AdmiralEnchilada ago

What about all the climate change denier people that post idiot shit that is contradictory unto itself? Can i call them morons?

Nosfewratsjews ago

You can call anyone you want a moron. That's Free Speech.

Use it while you still have it.

Brawndosaurus ago

No, the easiest way to tell is they advocate for violence, which is criminal. Hence fed- posting

Nosfewratsjews ago

I disagree.

There is no such thing as a non-violent Revolution. I believe we're long past the point of return and can no longer vote ourselves out of the current Governments failure and trajectory.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

Did you get that from the JRE Snowden interview? Snowden said that same thing. It makes since.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I did, yes. He was illustrating the most common tactic used by Government against the Citizens. It's popular for a reason - it's effective.

Not_Your_Normal_Goat ago

Its every campaign now too. Issues and ideas are less important then the people representing them.


The source matters a lot of the time though. Example: if the information is "Trump paid hookers to piss on a bed Obama slept in" then obviously the first question anyone should be asking is "lolwut who told you that?"

Wowbagger ago

the second question is "can we pay them again to piss on the bed he is currently sleeping in?"

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

If the site is selling testosterone supplements to boomers, colloidal silver to retards, or plant based estrogen to leftists, you can generally ignore it. Also, any site hawking gold like a kike money changer.

abattoirdaydream ago

How does this relate to what the person you are responding to said?

Epictetus_Hierapolis ago

By connecting the dots and trusting the plan. Fuck off qtard.

abattoirdaydream ago's retarded.


I agree that infowars is shite

mememeyou ago

U dont want Genocide? Must be a _______ [alt-right troll, Russian bot, Nazi, insert de-humanizing word here].

Nosfewratsjews ago

Basically, yeah.

Merlynn ago

Isn't disinformation fun,jew?

Nosfewratsjews ago

Let me know if you actually wish to hold a conversation, I don't bother with subversives, it's a waste of time.

goatsandbros ago

That's more a Facebook thing, but ok. Have you seen it much in your short time here?

Violentlight ago

Your a just a kike shill faggot.

There you go. Your example.

abattoirdaydream ago

I have called people being dumb and/or distracting shills and/or faggots, and a absolutely do not receive money or favors from the US, Israel, Russia, or any other nation, organization, group, or individual for doing so. Sometimes a fag is a fag. Getting called such is not proof of you getting trolled by the enemy. Sometimes it really is an ally who thinks you are talking out your ass. Check comment histories.

Now if an account ONLY every says "niggerkikefaggot" tier shit, then they may be an agent (or an idiot from SBBH)

Nosfewratsjews ago

I've observed goatsandbro's use this tactic, among others. Notice he specifically tried to isolated my post history, which any reasonable and intelligent person would recognize as an unusual argument on a site at this point widely accepted to be under alphabet agencies NSA gag orders per the death of the warrant canary.

He/she/it quite literally proved my point, ignoring that the only reasonable way to use accounts online if you care about privacy at all is by treating them as throwaway, and going right for the character assassination.

Now, the real question is, was it satirical or just not very subtle?

Purged ago

Lol, they really have a thing for homosexuality.

Another favorite forum slider is spelling/grammer attacks. Play book is old and tired.

clamhurt_legbeard ago

No surprise hearing YOU say that. You're a poopyhead!

Nosfewratsjews ago


Saint_Clementine ago

Stupid nigger faggot retard idiot spic cumbrainnoob

WolfShepherd ago

True but if CNN told me that cancer has been cured in Israel and 3000 patients were cured I doubt if I'd believe it.

Creggieb ago

Yup, the recent Canadian election had this. Any mention of the peoples party was immediately sidelined by claiming that the party is racist. No explanation of how the party was racist except for out of context quotes. In fact questioning the idea that the party was racist was evidence of racism.

I was reminded about the ongoing occurence of the sheep yelling "four legs good, 2 legs bad" any time any one of the animals questioned the narrative in Animal Farm

Anoxim ago

The cons had a hand in that. Literally hired a firm to spread the racism boogeyman about the PPC. Imagine if Bernier had won the CPC nomination instead of limp dick shabbos Scheer. He would have had AB, ON, QC, SK and NB. We would be in a blue majority with a leader who had decent easily achievable goals.

Creggieb ago

It was quite the conspiracy. The local newspaper had campaign info on all parties but one.

The CBC website just had an error message where the picture of the peoples party candidate was supposed to be.

KarmaPuleeze ago

Ad Hominem: Attacking the person making the argument, rather than the argument itself, when the attack on the person is completely irrelevant to the argument the person is making.

PraiseIPU ago

If you lie 90% do i even need to bother fact checking the other 10%?

There are always more lies than facts.