GlamourSpork ago

They push it so hard where I work. I just smile and say I already got it. No fucking way will I ever get a flu shot.

RustyFender1 ago

I refuse it. If they ask me why I tell them the truth. I stopped getting the Flue when I stopped taking those damned shots.

EyeOfHorus ago

Many years ago I read how the flu shot (vaccine) is developed. Nobody who's educated on the influenza vaccine would get the shot.

CrustyBeaver52 ago

No flu shots. Last time I had a cold or flu was sometime around 2012 I think.

I watch people get flu shots, then later come down with serious illness, more serious than the flu.

Kleemin ago

I got a flu shot once just to get a paid afternoon off from work as they were offering anyone who went and got it to leave early paid. Immediately got sick. Never got one again. I refuse any shots from a jew pharma co... which means i basically refuse all shots.

WatchListMe ago

My mother in law always gets them every year, and every year falls I’ll and feels awful for a month. She still thinks it’s helping her somehow. I just don’t get the logic.

kevlarrr ago

Yes, avoid it at all costs. The fucking CDC themselves say it only works >20% of the time, and you know they are lying.

It's eugenics, plain and simple. Its main feature is that it kills the elderly.

TrialsAndTribulation ago

I only got a flu shot a few of times and stopped when I noticed I got the flu each time. I stopped because it seemed counterproductive.

AdaptOrDie ago

Yes, fuck that shit. There are tons of different strains of influenza, 144 subtypes to be exact. One shot won't keep all of them at bay.

Creggieb ago

I avoid it too. It's not like influenza is that bad for a healthy individual

The flu shot isnt even half as effective as shot against real disease. You probably wont get mumps measles, or hepatitis if you got the shot against those things. But the flu changes itself with every host it passes through, and there are multiple types of flu. And only one vaccine. So it's not even 50/50

cursedcrusader ago

I'd hope no one here is retarded enough to fall for the flu shot.

WatchListMe ago

Haha that’s why I was curious. See how many people proudly announce they get it.

BentAxel ago

We wouldn't need it so much if Fuckers would contain the virus at home. People feel it necessary to go to work when they are sick. The worst i've seen, a food handler with a cold. I told the bitch she needs to go home. "Can't, I'm a mom and have to work." I no longer patronize that establishment. Society needs to be thinned. Like the plague thinning.

onikage ago

Don't bother. It is ineffective (< 20% effective to be more precise), even by the CDCs own reports.

Why? Because what they inject you with is developed from last season's strain. It has already mutated.

Best case scenario it doesn't do anything.

Worst case it gives you the flu from last season.

progressbin ago

Never had a flu shot. Haven't had the flu in decades.

WatchListMe ago

Same, don’t understand why people get every year.

watts2db ago

In the military they force it on you unfortunately (well make it mandatory and you have to answer to your commander if you refuse)

WatchListMe ago

Seriously? Wow that’s surprising. Thanks for sharing that, now I know all military members are forcefully give the flu shot. Wonder if it’s all branches of military

watts2db ago

sure I don't know if forcefully is the best word but I remember it was required. I suppose you could try to refuse but Im sure ut would result in a run in with the chain of command and possibly something like an article 15 or letter of reprimand or such all of which is bad for the caeer

videocodec ago

Only shot I get is hepatitis due to all the imported shitskins and the occasional tetanus booster. Rabies is also effective but I haven't been bit by any mammal yet.

Gigglestick ago

I haven’t had a shot since I was forced to get a tb shot in jail. That was 5 years ago. Before that it was probably tetanus around 10 years ago.

WatchListMe ago

Okay what crime did you commit inmate?

Gigglestick ago

Fuck off faggot, I got a dui while I was under the limit. Take your bull shit and go back to your paranoia place.

Metanoiac ago

Used to be a tech at a major vaccine manufacturer's HQ. Got a call into a big wig lawyer's office at corporate (top floor). Indescript problem. Lawyer says I have to leave the office for a few minutes. Work your stuff. Logs me on his session. Pdf full screened on the machine about a recent corporate meeting. Labelled extremely confidential. All about testing done on adjuvent side effects (aluminum, thimerosal, squalene etc). Conclusion: Our vaccines are causing Autism, Auto Immune disorders, cancer likely and others. Public must not know or company will be doomed. No current plan to modify vaccine batch preparation.

There was nothing wrong with the lawyer's computer. He wanted someone to read that report.

SearchVoatBot ago

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WatchListMe ago

Wish you got a picture of that. There’s is no oversight in place.

