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UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Don' get it

SIayfire122 ago

Faggots don't love each other the way a family does.

Splooge ago

Faggots are incapable of love, period. They're hedonistic predators reproducing via molestation and public degeneracy. They pair up with each other and get "married" or form domestic partnerships as a means of furthering said degeneracy, normalization through propagandist action.

AgentSakura ago

They're hedonistic predators reproducing via molestation and public degeneracy.

It's a mental illness brought on by kikes, sexual trauma and brainwashing mind control.

uvulectomy ago

Figures you of all people should chime in, given your own lust for the younger crowd...

"Fucking young girls isn't a problem if it's consensual. You used to be able to mate with girls aged 10 back in the day."
