RM-Goetbbels ago

because it's kind of odd for you to be incommunicado for so long.

LOL! Newb.

Laurentius_the_pyro ago


andrew_jackson ago

You're a fucking retard. Go off to Poal!

Ina_Pickle ago

I have a middle aged laid back cat he is more than welcome to.

Mustard_Monkey ago

Unless they found him threw a black hood over his head thrown him in a van and whisked him away.....

beesmeesmonies ago

it was stickied on the front page for a few days... unless there is more than one "version" of voat... including many comments!

Nigloo_Dismantler ago

This has got to be one of the jewiest posts I've ever seen on VOAT. The whole time I'm reading it I can't help but narrate it in my head with a whiny, nasally jew voice.

TheAmerican ago

You probably look for a reason to do that with everything you see and hear. Your mind is infected with negativity. You are diseased.

SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/AskVoat comment by @DrSelfAppointed.

Posted automatically (#64397) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@TheAmerican: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @DrSelfAppointed)

NotHereForPizza ago

What can't Amalek be like me?

Why do I have to be another account? This reveals a great deal about you, brainlet.

Ina_Pickle ago

Amalek sighting confirmed. Welcome back. We missed your special brand of insanity. A minor cult was even formed in your name.

NotHereForPizza ago

I wouldn't mind giving @Crensch and his band of retards one last fuck you, but I'm not Amalek.

I'm actually pretty proud that you would confuse me for an old user. It's cool that you think I'm smarter or more seasoned than I am, though.

9000timesempty ago

Look. You fucking stupid worthless pieces of shit. This site will be just another shill and shape shifting sphincter as any other. The bastards first priority is to infiltrate and demoralize. If you hear/see any demoralization out of the blue then pay attention where the narrative goes. It's always to nowhere. You know whwrre it should go but it doesn't. Ever. You are played like the fuckstick you are. Worthless shit scum. Pay ATTENTION YOU FUCKS.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm gay, faggot.

TheAmerican ago

Kind of sounds to me that you're the one who's trying to demoralizing. Do you see a shill when you look in the mirror?

Atkho ago

Hey guys I'm back. How's it going?

NotHereForPizza ago

You literally asked me a question, brainlet.

Cum_control ago

Fuck putt.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I hope the angel isn't Owen Benjamin. We have been removed for a long time and no new blood is painfully obvious. We need an enema.

TheAmerican ago

It is

curiouserdude ago

There a couple of Internet forums I've been a part of over the years that were invite only and not on Facebook. These forums were special becsuse they could generate new knowledge and understanding.

They were like little isolated uncontacted island ecosystems that weren't overrun by and constantly having to fight off invasive thought species and instead generating a lot of weird and beautiful evolutions.

Crackrocknigga ago

@clamhurt_legbeard is actively sabotaging voat to send you to his site phuks.co

He will ban and delete comments saying this.

There is a monolithic conspiracy to replace us, putt is upset we ran off the tranny coders that built this place.

Ina_Pickle ago

I haven't yet decided between phuks and poal as a backup. I want to say I"d follow clammy anywhere, but I do have kids and that name can never be viewed by them. Have to have some standards.

TheAmerican ago

He's definitely trying to get people to migrate over there. I've been asked. I don't have any problem with him though.

Crackrocknigga ago

How sad that this happened. All 4 of my grandparents died in the holocaust. 6 million is a stupid low number, I think it was more like 20+

Im pretty much a holocaust survivor at this point because of how it has impacted my life

blumen4alles ago

interesting link

Hello in introductions

Clamhurt_legbeard - 0 points 4 days ago

I sold my voat account. Moderating a lot if subs there, so I got quite a bit. Everyone was getting real racist and sexist

Crackrocknigga ago

I must confess im trolling him, that's me im not gonna mislead a good goat

blumen4alles ago

I appreciate your honesty :)