Metanoiac ago

I did until a few years ago. Screenshot the whole document page by page, but the computer I had it on was stolen in a break in on my apartment.

WatchListMe ago

I always wonder why more people don’t blow the whistle with things like this. So easy to post images online and share.

Metanoiac ago

NDAs. You can go to prison for breaking them.

watts2db ago

Im pretty sure that's unlikely and even then it would be something like national security situation

Metanoiac ago

Yeah, that stuff depends on a lot of factors, I know I'm simplifying. But I also live in France, and that job was in France as well. As you may know, some of the world's largest pharma companies are French. At least 2 of the top 3 vaccine manufacturers are based in Lyon which is where I was living. It was one of those top 3. You would know the name if I said it.

watts2db ago

ah yes outside the US things may be very different

NotTheMeanest ago

Do not get the flu shot! It’s unnecessary and there’s always the potential that it contains hidden stuff like nanotech or stuff to make you sterile. If you were (((them))), you’d consider it, so they must have as well.

Goys-R-Us ago

I'll get a tetanus shot if needed. Other than that, nothing. Haven't gotten the flu in ten years.

Ken_bingo2 ago

That is the least useful vaccine of all of them. In WW1 (before this vaccine) there were 3 documented cases of tetanus with millions of people spending years in filthy trench warfare full of rusty barbed wire.

Goys-R-Us ago

OK, how about rabies then for when I get bit by a rabid pit bull?

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Never have. Even offered for free through work.

WatchListMe ago

Do you work at a pharmacy?

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

No. I'm in manufacturing

WatchListMe ago

Jesus, totally unrelated. Do you think the company just offers this because it would cost them fewer sick days? Or are they paid to offer it. Probably never know.

Elite_Niggerfaggot ago

Some of both? Less sick days and less cost for insurance companies

elphantasmo ago

i lick the doorknobs of public washrooms and suck the delicious flavours from my fingers every time i come home from being in public. boom, immune system of a god, no need for flu shot.

NotHereForPizza ago

Tfw this actually works...

WatchListMe ago

Lol that is disgusting. But shit whatever works for you. Get an aids test though.

Zinnsee ago

If I get sick from the flu my immune system was not strong enough. That's how life works.

If I get sick from a man made vaccine directly injected into my body my immune system never had a fighting chance. So no stay away with your flu shots I'll gladly take my chances.

WatchListMe ago

Yep, whenever I am asked I always decline and say I have a strong immune system. And I guess I do, haven’t had the flu since I was a child and I never had the shot. Or I’m just incredibly lucky I guess but I believe it’s over hyped.

Jimmycrackerson ago

I haven't had the flu in ages either. But don't tell my boss that. He thinks I get it every couple months or so.

WatchListMe ago

haha be careful, he might recommend the flu shot for you

carlip ago

I'd rather roll the dice and have the flu.

WatchListMe ago

But why? Is it the same paranoia that keeps me away, like you don’t know what’s in it?

NotTheMeanest ago

They don’t test any of these vaccines for carcinogenic potential etc, so what makes you think they have tested the flu shot?!

Some of my research notes and links:

• Formaldehyde is produced by the body (in minute quantities) as part of the metabolic process, but gets flushed out in urine

• Formaldehyde is in vaccines

• Formaldehyde is a KNOWN carcinogen

• NO vaccine has been tested for carcinogenic potential - here’s some inserts to get you started...


13.1 GARDASIL has not been evaluated for the potential to cause carcinogenicity or genotoxicity.

Source: PAGE 13


13.1 INFANRIX has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility.

Source: PAGE 15


13.1 Pentacel has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential or impairment of fertility.

Source: PAGE 22

Want more? Here’s an interesting one, clause 13 has been completely omitted! Does that seem right to you?? It’s left out of the contents as well - just 12 followed by 14...

VARIVAX (Chickenpox)

kevlarrr ago

That's good info\links, deserves it's own post.

NotTheMeanest ago

Cheers, I’ll do that now

WatchListMe ago

Thank you! I love a well researched and source cited post. Going to read this over breakfast.

NotTheMeanest ago

Very glad to hear that! Going to make a post now, will welcome your feedback.

Ken_bingo2 ago

Because the flu is not deadly to healthy adults, but fucking with the poorly understood immune system can be.


It's because it's much cheaper for the insurance company to pay for everyone to get vaccines than it is to pay for doctors visits and tamiflu prescriptions for people that get sick.

