WatchListMe ago

How about a sign that says “WHITES BUILT THE MODERN WORLD”

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I would rather one saying: Living in white nations is cultural appropriation.

AntiMason ago

Beat me to it

YamaMaya ago

Doesn't have the same punch as the Islam is right about Women one. Most NPCs have no idea about the Talmud

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its time to level up. Most people keep a phone in their hands and look up everything else.

Fuckinginsanegoat2 ago

Regular normies won't get this.

Merchant_Menace ago

"Slavery matters more than the holocaust."

Yes, it's obvious. But niggers have 85 iq and jews are neurotic and can't help themselves.

Merchant_Menace ago

"The Holocaust matters more than slavery."

Yes, it's obvious. But niggers have 85 iq and jews are neurotic and can't help themselves.

Gorillion ago

I'm liking this. Not for IOTBW month but for it's own month.

Also a thought or two I had in the other IOTBW thread on the front page:

Facepaint says

Too complicated. Most normal people don't know what the Talmud or goys are, nor do they care. It isn't already in the public consciousness. And even if they were to 'look it up' they wouldn't find anything immediately impactful.

Normies will know "Jews" (rather than the Talmud) but that's possibly coming at the issue too directly. These things need to be based on lateral thinking. Angles that (((they))) are not set up to defend against. But even so "Jews are right about the Goy" is an absolute nuke. Because while everyone has a general idea what a jew is, they have no idea about what a goy is and what jews think about them. Just asking "What's a goy? And what do Jews think about them?" is a huge Red Pill. So maybe it's worth a swing in a few months.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fuspezza ago

Your a pussy if you dont share

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Share whateth?

fuspezza ago

Everyone that upvoted this should spread far and wide or share on all platforms

ReAwakened ago

White people are the Devil - Vote Democrat.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Fuck iotbw, this is better

DontBeRacist ago

The problem with this is most people are going to be like, "The what is right about who?"

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Maybe I should've put "white people" instead of goyim?

Cat_anon ago

What is Goyim?

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Most people walk around with a phone in their hand anyways so they would look it up and be like "AWWW HELL NAW".

ForgottenMemes ago

You're fundamentally missing the point of IIRAW. It forces people to confront the cognitive dissonance of two opposing viewpoints they hold. "Women are perfect and equal in every way" and "Islam is a religion of peace, love and equality"

The power of IOTBW came from the violent reaction of leftists to such a clearly benign and truthful statement.

Your pic doesn't tap into either of these. Most people have no idea what goyim means and many don't know the kike's unholy book is called the talmud. You might as well say "John loves Sally" everyone will just say "Uh I guess so" and move on.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

We live in the age of information. I'm hoping people will look into it.

zech7 ago

The Noahides are right about blasphemers.

Itsdone63 ago

I know what the talmud is and I know what goyim are but I don't know what that jew book says. If the intention is to simply try to get people to research and see what they think about other peoples then ok but if there's something else to be had here I'm missing it.

JesusRules ago

fucking brilliant

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Appreciate it.

combatveteran ago

Holy fuck! This is genius!

CheeseboogerHimself ago


lord_nougat ago

OY VEY, fellow white person!

nosejobsforequality ago

I like it! ...was trying to work on similar stuff. this is great!

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Gracios, senior

Not_a_redfugee ago

I just made this in paint because I don't have MS word, what do you think of this as an idea?

If it's good then feel free to make it in the right format, or better choice of words

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Its good but if I make another it will be something along the lines of: Rabbi Finkelstein is right about gentiles

Uxg ago

There's two words in here your random tv addict will not know. They'll tune it out or forget the words before they manage to look it up. This is horrible propaganda. It's not simple or succinct.

This why it's okay to be white worked.

This is why "Islam is right about women" works.

They are simple and direct. They speak to dumbasses. They also trigger cognitive dissonance, in that they are logic traps. They bring a statement into cognition that short circuits npc programming.

Example: is Islam mean to women? It's good. I shouldn't think badly of it. It does treat women like camping tents. Wait I can't think that. But women should be treated well. So is Islam treating women badly? Yes. NO NO NO I'm racist.

Example: it's okay to be white. Wait, that's racist. I'm white. That's not okay. But did I do something wrong? Yes I'm white. It's okay to be white is racist. But I'm not racist. I like everyone. White people are evil. But not me. This makes no sense.

Versus: the what is right about what? Is that hebrew? I'm not looking that up I'm not a nazi.



MinorLeakage ago

Islam is right about women works, but not nearly as well as It's Okay to be White. The former does draw out cognitive dissonance, and can be fun to taunt leftists with. But the latter is telling all white people that it is NOT okay to be white (actually, it's a hate crime to think it's even okay).

IOTBW is quite possibly the most powerful and important meme of our time, as it seems the most likely to actually wake people up. How can it not be okay to be the thing you were born as? Everyone else gets to be proud, and you can't even say it's okay you exist.

zxcvzxcv ago

This needs to be spray-painted on synagogues.

1Sorry_SOB ago

They are always a couple laps behind in the meme war.

