TheyLie ago

Over 1000 likes from 'fellow white people'

i_hate_sodomites ago

Why hasn't this jew child molester been doxxed already??? He hasn't even bothered to use a VPN; surely this can't be that hard. Are all you right-wing "hackers" such miserable fucking faggots you can't even bother to dox a Jew who wants to drug and rape children?????

uvulectomy ago

Look around, newfag. It's been done and a likely candidate found. You're just too retarded to notice.

kammmmak ago

The (((enemy))) is a sneaky conniving "friend" that will never fight for you, stand up for you. They bully you to give your recess money, will steal, backstab and say you are a worthless POS where it is THE Only reason they hang out with you.

Don_Tomaso ago

Doxx the motherfucking communist filth locally and let nature take its course!!

andrewweiner ago

So virtue signaling by threatening to kill children. And 50% of the country is okay with this. It's probably about time for an economic depression and/or a war. That's usually the only way to fix priorities when a society is that far gone.

Adminstrater ago

Liberals and their Fentanyl.

I like that they at least used Fentanyl, and not a generic "drugs", or "poison". Seems like this post was designed to back-fire.

Element115 ago

In case you're wondering, it was me. I'm the one downvote out of over 100.

This guy made a stupid unfunny joke and you're all falling for this propaganda shit and clamoring to attack him over free speech.

QueensNewYorkGuy ago

So, you would poison a small child for dressing a certain way? Sounds very tolerant and inclusive and not at all psychotic.

downvoatmachine ago

lunatic or troll??? I suspect troll...

Titanbikes4ever ago

People that poison kids are evil

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Ctrl_Alt_Llama_ ago

When you give children fatal drugs for being against their fellow children having their genitals fiddled with or removed because you’re doing it all for the children


LibertarianForChrist ago

Imagine an 8ish year old kid being more mature than you. It's not antifa im afraid of, it's the banks and billionaires who fund them.

DeseretIndustries ago

It’s not enough for them to murder their own children; they feel compelled to murder ours too.

hankylanky ago

I live in somewhat upper middle class neighborhood. People here are well educated. They see the bigger picture when it comes to things like social and economic inequities, nuanced and complex issues like climate change, gun control and immigration. They also recognize an absolutely narcissistic hateful and profoundly ignorant orange dumb fuck when they see one and would never dress their child to look like him. On the other hand, if the kid possesses at least an 8th grade intellect, he'd be a big step up.

Intrixina ago

Ah yes, playing the "holier than thou" schtick.

"Climate change" is a crock of shit, guns don't need to be controlled amongst law abiding folk, just shitskins, and you cannot have unlimited immigration.

If anyone is the narcissist - it's yourself with your blather about how great you think you are. Projection at its finest.

uvulectomy ago

Don't mind ol' hank. He hasn't been the same since "the event" in November 2016. Poor guy developed a serious case of TDS and, well, the doctors say it's inoperable and probably terminal.

The best they can do is keep him medicated and comfortable. But sometimes it's not enough, and he lashes out.

Intrixina ago

Haha. I do find those with TDS to be entertaining.

uvulectomy ago

Oh hey, you still haven't gargled with bleach yet.

And for all your bloviation, it seems your post still boils down to "hurr teh orange dumbfuck is teh sto0pid!" You must be an absolute joy at parties.

Stay mad, faggot.

Rellik88 ago

Right ? Trump is fucking stupid. Better economy in 3 years over Obama's 8.... yea so stupid.

Le_Squish ago

Nice attempt to establish an appeal to authority there. Too bad you are faggot.

englishwebster ago

dont hang them - this is why the right is in favor of the police. let them do their job.

doesntgetsarcasm ago

Is this sarcasm?

JacobJaredKenworthy ago

He has been suspended from Twitter

Goys-R-Us ago

That'll show him.

IrbyTremors ago

Let me know when they're suspended from life.

puggy ago

let me know when the DEA gets a search warrant and tears her house apart looking for fentenyl

eongoat ago

That's a threat, call their local police office and report it.

ninjajunkie ago

If a child is harmed; this asshat needs to hang from a light pole.

Fuck that, scratch the first half.

SparklingWiggle ago

Yep, the threat alone is the type of stuff that creates fearful citizens.

Higgler ago

Faggot using off brand Walmart multi vitamins lol


Djerko needs to be chained! Chained up where he can't get around any normal people.

subscribetopewdiepie ago

Chained by the neck and suspended in the air.


Works for me!

Dumb_Comment_Bot ago

Those aren't fentanyl that's probably a vitamin.

Also fuck this guy, he's the reason we can't give out homemade shit to kids on Halloween instead of fucking sugary shit in single use plastic.


I love baking and I'm always so upset I can't give away little Halloween themed goodies.

THEx1138 ago

Individually wrapped poison. There was plenty of it on the ground to clean up this morning.

midnightblue1335 ago

Definitely not fentanyl.

Fentanyl is usually a liquid or a patch.

Those are unmarked pills on the one side- absolutely not a narcotic.

I'm with you on this one- multivitamin. The color, size, shape, etc. are giveaways.

Regardless, this freak is still threatening to murder children. He could have actual drugs just off-camera there.

toobaditworks ago

These look like Centrum multivitamins.

Volcris ago

If he was dumb enough to post this shit openly he would be dumb enough to show the drugs if he had any.

People who are going to do shit don’t talk about it, they do it.

randomfuckingidiot ago

Strung from the nearest streetlight

dan_k ago

dox this fucking monster

AnthraxAlex ago

Why are people hiding the identity of this nigger. People should be hoisting him up into a tree by the neck.

Intrixina ago

I thought the same thing. If a fucker says shit like this, they deserve any and all consequences for their vile behaviour.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Because he is a confirmed paid Zionist shill.

Not even joking or being hyperbolic. He was as Israeli shill mod of syriancivilwar that got exposed by an infiltrator of a pro-zionist astro-turfing group.

AnthraxAlex ago

Everythign is a so damn convaluted Trump is pro zionist

PizzaGate-Is-Real ago

Because it's probably fake.

bb22 ago

My thoughts exactly. People with badges should have already been knocking on his door. The FBI is probably too busy covering up for these faggots and harassing people for saying nigger on the Internet.

hillaryisanigger ago

maga is a word in fucking hebrew btw

if you kill the left, 50% of the kikes will still be alive

BushChuck ago

That's a post stating intent to murder children by poisoning.

Or am i reading it wrong?


Gopherurself ago

As real as someone saying they are gonna shoot up a school tomorrow , wait.. Monday.