DeseretIndustries ago

Mormons don’t need it either, but we’re still forced to pay.

AphexTim ago

We recently have an influx of Amish moving into our area. I'll take them over niggers and spics.

PhilKDick ago

They are notorious for puppy mills. Nobody's perfect!

TheKalergiFan ago

They don't have any guns... They aren't changing anything.

GreenSlug ago

The Amish DO have guns actually. They just dont believe in self defense for the most part. Retarded as fuck, but if they could get that changed, they do have guns.

Bryntyr ago

I always espouse the great amish plan. We need to recreate this.

963189_137 ago

The only thing 'wrong' in that scenario is that they are producers keeping things alive that don't deserve to be kept alive. They have adopted the feminine principles of the kikes and even their men live like subservient slaves 'making other men a sandwich' in the kitchen, rather than providing only for their own and their people's needs. No one should be a slave bitch to others or keep the underserving alive.

Professor_de_la_Paz ago

The Amish are a fucked up religious cult full of pedophilia and inbreeding. Yeah, they build nice barns but unless you live near them you never see the gaggle of half-wits roaming around the property. It's gotten so bad that the elders will force you to let your wife become pregnant by an outsider just to get some new genes into the pool.

harmlessgryphon ago

They also will curse at you and call you a picky bastard in Swiss German. They treat their animals like shit, and they're so inbred that they get studied as living laboratories for human genetic problems.

turtlesareNotevil ago

I used to live near some. They won't own vehicles but they will ask for a ride in one. They seem to have a bit of a jewish attitude when it comes to bending their own rules.

963189_137 ago

'their own rules' being the key operative there. Lucky bastards.

8_billion_eaters ago

The Amish want nothing to do with Christians of any other sect.

I can live with that. Amish are ....different.

We may have to fight them. If we ever have to go to war against the Amish, remember.... their daughters will cut your dick off with a carving knife. lol

Crikes ago

I have been wondering if the Amish and/or Quakers haven't gotten it all figured out.

963189_137 ago

They are the wealthiest, largest demographically growing group in all of the Americas. They do not permit usury so they are like mini socialist clades without anyone to fuck them over. Bankers should be killed on site like all parasites (faggots, jews, niggers, etc) and the amish don't do that but instead adopt the role of bitch to the planet and provide food, goods and services to their mortal enemies...if you want to be like them remember that they are always going to be the bitch in every situation and never the man because they will not ACT LIKE MALES and protect their own territory from parasitic trash.

Podge512 ago

Mind them English!

Black_Phillip ago

All OK things but mneas nothing comapred to doing one thing and one thing only that makes a successful society, they took women's rights away.

They have their own "no-go zone" and breed like rabbits. Hail patriarchy.

Shotinthedark ago

Who said they did wrong?

whyamIevenhere ago

They run puppy mills and traffic meth. They're disgusting creatures

AR47 ago

Yeah the puppy mill shit is true, but the drugs......not so sure.

whyamIevenhere ago

Here's a link regarding the drug trafficking:

It's Mennonites, not the super strict Amish...

AR47 ago

That is an article about a TV show.


Either way I know from experience they run puppy Mills. Many stories on local news about them doing it in 2015 and 2016.

963189_137 ago

I have never seen an Amish person with a dog...ever.

whyamIevenhere ago

Here's a link regarding the puppy mills:

963189_137 ago

Ok, that is awful, BUT have you ever seen either Amish or Mennonites (on the whole) with a dog? I have never seen them keep a dog, work with a dog, or have a dog as a pet. Never. So I think that might be unusual and not indicative of the culture as a whole.

turtlesareNotevil ago

They treat all their animals like shit.

Shotinthedark ago

Got some receipts for that?

whyamIevenhere ago

Here's a link regarding the puppy mills:

Here's a link regarding the drug trafficking:

It's Mennonites, not the super strict Amish...

AR47 ago

Bullshit they shun banks. How the fuck is it you think they buy land? Saving the money up and stuffing it away? Lol they use banks to save money, to buy land, and as for electricity....fucking cool.

They have arrangements with locals to store perishable items that require refrigerators or freezers on land close to them.

They also don't speak German. They speak a dialogue of Dutch. Very lazy pronunciation too. Like niggers that speak English. Thing is they have an accent so you think it's beautiful.

Far as productive....ok well tell that to their repopulating efforts. It's obvious you haven't spent much time in Amish country. Well I have 5 years and 99% of the new generation is coming out hills have eyes looking.

