FridayJones ago

This Q-tard accused me of being a shill account for some other dude the other week because he was bitch-griping about the other dude's "How many nukes does Israel have" question so I asked him how many nuclear weapons does Israel possess and that instantly made me and the other dude the same dude as far as this Q-tarded glownigger OP was concerned. He's apparently a stupid twat who leaps to tenuous paranoid conclusions and has 100% certainty in a way that only a truly stubborn and dedicated retard can manage.

Crackrocknigga ago

Weird I don't remember talking to you and I don't believe the q lie

FridayJones ago

You might have been logged into one of your other shill Voat accounts at the time, such as /u/gabara or /u/DannyRand

Perhaps even both of them.

gabara ago

How many PS2s does Israel own?

FridayJones ago

Trick question, they are obviously all about that Nintendo.

Azamuku ago

This was my week to take the @gabara account. Take your turn bitches.....

FridayJones ago

Gabara is an anarcho-syndicalist commune of an account.

gabara ago

Rent free.

FridayJones ago

You forgot you were logged in as gabara again, Crackrocknigga!

gabara ago

Doh! I better log back in as @PuttItOut now.

FridayJones ago

Rent free.

Typical kike, always chortling about some rental rate.

Crackrocknigga ago

Interesting, I am gabara?

I porn spammed a sub I mod and attacked myself?

Tell me more

FridayJones ago

Hey I'm just following your crackpot form of "logic" here. People who disagree with you openly, and people who downvoat you, they're all shill accounts, well, that cuts both ways Schlomo.

Crackrocknigga ago

Oh, ok.

How many nukes did they have again?

FridayJones ago

Six gorillion nukes.

antiliberalsociety ago

The more you kvetch, the more I smile. Add another layer of tinfoil to your fag-a-day cage.

Crackrocknigga ago

You.logged off around 3am Israeli time last night

NPCGator ago

Waaah waaah! they're attacking my BS troll script, waaah! I say all the right things about ZOG and jooos but they still attack me, waaah! Cry some more ShareBlue troll. I see you're deleting posts all over voat now but honestly you should just totally delete this account and start all over if you haven't already. Try getting a better script next time because this one sucked.

antiliberalsociety ago

He has several, this is projection

SearchVoatBot ago

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NPCGator ago

And your defense is to call me an alt of someone else.

But wait, I can't be a glownigger alt account because I answered your retarded isreal nuke question, guess that isn't working out like you wanted everyone to think.

You really are pathetic.

Crackrocknigga ago

You logged off @antiliberalsociety at 12am Israeli time

antiliberalsociety ago

Did not!

JK, he's a fag rag

Crackrocknigga ago

Got it wrong 3am Israeli time

antiliberalsociety ago

Aren't you in the know...

Crackrocknigga ago

You stayed up till 2am last night schlomo!

Crackrocknigga ago

I've noticed though, that you don't post when its night Israel.

NPCGator ago

I'm sure everyone here that isn't a troll themselves or has 2 brain cells to rub together has figure out what you are, 12 months down the tubes on this acct, but you still have all those others so there's that.


PS: I think it's around 4am there? but totally not night

Sheitstrom ago

Bath salts are bad.

Adherrent ago

I'm scared you're correct.

BoraxTheFungarian ago

I wasn't totally sure about you before, but yeah... you're pretty cool.

Crackrocknigga ago

do you think it makes sense?

ronfink ago

Always good posts from you, thanks for the heads up

redwing14 ago

the logo voat when you put the two triangles together is the star of david.

Crackrocknigga ago

ive looked at your posts, you dont seem like one of them. holy shit bro, you blew my mind with that

redwing14 ago

you definitely are a jew.

Crackrocknigga ago

@tallest_skil youll be intersted in this. I know youre not a shil because they always accuse me of being you. poor guy has been gaslit for years and has gone slightly cukoo lmao

Tallest_Skil ago

It’s all so tiresome, isn’t it. Even without hard proof I can believe most of what you’ve written because I’ve seen it happen on plenty of other websites before.