uvulectomy ago

Well, this thread certainly has a ton of degenerate, child-lusting kikes trying to claim that anyone not wanting to be a degenerate, child-lusting kike has been......subverted by kikes......


jimibulgin ago

the very definition of a layman is a person who is uneducated, so how laymen define something is irrelevant.

satisfyinghump ago

How do people who say a 14 year old girl is not a child not get investigate, or atleast a closer look?

I can imagine two scenarios to say this. One, because it is a general part of "their" plan to destroy white culture with degeneracy. Or Two, the person claiming this is themselves guilty of something related to abusing underage people/children.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Good comeback. You showed him.

Korinthian ago

Take this as lesson at my expense, never argue with boomerfaggots. They are chaff. Even if you DO change their mind, boomerfaggots are so stupid that theyd sabotage you without even trying or knowing. Better to keep them as enemies, they make a good "first warning" system. If boomerfaggots ever agree with you, youre doing something wrong.

registerinsecond ago

It's ok 11 isnt a child. Or 9.

If you believe 14 isn't a child is a valid argument you need to get yourself checked

NoxAeterna ago

The law defines who is a child really.

It doesnt matter if the person thinks "14 isnt a child" if the law says it is, then it is.

DukeofAnarchy ago

A document written by crooked politicians doesn't control objective reality.

NoxAeterna ago

It really, really does.

The idea of kid amounts to literally what is written there, cause "kids" in different countries and even back in the day were already marrying and having "kids" and considered adults just fine.

It is cute to say a social construct, like what a kid is, has an actual objective reality, but it really isntt. 200 years from now, what we can kids to day might be completely different.

It is perfectly fine to act against someone who goes after a 14 years old, cause that is the law, that is about it. Hell change countries today and that might already not work.

My10thaccount ago

Who's claiming that he wasn't a pedophile because they were 14?

Approved ago

He wasn't a pedophile because they were 14, because they weren't 14. They were 11. That's why he's a pedophile.

My10thaccount ago

Either way he was one

Korinthian ago

Youre a nigger thats too stupid to realize how stupid you are. But ill take the bait.

There definitely are 14 year olds that are mature and knowledgeable enough to make adult decisions. But maturity of mind doesnt mean maturity of body, so even if a 14 year old understood the complete ramifications of drinking alcohol, theyd still not be allowed to because of the bodily harm. In addition to the part where its generally agreed upon that even if there are very young people that can understand adult concepts, the vast majority of people that age cannot. And laws are made for groups, not individual outliers.

Your inflexible mind and hollow pride are what doomed us to being the playthings of kikes, boomerfaggot.

GlowWorm ago

Kike shills we’re pushing “14 year old whore” narrative hard in here.

They were kids and they were (((trafficked))) for mossad honeypot ops.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

"committed suicide" while the "camera malfunctioned"

Approved ago

Two cameras inside the cell mafunctioned, plus the hallway camera was accidentally pointed at the wall, plus three other cameras in the unit covering approaches to that hallway malfunctioned, all just as the celllate is transfered out and three new guards were transfered in.

But hey, don't be a conspiracy theorist there, goy.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Sounds like it was just a cohencidence.

turtlesareNotevil ago

There will still be future corpses saying 11 and 12 year olds aren't technically children and therefore it's not pedo.

Any guy willing to bang a girl under 15 should be set on fire.

DukeofAnarchy ago

Date old haggard sluts, goyim! You're a pervert if you're attracted to young, fertile, uncorrupted girls!

Purged ago


AgentSakura ago

Fucking young girls isn't a problem if it's consensual. You used to be able to mate with girls aged 10 back in the day. The problem is these girls were sex trafficked, raped and that he is Jewish and these where Gentile girls.

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MurkSquatch ago

This is not true at all you fucking kike. The average age of marriage for women in all European societies for the last 1000 years has been 23. Take your pedophile shit elsewhere for now. For later, we will remember you on DOTR.

AgentSakura ago

You are retarded

MurkSquatch ago

Nice rebuttal, kike.