I like how we got jews using the triple parenthesis on themselves.

3n0b ago

I think gentile, instead of goyim, would be more appropriate. Goyim can have a negative tone and could be misconstrued as a slur. This would be easier for them to turn it around as an attack on the Jew.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Point taken. Thanks

carlip ago

It's not effective because 1. Not enough people what the talmud is, most would think its Muslim. 2. Even less know what goyim are. 3. It's not succinct in anyway because of the unknowns.

Sure it makes sense to us, but we have spent years procuring the truth about likes. Sorry needs to be simpler for the tards

MinorLeakage ago

If someone knows what the Talmud is and what Goyim means, you really don't need a sign to tell them. This sign is worse than useless, as it would only "work" on people who already know both these terms. There really isn't anything clever about it at all.

This material is not aimed at the average person, and won't be effective.

The whole point of IOTBW is to make an innocuous statement that a reasonable white person cannot disagree with. How will they react when they see these signs being treated as hate speech? They are literally being told it's not okay for them to exist. People will be able to make this connection.

matthew-- ago


Nosferatjew ago

Except, it's not. These signs, like the IOTBW sign, work because of the validity of their message. This sign should read:



Is Wrong About


CameraCode0 ago

I like this version better.

toobaditworks ago


was reich

about jews

chian_chiu ago

I concur. The sign as OP has presented it to us, his test audience, is repugnant. I could never utter those words because they are not and could not ever be true.

All nations are Adam, verily the blood cries unto you.

To set the sons of Judah alone as Adam is to betray ones father, the Devil, for he is the father of lies. And what could be a more obvious lie than Adam is not Adam?

Why is Be Fruitful & Multiply not the first Noahide Law for Goyim?

Why is "be fruitful & multiply" perverted into "sublimate the libido", rather?

Why is "deny the Trinity" the second Noahide law?

By their fruits you shall know them.

1Sorry_SOB ago



Is Wrong About



subtitle: Gentile Whites need not serve jews

MidnightTrain ago

This is what I'm talking about

verykindperson ago

Unfortunately this takes a barrier of entry to atleast know either the word Talmud or Goyim, something most dont.

GoldIsRealMoney ago

Imagine the kvetching

mybordersmychoice ago

This is weak and ineffective compared to IOTBW and it won't stop people from putting up IOTBW on Halloween if that was OP's intention.

[Here is a link for printing IOTBW posters](promote other content creators who move there and more generally support Bitchute as an alternative to YouTube.), they're going up Oct 31st.

If you want to try a new design, do it on a different date and don't make it look too similar to IOTBW. Don't muddy the waters.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

and it won't stop people from putting up IOTBW on Halloween if that was OP's intention.

You honestly think that's what I'm doing?? reddit nigger, please

Crackrocknigga ago

weak compared to my PAID CIA shit

waaaahhh muh popularity muh attention !

gobbles Donald cock

@cheeseboogerhimself I think I described the above faggot well

mybordersmychoice ago

So the left wing retards tasked with derailing IOTBW reveal themselves.. your efforts are as worthless as you are and you're going to fail miserably just like in 2017 and 2018.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I think it will be okay if we have a selection of these. Don't tell me what to do. I'll put a new one out when I want.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

What about: Jews are right about gentiles?

toobaditworks ago

How about "Jews are the chosen people."

Honkpiller ago

Yeah we should do classic alr right stuff instead of naming the jew.

watitdew ago

The predictability of this is its weakness imho.

SpiritExpedition ago

"It's whitey's fault I have an 85 IQ"

Niggardly_Jew ago

Yeah I think the world isn't ready for this. Stick to IOTBW. Although I am personally fond of IIRAW.

Mind_Games ago


Niggardly_Jew ago

Islam is right about women

jimibulgin ago

islam is right about women.

crazy_eyes ago

How about the Bible is right about Jews

jimibulgin ago

How about stick to the plan and propose that as a separate campaign?

Uxg ago

The target audience is isolated to Christians then. It's not going to speak to basically anyone on the left. Either cognitive dissonance will kick in because anything about Jews is wrongthink, or it'll be a leftist that hates the Bible anyway. When they see "bible" they tune out.

Phantom42 ago

That would actually work.

crazy_eyes ago

Or you could use Jesus instead of the bible

CowWithBeef ago

"Synagogue of Satan"

CameraCode0 ago

Or just print out Gittin 57 a and post it around churches.

Anon1492 ago

Post these everywhere and watch the small hats choke on their own vomit.

u_r_wat_u_eat ago

oh for the love of god these need to go up.

If you think the Islam one triggered some faggots, this would blow the yamalukes straights off the top of rabbi's head.

Crackrocknigga ago

Fuck yes!

@cheeseboogerhimself this is where we find out if voat is under jewish control, if this doesn't get spread like the weak ass "okay to be white" shit

mybordersmychoice ago

Your attempts to derail IOTBW will all fail and you will cry and scream just like you did in 2017 and 2018.

