ScionOfZion ago

"Okay Google, what is a kike?"

Try it. It's the only slur where it replies with a "beeeeep" over the word. "Nigger" is also special in that it simply pretends to hear something else. But for spic, redneck, gook, etc it says the whole word in its reply.

no-hurry-no-pause ago

You fucking pussy.

You can call him kike even if he doesnt call you goyim.

Why would you voluntarily let the Jew to set the rules of what is acceptable behavior?

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

And I'll hang around as long as you will let me

mudbear ago

If you know the meaning of both words, both are really insults to whites.

Kike just means circle, they were called kikes because they refused to sign their names with crosses, because its a christian symbol and they hate christians. So calling them a kike just means you are drawing attention to their christian hatred, while them calling us goyim is them calling us animals to be profited off.

Oven dodger isnt insulting either because the holocaust is fake and gay.

The most insulting thing you can call them is jew. there is no word in any human language more derogatory than to be called a jew, and its the insult with MAXIMUM effect.

The jew doesnt care if you call him a thief, a rapist, a murderer, a liar, a kike, an oven dodger. They dont care about any of those terms, but call them a jew and tie all their crimes to their jewishness...

Bigdickedelf ago

Synagogue of Satan niggers

Fuhrer1488 ago

I will call them kikes either way

Ocelot ago

Goyim is plural you niggers. Don't know how everybody gets that wrong.

CouldBeTrump ago

"Goyim" is plural; "kike" is singular.


'know, I just met you

And This is Creepy

You call me Goyim

I'll call you Heeby

followthemoney ago


There is no point in posting any research on Voat until the lockdown is lifted. At this point Reddit, Poal, Saidit and others are better options because the rest of the world can see it and it can get swept up in SEO so that the information can be found with Google and other search engines. Keep in mind that Reddit is currently not really censoring pizzagate research right now. Top Minds of reddit started a new campaign against Pizzagate a few weeks ago but even they are censoring the topic far less than Voat. Your research will get downvotes in r/conspiracy but it will still get many thousands of more views than in /v/Pizzagate. Twitter also censors Pizzagate material less than Voat. If you join the MAGA crowd, your research will be seen by thousands of more people than on Voat.

I recommend everyone try posting in a variety of places and watch the numbers of views. Voat isn't getting any.

slowcrash101 ago

The mistake was the euphemism of pizza, should have been called pedo-gate from the start.


I will likely move on, but I try to keep my username specific to a platform. If I'm banned so be it, but I'd appreciate you spreading news of this on Poal if you have an account

I'm suspect of poal but want people to know if v/pizzagate is dead

ARsandOutdoors ago

That would be the perfect sign if only you would make mention of trucks, or trains, or prison; or getting drunk.

GoatyMcGoatenstein ago

I was drunk

The day my mom

Got outta prison.

GoldShekelSteinBerg ago

  • Heeb
  • Yid-rat
  • Nose-nigger

CheeseboogerHimself ago



mudbear ago

water off a ducks back. Try 'jew'

Purged ago

To get an idea how paranoid these liars are, they had google and wikipedia change definition of kikchel

Kichel is a popular sweet cracker or cookie in Jewish cuisine commonly made with egg and sugar rolled out flat and cut into large bowtie shapes. Although sweet they are typically eaten with a savoury dip or topping.

It means little cake/little circle. Since that is innocent enough, they had to come up with this bullshit Ellis Island story about being downtrodden immigrants.

Then they had the Internet changed to suit the lie- now the cookies are said to be 'bowtie' shape? All previous 'circle' references are burried.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I knew this but its very interesting for those who don't.

Yuke ago

I thought "kike" originated from "kikel", meaning "circle", and that being what was marked on their entry forms to the US instead of an "X"?

Either way, a shape or a food item is not offensive. Being called a Goy, and referring to us as Goyim Cattle, now that's offensive. But even then I don't give much of a shit about it, I guess because I don't NEED a victim card to help me exist, unlike swindlers, murderers and thieves that are unwelcome everywhere they go and always have been.

P.S: maybe one of our a resident circle bowtie shills can confirm what the origin of "kike" is? Come on guys, be useful for once.

slowcrash101 ago

If you want to play in their world you have to play by their rules, which means forgo all morality and be a lying sneaky motherfucker.

Zoldam ago

Citation? Not saying I don't believe you, sounds exactly like something they would do, it's just I'm interested now.

Purged ago

It is about as offensive as calling a German: Kraut, because they eat sauerkraut.

BFD to every other race, but one Special Chosen Inbred Race.

jimibulgin ago

Kikes are specifically jews in the USA..

lemon11 ago

Does this imply "kike" refers to someone other than Jews anywhere else? And if so, by what etymology?

jimibulgin ago

the name kike derives from illiterate jewish immigrants coming into Ellis Island. When told to sign a document, they would refuse to put an "X" because it looked like the Christian cross, so the wrote a circle instead. The yiddish word for circle is kikel (sp?), so as a group they were known as kikels or kikes. Similar story with Italian immigrants coming in With Out Papers, shortened to W.O.P. Thus Italians Americans are known as Wops.

Penguinpecker ago

Nah, they're kikes everywhere. Just like niggers.

EpiPendemic ago

They mock the goy - this is NOFX lyrics "punk rock" from 90s song called we're the brews - I loved this shit when i was edgy teenager with no moral structure and no education

Friday night we'll be drinking manashevitz

Going out to terrorize goyem

Stomping shagitz, screwing shicksas

As long as we're home by Saturday mornin'

Now I am up early every Saturday morning being productive af. I shippost so proficiently sites think I am bot. and my house/yard looks beautiful.

BuffaloSoldier ago

I used to love it too. I was a teenager who didn't know the meaning of these words.

Nowadays the lead singer, Fat Mike, wears dresses on stage and has a lingerie company for men to crossdress.

bubby963 ago

Always my problem with ska punk. Music is great and catchy but the lyrics degenerate and the singers disgusting liberals. Love me some street light manifesto but man are the members fucking faggots

EpiPendemic ago

it was edgy for a man to wear a dress and play hardcore music in 1993 in 2019 its fucking fake and gay

Reapreap ago

Cause boomers wanna fit in SO bad they let their idols do whatever, and they will follow.

EpiPendemic ago

I don't get what you mean?

Reapreap ago

WhTs left of the boomers is easily manipulated. So the boomers are a fantastic weapon for (((them))) to utilize with (((their))) memetic fake news magic.

TLDR: the jews know the boomers will idolize people that the jews pick as "famous". They were literally designed to be directed.

Ifckstacy ago

It was always gay as fuck, faggot.

anticlutch ago

I can call a jew as a kike because it's a term they used for themselves because they refused to cross a box on an immigration form because a cross looks like a Christian cross. Not because they call me goyim. But because they started the kike bullshit.

jimibulgin ago

Well, they didn't really use it for themselves. They just all made circles and immigration officers started calling the kikes.

Titanbikes4ever ago

Yeah, it's just shorthand for circle anyway. Much better than calling someone cattle