sirRantsalot ago

Its really disturbing to see men behave like this.

i_scream_trucks ago

i can smell the soy and ky from here


It's not gay if you work out together

Nosfewratsjews ago

Now I'm confused. @crensch what could you possibly object to about @crackrocknigga?

@nothereforpizza Feel free to chime in with whatever propaganda you're going to add since you refused to answer my question about the users above.

NotHereForPizza ago


First off, how I am I even being drug in to this?

Secondly, propaganda???? When in the hell have I ever brought "propaganda" here? Are you talking earlier about when I said your doomsday fantasies are childish?

Third, when in the hell did you ever ask me anything about either of those two people?

Finally, I don't watch your profile or some shit. I only ever really chime in when I notice things, and I don't really look at any subs that don't go to the front page. I thought that was pretty obvious. I only ever "tend to" the frontpage. I don't care that much about other subs where people are just doing their own thing. What makes you think I care about you making fun of Crensch much? I obviously support it because fuck Crensch for being an obvious shill. When it comes to @crackrocknigga, I sort of feel like I don't recognize him outside of one or two interactions we might have had. I talked about them in response to him in the other comment I made here. I don't think I remember the guy outside of what I described.

Why are you freaking out so much that I've followed the Q thing? Can't I just have hope and you have your doom porn? Why do we have to be at odds now? I don't have any issue with you, even if fucking with you over something so trivial is sort of fun.

Crackrocknigga ago

You've been watching my profile

ive seen you wait for me to post and then jump

ive had shit go -3 within seconds because of what you are doing. In fact, crensch alt @dabbing_at_auschwitz joined in when you started attacking me, yet you hate crensch? i buy that like a jew buys his own nukes. NOT

you really freaked out over that nuke post and started frantically covering for fellow glowniggers. This was despite me posting both a legal doccument and a legal court case

you got really scared and tried to cover it up for your "fellow white men"

you stink of @crensch, you always show up when he is mentioned. probaly his JIDF PR agent handler and you circumcise his pets


Dang dude, how much do you get paid to post all day on voat?

Crackrocknigga ago

Hey crensch how ya doin


Wow dude, youre really available to answer every part of the day. Who has time to respond on voat literally all day?

NotHereForPizza ago

I don't really know how to respond to this.

You have a very odd way of looking at things. This seems somewhat neurotic. Trust me, I understand Alinsky and the way people that use those tactics operate, but I'm being quite serious here.

Like I tried to tell you, we've fucked with feds for a long ass time, since the inception of free internet discussion boards. You thinking this is a nail in the coffin demonstrates your ignorance. You know what else is illegal? Flying planes in to buildings full of people. You know what else is illegal? Trafficking kids. You know what else is illegal? Selling aborted baby body parts. You know what else is illegal? Funneling drugs in to our country en masse to cover black budget costs. I don't think I need to keep going...

You comparing me to Crensch wreaks of gabara/zyklon. This makes so little sense... I was the guy that revealed @Crensch is Reddit's

You're literally just making up crazy shit. At least link me to examples, because I don't even remember what you're talking about when you mentioned Crensch's supposed alt.

Crackrocknigga ago

alright, ill admit i was exaggerating

im only partially suspiscous of you

i think you are @antiliberalsociety in disguise

this is crensch? PROVE IT or you are jidf

NotHereForPizza ago

Actually, I have a great explanation for that. Please see my posting history.

Crackrocknigga ago

i cant find the post i think you are a jidf agent attempting to mislead me

NotHereForPizza ago

Fine... I'll go look. Being lazy annoys me; I'll warn you.

Crackrocknigga ago

What i find funny is that you replied

did you think it was an alt of yours that did this or are you under MKultra? perhaps there are just a lot of monitors at your workstation n tel aviv

NotHereForPizza ago

Jesus I thought you were done being a paranoid retard. If you're just going to annoy me on purpose, stop responding.