Crackrocknigga ago

Lol fuck you faggot, I'm all about REAL action. We don't need weak the_donaldisms

You're a weak man

Legalize-Murder ago

Okay so do some action nigger, all I see you doing is bitching about crensch.

Crackrocknigga ago

That was crensch, feel free to read what I said in the full post with sources

NPCGator ago

That's all he does is bitch about other goats, well that and say retarded shit like Venezuela is "national socialism" and "their existence is literally Hitler"

He's a ShareBlue/MediaMatters troll here to start shit. He labels everyone that calls him out on his trolling BS as someone he dislikes alt account or JIDF, did it to me.

Crackrocknigga ago

Why don't you read my full post Crensch

NPCGator ago

First off, I wasn't talking to you turd burglar.

Second, here we go again with I have no argument so you're the alt account of ________.

Lets see now, who was I last time? oh yeah that's right,

Hello @antiliberalsociety

So much for you not posting in here anymore after you went and deleted all your posts.

Crackrocknigga ago

Im pretty sure you're @crensch because you responded even the above person said his name, and he likes to say "turd burglar" jidf

NPCGator ago

Deflect, Redirect, nice try faggot.

Crackrocknigga ago

Isn't that what you're doing though? I notice you only comment every few days, typical alt sleeper

NPCGator ago

"Isn't that what you do..." classic jew tactic and I don't live on the interwebs like a troll.

Crackrocknigga ago

You're funny crensch

NPCGator ago

More jew tactics because you have nothing else.

Crackrocknigga ago

Yeah I really don't. You're attacking me for nonsensical shit, I've asked you to disprove the points individually and you don't.

NPCGator ago

You're retarded "Venezuela is National Socialism and their existence is literally Hitler" is not nonsensical and I already disproved that retarded BS in the original thread to which you didn't bother to reply to, gee I wonder why? ...but then you continue to go around the site saying I didn't because you're just a fucking troll that has no real argument other than accusing others of being someone you dislikes alt account. Seriously, just give it up dirtbag.

Crackrocknigga ago

Disprove each point

NPCGator ago

Each point? What the fuck are you talking about? I've already proved you were wrong about them being National Socialists, what other point is there besides you're fucking retarded.

Crackrocknigga ago

I linked a post, read it

NPCGator ago

Where's the link, in your imagination?

Crackrocknigga ago

hey! give me your statment

Crackrocknigga ago

Here @crensch take credit and share on GA

Crackrocknigga ago

It's in the thread, scroll

Smells_Like_Tacos ago

Now we're cooking with gas. @TheBudhha

MrBoutros ago

this will activate some almonds, for sure.

watts2db ago

ooohhh these are getting good

Rockfish1000 ago

I'm liking where this is all going.

Quicktor ago

yeah, this is making my dick hard...

Purged ago

" Where did all the White people go?"

DayOfThePillow ago

It's good, but Islam is right about women is still the best atm.

Gorillion ago

This is a good one. Someone on the Chans made a joke about banning hair bleaching/coloring because then we'd see how few real blonds are left - I think it was in response to that (((Chelsea Handler))) show on "Privilege" where she's playing white.

Just walking around a few days since then has blown my fucking mind. Dark roots fucking goddamned everywhere. At least 90% of blonds on TV are fake too. Even where they're selecting normies from the general population for "unscripted" shows.

hello_reddit ago

Women who dye their hair blonde are honorary jews to me. It’s like a brown eyed person wearing blue contact lenses

DishingShitLikeA ago

They hate us cause they ain't us.

Uxg ago

This is a good one.

KebabAndNoseRemoval ago

Its not inline with the last two iterations. It must make brainwashed leftists short circuit when trying to argue against the poster.

Anon1492 ago

How about K-ll ALL White People* and watch the media do absolutely nothing. But it might wake up a few more Whites.

*Not incitement for violence FBI and DHS, so relax and have a cocktail.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Thanks. I have a couple more in mind.

DishingShitLikeA ago

Don't dilute it too fast though. Let the original gain news traction. Then once that dies down do another. Otherwise it will loose it's power.

JesusRules ago

Maybe something like "The Jews are the Chosen ones and the Goyim are cattle" ?? ; )

CheeseboogerHimself ago

I'm gonna do one that says something like: I agree with Al Sharpton. Crackers have no culture. --Something in that area

Rockfish1000 ago

I posted in another thread about doing It's NOT OK To Be White. I think that would make their heads explode even more. Just trying to see what others think of that.

Plavonica ago

We hear that every day, on every channel, on the billboards, on the internet, in the government.

HeLovedPandas ago school, in textbooks, in magazines, on TV, on the radio, at mandatory anti-bias seminars at work...

Doglegwarrior ago

i had the same thought posted it some where. i like it.. would people defend white people in the media or just get confused because they are super stupid.

zech7 ago

breeding within your race is a hate crime against the next generation.

QualityShitposter ago

Just trying to see what others think of that.

KYS, and leave that as a note. Otherwise, you'll just be walking into their expectation of having some idiot to call a racist.

CheeseboogerHimself ago

Meh. 'Its okay to be a fellow white' would be better.