Roosterus_Rex ago

Q is a mossad psy op. Q followers are fucking retarded moron boomers. Mark my words, there will be a day when the Qtard community will be mobilized against us.


They gotta take down those racists and fascists. Racism is against the values of patriotism and America is a place for people of all skin colors and creeds, after all.

WhiteChickens ago

Get in there and fucking swamp them.

Downvote Capslock kike.

QRV is the last bastion of that fuckery and it's only because people don't care enough to get in there and give them hell.

blumen4alles ago

Trinity on GLP uses that writing style all the time.

Sentence followed by break.

Over and over.

No paragraphs, just statements and questions.

Ag47 ago

They censor the shit out of content exposing the jews over there too.

Also, try typing "Tavistock" in a comment or post over there.

blumen4alles ago

Oh yeah, I know. I don't post much there anymore. There are many words and phrases that result in an inst-ban. Most of the time now though if I make a comment it just won't show up. If I try to do it again it will ban me. The word "jews" itself used to get you banned - that says it all right there.

It used to be a great site for breaking news. Now it seems like they are hours or days behind.


Dont know what you're talking about....

blumen4alles ago

GLP ( is a forum that has been around a long time. It has connections to Tavistock, USAF, other three letter agencies. The guy that runs it, Jason Lucas I think his real name is, goes by Trinity, also went by Ghetto Monk in the past. Anyway, that is how he writes all the time. Instead of creating paragraphs.

It is sentence.

After sentence.

Often asking a question in one sentence.

Then answering it himself in another.

I was just noting the style is the same.

Anon83 ago

At this point, it is blatantly obvious that there is a strong Semitic influence behind "the plan". Think. It should not take years to fix this shit. Round up the traitors, pedos, theives and bankers and throw them in the joint. Certain well connected people are being protected. We're still kissing Israel's ass and honoring a country that was obtained by lies and deceit.

WhiteChickens ago

It's true, something is wrong.

They should be using the Insurrection Act.



Reverse-Flash ago

The Q tards self censor.

NotHereForPizza ago

I've done so in order to reshape the realities of the people around me once they're broken down. I'll then help build them back up by granting them a much more reasonable and straightforward baseline.

We were conscripted to comfort our loved ones and be able to explain harsh realities to them, but also to inspire hope in them when things seem grim. We're suppose to let them know how good things could be.

You'll see soon enough. After all, the dam is a bout to break.

NotHereForPizza ago

No, I don't expect much tomorrow.

Look, people like you, typically impatient people, don't seem to understand that we can't make giant leaps in short amount of time. If a certain perspective sets in for someone over a decade, having that perspective entirely uprooted for someone in a matter of days can be obscenely traumatic.

Of course, maybe you haven't had the vastness of the supposed operation explained to you, which could easily make sense as to why you don't understand such a paradigm shift could send someone to the hospital, literally. So, as you must understand, things absolutely have to take time.

Here's what many haven't put together: the good guys have already won. The Twitter injection was successful. The public eye has both come alive and focused on the stage. The actors have their makeup on, they know their lines a D have been preforming well enough thus far.

We don't tell you everything because we fucking can't.

irelandLost ago

And what you and your fellow travellers fail to understand is that credibility matters. When you lot persistently posit predictions that prove false and yet remain resolute in your confidence that subsequent predictions will be accurate you become laughing stocks, because nobody else views you as having any credibility based on all the prior errors. You can try to excuse the persistent errors and falsehoods any way you like, vast majority will dismiss the desperate attempts at presenting yourselves as being in possession of some superior knowledge on the basis of the persistent evidence that you’re just making up baseless nonsense as you go.

So, when you say “the dam is about to break” would you be willing to put a timeline on that and stake your credibility? Or is it sometime between next week and the dawning of age of Aquarius?

NotHereForPizza ago

No one should be trusted much, if at all, in these circles. It's your responsibility to see truth when it crosses your path.

We call people that obsess over dates datefags. It's quite clear to me you've given the whole movement exactly zero time when you make epically retarded posts like this.

Indeed, the dam will break soon. The writing is on the wall. The time line is irrelevant. The timeframe doesn't matter. Hell, you've already seen rapid advancement, you're just too numb to see it in obsessing over doom porn like more than half the other people in this shell of a site.

irelandLost ago

And on the topic of the repeatedly erroneous predictions coming from your fellow travellers? Have you a cutsie name for people who value credibility to dismiss their observations of the lack of any shred of credibility emanating from Q and his merry band too?