Crackrocknigga ago

i like your post, it didnt prove conclusively that he is creq but it really does SEEM to be him based on writing styles

hes very good at blending in, like a kike

RIP those bunnies

NotHereForPizza ago

Here's the thing about that, the fatal flaw that I realize a while later:

I wasn't able to comb back through enough of my comments to find where I mentioned the "firewall", as I called it. I was limited in the range I was able to access. It seems to me this is a sort of data-saving mechanism, but I can see how it could be used maliciously.

My mention of the "great firewall" was about the barrier between chans and retarded normie sites like this. Yes, I come here somewhat often, but I've grown bored of half's retarded version of /pol/ and I like infinity more regardless - too bad it got shut down. I brought this up with Crensch when I called him a retard for not noticing differences between users at sites like this versus sites I frequented before coming to this site with any regularity. The mention of a firewall was, more or less, to explain that normies, due to their programming, can only take so much of the truth at a time. This is exhausting at first, causing many who venture too far to turn back - sort of like an attacker would if they noticed certain holes in a system aren't plugged, only to discover they in fact are plugged once it's a little too late, causing them to turn back and find another way in.

The reddit account I used had never interacted with Creq before. Unfortunately, it fell on me to prove that. I think you can see the issue with proving that. That's a tremendous amount of effort and, frankly, that's volume of digging it would have taken to prove myself right based on those wholes was insurmountable at the time and it's only gotten harder and harder ever since.

You're very right - it never was conclusive evidence. Too bad for him, that never mattered. It was never about being right, it was about his reaction afterwards. You'll notice the thread got bombarded. You'll also notice threads for a while after that which I made got bombarded. Too bad you have no way of noticing how much my comments were bombarded after that because of what I explained above.

Besides, my position has cemented plenty of times over with him gaining the mantle of the greatawakening subreddit. Go fucking figure, there: just like I said, these sites are propped up to funnel traffic offsite, divide them up as much as possible (goly gee THREE q subs? it's weird how Q only sanctioned one, right?) and conquer them, ensuring no one else can rise to a position of power in any capacity. This is why full got shut down - there was no leader position to infiltrate any more (they already tried and Q corrected them... hilariously), the movement was already decentralized so there's no way to guide it beyond off-shooting the site, so the last resort was to quite literally SHUT IT DOWN.

Crackrocknigga ago

by the way, its pretty hilarous how crensch bullshit brings us all together.

hes obviously more fucked than any can accuse the other of

NotHereForPizza ago

Did you know that in the thread I linked you to, which I made, kevdude and Crensch display their "relationship" for all to see?

Isn't that just fucking convenient?

Crackrocknigga ago

Didn't they have a falling out though?

NotHereForPizza ago

Did they?...

Crackrocknigga ago

As far as I know kevdude says

NotHereForPizza ago

No, I know full well what happened, man. I'm questioning the authenticity of this spout they had.

I'm urging you to read between the lines. I've said for quite some time now, mostly joking obviously, that they're the same person. This isn't because I think they're the same person, it's because they act so similarly. They both wreak of a need to be validated along with the same incessant unsteady composure and hypocrisy. They were both somehow involved with the whole srayzie thing to a significant degree.

I sort of had a theory that srayzie was just an unknowing retarded normie who got taken advantage of. I'd still prefer them to have all been friends the whole time, meaning that some normie that didn't really deserve it didn't actually get doxxed. Still, I can't help but feel like Putt played along the whole way, confusing us with the builder and destroyer thing, seeming to ostracize crensch while propping up kevdude and srayzie (and virge, which may as well just be Crensch's alt... or vice versa). What's funny is, once you get far enough in to things here, you realize that Putt is literally best friends with all of the big SBBH guys.

SBBH was, largely, anyway, in part to blame for the flood of animated child porn that began flooding both the Qresearch board and QRV a while back. See, at the height of all of that shit, Putt threatened FastJack, the Board Owner at QResearch and the owner here on QRV, with stealing control of our sub and "doing the necessary work to remove the flood of questionable content" (paraphrase). It was sort of funny putting together shortly after that that they were just all working together the entire time...