WatchListMe ago

You may be right- but doesn’t it strike you as odd that I’m being offered money to take an injection that costs money to produce?


They're not giving you money they're giving you coupons. They probably turn a small profit on the shot anyway, and it's likely you'll buy other stuff besides just what the coupons are for. It's good marketing.

NotTheMeanest ago

Vaccine are a billion dollar industry. Pharmacists have quotas and get big bonuses for every lemming they inject. Educate yourself!!


Do you think you actually said anything meaningful?

NotTheMeanest ago

Just disputing your propaganda. I’m not wrong. So yeah, in comparison to the ignorance in your comment, certainly meaningful.


You are wrong and obviously dumb as fuck as well

NotTheMeanest ago

Umm, cool story. You’ve made it quite clear which one of us is ignorant and has, to be frank, sub par communication skills.


Why don't you go back to your qtard hovel and stop bothering everyone else

NotTheMeanest ago

Nah, I’ll continue doing and saying whatever I please. The truth is uncomfortable, so I understand why you feel bothered.

WatchListMe ago

I guess if an individual was already looking to get the flu shot it’s good marketing. So I can’t really argue your point. But for someone like me, it turns me off. If I want something I’ll go get it, I don’t need questionable incentives on a questionable service.

Themooninthesky ago

Had the flu when I was 18. That’s it. In my 40s now. Why inject myself with a strain of the flu only to get the flu and a certain shot isn’t effective against another strain. Best to stay away from those with the flu.

Wash hands

Spray all areas of contact

That’s pretty much the only things I do.

WatchListMe ago

My mother in law gets the shot every year. And every year she gets incredibly sick with the full on flu. She is a real moron, and when I asked her why she subjects herself to this shit every year she says “the flu is worse than ever this year” as though she is reading the subtitles directly from CNN.

Goys-R-Us ago

It KILLED a nursing home that were close to death anyway.

WatchListMe ago

Oh how reassuring.

Themooninthesky ago

Yeah. My folks ask me every year too. They get one but don’t seem to get the flu. I’ll take my chances without.

Pointyball ago

No. I exercise and eat right. I wash my hands and have trained myself not to touch my face with a bare hand. Also, the flu strains in the shot are rarely the one that sweeps across the nation every year. They are less consistent than the weatherman.

Jimmycrackerson ago

Damn i was picking my nose when I read this.

You think you could train me to train myself to not touch my face with a bare hand?

NotHereForPizza ago

Only complete retards wash their hands. Keep those bacteria and have a better immune system.

I literally haven't gotten sick in quite a few years. Maybe a headache if my sleep or eating cycle is weird. Maybe one or two soar throats that didn't even last a whole day. That's it.

Not being sick is easy as fuck - just don't wash your hands.

Pointyball ago

You are just another inconsiderate individual spreading disease.

NotHereForPizza ago

Fuck you. I'm not getting sick. That's all I care about.

If someone else chooses to be stupid and not take advantage of the ability to have a heightened immune system, that's their problem, not mine.

Pointyball ago

You don’t get a heightened immune system by exposing yourself to harmful bacteria. You do however spread that bacteria by not practicing basic human hygiene.

NotHereForPizza ago

le science

Fuck off. I'm not stupid.

Phantom42 ago

Took a micro class, professor says how he never really washes his hands, unless it's getting food because his wife insists. Talked in depth about how by the time you turn that handle back off, you know, the one you touched with dirty hands, all those germs are right back on your hands.

Went on to say that really, the only way to do it is to use Germ-X or something, but you don't want to do that too often because it will kill ALL the bacteria, even the good ones.

NotHereForPizza ago

Plumbers hate retards that use too much antibacterials.

You cna actually make yourself more sick if you use that shit too often.

tomdogg ago


Phantom42 ago

Son of a bitch... That's a good one.

NotHereForPizza ago

I approve of this heartily.

WatchListMe ago

Good reasoning.

Deplorablepoetry ago

My throat hurts... feels like the onset of strep

I can’t afford to be ill because I struggle to be well

No one is poking me with anything.., except the dentist...

, if and when I die from infection, at least I will be a corpse with nice teeth

WatchListMe ago

Same here. I’m pretty paranoid as well and I don’t believe the flu shot only has flu vaccines in them.

Deplorablepoetry ago

The word paranoid is an oxymoron in clown world.

Thinking that you are not being injected by poison is insanity.

Honk if you are healthy

Honk twice and die