What does that name mean anyway, I think I have seen it before. Is it in reference to SpongeBob SquarePants or something?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

you know butthurt neckbeards whining about how women dont like nice guys

same thing but feminists

clamhurt because sand in their vagina

and legbeard because they dont shave


Crackrocknigga ago

Been told hes a aussie so probably some fucking Wallabe crocodile hunter shit


clamhurt_legbeard ago

Phuks is trash and I have a long record of saying so.

fuck phuks (4 months ago)

He's a crybaby and ran to the safespace of phuks.co when he got scared (9 months ago)

AR47 aka adhdferret who ran away to the crybabies of phuks when he got scared, then came crawling back because we're the best. (9 months ago)

Poal is trash, so is Phuks. (10 months ago)

Meanwhile you have a growing record of aspbergers and terminal lulzcow disease.

Crackrocknigga ago

Haha stepping in to defend good ol phuks!

as a website administrator, me and putt have many talks

What did this mean, said during a conversation about phuks.co?

clamhurt_legbeard ago

I was lying to you because you are extremely gullible and triggs and I have been laughing our asses off at you since you started this whole thing.

Roughpatch ago

Hello in introductions

Clamhurt_legbeard - 0 points 4 days ago

I sold my voat account. Moderating a lot if subs there, so I got quite a bit. Everyone was getting real racist and sexist

clamhurt_legbeard ago


Crackrocknigga ago


You're so different on phuks

clamhurt_legbeard ago


oh you deserve social credit for this

i officially like you now

Charliethebum ago

Just chill the fuck out and be glad voat is still alive. It's stagnant now sure but we're still here. I can only imagine the shit @puttitout went through to keep this garbage barge afloat and he deserves a damn break

TheAmerican ago

I am glad it's still here and that's why I thanked him. I don't see the big deal in me asking him to check in with us.

Charliethebum ago

Yeah dude sorry if I came across a bit harsh or whatever but the guy deserves a vacation

tokui ago

Maybe his mom finally put her foot down, kicked him out.

Nadeshda ago

@puttsmum we have questions...

TheAmerican ago

She would never do that to Mommy's little boy.

Vic_V ago

hes definitely dead this time

Doglegwarrior ago

at this point i wouldnt be surprized if (((they))) killed him.. to much antisemtism on voat.. lol

TheAmerican ago

I hope not. Who really knows though because voat is not based in America so who knows what issues he's running into

crazy_eyes ago

it is based in America, the first amendment and all

TheAmerican ago

It's based out of Switzerland in case you're wondering

Ina_Pickle ago

They moved everything to the US after Germany turned into a little bitch and cut us off. This was almost 4 years ago.

TheAmerican ago

Really? Where did you hear that?

Ina_Pickle ago

It was discussed with the former site owner in a stickied post years ago. This was pre cloudfare.

crazy_eyes ago

formerly, they moved it cause of the speech laws

TheAmerican ago

Voat is most definitely not an American company

Hellion ago

I doubt Voat is even a company...he has no revenue to justify the formation of a business

Ina_Pickle ago

Thats not how it works. And yes, Voat is Voat Inc. The goat is copyrighted. Scroll to the very bottom of this page and read the fine print.

crazy_eyes ago

yeah it was moved to America a couple years back

TheAmerican ago

I'd buy him a puppy if I could

CrustyBeaver52 ago

Let @PuttItOut be @PuttItOut.

That works fine for me.

NotHereForPizza ago

U mad faggit?

Tacomelt ago

Gone fishin'

Redcobra ago

I’d just like to say thanks @puttitout.

3v3r331z4cr171c,when it’s time to go .I’ll meet you at the lake

TheAmerican ago

That's how I fish too

Redcobra ago


Purged ago

  • Voat is a honeypot
  • DDOS attacks don't work like this.
  • A gilded cage is still, a cage
  • Good post to spot the shills, eh?

SeanBox ago

OP is the shill

ShakklezthaKlown ago

shill has a strange meaning here. we have people literally shilling for their shitty videogames, their youtube channels, shitty products, etc. but no one calls them out. the way i see it, anyone devout about defending how voat works is a true shill by definition. not to be trusted. it has already been established that this site is a false promise.

albatrosv15 ago

this site is a false promise.

