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Nadeshda ago

@Nosfewratsjews see source. Voat code has always been accessible through github.

Nosfewratsjews ago

Putt closed the new code from public view long ago. Thats 2 years old.

Nadeshda ago

It’s still the basis to build on, accessible to all. If I remember correctly it’s straight from Reddit’s code, hence being a clone to start with. The point is if you know how it aint hard to duplicate, right @TerannotTerran ?

Nosfewratsjews ago

Look, I don't want to insult your intelligence, so help me understand why you think 2 year old code is useful in any way with the myriad of security vulnerabilities that would need to be addressed.

2 year old code is pretty much useless. What are you trying to say, exactly?

Nadeshda ago

When Voat went down and Putt went MIA the phuks admins were threatening to use their access to the code base to dox users they didn’t like. I saw all this on their IRC.

Okay have you seen the source to these claims?

I am no tech wizard I am just trying to understand this all...

Nosfewratsjews ago

Why did you ask me about someone elses comment?

Nadeshda ago

Because it was the parent of our conversation, that’s why.

Nosfewratsjews ago

I don't take things Trigg says as dogma.

Nadeshda ago

Definition of dogma

1a : something held as an established opinion

especially : a definite authoritative tenet

b : a code of such tenets

pedagogical dogma

c : a point of view or tenet put forth as authoritative without adequate grounds

2 : a doctrine or body of doctrines concerning faith or morals formally stated and authoritatively proclaimed by a church

Which one I am too tired to read yer mind...

Nosfewratsjews ago


Nadeshda ago

Gotcha, thanks for your patience with me today :)

Nosfewratsjews ago

I think you are a very unique personality.

Are you supposed to be some kind of bridge or handler for the SBBH vs. SDBH theater?

SearchVoatBot ago

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Nadeshda ago

Why thank you, I hope :) Yes, I guess unique is a good word here and possibly a bit eccentric can be added to the mix... lol

Are you supposed to be some kind of bridge or handler for the SBBH vs. SDBH theater?

This is a very good question, I don’t know. Clearly, I have always been the type of person that is not bothered about cliques and rather befriends all different types of personalities. I can see the merit of it and have learnt so much from so many different types of people. I do think the theatre and drama these last few months was tiring and often stepped over the line of fun and silliness though which is not how I perceived it to be. I still feel like I know so very little about the actual dynamics of Voat.

So how long have you been on Voat?