NotHereForPizza ago

You're just smelling like Stalwart. DYOR

irelandLost ago

Haha research the topic that leads multiple otherwise seemingly competent adults to repeatedly humiliate themselves publicly by persistently positing obviously moronic predications about future events that literally never transpire? What part of “credibility matters” confuses you so?

NotHereForPizza ago

Don't forget to update the keynotes.

Make sure no one does their own research. That'll destroy you guys.

Reverse-Flash ago


wt1984yb ago

Are you talking about the kike-shill Crensch?


No I'm pretty crensch rails pretty hard against das juden last time i checked....

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Crackrocknigga ago

He DID. Hes changed, he keeps quiet now to pander to the boomers.

Has pleaded and begged me to understand why he won't violate WPN 136

Hes a piece of shit who censors, hes threatened to ban me many times


WPN 136?

Crackrocknigga ago

I've told you before crensch, look it up


Do you really think that gag order is really going to shut anybody up or stop anyone?

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

There are people on here who at least pretend to believe it. They come across as sincere as some of the flat earth people.

carlip ago

So stupid I cant not upvote this.

NotHereForPizza ago

While this is true, I've said this since the beginning.

We always used to fuck with feds back in the day and we did a few things like this.

Crackrocknigga ago

Oh shit you don't deny being crensch! LOL STUPID FUCK

NotHereForPizza ago

Top kek

Crackrocknigga ago

His empire of glass is crumbling, he banned me for this

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

But do you want to be there?

Crackrocknigga ago

I do with all my heart and soul! @crensch

Phantom42 ago

Crensch is a fucking faggot, lol. More worried about Srayzie's tits than being a fucking human.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

If this is your first account, you missed his old wall-o-jew-link posts. Don't really know what his thing with "Q" is about.

Phantom42 ago

First and only.

NotHereForPizza ago

Nice job. This makes you look a bit more normal. I'm glad you can actually pick up on things. I'm just disappointed that you're so caught up on the dumb shit. You know Crensch went through a little nazi larp phase?

Phantom42 ago

"The dumb shit"


And no, I'm not LARPing. I genuinely think Hitler and the Reich was right. On everything? No. Of course not. Hitler and his advisors often disagreed as well. I believe in the general mission of the Reich, to build an ethnostate where the people come first. Ein volk, Ein Reich. Volk is first. The people are first.

The uniforms, symbols, all that... Just added bonuses. They nailed aesthetics.

NotHereForPizza ago

Because Red helped them with optics.

Zoldam ago

Q followers are not beyond redemption. you need to break their hope porn addiction and the are incredibly easy to convert.

NotHereForPizza ago

just demoralize them a little bit like us and they'll come around to our doom porn addictions

If this is literally coming down to having hope VS exciting the burning of the ashes, you're the fucking retards. YOU are the assholes here. Stop acting like pouty children and abandon your doom fantasies.

We're doing a lot more and a lot quicker than you low-dopamine basementfags could ever fathom. Useless ass fucks like you need to shut the fuck up and pay attention.

irelandLost ago

So, of the lot of things you’re doing, could I trouble you to name one that doesn’t involve your fat ass sat at a computer screen in a maga hat?

NotHereForPizza ago

Well, we did stop a bombing...


There's no need to "convert" someone to the truth.

spaceman84 ago

Just wait for them to express fatigue or doubt because they've been waiting for a year or two and still nothing has happened. That's how you know they're ready for the blackpills (truth).

Zoldam ago

Break the conditioning then.

I see a lot use the term convert. figured I would keep it consistent.

midnightblue1335 ago

When you say "break the conditioning" most people imagine that clip of Alex Jones going nuts, shouting "WE'RE BREAKING THE CONDITIONING! RAAAAGGHH!!"

Even though that statement is absolutely 100% factual, it sounds crazy to normies. We have been conditioned for decades. Internet access has been the single largest variable in millions of people breaking their conditioning. Exposure to information is the key. Before the internet, the truth was "whatever the history teacher told you". Now, we have the ability to seek for ourselves from the comfort of our homes.

ForTheUltimate ago

Well the older Q followers are, the less they matter. commies


I'm honestly beginning to believe the Q movement is purely a Judeo-Bolshevik one.