Amish is a cult of seclusion and fear.

Was working pretty good but now they have accepted Mennonites into their Church within some parts of the order.

They are also some cases of where they will allow cuckold and the Amish female will sire your child for new blood into the family. Or they will adopt. They adopt many niggers last I saw.

Ain't shit funnier than watching niggers use an ox to plow a massive tract of land.....or harvesting tobacco.

Next time OP do some research and figure out who it is you are praising.

By the way Amish are dicks. They fuck up local roads with their steel wheeled farming shit and refuse to repair the roads. Thus increasing taxes within the townships.

Cops won't do shit because the Amish order just ignores those that live around them.......until a schoolhouse has someone show up with an axe and chop kids heads off. That tends to get them to listen to the community other than their own......for a time.

Astroqualia ago

What autistic propaganda is this?

AR47 ago

Ahhh I see.

It differs from what your perception is, therefore must be false.

Astroqualia ago

Nice projection to what I said.

blumen4alles ago

I would disagree with most of what you wrote. They most certainly do speak German. I met some elders of an Ohio Amish group and they only spoke German.

There are Amish groups all over, which group are you speaking of?

AR47 ago

PA Amish. Unfamiliar with others.

GreenSlug ago

Thats some of the dumbest bullshit ive ever seen.

They speak Pennsylvania Dutch, which is a misnomer for High German, or old German, AKA proper fucking german.

Plenty of Amish that look normal and healthy in my section of Amish country. No niggers either. And no weird "steel wheeled farm equipment ruining the roads" because unlike modern retarded faggot farmers, the Amish dont have fields scattered all over they have to trash miles of highway to get to, they live there.

Yes occasionally the Amish need new blood, otherwise they end up inbred like yourself.

AR47 ago

Yes of course you know what you speak of with the idolization of someone else and making everything else seem worse.

Astroqualia ago

Or maybe you're just autistic

robot7247 ago

They speak a dialogue of Dutch. Very lazy pronunciation too.

Good grief, are they still living in the Low Country? No, they live in the USA and have been since the 1700s.

Did you expect them to take yearly How to Speak Dutch Like a Pro classes?

elphantasmo ago

high rates of child sex abuse as well.

MelatoninDreams ago

"They also don't speak German. They speak a dialogue of Dutch."

That's a myth. The name of their language, "Deutsch," got anglicized as "Dutch."

AR47 ago

Ok you listen to an Amish speak it and someone from the motherland of the language....tell me it don't sound different.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

I know Amish in Maryland and Pennsylvania that speak Dutch

tastelessinvective ago


What's their deal?

They are also some cases of where they will allow cuckold and the Amish female will sire your child for new blood into the family.

It beats inbreeding I guess. Kinda fucked up but ultimately pragmatic.

They adopt many niggers last I saw.

Highly degenerate.

They fuck up local roads with their steel wheeled farming shit and refuse to repair the roads.

Meh. Fuck roads anyway.

AR47 ago

What's their deal?

They like the idea of Amish, but enjoy what the world has to offer for convenience.

They still do the horse and buggy thing, and quilts or other trinkets Amish do, but that idea of city camping doesn't appeal to them in the slightest. Think of them as Amish lite

It beats inbreeding I guess. Kinda fucked up but ultimately pragmatic.

Well to me it seems that if their shit was so damn great then people would be joining them.....with the avoided idea of the world you also lose access to medical care, education of higher degree, and the population becomes stagnant without need for anything to strive for.

Highly degenerate.

Maybe, but when you see a nigger darker than Wesley Snipes out working a field by hand and the white guy is just chilling in the brings a very racist chuckle to the day....really much so in 2018 when I saw it.

Meh. Fuck roads anyway.

Ever driven on roads that far north? If so you ever notice the rumble strip in the center of the roads as well? That is because up there you don't measure snow in inches.....that shit comes in feet. The roads get so packed with snow that rumble strip keeps you on your side of the mother fucker.

Well when these dicks bust up the road or degrade the adhesive layer to the asphalt water gets in there and freezes. Then it will seperate the layers and when the plows come they remove large chunks of road.

Seeing as at the time I was paying state, township, and burrow taxes off my earnings and we'll they don't....fuck them they can use the rivers or shoulders for that shit.

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

And they have the highest birthrate vs any other group of white people on Earth.

Black_Phillip ago

Because they took their women's rights away and they don't send women to college. It's a pretty easy formula for a successful society.

Makes you think, if 80% of men we're not cucks we'd actually rule our own "no-go zone".

