Marku1 ago

Kill yourself faggot ...or a stupid vapid whore

Soyboy69 ago

Should have used a funnel of some sort to prevent that.

Marku1 ago

Trust your instincts. When something is disgusting it's because it's bad for you. When you see red haired faggot and feel like it's a maggot, it's because evolution tells you to stay the fuck away from a disease.

Hate is a nature's way of telling you. "Something is seriously wrong" but you may not be able to describe what it is yet.

Shame tells you things too and if you don't feel shame when you stick your dick into someone's ass...well you might be mentally ill.

Equilateral ago

i will only admit this online but i feel under sexual assault even being around lgbtqwertyphivprep.

i think about if they had their finger up their ass when they offer to shake my hand and if they will beat off thinking about it later since they are so fixated on assholes shit and every other god awful fucked up thing.

part of finding peace with my hate was tolerating the fact that there is a difference that makes me feel this way, if i understood it there would be no difference.

i am not trying to understand something so twisted, sadistic and stupid.

the only way to function around lgbtqwertyphivprep people is to treat them like actual space aliens, its unsafe to touch them.

parents who bring kids to gay pride or transgender story hour are disgusting people, this is creating a generation of fucked up losers who have nothing to live for

Marku1 ago

I do not shake hands if I know it's a LGBTQFag..... They are truely disgusting.

RedditSureDoesSuck ago


bubby963 ago

Seriously. I think when I was fucking 14 (i.e. fucking dumb) that I started asking if you could use "love wins" to justify faggotry couldnt you do the same for paedophilia or incest? Literally only answer I would ever get is "its different because reasons"

The fact I could figure that out as a fucking stupid 14 year old but adults are too fucking dumb to really makes me lose hope of ever getting rid of this shit.

Splooge ago

In the same vein, I fucking hate the meme faggots are pushing for pedos. It's not "mainstream" per se, but they try to implement a sort of NAXALT argument, i.e. "Yeah I think 7 year olds are sexy but I don't act on it! Don't lump me in with actual predators!"

Look at the rates of kiddie diddling in the LGBTHIV populations and tell me with a straight face that you don't think every single one should dance from the nearest lamp post.

Maroonsaint ago

People are born pedos people are born psychos people are born all kinds of shit. Doesn’t mean you gotta let them do what tthwy want to you. It’s unfortunate but you gotta just shoot em or something.

gallowboobdid911 ago

Holy shit! You're the guy that pm spammed Endgame spoilers to a bunch of reddit fags! Fucking legendary

bubby963 ago

Hahaha thanks! Im glad I was able to provide some good laughs

Hugo_Mungus ago

I can feel the literal shaking from here

UsedToBeCujoQuarrel ago

Don' get it

Viduus ago

If the “””progressive””” really was for love then family would naturally be the avatar of his movement but instead it is his “boogeyman” as he sees it as an “oppressive” patriarchal unit that emphasizes values of natural love for one’s kin over that of pure lustful desires that border on or over mental illness (these desires range from many things such as dogs to the same Sex to children)

SIayfire122 ago

Faggots don't love each other the way a family does.

Splooge ago

Faggots are incapable of love, period. They're hedonistic predators reproducing via molestation and public degeneracy. They pair up with each other and get "married" or form domestic partnerships as a means of furthering said degeneracy, normalization through propagandist action.

bubby963 ago

Yup. Average sexual partners for faggots is so much higher than for normal people. They say theyre "married" but thats just a title. They arent there to emotionally and physically support each other through difference in biology, have kids, contribute to a community and further the race. They dont even care about marriage. Its just that they want to be seen the same.

AgentSakura ago

They're hedonistic predators reproducing via molestation and public degeneracy.

It's a mental illness brought on by kikes, sexual trauma and brainwashing mind control.

Maroonsaint ago

Some people are born gay

Marku1 ago

Some people are born with two heads and we just kill them off for mercy.... Go back to the closet Mossad faggot.

Maroonsaint ago

I’m not mossad

uvulectomy ago

Figures you of all people should chime in, given your own lust for the younger crowd...

"Fucking young girls isn't a problem if it's consensual. You used to be able to mate with girls aged 10 back in the day."