FEMAcampsforever ago

WE HAVE A DIFFERENT THEORY. Our short term bet is that AUGUSYA GEORGIA MEMBERS of the US ARMY led by pro Judea shabbas goys (soldiers coming out of (((Stanford University))) and (((juden))) universities) people linked to the US ARMY US CYBERCOMMAND and linked to Bilderbergers via Petraeus and his SHANATOVA LACHAIN Crypto Jews (JEWISH US ARMY MAJORS) that are in charge of this operation.

Q has many (((jewish faggin))) bitches that are TORN in between killing all the Jews and saving America from the same (((Judens))). They know what Jewish influence in America is and we know for sure it caused 1 suicide of a Juden who could not handle the divide.

This group is also VERY UPSET OR SCHISMED from (((Russian Jewz))) that happen to be totally out of control especially Russian Jewish woman linked to exKGB operatives / fathers.

Phantom42 ago

Oh it is. Capitalism and Communism are on the same shekel, just both sides. What it's doing is just appealing to the older/more moderate MAGAtard crowd of "Yes! We can keep our freed'm! We can keep our based blacks and fags and Pajeets! It's just a few rich people with money that's a problem, not an entire race, LOL! We're all gonna be okay! The stars and stripes shall survive!"

Hope porn.

NotHereForPizza ago

not understanding things are literally now "hope porn" vs "doom porn".

This is literally just black pill vs redpill...

Phantom42 ago

Yeah. Same shit different day.


We need more based black fags and pajeets.

Phantom42 ago

No, we don't.

Not_C ago

Q-proof #350. Posted nearly 2 years ago.

As a backup, (((they))) infiltrated and control the narrative (the ‘MSM’).

  • Who controls the MSM? Who controls the narrative? (((They))) do. The Jews.

As a backup, (((they))) install only those on the team.

  • Jews hire Jews. CEOs of media, banking, pharma, and tech. Judges, positions of influence in political parties, etc, etc.

As a backup, (((they))) blackmail those that aren’t.

  • If a politician, CEO, or judge isn't Jewish, they'll be blackmailed into pushing Jewish agendas.

This works given most of what (((they))) engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable (hard to swallow).

  • You are cattle to them. You only exist to serve them. They will do anything to stay in control.

This was always the promise made to those who played the game (willingly or otherwise) (i.e., (((they))) would never lose power).

Power of the (3) letter agencies.

Power over the US Military (WW dominance to push against other nations and install like-kind).

  • Like Q says, the Jews already have power over all of it.

midnightblue1335 ago

I didn't see him say "jew" or use the ((())) in any of his actual posts.

This is you interpreting his vague bullshit the way you want it to be. That's the purpose of his vagaries. Just to get your noggin joggin' in whatever random direction that your personal convictions take you.

If he was naming the jew, explicitly, I'd be team Q. But he's not. You believe he's "dog whistling" in his cryptic nonsense? Why dog whistle? Why not just tell the American people that the jews are the enemy!? He is successfully remaining hidden from the authorities, after all. If he really cared, why not tell us the most important fact of our times?! You can't get around this one, man.

Matador_Pants ago

You can't get around this one, man.

Yes, you can, and it's not even difficult.

Naming the jew right out of the gates does nothing except appease people like you and I in the immediate, but the fuckton of Boomers and normies who still think jews are ok is large and can't be ignored. Why crash your Op in flames by pointing to any one group like that? It's absolutely ridiculous to do such a thing and expect people to follow when so few are even red pilled enough to understand the basics.

You simply cannot name the jew, outright right now, but you better fucking believe we're getting there on our own, and it has a lot to do with people connecting the dots. That's all Q ever was to most, an indie voice pointing you in the right direction and letting you make the connections. You can see it more and more and more each day, people are waking up to the jew tricks and attitudes are starting to reflect that.

Either way, believe what you want, because your personal opinions mean nothing in the grand scheme of things, and neither do mine. Your opinions aren't gonna start a revolution, and neither are mine. When the time is right, things will happen as they should.

And if they don't, I already have my list of jews whose hands i'll cut off if I have to go down swinging. And possibly their feet, but I think just cutting all of their hands off is a good start. But that's just me...