AgentSakura ago

It's not my fault you aren't attractive enough to garner the lust and favor of young maidens ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Nice death threat though

MurkSquatch ago

I have a pregnant fiancee of an acceptable age. I dont need nore want to fuck children like you

AgentSakura ago

Good for you man. Young girls need love too though.

If you asked any young girl if they'd want a prince charming at their age to carry them away they'd all say yes but I'm sure you have no idea what goes through a girls head.

A women's fertility and beauty peak between ages 12 - 19 and in most countries you are only allowed to experience the last few years. This is outside parties dictating human relations even if the pairing is consensual.

Age & marriage laws were designed to take men's (power, status and wealth) and women's (youth, beauty and fertility) and transfer them to government and older women.

Apparently you'd rather young women sleep around in their prime time instead of being married off to someone that will love them, protect them, take care of them and provide for them.

MurkSquatch ago

What you are suggesting has never been normal in any European society. You are suggesting we behave like sand niggers and have sex with girls too young (under 16) to understand what they are doing. That's pretty gross.

Furthermore, a woman's fertility peaks in her early 20's.


AgentSakura ago

In many European countries age of consent is 13. Whether you think it is gross is irrelevant if it is consensual it is none of your or the states business.

Wikipedia is a kike encyclopedia and most western medicine is infiltrated by liberal and Marxist doctrine. It's safer and healthier to breed young and a girl becomes a women after her first period. We could debate this but this is my opinion an a lot of this stuff is subjective.

I'm objectively stating pure biology though. If a girl want to date older men, become an early mother and get married and have sex it should be her decision not the States or her parents.

DukeofAnarchy ago

Thank you. At least somebody gets it.

StrangeThingsAfoot ago

Fucking young girls isn't a problem if it's consensual.

Two 14 year olds consensual having sex isn't the problem. The problem is older men with 14 year old girls.

You used to be able to mate with girls aged 10 back in the day.

Children who aren't sexually mature (ie hadn't hit puberty) have been taboo in most White societies.

AgentSakura ago

Age laws were enacted after Prohibition and the Feminist Suffrage Movement because men were not giving older women attention and were spending their time drinking and mating with younger women. Puberty starts with most women between the ages of 9 - 12. The government teamed up with hags to have a monopoly on younger women because they are above the law. They say it was done to protect women but that is not the case as more younger women now are sexually exploited at younger ages and sold as sex slaves on the black market. Men knew to pair their girls off at a young age to prevent promiscuity as they start having sexual urges at that age that must be managed and who better to do that then her husband and friend of the father. It was all done to take rights away from fathers, daughters and to hand the power over to old hags and big government.

DukeofAnarchy ago

You're a Jew-brainwashed dupe. 14 year old girls SHOULD be with older men.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

this isn't fucking 1689 you hebe shitter

NiggadermCQ ago


ShakklezthaKlown ago

lmao i knew you were a nigger

uvulectomy ago

"Fucking young girls isn't a problem if it's consensual. You used to be able to mate with girls aged 10 back in the day."

Neck yourself you piece of shit.

AgentSakura ago

lol ya ok

ShakklezthaKlown ago

alphas don't fuck little kids weirdo.

videocodec ago

This is something else (((they))) will dumb down by having you believe that 11 is normal for age of consent

DukeofAnarchy ago

It is. And that WAS the age of consent before (((modernity))) came along.

uvulectomy ago

Kill yourself in the most painful way possible, kike.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

lol you're not a real person

Negro_Nazi ago

Slutty ass kids...

Foursome ago

RBG says 12 is old enough.

DukeofAnarchy ago

In this case she's right.

uvulectomy ago

Says the degenerate kike who fully supports fucking children. Your exact words being, "I support children-adult sex, but not religion."

People like you will be some of the first to get helicopter rides.

Korinthian ago

Who the fuck says a 14 year old isnt a child? Ive met 20 year old children, hell the entire fucking boomer generation is nothing but 60 year old children.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The law says it. We all know who writes those.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

hebephiles and pedophiles are in the same boat. stop spazzing out over people pointing out the wrong use of the word you moron

Korinthian ago

Fuck yourself and your semantics you semitic sack of shit

THEx1138 ago

That is anti-social behavior. Isn't that against the law in the UK?

