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Crackrocknigga ago

Fuck yes!

@cheeseboogerhimself this is where we find out if voat is under jewish control, if this doesn't get spread like the weak ass "okay to be white" shit

mybordersmychoice ago

Your attempts to derail IOTBW will all fail and you will cry and scream just like you did in 2017 and 2018.

Crackrocknigga ago

Lol fuck you faggot, I'm all about REAL action. We don't need weak the_donaldisms

You're a weak man

Legalize-Murder ago

Okay so do some action nigger, all I see you doing is bitching about crensch.

NPCGator ago

That's all he does is bitch about other goats, well that and say retarded shit like Venezuela is "national socialism" and "their existence is literally Hitler"

He's a ShareBlue/MediaMatters troll here to start shit. He labels everyone that calls him out on his trolling BS as someone he dislikes alt account or JIDF, did it to me.

Crackrocknigga ago

Why don't you read my full post Crensch

NPCGator ago

First off, I wasn't talking to you turd burglar.

Second, here we go again with I have no argument so you're the alt account of ________.

Lets see now, who was I last time? oh yeah that's right,

Hello @antiliberalsociety

So much for you not posting in here anymore after you went and deleted all your posts.

Crackrocknigga ago

Im pretty sure you're @crensch because you responded even the above person said his name, and he likes to say "turd burglar" jidf

NPCGator ago

Deflect, Redirect, nice try faggot.

Crackrocknigga ago

Isn't that what you're doing though? I notice you only comment every few days, typical alt sleeper

NPCGator ago

"Isn't that what you do..." classic jew tactic and I don't live on the interwebs like a troll.

Crackrocknigga ago

You're funny crensch

NPCGator ago

More jew tactics because you have nothing else.

Crackrocknigga ago

Yeah I really don't. You're attacking me for nonsensical shit, I've asked you to disprove the points individually and you don't.

NPCGator ago

You're retarded "Venezuela is National Socialism and their existence is literally Hitler" is not nonsensical and I already disproved that retarded BS in the original thread to which you didn't bother to reply to, gee I wonder why? ...but then you continue to go around the site saying I didn't because you're just a fucking troll that has no real argument other than accusing others of being someone you dislikes alt account. Seriously, just give it up dirtbag.

Crackrocknigga ago

Disprove each point

NPCGator ago

Each point? What the fuck are you talking about? I've already proved you were wrong about them being National Socialists, what other point is there besides you're fucking retarded.

Crackrocknigga ago

I linked a post, read it

NPCGator ago

Where's the link, in your imagination?

Crackrocknigga ago

hey! give me your statment

Crackrocknigga ago

Here @crensch take credit and share on GA

Crackrocknigga ago

It's in the thread, scroll