Neon_daemon ago

You can't be neutral on the jq. If you are not pro you are anti. And since its a blanket term for the entire race/religion it means the individual is allowed to do as he pleases as his wrath shield of Solomon protects him

speedisavirus ago

Q followers are fucking retards

satisfyinghump ago

Regardless if you feel they are retarded because they believe in this Q character, dont let personal feelings blind you from potential recruits for tomorrows revolution.

Regardless of our feelings about a white man, if we see they are trying to educate themselves we need to help.

NotHereForPizza ago

No, moronic boomers and trendy millennials are the retards. Oh, and retards like you that don't see extremely obvious shit screaming you in the face.

You're the last person I'd expect to say anything close to reasonable, though. So, don't feel like I expected anything from you.

irelandLost ago

Trust the plan patriot, do nothing.


Crackrocknigga ago

So are you rabbai. Why are you pretending to not like jews now?

freshmeat ago

No they are legit, there is organized efforts by ZOA to infiltrate the movement to enact the response you just gave

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Yea fucking right, srayzie. The only reason for infiltration is the proximity if the qtards to nationalists. Can't have the fucking tards waking up. Which was the whole point of The OP

NotHereForPizza ago

muh identity politics

I bet your parents gave you Ritalin as a kid. Is that why you're so retarded?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

Did you even make a point or do you just want to be heard?

NotHereForPizza ago

Oh shit. Was I right?

MDEneverdies1488 ago

You just want to be heard. Got it. Go suck your whore mother's tit since you want to feel special.

freshmeat ago

Thats exactly what i just said you dumbass nigger. And fuck srayzie

MDEneverdies1488 ago

No they are legit, there is organized efforts by ZOA to infiltrate the movement to enact the response you just gave

Implying the shills are the ones calling q followers retarded. The further implication being that this is because the qtards wield the truth and need discredited.

You did not give the same response as I in the slightest. Work on your reading comprehension, dumb nigger

freshmeat ago

Implying the shills are the ones calling q followers retarded

Thought that was obvious, or are we pretending to be retarded? Jews couldnt let that many people get redpilled on 9/11, and why the 9/11 nourembourg trial is about to start this month

MDEneverdies1488 ago

That's obvious to you? Go back to your containment sub.

freshmeat ago

Go back to hell where you belong kike.

MDEneverdies1488 ago

only kikes don't believe in Q

Yea yea, you probably fuck girls too, faggot

freshmeat ago

kikes have infested Q, cant have the goyim knowing about 9/11

MDEneverdies1488 ago

And the q movement is the only one to disseminate the truth about 9/11. Sure thing

freshmeat ago

it was before q was kicked off reddit, they went to 8ch and got redpilled and the shills freaked out, now the site is gone for good

Capt_Save_No_Hoe ago

Q: "Yes, there are shadowy government agents working behind your back to subvert your best interests!"

Also Q: "Don't worry, you can trust me, your friendly neighborhood shadowy government agent, and my plan"

Jimmycrackerson ago

No your aer

anticlutch ago


It's delicious.

DrSteveBrule9000 ago

Q fags are dumber than antifa


And since the Q movement is an anti-racist movement, does this make it a branch of antifa?

DarkHelmut ago

You're easily mirrored aren't you? Lmao.


I'm not sure what you mean. Is that a compliment?

DarkHelmut ago

Your post is logical, but your comment about the Q movement being anti-racist and a possible branch of Antifa is illogical. Why would you debunk your own argument? .......meaning you mirrored yourself without debate.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

your comment about the Q movement being anti-racist and a possible branch of Antifa is illogical.


Perhaps he's mainly talking about the "Q movement" on voat.


Why would I only be talking about the Q movement on voat? No I meant all of them.

Tsilent_Tsunami ago

Because where else would you encounter them? I hadn't seem them before they invaded voat, and haven't seen them elsewhere. Although if they exist elsewhere, it's probably the same demographic.

DarkHelmut ago

Yes he is.

Crackrocknigga ago

He told me

Hitler killed 80 million of Europe's best men

Hes very fishy to me, he lies just like crensch and has been defending him here

DarkHelmut ago

Slide posts like this are by coyotes in a goat masks.


Dang. me am crunch.


No, both are logical and neither debunked the other. I have no idea what you're talking about....

MrDarkWater ago

Silly Jew

MrDarkWater ago

that's an old shill, which everybody recognizes.

everybody is waking up regardless.

DarkHelmut ago