Why are you here?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

because i have work to do in regards to redpilling christians.

albatrosv15 ago

Here? Out of all places? Bullshit.

Why are you here?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

yes, here, because this holds a large population of viable people. don't be coy.

albatrosv15 ago

I can be whatever i want.

Since we established that you are not a man, what else do you have in mind? What do you think about turing test and implications against christianity?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

I can be whatever i want.

are you twelve?

Since we established that you are not a man, what else do you have in mind?

are you implying i am a bot or are you just making a snide remark?

what else do you have in mind?

concerning what?

the turing test and implications against christianity?


albatrosv15 ago

are you implying i am a bot or are you just making a snide remark?

Not a man. A bot or a woman.

don't be coy.

You have children, i suppose?


How can you redpill christians, when there are so many bots telling we shouldn't be christians? Jesus.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

  1. i am a man. sorry that hurts your feelings. fuck jews and fuck jesus the jew.

2 not relevant to the conversation

3 present evidence of bots telling people you should not be christian. on Voat. otherwise you are just making shit up to support your claim, while simultaneously avoiding conversation.

want to prod god or are you afraid?

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Lol like he doesnt have an alt for personal shit

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Idk putt contacted me a few months ago.

MidnightTrain ago

I feel like this post is shill and seeks to divide

ShakklezthaKlown ago

divide. to imply that we are united.

the only thing that unites us is that we share an impending doom that we must deal with accordingly when it reaches us. anything beyond that is shallow and weak.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I feel zero connection to anyone here. There was one cool guy I met about 2 years ago. Haven't seen him around since the great migrations when things got shitty.

To be completely honest, Voat gives me the heeby jeebies. I think maybe 10% of the users are sincere. The rest give me the creeps.

Ina_Pickle ago


what about me. do I make you break out in hives?

TheWorstImaginable ago

Maroonsaint makes me the hardest.

TheAmerican ago

What? That makes no sense to me! You must be a Q follower??

Native ago

Atko made an alt.

Can't confirm. However, i'm confident he lurks. Probably one of the power users that we don't even realize

TheAmerican ago


Ina_Pickle ago

Pretty sure both he and Putt have an alt. Could you imagine them trying to chat like a normal person here? They can't. People either treat them like the 2nd coming or get way off topic trying to get their complaints addressed.

glassuser ago


Ina_Pickle ago

He went dark for a year once. This is nothing. Promise.

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

if the site is still up and running he's probably working hard

Ina_Pickle ago

remember that one time he went golfing for a week and the site turned into a dumpster fire so bad that Atko had to step out of the shadows and save us?

Rainy-Day-Dream ago

I honestly feel bad he desn't have more time to golf

Loveraft ago

Well wishes

Chiefpacman ago

How long was the entire website down? Mixed in with it barely working before and after. Dark times.

These plebs don't know how good we have it these days.

beesmeesmonies ago

babes it was stickied on the front page a month or 2 ago!!!

EpiPendemic ago

I'm ignoring his absence until the problem goes away.

Hellion ago

Like all good problems, this is the best strategy

Chiefpacman ago

He hasn't even been gone that long by his standards. Chill. This is normal, site is running. I'm sure he checks in to see the site is up occasionally.

As your customer I'm not really feeling the customer service lately.

Makes you sound like an entitled prick. Your not his customer, he doesn't make money from this and he doesn't even seem to like us very much. Be grateful he hasn't pulled the plug out of spite.

I checked for a donor badge, you haven't even donated. People like you are why he can't stand being here.

hello_reddit ago

Stop defending yourself with alts, loser.

Chiefpacman ago

Don't have the time or energy for an alt.

How's beating up that strawman though? Is it easier than basing your argument on it's own merit?

Niggardly_Jew ago

I think he's a shitskin. No wonder he doesn't like us.

