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ratsmack ago

Just hang out on Poal, Minds or Gab until it comes back online.

Wahaha ago

Not Gab. Gab openly censors shit they don't like.

ratsmack ago

Okay, give me an example... I've seen the same BS many times over and no one has shown me something that was censored.

ratsmack ago

That's just pedo shit and should be banned from all sites. In fact, all porn should be forced behind paywall's with nothing available for free.

I guess you also believe CP should be available.

Wahaha ago

I'm saying you can't claim to be uncensored when you censor the stuff you hate. Hence Gab should be avoided if you want a free platform and not just a different flavor of censorship. If you're unable to appreciate what a free platform entails, then please leave Voat. You're kind always leads to more censorship. Maybe I could interest you for other places that enjoy censoring things they don't like. I heard Twitter is pretty good at selectively enforcing rules to ban people they don't like, too.

TestForScience ago

Remember when Putt banned that Aged guy for posting his faggot cartoon-kids bullshit, then half the site got mad at him for it so he undid the ban?

SearchVoatBot ago

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SearchVoatBot ago

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fightknightHERO ago

is poal free from censorship?

if so, what subs are noteworthy? i've seen the frontpage and it's basically 9gag faggotry without the redpills

963189_137 ago

Free from censorship? VOAT is not 'free from censorship'. You need to pay attention to the subtleties of VOAT. Start talking about bioweapons and the whole site goes down. I can almost guarantee that the moment I start talking seriously about what needs to happen in terms of race-specific bioweapons to PRESERVE OUR OWN PEOPLE that the site will go down and it will stay down for about 30 minutes. There are somethings that they just don't want you to think about. They desperately want you to 'fight a conventional war' where they will gradually murder all of you. The last thing on the fucking planet they want is for ANY OF US to survive. White genocide is real.

Shotinthedark ago

So what type of bioweapons are we talking about? Pitbulls with aids would be pretty effective.

HarlandKornfeld14 ago

if so, what subs are noteworthy

Its userbase is small compared to Voat, even with all the issues here. Just browse the "all" section.

ratsmack ago

It's no different than Voat.

fightknightHERO ago

but it fucking works

which means it either didn't caught the ire of ZOG yet, or it's not an obstacle for ZOG

every time a service gets extremely popular and redpilling, it gets either taken over or plainly shoah'ed

i still miss

963189_137 ago

That is because they are trying to stop or stall the inevitable civil war in the USA. They know they will lose and they don't want to lose their grip over the whole planet. There is A FUCKING LOT at stake here. We are the largest military on the planet. We are the only thing that can stop them and restore ORDER.

jimibulgin ago

is poal free from censorship?

You can say "Jews did 9/11" on Poal and you won't get banned. Does that answer your question?

Any new uncensored site will go full 1488 within about a month.

Astroqualia ago

"Any new uncensored site will go [CIA - 1488] within about a month"


As if the intelligent people dont realize that the CIA honey pots any popular free speech site with "hate group bullshit" to turn away normies and make the site able to be posted about as "alt right wing racist paradise" to which even more normies will be turned away from.

Wahaha ago

No, I'm more concerned about the stuff people that say "Jews did 9/11" don't like. For example a jailbait sub or something like that. It's only free from censorship when you can post stuff the site owners hate.

jimibulgin ago

valid point.

Or are you just looking for jailbait pics?

TheWorstImaginable ago

google image search. I can't find pics of legal age teen sluts without finding 10:1 weird as fuck risque photoshoots of 11 year olds in bikinis spreading their legs. It's pretty revolting.

Wahaha ago

I've got all the jailbait pics I need, which is zero. It's just the only stuff I can think of that is legal and non-political that people on Voat dislike enough to want it banned. Though, I think I prefer Loli stuff as a kind of canary for free speech, since it's just drawings. On the other hand I'd concede the jailbait thing with that position, which I don't like, either, mostly because I hate the concept of moral police. It's kind of a difficult topic, but if I'm going to err, I want to err on the side of freedom, meaning I'd rather have one thing less on the "things to ban" list.

fightknightHERO ago

Any new uncensored site will go full 1488 within about a month.

ain't that the truth... i do question who inhabit the site though, as it is clear voat is the superior site when it comes to seeking redpills and memeful content