And suddenly it makes sense all of a sudden: why this site barely works anymore, why there's never any new faces, why QRV takes up the majority of the front page despite most natives claiming to hate it, and why no one ever mentions all of the absurdly shady shit people like gabara, heygeorge, peaceseeker, thebudda, crensch, kevdude, Vindic8tor, srayzie and all of their alts do.

Crackrocknigga ago

And suddenly it makes sense all of a sudden: why this site barely works anymore, why there's never any new faces, why QRV takes up the majority of the front page despite most natives claiming to hate it, and why no one ever mentions all of the absurdly shady shit people like gabara, heygeorge, peaceseeker, thebudda, crensch, kevdude, Vindic8tor, srayzie and all of their alts do.

I've known this for a few weeks

These retards paid putt off. Links are being promoted for cash.

There is no DDOS.

i've accepted it won't change, there's a group of super users that me and you are not part of

They often accuse me of being an alt of someone because they likely have hundreds and more made by putt

Molyjew is paying them good money to promote his shit, I called out their old bot @nsgnusveritas aaaand they got MAD now they watch me like a hawk

I just talk about jews 24/7 and it drives them nuts. They want this to be a little weebie lulz site where we can talk about kiddie pron.

Me and you, we can do nothing. They get pinged every time we post and two strokes later they have accounts forum sliding and JUST THE RIGHT downvoats ratio, you've seen it i've seen it we all have. You can't get to that front page if you're in the know

So I just laugh it off and play nice with them, I really can't fight because there I have no weapon.

NotHereForPizza ago

Now you see why I only really fuck with the front page, eh?

Crackrocknigga ago

The front page lol

Its half bots

NotHereForPizza ago

But people look at the comments.

Crackrocknigga ago

Rarely look at the upvote to page view sometimes

It's a jewish propaganda mill there is big money involved

Crackrocknigga ago

thank you for the reply,

you know what? leave crensch alone

poor dude is mentally ill. he is clearly a schizo who loves talking to himself. He does it all day every day. He has multiple personalities, can be one guy during the day, another at night. sometimes he is his own opposition. most of the time he is his own support. youre picking on a mentaly ill LBGTQ faggot nigger

id say without a doubt just based on behavior we know, he is the most jewish behaving person i have encounterd on line. he is a master of deception and shapeshifting

unfortunately he is being paid, the faggot wennt back and forth about 30 comments trying to reason his way out of wpn136. He will not, cannot, and refuses to answer. he has a pension and probably a few cases against retard fucks on his subs at jeapordy.

Crackrocknigga ago

im joking buddy calm those chee chees

Crackrocknigga ago


heres a bone

i caught him on his alt lmao

hes really fuckng stupid

NotHereForPizza ago

Wait, link me. I'm curious.

Crackrocknigga ago

i did and it dissapeared very weird here it is again

NotHereForPizza ago

I see what you mean. Crensch copied me. He does that all of the time. Why? Because we agree on SBBH, or at least seem to. But that doesn't make him not a subhuman.

I actually laughed at you calling crensch a retard for being so hilariously stupid, you'll notice.

Crackrocknigga ago

he banned me very quickly for asking why hes banning longtime goats if he claims to be a "pillar of the community". hes a socialist faggot on reddit, yet pretends to be 1488 here

i have a bunk saved for him in auschwitz and a speedo for the auchwitz swimming pool

he will get no brothel passes for banning me

Crackrocknigga ago

oh @crensch doesnt like that i questioned his censorship

@nothereforpizza always shows up to talk shit when i call out shills

its a pretty funny game

NotHereForPizza ago

Wait, I do?... Weird. I don't remember that. I just remember you doing the whole "feds can't tell us about israel nukes" thing and me making fun of you for it.

Could you offer an example of how I "talked shit", which is comically vague, when you called out shills? I mean, if this is just you complaining I annoyed you, then thanks - I was probably going for that.