963189_137 ago

Men are cucks because they adopted the kikes 'feminine role' of providing for strangers and 'surplus'. This means that they are keeping things alive THAT DON'T DESERVE TO BE ALIVE. Thus they are the true bitches...get in there and make me a sandwich bitch out of your surplus.

TinyBunch ago

And very high birth defect rates because of the inbreeding.

turtlesareNotevil ago

Most of them, both boys and girls graduate after the eighth grade. Boys start their apprenticeship and girls go with their mothers to learn homemaking.

7e62ce85 ago

we'd actually rule our own "no-go zone".

I was summoned.

MaunaLoona ago

The Amish are the only group to get a an exemption for social security tax.

0rion ago

Amish friendship bread is one of the most delicious things you wi ever try. I highly suggest looking up a recipe and making some! Plus the idea behind the practice is pretty neat in an of itself.

Perhaps once the country is destroyed, the Amish will be the ones to rebuild. Honestly, I'd be ok with that.

blumen4alles ago

I haven't had or thought about that bread in a long time!

H3r0n ago

They deserve it at this point IMO

SkrutinizeYou ago

Superstitious peabrains

mattsixteen24 ago

Pope Eugene IV, Council of Florence, “Cantate Domino,” 1441, ex cathedra (infallible statement from the chair of Peter): “The Holy Roman Church firmly believes, professes and preaches that all those who are outside the Catholic Church, not only pagans but also Jews or heretics and schismatics, cannot share in eternal life and will go into the everlasting fire which was prepared for the devil and his angels, unless they are joined to the Church before the end of their lives; that the unity of this ecclesiastical body is of such importance that only for those who abide in it do the Church’s sacraments contribute to salvation and do fasts, almsgiving and other works of piety and practices of the Christian militia produce eternal rewards; and that nobody can be saved, no matter how much he has given away in alms and even if he has shed blood in the name of Christ, unless he has persevered in the bosom and unity of the Catholic Church.”

turtlesareNotevil ago

Your church is shit.

Your church committed mass murder against European people.

Your church adopted pagan ways in order to become powerful.

Your church is the original whore.

Your priests rape children and nuns.

Your nuns kill their rape babies and bury them under your church.

Your church is evil.

Hail the Gods.

Hail the Goddesses.

Hail the Folk.

You and your church can go to niflhel.

963189_137 ago

We are already in nifhel. That is why they are here with us. We fell, they didn't fall, remember? We belong in the upper world, they belong here in nifhel. This is why they are Nephelim...Nifhelim. They are the denizens of Nifhel.

Warnos44 ago

Do you believe this?

mattsixteen24 ago

Yes, it's a dogma of the faith.

963189_137 ago

Hell was a fabrication of the 'church fathers' who agreed IN WRITING that it was 'for your own benefit'. Do some research or be jerked around by the semites LIKE A BITCH, forever.

mattsixteen24 ago

A child of the devil speaks. The greatest lies of the devil is that he doesn't exist and hell doesn't exist either. Show us your source you filthy liar.

963189_137 ago

Do your research if you care about the topic.

mattsixteen24 ago

That's what I thought. Liar.

963189_137 ago

If you want to claim you are WHITE, FUCKFACE, you should be capable of doing a fucking google search, right? This is the technology your race brought into the world. USE IT FAGGOT.

mattsixteen24 ago

Still no source I see. It's okay. People make mistakes. No need to get worked up about it.

963189_137 ago

If you cared you would GO LOOK. I am not your mother. GO LOOK. Why should I care what you know or don't know if you don't care? I am beginning to suspect that you are not White because you have no sense of curiosity or desire to know for your own reasons.

mattsixteen24 ago

That is so laughable. "You're not white because I lied." lol. The onus is on you. When you make a new claim, you have to have evidence. That's how it works in western society. We don't live Brazil or Africa. You could of just posted the source and be done with it, but no, you don't have any source or evidence because you made it up. So what do you do? You continue to throw illogical fallacies one after the other. You're done.

963189_137 ago

Actually you are done. You can't be White because you have no sense of curiosity about Life. Only non-Whites act like this much of a helpless incompetent faggot.

Warnos44 ago

How is it OK to pray to Mary?

Catholicism is a later dated version of Christianity, how is it that it suddenly became "THE" correct version?

In the bible it says that accepting Jesus as the son of God is the way to heaven, how does this reconcile against being property of the Catholic church?