Chiefpacman ago

You're thinking of atko. Pretty sure putt is white but who knows.

Niggardly_Jew ago


Chiefpacman ago

Every forum is a hivemind. This is just the only hivemind where you can disagree with all the rest without being silenced.

And you're working to undermine it. Like a virus in the wounded animal that is voat

Niggardly_Jew ago

Oh fuck off you useless faggot.

Chiefpacman ago

I accept your surrender.

And before you try any funny business, I don't own a webcam you sick fuck

Niggardly_Jew ago

Jokes on you I got nudes off you're phone

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I got nudes off you're phone

So Chiefpacman is phone?

Niggardly_Jew ago

Yeah good catch. Weird that he's a phone but I'm infallabile so its not I could have possibly made a mistake. I didn't even know he was a phone when I typed that out.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

At least that old question is finally answered.

Chiefpacman ago

Well now I know your warrant hasn't gone thru, my phone is taped.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

he doesn't make money from this and he doesn't even seem to like us very much

kek. but i'm sure he cares lots about our free zpeech! cuz he said so. he wouldn't lie

BearDolphin1488 ago

You're the weird guy who called me speedo. Are you jewish?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i called you a pedophile because you are one. no i am not jewish.

Chiefpacman ago

Explain how he makes money on a site with no ads and closed donations.

You've been here 5 months, you don't even know anything about the guy.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I can't help but roll my eyes at the morons who decry users by their account history on a CIA honeypot site.

It's retards like you who don't treat accounts like the disposable things they are that haven't got a real clue as to whats going on. That user is probably older than you can imagine.

Enjoy your bubble of oblivion.

Chiefpacman ago

thinks the internet isn't a honey pot, but voat is

regularly uses voat

The ole, my accounts two weeks old but I've been here for years kinda defeats the point, don't you think.

I put in some effort, but stopped kidding myself years ago. If they care about who you and what you're up to, they have that information. You can either live in fear or fight for the future.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Sounds like something a CIA faggot would say.

Chiefpacman ago

Denying that truth is exactly what an NSA/CIA kike servant would say

'Nah don't tape up your webcam, they only go after bad foreigners'

TheAmerican ago

You're kind of a dick aren't ya.

Chiefpacman ago

I can be when warranted, yes

MadWorld ago

His alts, according to @Mumbleberry: https://archive.fo/Yqypv#selection-3031.0-3049.21

It is usually the fishy accounts that post this kind of submissions.

Mumbleberry ago

Didndonuthin is another.

TheAmerican ago

I killed him. He won't be back, ever.

Mumbleberry ago

Now kill the rest, ghostskin

TheAmerican ago

I did.

Mumbleberry ago

You are still making comments, you lying fat cunt.

TheAmerican ago

Only on this one.

Chiefpacman ago

Maybe, probably. Kinda feels like a strawman attack. Can attack his opinion here on it's own merit.

I will say that we have been getting divided lately on shit like this. Where is putt, are we controlled opposition, why can't new members register, etc.

Got to think about this stuff and debate it without undermining everything we stand for, a place where we can say whatever we want and teach eachother forgotten truths. A place where the rejects of the internet can come together and communicate.

Kind of a rambling rant but I have a feeling it will become applicable on this thread

underground_lurker ago

I’ll chime in. It’s been a while. The echo is getting louder as we dwindle. What can you tell us, Putt?

MrBateman ago

puttitout says there will be civility when patriots loss the house senate and presidency

beesmeesmonies ago

"putitout"... suggests he's a golfer... he/she/(((it))) announced he was working with the fbi/deepstateshit and he is supplying them user info... this suggests that the fbi/deepstate is now a part of voat officially and is operating the show... we now know (((who))) putiout is reporting to, meaning the deepstateshit is putitouts new "boss" and he's following corrupt orders!!!

TheAmerican ago

They're not getting much that's useful to them because no one around here posts stuff that would even be of interest to any agencies. We all just bitch cry and complain about stuff.

