NOT ACCEPTABLE you fucking piece of shit. Rot in hell shill.

sbt2160p ago

What other jokes are unacceptable? I don’t want to offend anyone else. /s

BlutUndEhre ago

I mean, it's clearly a joke. You're missing the point you nigger. This faggot will get off Scott free for this joke. If anyone had made a joke about poisoning the candy of kids dressed as Obama or HRC, they'd be arrested and put on trial.

Goys-R-Us ago

What other jokes are unacceptable?


Carry on.

9NaughtZ ago

You think they would let us off like that?

BlowjaySimpson ago

And it needs to be communicated, with excessive force, what happens if he jokes about murdering right wing children.

BlutUndEhre ago

Should still be scrutinized. If one of us made the same joke about Obama kids, we'd be in prison before you could say "niggers".

bb22 ago

Is that what he told you after getting all this attention?

BigFatDaddy ago

Burn his house down while he's asleep.

green_man ago

Fedposting dumb shit like this is what killed the Voat canary.

BigFatDaddy ago

Fuck you, faggot. Pieces of shit like this who talk about poisoning kids deserve to be killed, no question about it. Bitches like you, afraid to say what needs to be said, are the reason our society is in this mess in the first place.

PunishedPatriot ago

you know, you can just do shit without blasting it out online like the faggot in question did. JFC

BigFatDaddy ago

I never said I was going to do anything. I just said that it was something he deserved.

green_man ago

Don't get me wrong, the fucker deserves the chair, just saying there's ways to say that which won't result in the feds harassing Voat with subpoenas.

BigFatDaddy ago

Free Speech doesn't exist for those too afraid to practice it. The ZOG is going to harass Voat regardless. Being a little bitch-fag and censoring yourself out of the slim hope that they'll finally leave you alone is, again, how we got in this mess in the first place.

dassaer ago

"Gawd damn mann, lets open up an arse of whipped cream on these fucko's..." in mindcraft.

Element115 ago

Where do you buy whipped cream by the arse? I can only get it by the cheek, and I have to go to the fancy organic store for that.

dassaer ago

Stay away from low-qual asian stuff - full of branded-import soy. You'll literally end up paying out the butt from organic places. You want legit US hand-made triple batched no wash original skim (full of that ripe bio-sputum/ smegma mix). Available in hand, mouth or whore -fulls ..

degenerate7 ago

The most offensive thing about him is he plays Fallout 76. What a fucking cuck.

philmchawk ago


HiJoker ago

I haven't looked into it, is it that bad?

degenerate7 ago

Check out Joseph Anderson. His reviews and critiques are lengthy but very well made. You'll get the gist in the first few minutes though. Game is a dumpster fire.


AdmiralEnchilada ago

Take fallout 4. Remove a storyline and only allow an open world pvp type game.

Pvp barely works. Graphics circa 2013, the bases you build get destroyed and reset every update

Not to mention the bait n switch with the collectors edition (they lost the court case) and now wanting to charge money for features shipped broken in the original iteration

Ocelot ago

take Fallout 4

Already garbage.

weezkitty ago

Fallout 3 > Fallout 4

subscribetopewdiepie ago

NV > 3

Rellik88 ago

I played both to completion, yes.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Hugo_Mungus ago

Anyone who plays that trash is in an abusive relationship with Todd Howard

clouds10 ago

Was about to post the same thing lmao glad to see it already pointed out.

MrBoutros ago

i'm pretty sure doxing is against sitewide rules.

but in this situation.. i dunno. it doesn't look good for that guy.

MrBoutros ago

ok dipshits, take a look to your right where it says SUBVERSE RULES.

what's rule #3?

who owns the subs? is it me? no?

fucking faggots.

uvulectomy ago

Pretty sure the no doxxing rule means no doxxing Voat users.

PunishedPatriot ago

@danielR threatens to dox voat users regularly.

DanielR ago

Got any proof of that shlomo ?

PunishedPatriot ago

are you saying you've never threatened to dox anyone here?

DanielR ago

Im saying this is horse shit lie : "@danielR threatens to dox voat users regularly."

Also why do you use multiple accounts to sound like you are multiple people ?

bb22 ago

There are no rules in war.

MrBoutros ago

fine. whatever.

forget i mentioned it.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Don't worry, we already have.

MrBoutros ago

maybe they should do you next so we can get to the bottom of all your alts.

Nosfewratsjews ago

When the people who did this are my alts, that would be pretty funny, wouldn't it?

Derpfroot ago

I at least have to know where he lives so I never ever go there trick or treating with my child. This motherfucker said he'd give kids fentanyl..

TheWorstImaginable ago

I will warn people not to go too far without actually confirming without a doubt this is the guy. But if it is him, tie him to a chair and torture him.

BlowjaySimpson ago

I haven't doxxed anyone.

I don't even have an ID on anyone.

I've just aggregated publicly available information from the internet.

MrBoutros ago

ok, ok.

i'm just going to walk away. whistles

Fuckyounigger ago

My man...