ShakklezthaKlown ago

words have definitions you nigger fuck

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Please do explain how we should treat the two groups differently. You should definitely have that sort of thing in writing attached to your name.

ShakklezthaKlown ago

i don't think we should treat them differently. didn't say that. i said theyre in the same boat. learn to read white man.

Korinthian ago

So its a distinction without a difference. Youre just playing word games that have no real consequence apart from wasting our time.

I reiterate: fuck yourself and your semanticd, you semitic sack of shit.

voatusernamevoat ago

This is the heart of it, people with bad reading comprehension, deliberately distorting, or ignorant of or incorrect understanding of word meanings. What OP has gone over isn't him rebutting people saying 14 isn't a child, his contention is people were saying epstein wasn't a pedo from 14 not being pedophilia, which isn't the same thing as saying 14 isn't a child. I question OP's premise itself as I've not seen the argument he's arguing against, what I have seen are posts railing against pedophilia while pointing to 14-17 year olds and being corrected. People want to argue, accuse and be outraged when all that's required is looking up the definition.

ArcturianDeathTrap ago

And clearly you havent because 13+ is termed HEBEPHILIA. Pre-puberty sexual attraction is called PEDOPHILIA

satisfyinghump ago

They are ALL disgusting PEDOPHILES, it does NOT matter how many new ways are created to categorie and label these sickos.

If they are adults purposely interacting with innocent youth for the desired purpose of destroying that innocence, they are Evil and Pedophiles.

Computergeek01 ago

It's Ephebaphillia you stupid fuck and YOU STILL DESERVE TO BE LYNCHED!

ScottMAGA ago

"Pedo" is the word for people who have sex with children. Perhaps 14-year-olds aren't children biologically, but THEY ARE CHILDREN legally and culturally. Sex with children of any sort (whether we are talking biology, age of majority, or other indication of childhood) undermines civilization and therefore it is wrong. Therefore, it is wrong to have sex with 14-year-olds.

What is the point for making a distinction between hebephilia and pedophilia? As far as I can tell, the only reason is to excuse bad behavior.

I'm writing this not to convince you, but to help people who are on the fence.

satisfyinghump ago

Thankyou for your detailed post.

mmabouncer ago

You say sex with women under 18 undermines society. The practice only phased out less than 150 years ago.

ScottMAGA ago

Those people were defined as women by their society. They are not defined as women by ours. The exact age at which a girl becomes a women isn't the key factor here, it is the fact that you don't cross the line.

satisfyinghump ago

Further back then 150 years people more or less did not travel to other civilizations as easily as now.

Specific types of sick individuals from specific types of groups make up the bulk of those who enjoy destroying childhood innocence. A normal man does not enjoy what a child provides, they are repulsed by that notion and their societies are reflections of that.

Certsin societies not only allow but encourage pedophilia and when people who practice the practices of these evil cultures begin to invade wholesome cultures/civilizations and infect through action or thoughts, THAT IS WHEN WE MUST CREATE global protections for the innocents/children.

DukeofAnarchy ago

No, nigger-brain, infantilizing teenagers undermines civilization and is wrong. Fucking 13 yos is normal and good.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Korinthian ago

I wondered why your account is as old as it is despite your CCP being so low


Please kill yourself. The sooner the better.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

Jesus. Pretty bold for someone that the majority of the world wishes was dead.

Korinthian ago

The term is "chutzpah"

voatusernamevoat ago

Clearly I haven't what?

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Age is not a mindset you dumbass. It's a date.

Korinthian ago

q badge

Exactly the childish protests you can expect from a retarded boomer q faggot.

Itty-bitty_Tity-trap ago

Start speaking in facts, not feelings retard

Korinthian ago

As if you could ever tell the difference, you kike worshiping geriatric.

drakesdoom2 ago

Appeared to be or was 11?

Niggardly_Jew ago

Plenty of porn stars, who are entirely capable of bearing children, have a career built around looking like they are pre-pubescent.

drakesdoom2 ago

I thought that was most of them since they seek abnormally short girls to make the dicks look bigger.

Equilateral ago

all porn is second hand homosexuality if there is a dick in it