NotHereForPizza ago

You guys didn't figure out PIA is the angel?...

Also, Putt realized he made a mistake with the D&C "good guys" v "bad guys" thing. He's not (now) being quiet so as not to give any credit to those of us who tend to be more suspicious than the others.

Maybe it's time to take our leave, after all.

NamelessCrewmember ago

Hey, @Puttitout , are you dead mon? Blink once for yes twice for no. If the spooks have you, toggle your flair or something.

MrBoutros ago

he's strapped to a chair like 007 in Casino Royale being asked about all the weird material on Voat.

(there is a non-zero chance that what i just wrote it true.)

ShakklezthaKlown ago

sad thing is this is how some people think it would go down. in the real world he's probably a fed and targeted users can get blackbagged without a single whimper on the boards.

Nosfewratsjews ago

The number of 4+ year old accounts that used to post daily and are now gone completely is literally Legion.

DerAngriff ago

I'm realizing how lucky I got, came here same time cringeanarchy on reddit was nuked, then later lost my pw and made a new account, no problems. Am I reading correct voat is on lockdown for new goats?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

I was one of those for a year or so after the big outage, but have reverted back again. I know some are gone, but probably a lot of others have wanted a fresh start.

TheWorstImaginable ago

I'm sure lots of people got sick of a honeypot echo chamber where the defining feature is you can say nigger or faggot. I can do that anywhere I want. Anyone who covets an internet account is a fag.

JohnnyCage90E ago

"Anyone who covets an internet account is a fag."

Unless you're laundering money through it. rofl.

TheWorstImaginable ago

How would you achieve that on voat?

JohnnyCage90E ago

Easy. Just find out who's funding the site and what platform their using then see if you can jump in the action. Peope do it on ebay all the time but its easier there.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

The thing about accounts is, there's a lot attached to the account that's hard to replace. User tags, saved posts, past comments, and other such things.

TheWorstImaginable ago

Fair enough. I guess I just don't value that stuff

Nosfewratsjews ago

Nobody should, really.

nosejobsforequality ago

if that was going to work, the previous 892347 posts would have done the trick.

Here are some potential scenarios:

He abandoned us (because he hates you and mommy and wants to find a new mommy)

He's getting a 5-way blowjob from assorted jew-whores and no longer gives a shit.

He's busy doing something else and voat isn't the only thing he does.

he's away from teh interwebs and hasn't even seen all the kvetching here.

He's actually an alien and went home.

he's a secret jew and set up this site just to farm your info.

TheAmerican ago

Also him being busy is not an acceptable excuse because it would take him less than 5 minutes to chime in real quick.

heygeorge ago

would take him less than 5 minutes to chime in real quick.

Nah, it takes time because he has to be clear about his message and he gets ten gorillion replies, many of which become accusations which he the has to follow up on and tamp down lest we get all pitchforky.

That being said, good appeal in OP.


Speaking of appeals, could I please get your input on my ban appeal?


Ina_Pickle ago

He has been an ass since day 1. Good luck with that.

Crackrocknigga ago

@crensch is a paid influencer. He needs to be sent to Auschwitz

heygeorge ago

I saw that, but as I have been banned from v/greatawakening I imagine it is only a matter of time before I am also removed and/or banned from PG. So I don’t really think my input matters.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagatemods comment by @NOMOCHOMO.

Posted automatically (#64500) by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here. (@heygeorge: Click here to suppress your crosslink notifications from @NOMOCHOMO)


god bless

nosejobsforequality ago

If I'm totally honest, I think he sold this site and is living it up elsewhere... and the new jew sitelords are content to just let us all sit here and have a circle-jerk until we all just leave one-by-one from boredom.

TheAmerican ago

Not a lot of people have chimed in on those other post so maybe if a lot of people do on this one he'll get the message and do the right thing by responding. Also no one else has directly addressed him in this manner yet so hopefully we hear from him.

Roughpatch ago

That you niggervirus?

TheAmerican ago