What about people who have never been exposed to Catholicism or even Christianity? They're going to hell too?

mattsixteen24 ago

Hierarchy of the Church

  1. Where in Scripture does it mention that Christ founded any such system?

In general, Christ terms His Church a kingdom, which supposes some organized authority. However the explicit steps in the establishing of an authoritative hierarchy are clear. Christ chose certain special men. "You have not chosen me: but I have chosen you." Jn. XV., 16. He gave them His own mission. "As the Father hath sent me, I also send you." Jn. XX., 21. This commission included His teaching authority: "Teach all nations . . . whatsoever I have commanded you." Matt. XXVIII., 19; His power to sanctify—"Baptising them," Matt. XXVIII., 19—forgiving sin, "Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven," Jn. XX., 23—offering sacrifice, "Do this for a commemoration of me," I. Cor. XL, 24; His legislative or disciplinary power—"He who hears you, hears me, and he who despises you despises me," Lk. X., 16; "Whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound also in Heaven," Matt. XVIII., 18. "If a man will not hear the Church, let him be to thee as the heathen," Matt. XVIII., 17. The Apostles certainly exercised these powers from the beginning. Thus we read in the Acts of the Apostles, "They were all persevering in the doctrine of the Apostles," II., 42. St. Paul himself did not hesitate to excommunicate the incestuous Corinthian. I. Cor. V., 4. And he wrote to the Hebrews, "Obey your prelates, and be subject to them," Heb. XII., 17.

"The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven, with the angel of his power, in a flame of fire, yielding vengeance to those who know not God and who obey not the Gospel of Our Lord Jesus Christ, who shall suffer eternal punishment in destruction, from the face of the Lord and from the Glory of His Power," (2. Thess. i 7)

kidcip16 ago

Fucking retard catlick, don't you have some children to molest?

Thogiker ago

"Muh catholics are pedos"

Either you're dishonest or pathetically ignorant - child abuse in the catholic church only happend after fags were allowed in.

Also not realizing that this is an overblown Jewish myth to begin with.

Inb4 pr*testant

963189_137 ago

You have joined your spirit to pedos. This cannot be 'undone'.

Thogiker ago

I'm not catholic, I'm simply able to study things in an objective manner.

963189_137 ago

Anyone who joins one of the COVENS organizations has joined their spirit to the COVEN[ant] it doesn't matter if you are not drink blood (vampirism) and eat flesh (cannibalism) and you are cooperative in their satanic cult and your spirit is joined to them as surely as if you had fucked are joined to Babylon and not just 'in the flesh' it was your soul you welded to hers.

QualityShitposter ago

Was that before or after Jews started getting kicked out of 109 countries?

mattsixteen24 ago

This particular statement is dated 1441, but this was defined before that council and has always been believed by the Church since it's beginning with the apostles. The Romans destroyed the jew's temple and expelled the jews out of Jerusalem in 70 AD.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

Beards without moustaches is wrong enough.

blumen4alles ago

I don't like shaving because my skin breaks out, and I don't like having hair around my mouth. I think mustaches are unhygienic.

spaceman84 ago

I bet you are in favor of circumcision 'for hygienic reasons', right Rabbi?

blumen4alles ago

Ehh if a man wants to have his foreskin removed, that is fine with me. I wouldn't do it, and I don't appreciate my parents allowing it to happen to me as an infant.

Went from facial hair right to dicks did ya, fag?

Another reason I don't like hair around my mouth is because I will keep feeling it with my lips and tongue. When my beard gets long enough to where I can pull it into my mouth is usually when I will trim it. It just doesn't suit me. I don't like mono-brows either. Don't really care either if someone thinks I am Amish or Muslim because I keep the hair around my mouth shaved or really short. They aren't the ones that have to live with it. Fuck em.

spaceman84 ago

So you're aware of scissors and soap then?

blumen4alles ago

What is your point, cocksucker?

nomadriders ago

Seems pretty clever, you can have a beard without it getting into your food or drink.

critias ago

But it feels so right

QualityShitposter ago

Okay. Maybe one thing, but since they don’t grow beards until they get married they don’t need to be sexy.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

"but since they don’t grow beards until they get married" That's 2 things wrong.

jimibulgin ago

they tend to get married young. How was your beard at 21?

GreenSlug ago

At least someone else gets it. Never trust a man with a big beard and no mustache, and every man who can have a beard should have a beard.

a1 ago


Colin_Kelley ago

They really know how to make fantastic pies and pickles. I can ignore all the rest.