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Nosfewratsjews ago

Now I'm confused. @crensch what could you possibly object to about @crackrocknigga?

@nothereforpizza Feel free to chime in with whatever propaganda you're going to add since you refused to answer my question about the users above.

NotHereForPizza ago


First off, how I am I even being drug in to this?

Secondly, propaganda???? When in the hell have I ever brought "propaganda" here? Are you talking earlier about when I said your doomsday fantasies are childish?

Third, when in the hell did you ever ask me anything about either of those two people?

Finally, I don't watch your profile or some shit. I only ever really chime in when I notice things, and I don't really look at any subs that don't go to the front page. I thought that was pretty obvious. I only ever "tend to" the frontpage. I don't care that much about other subs where people are just doing their own thing. What makes you think I care about you making fun of Crensch much? I obviously support it because fuck Crensch for being an obvious shill. When it comes to @crackrocknigga, I sort of feel like I don't recognize him outside of one or two interactions we might have had. I talked about them in response to him in the other comment I made here. I don't think I remember the guy outside of what I described.

Why are you freaking out so much that I've followed the Q thing? Can't I just have hope and you have your doom porn? Why do we have to be at odds now? I don't have any issue with you, even if fucking with you over something so trivial is sort of fun.

Crackrocknigga ago

You've been watching my profile

ive seen you wait for me to post and then jump

ive had shit go -3 within seconds because of what you are doing. In fact, crensch alt @dabbing_at_auschwitz joined in when you started attacking me, yet you hate crensch? i buy that like a jew buys his own nukes. NOT

you really freaked out over that nuke post and started frantically covering for fellow glowniggers. This was despite me posting both a legal doccument and a legal court case

you got really scared and tried to cover it up for your "fellow white men"

you stink of @crensch, you always show up when he is mentioned. probaly his JIDF PR agent handler and you circumcise his pets

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't really know how to respond to this.

You have a very odd way of looking at things. This seems somewhat neurotic. Trust me, I understand Alinsky and the way people that use those tactics operate, but I'm being quite serious here.

Like I tried to tell you, we've fucked with feds for a long ass time, since the inception of free internet discussion boards. You thinking this is a nail in the coffin demonstrates your ignorance. You know what else is illegal? Flying planes in to buildings full of people. You know what else is illegal? Trafficking kids. You know what else is illegal? Selling aborted baby body parts. You know what else is illegal? Funneling drugs in to our country en masse to cover black budget costs. I don't think I need to keep going...

You comparing me to Crensch wreaks of gabara/zyklon. This makes so little sense... I was the guy that revealed @Crensch is Reddit's

You're literally just making up crazy shit. At least link me to examples, because I don't even remember what you're talking about when you mentioned Crensch's supposed alt.

Crackrocknigga ago

alright, ill admit i was exaggerating

im only partially suspiscous of you

i think you are @antiliberalsociety in disguise

this is crensch? PROVE IT or you are jidf

NotHereForPizza ago

Actually, I have a great explanation for that. Please see my posting history.

Crackrocknigga ago


heres a bone

i caught him on his alt lmao

hes really fuckng stupid

NotHereForPizza ago

Wait, link me. I'm curious.

Crackrocknigga ago

i did and it dissapeared very weird here it is again

NotHereForPizza ago

I see what you mean. Crensch copied me. He does that all of the time. Why? Because we agree on SBBH, or at least seem to. But that doesn't make him not a subhuman.

I actually laughed at you calling crensch a retard for being so hilariously stupid, you'll notice.

Crackrocknigga ago

he banned me very quickly for asking why hes banning longtime goats if he claims to be a "pillar of the community". hes a socialist faggot on reddit, yet pretends to be 1488 here

i have a bunk saved for him in auschwitz and a speedo for the auchwitz swimming pool

he will get no brothel passes for banning me